Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/559

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GRA Sir James Graham, an eminent statesman anti M.P., represented Chonelsugla, in the peerage of Ireland; Baron Granard, Hull, Carlisle, East Cumberland, Pembroke, Dorchester, of Castle Bonningtots, eo. Leicester, a Hart. of Nova and Ripen, in parliament, and filled various high Scotia, lord-lient. nnd. eustos-rs,tulornna of eo. offices of stats ; hs was First Lord of the Admiralty from Leitrim, and lieut.-eol. Westmeath Militia Rifles; 6. 1830 to 1834, again from 3852 to 1055, and Itomo Secretary 5 Assg. 1833; z. his grandfather as 701; earl, 9 Juno, from 1841 to 8846. He was Lord Rector of Glasgow Univeroity, 1837; as. 2 Juno, 1858, Jane Colclongh, yonngtr and was made a P.C. in 1630, and a O.C.J.I. (civil) dais. and co-heiress of the late liansilton-Knox in 1854. He a. 25 Oct. 1863. Creatiess—lO Jan. 1783. Arose—Or, on a elnef, sa., tisree escallops, Grogsan-Morgan, E.sq., M.P. of .Jnhuotown Castle, Co. of the field. creel—A crown vallery. or. 2.fslta..-tteason Wexford (by his wife, Sophia-Maria, dan. of the late contorts me. deal—Netherby, near Carlisle. GRAHAM. GRAHAM, SIR SANDFORD, Bart. of Kirkstall, en. York, 6. Sin ALaxAwnaa g00505, chief of his nantc, created a pcsr 21 Feb. 1821 ; as. 4 Feb. 1847, of Scotland by ICing Jewas 11. by the title of Loan Foaaae, Eleonora-Caroline, eldest dau. of ,t. in 1448: he as. Laity Elizabeth Douglas, dao. of George, the present Marquess of Angleeey, Earl of Aagao, ly his aife, she Princess Story, dan. of King which lady cL 17 Nov. 1848. Sir ltoataT 113., and woo father of James, lad Lord Forbes, who Sandford s. as 3rd baronet, at the sit. Lady Rgidia Eritlt, dan. of William, lot Korl Stas-itebal, decease of his father, in 1852. 31 mcagc. Cnsnaas, Esq. of Edmund Castle, ce. Cnmborland, was ancestor of the noble family of Cranard. tlis oon lSAvsD descended from a branch of the Gisanaaia of Rst-, as. Feasts, of Corsae, called “Tern the Axe,’ was father of Pnasrn Margaret, dan of Thomas Conithard, Esq. of Scntby, and Fsaezo, infeft in 1104, orho at. Marjory Lunmden, anad a-as s. by her (who ,t. aged 01, 3816), left at his decease 1807, i. Thonsas, 0. in 3751; m. 1701, Elizabetlt-Snsannah, den. si Wss.rsea: Poaaas, of Coreso, a-Iso it. Elizabeth St:-aclsan, clan. John Davenport, Esq. and had issne, 1 Thomas-Henry, of Edmand Castle, J.P. and DL., 0.1703; Al,erdtea, 5. 1084,17. 1630; it. W’ta.Lseas, of Craigievar, ancestor sa. 1820, Slary, dan. of the Isle Sir David Carnegie, hart. of Fosazs of Craigievar; sss. John, minister of Doif, in Itelland 2 John, ns. 1021, Caroline-Elinor, dan. of the late E.-J. iv. Alexandtr; v. Jaasrsr vs. AaTara (Sir) of a-ham sre trsat; Cnrieis, Rsq. and has issue. 3 Elizabeth-Maria. 2 Emily. as. to Rev. Thomas Collins. 3 Auns-Slargaret, m. is Edward PolInlI, Esq. ii. Jamo, of when, preseally. sit. William. i. Mary, as. to Itieltard Oralsam, Rsq. of Stonshooss. it. Eltasbells. in, Slsrgsrct. The 2nd san, I. JAatss Oxansas, Esq., ersated a baronet 3 Oct. 1808, Forbes. Sir Arthar t. Jane Lander, of lbs Bass, and falling was 0.16 November, 1703, and m. in 1781, Anne, only dan. in a clesel at ltantbnrgls, in 1631, where he tsatt, as hoot-cal., nf the Rev. Thomas Moore, of Kirkstall, and had a non, aceontpanisd his reginsent Is assist t’,L-oTevro-Anoaeors of Skaaaa’onn, the late baronet; and two dane. Anne, as. to Sw-eden, was a. by his eldest eats, Sir Adolphns-Jnhn Dalrymple, last Dart, of Wigtonn, and Ssa Anvesus, S. in 1623. Tlsis gentletsaats, wito zealously ‘1. 30 Slay, 1058 and Margaret. Sir James, H.P. for Carlisle, espansed tise royal entsse in Scotland, a’as rotaartted, after tltc and recorder of Appleby, d. 1821, and was e. by his son, Restoratisa, by being strom of the priay couasscil ia Ireland II. in SoNnanass, N.S.A., 0. 10 March, 1788, who as. (en. 1670), and appoinled nsasahat of the army in that kingdeae. 22 April, 1810, Caroline, 3rd dan. of the late John tn 1671, Sir Arilaitr was eoostitnted ane of tire lorsts—jssslicee, Honghton Langstan, Esq., of Sarsden House, en. Oxferd, and again in 1673, a-ben lie was elevated to the peerage (by and by her (who 5. 21 Juno, 1850) had issue, s. Sasenroan, present llari. ii. 1.uaiLav, rol., niajor 18th foot, 5. 1828; so. I Jots. 3886, Augusta, eldest dan. ef Jahn-Reymend Barker, Esq. of Fair- the ar:oy; and on the Seth Dee. in ths same year, treated ford Park, Glasseestershire. so. Cyril-Clerke, 0. 1831. 1. Careliss, sa.27 Stay, 1802, Ia else Rev. Henry-John Storant3rd son efJoltn Slorant, Rsq. of Farabarongh. 51. Stacy, so. 3 Slay, 1804, the Rev. Adolphsss-I.sighton lblritc, Stoaast, hty a-horn, whoa. 8 Des. U14, Ire had five sons, and a 2nd son of the late Vice-Admiral Sir J.-C. White, LCD. Sir Sandford ci. in 3812. Creelisst—3 Oct. 1808. Arose—Per pals, iadontsd, srrssiaois AaTssua, 2ad carl, 5. in 1656; ortso s,seezscled to the cossmastd and so.; ens elsief, per pals, of the loot and or, three escallops, of the lStla royal Isish regiment brst was afterwards deprived esnaterelianged. Crest—Ta-a arissed anus isanlug oat of the of h by Wst,a.sess Ill, and isnprisoned ii: the Tea-or of London. battlemenlo of a tower, ppr. holding an escallop, Se. .lIalto— Itis lordship served nader Tar-cane, teaL part in the l,attta of Fideliter et diligenter. 0-fl E. Rows, Esq., which lady wee nt. 2sidly, to the 1-it. Hon. Sir Thoanets Eamoudc, Bert. ansi 4. 1867), and has had issue, Adelaide-Jane ; Sophia-MariaElizabeth ; and Caroline, ci. an infant, 3 Bee. 1865. 3Ltlicagr. and ci. 3540. Ills third san, Tot tte:e. PeTasre Fnaara, woo atsnoor bearer to King JA.MEa III. Its founded the house of Forbes of Carts and by his son, of the Laird of Thornton, and bad issnr, :. Patrick, Risbop of and vss. Rnbcrt. The sixth son, Six AaTnra Foasaa, Eat., settled in Is-eland, in 1620, and was made by patent, dated at Dablin, in 1622, a free denizen of that kingdoat. Sir .trthnr sraa creats’t in 1620, a dasaacs of Nero ScsDa; asad obtained extensive territosiol possessions front the crow-n, particularly a grant of sundry lands in the en. of Lossgfnrd, which were erected into the manor of Castle pates:t, dated 22 Nnv.) as Jecseats CIa s’h”g0 and flecso-,;t lSt’tt is at. In 1654, his lorslalsip raisctt atrd was reads col. of the 18th royal trish regt. of foot in Ireland, and heat-gets, in Rena. or CaeaAan. It was this Earl of Oranatrl who snggested is King Csseaozo It, the forsrsclation of Kitsnaiahana hlaspital. lie a. Cethasine, dais, of Sir Ilohes-t Ncwromcn, Dart, of STats Town, co. Lo:tgfard, and a-idew of Sir Aloxan,ler dan. Catherine, ,,. in As’tlstsr, 3rd Earl of Donegal. Ills lordship ci. in 1606, arrrl oras 0. by Isis cltlest sea, Saspach, and a-as przsent at the siege of Ihstla; he s. in 1678, Otary, eldest dan. of Sir George Itawdon, lIar-i. of Oloira, en. Dawn, and had three sons and ta-s dens., Jane, t. to Major Jesias Champagttd, of Psrtarlingtatt ; ntsd I)orotlsy, salts 7. nets. Ilis lordship dying in 1734, was a. by his only snrvio lag tan, Onoson, 3rd earl, 5. in 1683, a-ho had been called to ehe hence of poet-a, in tlse lifetime of his father, as Los’,l FarSeo. Itia lordship trot a naval officer of groat etoinenre, sad at the time of his decease a-as testier a,lsairal of the liritish navy. In 1733, he 0-as appointed his nsajeaty’s plenipotentiary to the coast of Mascnvy; and upon his recall, in 1731, was highly complimented by the Czarina. tIe a. Story, elder dais, of Sir William Stswaet, 1st Viscorssst lttsantjey, of that fasssily (new extinct), and atdow of Phinsas Preston, Esq. of Ardoallal;, c-n. Slsath, and had, a. Gaoans, hit successor. is. John, admiral ottltr fleet and general of otarinso. This gallant officer obtained a high rspntotista, and a-at particnlarly distinguished against tlse combitted flezta ol Fnsnre and Spain, off Tsalan, in 1743. Ole as. 20 Ang. 1708, Lady Forbes, K.P.), Viseonnt Granard, and Baron of I GRANARD. GRAEARD, EAEL no’ (Sir George-Arthur-Hastings 5,59