Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/560

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C-BA Mary Capel, 4th dau. of William, 3rd Earl of Essex, and by her, who si. in April, 1732, had issue, 1 Catherina-Eliaabeth, so. to william, 3rd Earl of Morningtan. (Me WeLL1NOTOO’, 15. or.) 2 iBeria-Eleanor, . to John-Charles, Earl of Clarendoa. Admiral Forbes 4. 10 March, 1796. Avery interesting aneosoir of lice Hossae of Forbes,’’ writlest by As5 aural lisa 11w,. .1 class Forbes, has been called assd pnblislsad by lice 1sresent 0.arl of Granard. The earl sI. 29 Gel. 1765, and n-as s. by his elder son, Gaoooe, 4th earl, b-in 1710; a lianl.-gen. in the arnsy, and eol. of the 291h regi. of foal. his lordship as - l’s 1736, Lelitia, sian. of Arthur Davys, Bag. SIP., far Carrickfergas, by Catlserisaa, his wife, dais. af SVifiassa, 1st Vsscostni Olaaaljoy, ant was a-at his decease, in 1769, Isy has only son, flaaeon, Mb carl, 1. 2 April, 1710; s. 1st, in 1759, Darathea, 2nd dan. of Sir Nicholas Ilayly, lIon., ansi sister of Henry, let GBANT, SIR ALEXANDER, Bert. of Dalvey, vicechancellor Earl ssf Uxhride; by wisans (nho. sl. in 1764) ha had one earviviisg son, finance, his enceessar. OTis larslsisip sir. 2nsily, 20 Apt’il, 1766, Gcargiana-Assgueia, eldest Bert., 1 Aug. 1856 ; in. 2 June, 1859, Susan, 2nd dais, of Assguslsss, 4th Earl Berkeley (svha after Lord Granard’s dan. of Jaanee-Frederigk Ferrier, Esq., Frofeseor decease, s’s. the ll,v. Sansuel Little, DII., and s’. 24 Jan. 1920,) of Moral Philosophy and Politignl Economy in the by wham lsc ls,sst issue, haney, Is. 6 SepI. 1767; s. in 1794, Etloalseth, dan, of John 1861 LunövlC-JASIES, 5. 4 Sopt. 1862 ; Claude. Preston, Esq., and sisler of John, lala Lord Tara. Frederick, Is. 7 Nov. 1776, s’s. in 1796, Slary, anly dan. of Ferrier, Ic. 21 lIeu. 1865, sI. 24 May, 1866; Julia- Wiiiam Bsarler, Esq. franc whom he was divorced. lie ci. Mary; and another daughter. 2 Feb. 1617. Georgiana-Aane, us. in 1796, to Archibald McNeil, Esg. af Colonsay, N.E. Augusta, wislow of Lieul.-Gen. Sir James Leith, B.C Is. Lossisa-Georgiana, as. 19 June, 1866, to Sir William-Frail Call, Csassl. wisich diverged fram Ihe mob; stem abesat the close of hart.; and cl.21 tan. 1670. Eliaabelh, s. 16 Oct. 1543. Ills lordship sl. 16 AprO, 1780, and n-as a-by his eldest eon, Gnonor, 6th earl, b. 14 dune, 1760 This nobleman was Ogilvie, of Deskford, by nham ice had tsaa sans and a den. ercalcd a peer of lice Lulled Khsgdons, as Saran Croon rsl sf Tise Inst son, Sash, Dooca)aglsss, -iss 11cr cc. of’ As icicles’. I Ic so. JO May, 1779, Isc’cscaa GRANT, sss. Mary, doss, of Hugh Bose, Baron c-I Lady Selina-Francas-Rawdon, 4th dan. of John, 1st Earl of Kilvarack, by who,,; he Isad. wilh aevemi other children, Maim, by the I.ody Eliaalselh hastings his nife, dan. and hair ,Iancc GaANT, progenilor of 11cr 1st baronet. of Theophilus, Earl of Iluutingdon; and by her (who si in Sn-rTacc, ancestor af the present baronet. 1027) he had issue, i. Gnoann-Joare, Fisrassssl Fortea, a inajor-genes’al in the Jolla GRANT, Esg. left an osaly sal;, army, lord-lieutenant and enstos rotulorssns of the eo. of SunTaN GRANT, Bag. whose eldest son, Longford; si. 3 Slay, 1780; so. 4 Oct. 1972, Frances-Mary, I. dAwns GRANT, Sag. at Dalvey, having served tha office of sian. and heiress of Ihe late William Territt, Esq., LL.i5., of king’s advocate, n-as created a Bss,oeel ,sJ’ it are Scafi,c in 1660, Chilton alsstI, Suffolk, Isy Anna-Catherine his wife, dass. of with reaaaindrr to isis hsehrs sssale whatsoever. Sir Jacases if. in Aogsstas Parkyns, Esg and Frances, isis wife, dan. af 1695, and leaving na issue, lice barauelry and estates devolved Jahn-Banlace Warrea, Bag. of Shsisleford JtaU, Nells; and upon his kinsman, by her (wlsa so. 2ndly, 1.5 Dee. 1836, Thomas-Nugant II. Sin PATRICK GRANT, of Inverladinen (the l’meai descendant Vaughan, Eag. who ci. 19 Sept. 1847) left, 1 Groaoe-Axmnra-ll.osxsssos, present pear. 2 Wcm,sxas - Fsaacts, lale eapi. geea.-guarsls, and nose nsenhianed above), n-ha said the echoic of Dalvey, soon after his major Leitnm c-flay, C. 15 Pals. 1836; s,. 29 Gel. laGS. aceesshsn, to Brigadier Grant; and dying in 1796, (in the 161st Phiflis, sian. of ,toisn Ituwa, Fsg. of Itallycreos llassae, Co. year of isis age,) n-as a. by hats eldest son (Icy Lydia Mackhsteels, Weaford, ansI has issssr, slearge—iranais—llcginald, h. 6 Sapt. his wife), 1866; and SVilliars-Arlhur-laaslinga, t. 10 Id. 1a67. Viscount Forbes se, 13 Nay. 1836. ii. Frnneis-Regiealsl, 5s.t7 Sept. lioLminister-planipalentiary IV. Saa Lra’ovirn. This genllensan cii. Margaret, dan. of to the court of Saxaay, appointed 13 lire. 1908, envoy extraordinnrv Sir Jasnas Inncs, Bart. of Balvenie, ansi was s. at his decease, ansi minsster—lslenilsalesctiary to the Ens1seror at in 1780, by his eldest san,a’ Braait, and cashed 2 Sept. 1009. in. hlaalings-Ilrssdenefl. 1.5 lice. 1793, a capl. in the Irdfeotgnarda V. Saa ALEXANnER, who sc. in 1790, Sarah, dan. and heir of ; fell at Watsrlaa. i. Elizabeth—Macia-Theresa, s,s. in 1607, George- Aogoalns, sister of Sir Janses and Sir George Colebroalce, Itarts., and had, Lard Raneliffe, and 1. in 1852. is. Adelaisie-Dorathea. sf at tsresdea, 9 Dec. 1059. is’. Caroline-Sehna. Ills lordship, who n-as a gm. in the army, and clerk of the sic. Boeewr-ls,aea, 7th ban. men-n assd hanaprr in Ireland, sl, at Paris, 9 dune, 1917. Crea/i,soa—Baranal af Nava Scolia, 1629. Itaron and Viscasmi, VI. SLC A5ENANnRR-CRAT, 5. 10 Nov. 1792. Sir Alexander 22 Nov. 1673; Earl, 10 Dae. 1681—Irish Isonosirs. ttaran, ISPeis. OllasI lisa office sf ebairinass of ranssssillees in Ihe parihenvants 1506—United Kingdocss s—,a., lhrce bears’ heads, cauped, of 1826 ant tv-SO, was a nsensbcr ccf Ihe Beard of Conical during erg., moaalasl, go t’s-ry1—A hear, tsaasans, arg., gutls’e-de-aang, Sir B’sbect I’eel’s adsninistralian in 1835’, and vacated the nanazled, go. 5’s’ ‘--i/es-a—I sexier, ala nnicorn, erminais, representation of Canslss-idge (far n-hich borough he had been armed, nsaned, lssfled.and ungnled, or; sinister, adragen, n’inga tn-ice returned), by accepting, in 1942, else apisointmeet of exlsandad, eras. Af’,lls,—Fax rseniia incanslisnas gloria’. ‘Sea Is— Cossssnissianer for auditing the Polslic Accounts, tIe ci in 1851, Castle Forbes, co. Longferd ‘.1 ehsaston-n Castle, near Wexford. o R A 0 Ft A N T. of the University awl principal of Elphinstone College, Bombay, 5. 1826, s. his father, as 8th University of SI, Asarlran’, and boo had Itobert-Travelyan, Is. at Bombay, 12 Feb. 1861, and cl. 17 July, L ilicags. This is a branch af Ihe very ancient family of GRANT, of rhc 15th eenlaary JnnN GRANT, who for his poetic lalanla, was designated by his countrymen B,ss’si discs, so. Slargaret, dan. of Sir Janses Sir. Grant’s elder sun, af Sn-elan Grant, Bag. 2nd san of Duncan Grant, Eag. III. Sin ALENANnER; at n’hasa decease the title slavelved npon his brother, Jeranaiah Cray, Keg. af Ihaley, cc. Ilants, by Sarah his svhfa, s. ALEXANnER, his hair. is. Lndovick-James, s,s.39 Starch, 1645, Anna-Prances, dais. ef Ihe lale Jaha Neave, Beg. and oeice of Sir Tisosnas Neave. ansI ‘1. a. 35. las 1651. Sir Alexander 1. in daly, 1825, and was a. by isis eldest sass, as;d was a. by Isis brailser, VII. Sin IloReaT INNes, 5. 9 April, 1794; n-ho os. 17 Dec. 1129, Jndihls, eldest dan. of Cscs’nelhss-Dnrasst Batlelle, Beg. e,f SI. Craix, aissl dying 1 Aug. 1816, lefI issue, Sir Lssclovicls had tisree dasse., Bliaal,alh, sss Isi, to Grant of Ballindallach and Iodly, to Jaha Bornels, Esg. Islacy, as. to Stardanneti of (hiessgas’a’y. Sla”r.srct, iii. to Sir Lucas llacki,alorh, Fart. of Mackissiashi. GRANBY, MACQUESS, ace RCTLANB, DUKB. GRANDISON5 Vasoot-ieT, Off JERSEY, EAIw. 010