Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/561

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ORA ALEXANDER, present bart. Robert-Innes, lient. and adjutant of the let Suns Infantry, of Justice, by the tile of Lord Cuhlen, frsns an estate whieis he 6.1033; killed in action near the Jerwah Pass, on the Dude possessed in Bucisan. About the end of tise 17th centnry, lsn frentiee, while gallantly fighting against superior numbers of the Sepey rebels. Caroline-Leolsa. Anna-Frances, us. 1851, to H’. Weetermann, Esq. Ureaffess—l 008. Arecs—Gu., three antique ernwns, or, within a berdure, bins the unusual arnsorial addition of a bordurr ermine, as a engrailed, of the last. Crest—The trunk of an oak-tree, sprouting out snine leaves, judicial eminence ; together with two angels as supporters, the with the cnn shining thereon, all ppr. Seppertes’e—ily warrant under tise sigii-nsanual ef GEeaaE malts “Snuns euique,” on a scroll above, and the motto III., dated 8 July, 1701, cunatersigned by the Earl of Bate— “Jelsovab Jireb,” on a scroll below—the only instance in dexter, a highlander; sinister, a negro, l’Pr. Mette-.-.Te tuvente virebe. Residence—Bombay. OR A N T. GRANT, Sm ARCHrBALD, of Mossymuak, no. Aberdeen; for some time a captain 4th liglat dragoons; S. 21 Sept. 1823; e. aa 7th baronet, upon thu decease of hia ttncle5 Sir Isaac Grant, 19 Juy5 1863. Rfttcagc. Ttus family is descended from else very ancient family of Grunt, of Grant, now Earl of Seaileld, Viseetant Redhaven, as follows :— Ssa JAMES GRANT, ef that ilk, a man of held and daring s. Jean, s’s. to Garden of Tronp, and had issue. disposition, ef good parts, and in great farour with JAMEs V., is. Christian, si. to George Buetsan, Esq. of Eehiee, and had from whom he obtained a charter, exempting isbn from attendance sss. fitelen-G. a. to St’Dewatl of Banktoss, a seaater of the College in eenrt of judicature whatsoever, for his geed services done and to he done, Ac., dated Stirling, osssse 1.535; after Lord Cullon so. Srdly, Agnes, dan. of Itensy Hay, Esq., by wards gee a charter under the great seat, frossi QncaN MART, whem he had no issue, lie 1. 1725, and was a. by his eldest son, “Jacoho sIc Freuclsy, Terraruru de Loclselsls, Leelsearron, Lechbrtne, Ac.,” in Invernesshire, dated 4 itlareIs, t548. Ste it. SIR AssensuALu, 6. in 1098, who represented the co ef so. 1st, Lady Janet Leslie, dun. of George, 4th Earl ef Bribes, Aberdeen in parliament for usany yours. Ito so. 1st, Anne, widow of Criglston of Naughton, lip whom ho had no issue. dan. of James ltansiltou, Esq. ef Fcncartlaud, by whom he had Ite so. Sadly, Lady Barbara Erskiue, a dan. of Ihe family ef two fans., who d. yonng. lie so. 2ndly, Anne, dun of Charles Slav, by whom be Isad two sons, JORN, his heir, who carried en the line of his famity; and AaensRaa,o GRANT, who got a chaster under the great seal, James Callander, Esq. of Jansnica, by u-lsons lie had no issue. “Arcisibuldo Grant, fratri Jnlsannis Grant sIc Freucisy, be.,” Ite us. 4isly, SIrs. ittiilar, widow of Andrew htlitlar, Esq. of Lostdnn, slated S Itlareb, 1580. lIe was father of Ihe GRANTs ef Bulletsfeusb, Qssllesa, Ofesspeuef’, stir. Erem him, the first of Baumtomb, his only son, we proceed to trace the descent of the litenymusk family. ID. Ssa ARrnIRALD GRANT. lie raised a conspany, and lie rn. a dan. of Cummins, Laud of tronside, by whom he had. served fur several years in the East Indies ; bsst at the peace ho DuNcAN, Isis heir. James, of Tsnsbreaek. Margaret, as. to Lesile of Drumforraeh. Isabel, sa. to Barclay of Allanbowie. Janetta, us. to James Grant, of Dalvey. The eldest son, DuNcAN GRANT, of Ballentomb, a. his father, and ns. tteten, elau. of Alexander Gordon, of Tssilerh, by wtsom ise had, s. Assensnnn, isis heir. ss. Alexander, of Altaelsie. Iii. William, of Arndilly, ancestor ef the present Ray Mae Stary, sss. to the Rev. J. Fiekford, 2nd sen of Sis’ Jescpts dowal Grant, Esq. of Arndiily. The eldest sen and successor, AaenanALn GRANT, us. tsabel, dau. of Gordon of Lichenstaune, by whons he had issue, s. ARenIRALD, his heir. is. i’t55ck. s. Elinabech, so. to Robert, 2nd sen of Jotm Grunt, of eldosi san, Gartenmere. Is. titles, rn to John Leslie, of ltinninvie. The son and heir, AsscnsaAun GRANT, us. Christian, dan. of Nais’ne, Baron of 5. Archibald, si before his father. Cremandle, by whem Inc had issue, FRANCIs, his heir. Alexander, succeeded to Bailentomb. helm, us. ts William Grant, of Lnxgy. Archibald il. in 1717, and was a. by his eldest son, I. SIR FRANCIS GRANT, Lord Cohen, 6. in itOO, lte displayed such abilhy and integrity as an adroeate, that sosu after the 511 GRA Revolution, hr was appointed cue of the senaters of the College arqnired the estate of Stonymusk, and ilaed his residence there. In 1705, he was raised is the dignity of a Jdarsurf vi’ lfet’ss Feefiehy Queen ANNE; audi? Stay, 1720, he received a special warrant, under the band of Isis Majesty GEORGE I., granting testimony of his sovereign’s favour, and a mensorial of his Scottish heraldry of a hebrew motto. Ito early foresaw the isnpertana advantages tlsat wruld accrue to Scotland from a uuisn with England; and to this great measure ho gave isis ooaleus and influential support. itt was endued witls great mental qssaities. Exalted piety, inflexible integrity, and onbecusded benevolence, shone in every action of isis life; and among his many generous arts he bequeathed a stun of money to build and endaw a school in the nertiseru part of the parish of Monysnusk, which was esireutad seine years ago, is new iii fall eperatieu, and is attended by isighty beneficial consequences to all classes, especially to tiso children of tise indigent, who receive a free education, lIe so. ice, Jean, dan. of the Rev. William hiteldruns, of Jteldrmn, lsy whons he had no issue; and 2ndly, Sarah, dan. of the Rev. Aloxauder Fordyce, of Ayton, by whom Isa had issue, s. AarissaAs,n. is. William, He was admitted adroeate in 1722, and makissg great proficiency in the law, was promoted, in 1745, es the office of his majesty’s advocate fer Scotland. lie represented the boroughs of Elgin, Ac. iii parliament, and for his valnatCe services, be w’as appointed one ef the senators of she College of Justice, and a rosnseissteuar et the Court of Jnsfieiarv, by the title of Lord Prestougraugo. Those high offices tie filled with the becoming dignity of a learned, able, ansi isnpartial judge. He us. a dau. of the Rev. — Ittitlar, and had, I Janet, se. to the Earl of Hyndford; ci. o. p. 2 Agnes, sa. to Sh’ Goerge Suttie, Bart. of Balgonie, and has issue. 3 Jane, so. to the loon. Robert Dssudas, of As’uhlmrn, lord- president af the Caurt ef Session, and has issue, feur seas, issue of fustier, and author of a much-osteensod institute of the law of Scotland. Foils, Esg. of Derbyshire, by whem ho had Archibald, and Mary. Sir Archibald so. 3rdly, Elizabeth-Clark, widow of by whom Iso had no muse, lie ci. in i77d, and was a. by retus-urd to his native country, and us. 1st, Mary, dau. of James Cailarsdor, Esq. of Jamaica, by whem he had, A ae 551 RALD. James-Francis, in holy orders, rector of lt[erstnn, Sussex, an,I Wratsoess, Essex. Ito us. Anne, fan, of slim 15ev. ArOsor Oughtorsiene, by whom he hssl, wills sereral daus. a toss. Arthur, comm. lt.N., who so. II April, 1445, Eliaa, dan. of Thomas Coster, Esq., and sI. April, 1850, leaving ouo son and oue dau. Rastettifo, Dart., of Milnesbridge House, en. York, by whom she had an only son (who a. Isis grandfather), Ssa JosEPH lhanouss’s’R, the present and 2ad baronet. Sir Archibald us. Redly, Jessie, dau. of M’Lend of Celtsocks. lsy wheus be had no issue. tIe si. in 1790, and u-as a, by isis IV. Ssa AResssRAI.n, who so. Mary, only ctsl’st if R.tsss Forisos, Esq., of Ncw’r, by Anne, dan. ef Duff of 2tutrlou, by svhem (who d. 15 Nov. 1852) he had tssue, Is. JAMEs, .5th baronet. 155. IsAAc, 8th baronet. iv. Robert, of Tffiyfour, J.F., Convener, and B L. of tlso ca of Aberdeen, so. Charlotto, granddon. of Sir William Yea, Barb, of Fys’land, assd by her (who ci. 28 Nov. 1847) loft issue, at his decoaso, 15 lllarcts, laS7, i ARcHaRALn, present baronet. 2 FnAacsa-SVsLLsAas, farnserty 18th laocors, S. 10 Feb. 1025.