Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/582

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11 A L iv. Joins, a military lit eec. killer] in Nova Scotia. its 1760. Ste hOnEsT IIALCETT, nrf Pnlfirrane, ss’ao kniehted by I. Eticalreth, 1. eat, in 1803. ii. Marsa-Dnrothea it. sir . in 1759. I. Fnaeerie Woon, Es g (rite Inn eon) of B si’nsiey, Co. prelisiaest for line ins. tife in 1649. lIe a. 1st, tiDes 2lonl— York, 6. 2 Jan. 1709, was Cl’s ate] a lisronet, 22 Jan. 17s5, g”siory, dan, of Sit’ Robert Montgomery, ef Skelsrcrley, by wit Ii veinaisrtrr to he hr. titer, fir. Wn .i 1, an’] ti the sue selnesti he han oe sen and two daus. and Zndly, Anne, dan. of t’f his deceased bert] er. t.’.spt.dn Wino I, RN. Sir Francis sr. Ritz sberh, dan. and troire%s (if Anthony Ewer, Esq. of Tire ro. Stertford, but lying without isene, and Dr. tteerssc 1,3’ his eon, Good having predreeased lam issnelcee, tire baronetcy dcv’ .lved 1111(11 the el Ire of isis rre1rhowo, II. Sin h’m.orecrs-Lrwni.ev, 8 16 lice, 177t. wha 01.15 Jan. was a nreorlrer of the csirventien foernod try tire Scottish 17’s, .1l.u’y-Airrso. (lair and err-heiress of Sansnel Buck. Esq. ‘if New firarrgee. recorder of Erode, and by hoc (who S. na Jill1. 1(111) hail issue, CuAsn,05. create I Viscsui.t Halifax. Sainnrcl-Fratscis, 8. 1 .lng. 1505; rise,,?. 22 April, 1343. Anne. se. 15 .llarelr. I 624, to John ivalhanlee lJhilders Esq. and 0-ass, at his decease by his son, of Cauticy, in Yorkshire, late SIP., tint I. in 1.563. Sir Francis d. 31 Dec. 1916. Ce.’etiens—Bart. 22 Jan. 1794, Vises’rrrt, 21 Feb. 1566. .1 rs,s—.z., three naked savages. ambstnsnt, tin fesse, plrr., .0retis, cc created in 1657 (oldest sen of Peter W’edder— in the ‘lester hand of eai’]n a shiclrl. arg., charged with a borne, a lord of Sesisn as Loort Gosferd, who ss’rs 2nd sen cross, go., in the sinister, a clutr, resting en tlse shoulder. of .Jaoies Wed,lertrrnrno. of illaekness. ore pert, W’ennen— also pie.; on a canton, Cr01., three lozenges conjoined, in russo, ttat’t.), whtrln Sir Peter assuming, in c0050qnnenre fessc. sen. Cr’ sl—. savage, as in the arms, the shield, ss., charged of his srai’eiage, Ihe surname of HALEETT only, for lsisrsetf with a grillin’s Iroad, erased. arg. .0,’ r1rert’ cr—sin eitlner 5 Is 11 gryplron, ea. gorged with a The isne of this union were four sons and three dans., ef’l p re hurt llnorr from ns psrtersllis, or. JJslls—Pereeverame]o. &st—Hickleton, near Doneaster. TrIP,, flee-se——iC, Eelgrave Square HALTtF,TT, Sete PETER-ARTHUR, Bart, of Pitfirrane, in essiniand of the 44th regiment. lie fell, with hts yennrgest en. Fife, late capt. 3rd light-dragoons, major of sen, Janice, in Gneral ]lrantrtsek’s defeat by the Indians, Fife artillery militia; b. 1 May, 1834 ; m. 6 May, 9th July, 1750. By The Lady Amelia Slewart, 2nd dan. of 18515, Eliza-Anna, eldest dau. of tise lato Capt. Francis. SUn Earl ef Steray, he had three eons, Psroa, his Bich;u’d-Kirwan Hill, 52nd regt., ann has had, t. Weuncr.ecsne-Cosnw.ev, 8. 1 Feb. 1657. s. Adelaide-Frances. tT. Helcn-Mar5snret, Iii. Katherino-ltargaret, 1. 22 July, 1e67, iv. Isaitsi. v, A dan., b. II May, Teed. Sir Arthur, who servcd throughout the whole of tho of IIALEETT (n,osfsrd devetring se a yoanger brsttser, whose Criinoals svar, carried the Qrseen’s colour of the 42nd dan. aird treir sndd it, ill 17s1, to an accountant, wise diepesr-d Flighlanslere at the Alma, and has the Critnean l75, Elizabeth, dart. of Andrew Ph teirer, Esq. of Saltenn, Tiredal with three claspe. httiic5igc. DAVID DJ MOmEnT was ]rroprictor of the lands of Rnliugal, whssr he had a dau., Elizabeth, she is, the Marqessss Lably ill Fife, srnder Itiog DAVID linen. His grandson, Tndleullal, peer nrf I-,’s,ren-. try whsns (she ‘ 1830) she left at DAVID Dt HaLKETT, was designed of Pitfirranc in a her decease, 6 Feb. 1r50, aged 51, los dane., one of whem in, charter of 1451; his dheet dcseendturt, PAverce ItALKETT, of Pitfirraire, Is. Marjory, dau, of Indty, lstrry, dan. of the Thou. Jotnn hamilton, by s,hem he had, Ogilvy of Urifour; and /. in Juise, 1573, leaving issue, license ]IALKETT, ef I’ilfirrane, who, by baird, dan. of Sir ]‘atrieie Ileisirirn, of Wanghhes, left (rvitla a tars, i. Is Sir tEns, rsdsniral of the Tied, created grand-cross of the Miragrr )larray, of Cragie) three soss, HonesT, his sueeossor. loins, peegoniter 01 the ilalkells in ]tellrnd, new represented Jehnn, late governor of the Bstnamas, and first eommissiesee by UleAnecs Ceaiele-]IALEeTT, Ese1., ef hail hill, anti linertn.nririe, l’itesl,ire, Fences tins branch rise icriverl Maji ir-n ten Frederick ]lalhsett, whe left twe sons, irs. Sin Cons I lamceETr, (+.C.B (rslrsse gmnrtdars., Aliee—Ttarale, 2nd darn. Atexssitor (Sin’(, itCh., gm. is the erary nt. Isliss Spesoeei, of Itrydges Taylor, Esq., 11.11.31. cousin for Deazuerk, r,,. Sept. 1963, the Rev. (icergo-Williqins tiilclds, lilA., eesssr ‘fhensras, 1. is tmrdia. of Clsrisl Chrsrclr, and jensier poster), anti his R’eeellesey Strrgaret, d. 12 dog. ls46. General Ilagh, Itaren tlelkelt, (‘i.C.ll., of (ho Ilasoverian Sholte-Clneelsite, si. let, Ceo. Prtsgle; aud 2ndly, Stenrart sereter, whe 1. at I Ianever,26 July, 1961. (Sr j’, “1 erreigs Titles,’ F1ALReTV(. I ‘atriet, ]rrogeiritee ‘if (iso ]hslkeI Is inn England. TIno elnln’st otis, 1-1 .A. L Jasis.s Vt., rod was e. at his decease hy his son, 654 .tAsirs I lamsr.TT, list, of Piedrmne, who was rotumod to ‘i]r. Tironsas litnrray, provost of Eton and precepter to t’nAnLEO 1., by whom he had no irene. Sir Jamos nyse s. at his CnAnLrs ilaineeTr, Ess. of Pitfirrane, ohs eras created a J]nnrsnnel of Neon Seelino 25 Jan. 1662. This gentleman parliament at the Revehsntion, and afterwards one of the cenrsrisoieoers appeiotcd Ic treat rogarding the anion with England. Sir Charles st. Janet, dan. of Sic Patrick Slnrray, lint, of Pitdensis, by whens he had one eon and nix dane., Sin dartor, at rehsrsn, decease, 1505, without issne, the barenetry ceased, hut tlto e stales dn solver] nrpsio his oldest sister. J.saev IIALAETT, of l,’itfiirane, who bail rnrarried, 1. Sm tEns Wonossnmnse, ef Csosfiird, Barsssel e,f Noire airsi isis eldert son, beceese Sir Peter unknIt, of l’itlirrane. wlnonn rvere, I. t’oves. Iris successor. n. Charles Wedderbnmo. of Gesferd, who inn. Mary, dan. of Sir Henry F,’asdlanv, hart., and left with other issue, tons, who s. as 4th baroaet. Sir Peter rI, in 1745, and wars, by ids eliteet eon, II. Sin PETER IIALEETT. wlme had entered the army, represenled Drnsrfermlinc in partianseut in 1734, and was lient,-ontemret ol Lee’s regiment at the hattie of Gtadsmntr, where Sir John Cepo was defoalont, in 1743. Sir Peter s’as takr’n prisoner by the Chevaher’s troops, and dismissed on his parole; and cal tine ef the dye cHeers (the others being the Itun. litr. Rose, Captain t.uey Seett and Lieutenants b’are1nlnatson and Cunrnihrg) ohs retnsed, in Feb. 1746, to ri’join their rogietcnis en the tirtke ef Cenraberlend’s rem— mrrnd, and threat sf fsrfeitisg their renssnissiens. Their redy, “Ihat his royal highness was master of their oemunissiens, hut net of their isonear,” was apnreved by government; and Sir Peter, in 1754, embsrked tee Ameriss, srseeeesnsr 1 b’eanreis, nrajot in tire Rlaek Watch, 1. 115mm. (0 1760; rod drones, heat. 44th regiment, who fell as stated above Sir Peler ness s. by his eldest eon, lit. Sin PETER, who ‘lying sss.,,n. in 1775, wee s. by his frot eosisiia, 18’. Sin dons W’snusnscenct. of Gesford, (refer te issne of 1st bromnet,) s’ho, in consequence, assoered the eurnauso of it te use Earl of Wemyss(. Sir Jehu ne. let, in sue of the seusters of the College ef Justice, Ierd-jreetieeclerk, and keeper of his Tlajesty’n Signet in Scotland, by henry lint remind, Conan t i s’. six nbc Leseosrt. Sir ,tohu an. witbr ether irsene, Cnxs.m,es, 5th hsronet. liuelphie order in laM 6th batsuet. Ibenry, rapIne tICS., d. in IsIs. fee West India eecorrnte Inn 1st, Ansre, dens ef Wilhisiss 11114, bk1. snib 2itntly, in 1515, ststherisne, dens. ef Dunhar, 4th Rail of Selhiek. lIe lies iseae. Lady Katherine n? at Itielninn,nnmt II ill, Si Starch, 1s45. rut red ttnree sons and one den. Its d.21 Aug. istI. Isgims, Psq. She 1. b tint. lsl’J. I Idlers, ii. aged hO, 2) lice. 1007. lie d. 7 Aug. 17s2. maid wss s. by his son. H A L K E T T.