Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/583

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11 A L V. Sin CHARLES, at whose decease, o. p. 20 Jan. 1837, the Ci-eailse—T Oct. 1697.1 r,,, s—Az , a ,‘lmvrc’i., arc’.. l,claeco title devolved upon his brother, VI. Sin PETER, admiral RN., G.C.H., who as. Rlizahcth, or, slanshing Olson a bonus, 5 elI, I,il1ine7 ca lii i’,Ie’. ,-reh.i cc a Jan. ef William Todd, Faq., and had issue, dana, late baronet. Jane-slargorel, m. to Captain Richard-ltirwan 11111, late 52nd mgi., and ci. tile widow, 2 Slay, 1657. Mory-Emily.Elinabetli, as. to Capt. Robert—IT-S. Jacksen, 97th regt., seho ci. leaving issue; their congest dan, Emma, was as. I June, 1965, to l’anl-Frederiok—Sliehaet Iladdeley, hog., R.A. ; lbs eldest dan. Flarence-Elisabeth, ac. 11 Sept. 1867, Edward-A. Dawn, Req. Sir Peter ci. in Oct. 1839, andwaa a. by his son, VII. Sin Jooa, romrn. RN.; 1’. in Jan, tees; ns. in April, 1931, Ameila-Itood, dan. of Col. Cnnway, aud had isane, i. Pmrna-AnTnua, present baranrt. ii. George, 1. 4 Sept. 1859; ci. 9 Feb. 1959. iii. Wedclrrbicmn, ic. in Get. 1844; ci. 11 lIes. less. i. itatlierine, ci. 27 Jan. 1813. ii. Anaelia. Sir John ci. 4 Aug. 1947. O’eatiea—l657. Arasa—Sa., three piles, conjoined in base, arg., on a claief, of the second, a lien, passant-gaardant, gil. CresT—A falcon’s head, erased, ppr. Sappertere—Twe falcons, ppr., jeesed and belied, or. Mottoes—Over the crest “ 104cc snillcit ;“ nnder the arms 11.t’IlT.TGN, LIner, till (W’illia;ss-Alexasi’lor-T.onif— Honeate viva.” Seot—Pitfirrnne, near Dnnferneline, Fifeehire. HALL, SIR JAMESJ of Dnnglaes, Duke of ChItoiheranit in France, wbinlc i itle, ci’esiti”l no. Had dington, 5. 1824; a. bie to his grace by the deeieic,n if lice C’snmt if ‘titles father, as 6th baronet, 2 April, keeper of Ilolyrood Hotsre ; lot’: ccl. 01 11w n’ al 1860. benny 2-Tots., Faq. of Dnnglasa, icc. Joanna, dan. of Andrew The raze of Donglas is ensongnt tlse noblest in Enrolae, IVardlaw, Fog. of l’arrie, end left a son and siaeeessor, ROBERT HALL, Esq., who Ia. ttelen, dan. of David Criebten, whether we consider a long line of illnatriens ancestors, a Esq. of Longlown, and seas,, by his enly son, 1. JOHN ITALL, Faq. of Dnnglass, who was created a Borenel seress rentories, or a well-earned renown for indomitable ef Neee ScoTia, 9 Oct. 1697. Sir John co. lot, Anne, dan. of warlike prowess. The origin of this great hones is lest Sir Patrick home, 9th Baron of Palwartli, by whena he had no amid ths mists of antiquity; and we will net here attempt issue; and lndly, Margaret, dan. of George Flenaing, Esq. of to weigh tho conflicting claims of an indigenous and a ltilennher, end sees o. by his eldest son, It. Sin JAMES, who Ia. Lady Anne home, dan. of the Earl .Osagbo’.” Sotllce it to say that he is fonnd a chiof of baronial of 9tarchmont; and Indly, Margaret, dan. of Sir John Pringle, rnnk, possessing large estates in Lanarkahare, in the days hlart. of Stiehehl; dying in 1741, he left issne, Jona, his heir. William. Isabella. Katherine, si. to William hamilton, Esq. of Banganr. The elder son, Ill. Sin Jonw, was one of the grand jury for the trial of the den. and co-heir of Sir Js,hn Crawford, of Cmevvford, by rebels at Edinbnrgh, in 1148. tie cc. Siagdnlen, dan. of Sir whom he bad, i. William, his successor; ii. Andrew, Robert b’ringle, Bert, of Stieholl, and was,, at his decease, ancestor of a very great bm-aneh of the house of Douglas, 3Jnly, 1779, hy his eldest ann, IV. Sin JAHE5, SIP, for St. Michael’s, president of the Rayol to the dignity of Earls of Morton. The main line ended on Society of Edinbnrgh, and anthor of varions seorks on arehiteetore the death of Jamos, 3rd Earl of Slorton, in 2952. In 1599, end ibe sciences; so. Lady helen Dongias, 2nd den. Sir William Douglas. of Loelefevan, the deaeendsnt of a of Dambar, 4tis Earl of Selkirk, end had issue, JOHN, ttla baronet. Basil, capt. RN., author of various worlss, m. in 1925, STargasef, snzcessien nf the sarldem, and is ancestor of the present dan. of Sir Jnhn Hooter, late consul-general in Spain; Eons. oe SleaTeN, There are, however, families of the and dying in 1944, left issue, Basil, commander, EN., m. name of Douglas which are more disertly descended from Oraee, yoongest den. of the late S[ajor-Geneml Sir William the great hense of Datkeitla. Reid, RE., K.C.B.; Plies-Jane, st. to Capt. Chansherlasn, RN.; and Frances-Emily, in. to Alfred Christian, Esq. of in the reigns of AsaIxANnEns It. and III., and ci. in 1d79, Malta. James, deceased. Magdalen (deceased), ci. liii in lets, to Sir William Delaney, and Wis.Lmasr DOUGLAs, ef Donglas. He joined Wallace in qnartemaaster-general tn the army at SVaierleo, where he lust his life; and 2ndly, in 1919, to Henry Harvey, Esq. Elizabeth, rn in 1924, to the Rev. G-P.-Boileau Pollen. Katherine, rn to Sir James Russell, K.C.ll., of Ashysfeel, Sir James ef. 23 Jane, 1832, and was e. by his eldest son, V. Sin JOHN, who was b. 1799, and wee a F.R.S.; he m. 23 three sons, 5. JAMEn; is. Hngb, who bed no snezession; Jan., 1923, Julia, dan. of James Walker, Esq.-of Dairy, N.E., JAsmne, of Donglas, is known in bistnry as “the nod had issue, s. JAMes, present baronet. iii. Basil-Francis. v. Jnlieo-ltamilson. Sir John ci. 2 April, 1960. 533 H A 31 11cc-ce sta; Iss’ heads, crase,l as she neck . i’r. f’ ‘ sI— 5 soc Is, stone, ppr. Mu/so—Dat curls e isi’’lein. ‘he.’ f—l’aiaglass. no ‘r Donber. Toioa He-csoe—f 2, Lownd’u’sqci.sre. 1L A 311 L ‘1’ 0 N e a Xi, ‘plc en Tic mglas—[l amil t’ ,n) ; l amqs;cos if Nc tsglao anil Cicciesdale, Earl of A signs, Am iami sn,] I ,anark L’ ‘i”l 11 am iltoms, Avon, I’d; non t, Jlscekanoli ce, Innem’lalc, Aborisetby. mel 1 nc[bnrgli Frost., in tht’ i ‘image of Scotland 11 nke nf h i-nil, mn, no. Sn O’olk, and Ilaron of 1) titton, ic. 1.5 ccl or, in the peerage of Englnnsl ; premier pei’r cf Sc’ ‘tlanrl in 2548 by Henry II. of France, has l,een eonlirln”d. ill France, by decree, 20 it pril, I 861 ; lien” U; “my Lanes-kalsine naihitia ; kisight-naari oel;ai ‘1 r Xs, 11 and; 5. 12 March, 1845 ; a. his father, as. I 2tli link,: of Hamilton and 9th Duke of Bran,l’cn, 15 July, 1863. 31. ihhf 21 flC, princely domain, a series of royal end noble ;shlianeos during foreign descent, both of which havo been asoignod to “ TOe of WiLLiAM TOE Lsow and the two last ALExaasenns; and that be rapidly rose to eminence during the stirring timos of EOwARD I. end Renenv Banns. AosnoioAtn DOUGLAS, of Dongies, hived in the reign of King ALnXANnEH 13., and ci. in 1940. He cci. Margaret, vis., Dalkeith. This race, after existing for several generations in great splendour as Barons sf Damikeith, wore raised remote branch of lbs Dalkeith family, was called to the WILLiAM D000LA5, of Dangles, the eldest son, flourished leaving two eons, Hugh, his hehs, who ci. witbout issue; 1T90, bnt was obliged to make snbn;issien to King EnwARn I., and being sent to England, ci. in the maths of York in l2e2. By a den, of William de Keith he bad sic, Archibald. The eldest son, Good Sir James,” and in romance as the flower c’f chivalry. His personal history he that of Scoiland during the time in which be lived. He n-as the friend an;1 brother in arnss of King Rennisv Eneen; and after that ncenareb’e death, he set ant on a ervasade with the intention of dopositing H ALL. JLItbcagc. is. Douglas, deceased. cv. Hemmry-John. I. Anna, deceased.