Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/626

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HER Ills lordship was declared by the House of Lords, Joseph, in holy orders, of the Church of Rains, 5. in 1811. no the 23 June, 1533, to be entitled to the Barony M.iry. ,,. the Hon. Charles Langdale, 4th son of Charles, of Herries of Terregles. 4L iitcagc. Sia JouR no l[AcuswcLL (eldest son of HERBERT DC MACCS’SVILLE, who flnrishel node, MALI’,,Lai IV. and W[LLTAM 1.) WaS site-riP ci the co. Rexhurghe, in 1203 antI It is uncertain at what precise period the dignity of 1207. He was afterwards (15 J,t,,0, 1220) one of the ginsraisteos Lord llerriee ease created. to the ritarriage contract between ALEXANDER 11. Hi OREIIT ltrnntrs, of Tcrregles, eat in the parliament of and the l’riueees JOAN of England, and be asstste’l at the Scotland as a Lord of Parlianaent in 1488. He 5. 1585, and royal noptials. Sir John Ma,’u,well acquired the barony of was a. by his oldest semi, Karlaverock, and was constitute-ti Cl,amberlain ol Avnncw, Lord Monies, who obtained, cii his father’s Scotland in 1231. His sen and heir, EoNrRro no MACUOCVELI., at Karlavcrock, was Great other lands, dated Feb. 1489-1500. The King granted him Chaniberlain of Scotland in 1218. He ,a. Mary, dan. and seizin of Bss’newell and other lands, by a charter, dated heiress of lh’la:el do lleartso, ansi acquired thereby the 12 June, 13115, avherein he ia styled ‘‘Andrew, Lord barony and castle of Mearns. By this lady ho had two Hcrrics of Terreglos.” The baronies of Terregles and Kirkgnncean, soIls, HERBERT (Sir), his heir. John (Sir), upon whom his father conferred the barony of Andren’ and his heirs of the crown, by a royal charter, Nctlier-Folloek, co. lienfrew. From this John taos descended dated 18 April, 1510. Andrew, Lord Iherries, sat as a Lord the MAXWELLO of Police-k, the MAXwRLL0 of of Parliament, in Parliament, on 3 Feb. iSOS-ISoe. Me was Calderwood and ef Card.ness, baronots; the Msxwrt,ns, slain at the battle of Fiodden, 8 Sept. 1115, and was s. by LoRns FARN5IAM, and the family of MAXWELL, of Park his only son, iiiil, near Nowark. The elder son, SIR Ilenusax no MaxEewELr., who sat in the parliament of James Kennedy, of Dhairquhan, by whom hr had issue, of Scone (5 Feb. 1201-4), when the nobles agreed to acknowledge 1. Aoxss, who s. him in the peerage of lierries. the ‘‘ linnsa or NORWAY” as Q,seen of Scotland, Ii. Katherine, who ci. Alexander Ston’art of Garhies, ancestor was gnandfather of Sta Eooraoa MAXWELL, ths gallant ill. Janet, who si. Sir Janaes Cockbnrn of Skrealisg. defender of Csrlaverock against King EDwARD I. Froln Isbn dsseended the MAXWRLLS, LORDS llemotce OF TenREOLEO, William, Lord Iierrioo, ,8. previous to Sept. 1541, and was a. and EARLS OF NIxIssnALs. LADY Wtatrnrn MAXWELL, only dan. and heiress of Wni. AoNcs Hnaetcs, Lady Ilerries, of Terreglcs, who was sa. to Maxwell, called Earl of Nilhsdalc, by his wife, Latly Caeharins Sir John Maxwell, 2nd son ol Robert, Lord Maxwell. Queen Ste,vart, dan. of Charles, 4th Earl sf Traqnair, would SlAnT, by her charter, dated S hiay, 1566, erected anew have ii,herited, but for the attainder of her grandfather, thr bar,,nies of Torrogles and Kirkgnneean, and other lands, the barony of lierries of Tecregles. Her ladyship ci. into the lordship of Terreghcs, anti granted them to Sir John 17 Oct. 1710, WILLTASI-HA000ROT0N CoNsTABLE, Esq. (Sitd SIaxwehh and Agnes in conji’itst foe, with a destination to scsi of Sir Cantahy Haggerston, Dirt, of IlagEeralen Castle, the lseire teale of their bodies, whom failing, to this heirs co. Northntnberland. by Elizabeth his wife, lan. and heir nsaie whonssaevcr of Sir John. Sir John llaxwshl sat in of Peter Middleton, Esq. of SteeL-elI, and grandson ci Parliament, under the title of Lord Herries, 14 April, 1567. Wil.iam llaggcrstoa, Eoq., by A,,ne his wite, dan. and He I. 20 Jan. 1383, and Agnes, Lady lierriee, it. 14 March, heir of Sir Philip Constable, Bert. of Everingisain), and bad 1554 ; their eldest son, three soits and two daus., viz MAnatxnntte-WiLI.IAie, heir to his father and mother. Willians, who assumed the surname of MtnsLrroN. Charles, who aaenmed the surname and arnie of STANLeY. JOHN Sl,sxweLL, Lor’l llerrise, ii. in 1851, and was e. by Me ot. 1st, in 1703, Elizabeth, sister and heir of Sir Wt,s. his son, Stanley, Hart. of Sleoton and Sadly, in 1800, Mary, Jossa Siaxwcs.t., Lard 11cc-rice, who .1, in the year 1067, dan. of ‘i hemaa Macdonald, Eoq., by the latter of witens to the earldnns of Nilhodale, on the death of his kinesnasa, he had issue, Thensas-Angns Constable, William Constable, Robert Maxwell, second Earl of Nithsdalo, and wan thus Mary-Anne Constable, and Catherine Cosetable. Mary, Ia. to Jobn.Wcbb Weston, Esq. of Sutton Plaae, in ;;rd Earl of Nithsdale. ills lordship ns. Elizabeth, sister ol Snrrey. Theresa. Mr. Constable-Maxwell d. in 1797, and her ladyship in 1801. was a. by his eldest sen, Both were oneeeeded h3- tbeir eldest eon, MAssssai’nne-WILLIAM Ceaerxes.c, Beq, of Eret-ingham who me. Lncy, dan of William, lot Marquess Douglas, and Pack, no. York, aad of Carlaveroek Castle, es. Dnml’rios, dying 1890, was a. by his sos, who assumed, by regal licence, the additional surname of Ilerries, wh,e at, the Lady Winifred Herbert, youngest dan, MAXwELL. Mn Const,ble - Maxwell ‘a. lSSt, TheresaApellonia, of William, let Sharqnees of Powis. The Earl having taken dos. of Edusund Wakeman, Esq. of tleekferd, part for the Stuarta in the rising of 1715, was, 8 Feb. 1716, cc. Worcester, and had issue, WILLIAM his heir. Marsna’iukc,° of Tes’rcgles, co. Kirkendbright, 6. 1 Jan. pronounced against him; his lordship, however, throngh 18118, ,e, in 1838, Mary, only dan, of the Rev. Anthony the heroic agency af his devoted and incomparable esnuteos, llarsden, of tlargrave. Peter, t. 7 Feb., 1007, rn. 1014, Helena-Slary, ellest dan. and it. at Rome, 58 March, 1744, lcarhtg issue an only son, of Jolsn-Peter-Brsanr’ Oo,vdoss, Esq. of Sotsthgate, cc. WiLLIAM 8laxwrLL, of Nithodalc, usually called Earl sf Derby, and 1, 27 Feb. 1851, having, by her (whe ‘1. 10 June, Nitl,sdalo, who itt. Catherine. da,i. of Charles, 4th Earl ,,f 1051), had leslie, 1 Enetaee, deceased; 2 Frederick, 8. Tmqttair and dying Aug. 1770, was shy his only surviving Sian. 3838; 3 Alfred, 1,. ‘dl Nec. 1s11; 4 Robert, 8. 25 child, Aug. 1813; 5 Edn’ard, 6. 20 May, 1846; 0 Wilfred, 6. 1 WtatFnrn MAXweLL, who wac ci. to WilSam-Haggerston lIen. 1817 ; 1 llelena, ; 2 Agatha-Mary, m. 7 Feb. 1007, to Constable, Eaq. of Everingham, in the en. York, 2nd son lidwanl h’ilkiisgton, Eoq., only eon of James Pilkisgton, of Sir Carnsby liaggerston, of liaggerston in the es. of Fsq. of Swinithwsite hall, Wenaleydale, and Park Place, lllaekbnrn ; 1 Alicc-Clarc, Henry, of Slih,bcad, l.lnstfriessbire, and Searthingwell Northumberland, Baranet, by whom she had issue. She S. Park, en. York, J.F. and DL., 6. 58 Dee. 1809; m. 21 July 1881, and was a. by her eldest eon, Jnly, 1848, Juliana, 2nd dan. of l’eter Stiddlecon, Esq, MARaIA000r-CON5TAELE-1IAXwEI.L, of Nithsdale and Everhaghana, of Stoekeld I’ark, en. York, and has had issue, 1 llcrbert, W5LLIAaI-CONOT.isi.s 3IAX5vaLL, of Nithsdale and Evrrhngham, 6. 20 Jnly, 1842; 2 Arthur, t’. 31 hay, 1845; 1 Charles, 6. 12 Feb. lOll; 4 Edsesund, 6. 1 Sept. 1858; 5 henry, 5. 18 Aug. 1001 ; 0 Philip. 0. 17 July, 1884; 7 a ran. t, 11 in 1489. An act of parliament eves passed in 1848, by Slay, loGO; I Laura, 1. 14 0cc. 1804; 2 Agnes; I Jnliana; which SIr. Wihlians-Consheble Shaxwehl, an all the other 4 Louisa; 5 Blanche. HER llilh Lord Steurion; and a. 55 Se-pt. 1857. Theresa, ci. tnc Ron. Charles-Everard Clifford, 2nd eon of Charles, 7th Lord Cdfford. Mr. Constable-hIaxwsll S. in 1819. DESCENT OF TIlE HERRIES’ BARONY, resiCnation, a eren’n charter ‘if the barony of Tsrreghes and with other lands, were erected in his favour into a lordship, called the tesrony of Hen-lee, to he held by WilLIAM Hencieo, load lierrics, who ci. Katherine, dan. of the Earls of Galloway. by his eldest dan. and co-heir, WILLIAM SIAXwELL, T.erd Herries, e. to the ancient h irony of ilerries. lie no Catherine, sister of Mark, Lord Nowbottle, and dying 10 Oct. 1485, was s. by his only son, John Oorden, let Viscount Kenmnre, and dying in 1677, Knnsnr JslAxwnLi., Earl of Nitluadala and Lord Berries, llriLLiAaI SIaxwrj.L, 5th Earl of Nitbsdale, and Lord found guilty of high treason, aad had sentence of death csea1,ed from the Tower of London after his conviction, who 1818, and was a. by lila eldest eon, heir if thte body of herbert Ilerrics, Lord Herrise dcseeedants of the body of William, Earl of Nithsdahe, wore restoro,l in blood ; Br. Constable Maxwell thereon presented Tithe gentleman and Ins brothers and sister wore a petition to 11cr Majesty, praying to be declared snd grunted. by royal n’arrant, dated 2 Aug. 1858, the precedence adjudged entitled ts the hononr and dignity of Lord of a baroz’a ehildrets. 576