Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/627

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HER Rerries of Terregles. This petition was referred to the ratus, ppr.; a chief, az. thereon the asteonesnical eymlsol of Rouse of Lords, * which, on the report of the consmittcc for Uranus, or the Geergiuns Sidus, irradiated, or. (‘cost—A privileges, declared, 23 Juas, 3838, that the dignity of Lord demi-terreslrisl sphere, ppr., Ihereon an eagle, saings elevated, Berries was granted to Herbert Lord Herrios and the heirs or. Motle—Cwlis expluratis. Scal—Culllngwoed house, of his body—that it devolved upou and was enjoyed by hlawklsnrst, Kent. Agnes, Lady llorrios, as eldest co-heir of the body of 31cr- bert, Lord lferrios—assd that Mr. Constable Maxwellwas the lineal heir of the body of Agnes, Lady Herries ; and that ths barony of Hsrriss bad consequently devolved upon hi,n - HERSCHEL. HERSCHEL, Stn JOHN-FREDERICKWi008Alo, Beaucisamp of Ilaehe, and Baron Conway, of Ragley, MA., Knight of tho in the peerage of Groat Britain; Baron Conway, of Guelphic Order; eroatod a Baronot Killultagh, en. Antrim, in the peerage of Ireland; 1838; 5. 1 March, 1792; no.3 March, 1829, Margaret Brodie, dan. of Rev. Alox. Stewart, D.D., youngor Enwaen SEvaseea, 1st Dsske of Somerset, the celebrated son of Duncan Stewart, of Strathgarry, PRoTecToR in the reign of Enwann VI., had, by isis first wife, Porthahire, and has issue, a. Wittiaas-isaies, 5. 9 Jan. 1833, Bengal CS. ; oi- 19 Slay, EnwARn (Sis’j. 1004, Anno-Eliza Haldane, youngest dan. of Alfred Hardcastle, John, who ,l. ‘-i, leaving los estate to hts brether. Eoq. of Hateham House, Surrey, and has a dan., t. The elder, atMidnapore, Bengal, 25 May, 1867. ii. Alexander-Stewart, 5.5 1836. us- John, lient. Bengal B. g., 5. 29 Oct. 1837; re. S July, seated at Berry Pesnerey, in Devenshire, obtained, in the 7th 1007, llary-Cornwallis, widow efDaviclPowsr, Eoq., Q.C Ens-Ann VI., an act of parliame,st restoring him in bleed, so and only dan. of the Rev. P. Lipseomb, rooter of Welbury, far as to enable hisn to enjey lands that might subsequently Yorkshire. I. Caroliao-Eosihia-Mary, sn in 1882, to the lIon. Major-Gen. sheriff of Devon in the 25th ELszasrm,. lie so. Mary, dan. of Alexander Cordon, son of George, 4th Earl of Akerdoan. SIr. Justice Walsh, of the court of Coinnson Pleas, and was is. Isabella. see. Margaret-Louisa, Ia. 21 Jas-, hiS, to Beginald-Dykoa, EnwARn Sevasoun, Esq., of Bony Pemerey, SiP., for the eldest san of the late John llarsball, Esq., H.P., of ea. of Devon, who was created a Baronet, 29 June, 1611. He Headingley, Yorkshire, and Keswick, Cumberland, and ii. so. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Arthur Champemen, Eat. of Dartingten, 7 Jan. mGI. sv. Maria-Sophia, so. 12 Oct. 1865, to Henry Hardcnstle, Esq., eldest son, only son of J. A. Hardenatls, Esq. of Writele, Essex, SIP. Sin Enw.ana Srvnoca, 2nd baronet; who had received the v. Amelia, ,o. 28 July, 1868, to Thonsas-Franeta Wade, Esq., honour of knighthood from Jrims I., and was returned to two C.B., see. to H.51.’o legation at Prkin. vi. Julia. vu. SIatilda-Bnse. viii. Franetsea. sx. Constance-Anne. Sir John Herschel was lately Master of the Mint. ILIitrav. Sss Faenessca -Wirr,ros, Ilcasenesa of Slongh, Bucks, tn the last two parliaments of I. Adhering to that LL.D., P.B.S.,, ilso distinguished astronomer and unhappy prince, Sir Edward had Isis seat, Bury Castle (the discoverer of the planet Uranus, was 5. at hanover, 15 Nov. ancieut abode of the Pemereys), plunderrrl and bumt to the 1738; Ia. 8 Slay, 1783, Slary, dau. of Adee Baldwin, Esq., of ground. lie e. Anne, doss, of Sir WBliam Perinsan, and dying Slough, and relict of John Pitt, Esq., of Upton, Bucks, and 7 Dcc. 1088, sras s-by his eldest son, sf. 25 Aug. 1822, leaving an only son, the present Sin Jona dislingsdshed figure, both in court and parliament, during four Fssaaxssca Hnaacuaa., Bait. Crealioo—i538. .Arass—Arg., on a mount, vert., a repre successive reigns. lie served censtaisthy after his first election oeatatton of the forty-feet reflecting telescope, with its appa* to the time of his death, and fesr had more weight in the During the proceedings iii the Houae of Lords upon the of Lord Clarendon; wae the first that moved it, and carried it claim of Lord Herrios, it was alleged that the original barony of ferries wan limited to heirs male, and that Sir John Maxwell was created Lord ferries, and did nut enjoy chosen speaker of the Tang Parliament, en the resignation of tbs ancient barony in right of his wife. It wessld, however, Sir Job Charleten. in the April follow-lug he was swum of the appssr that, according to the then state of the law, Sir John privy council, and seen after niadc treasurer of the navy. Maxwell could nut have bomse the title of ferries if the heir msls had been entitled to a dignity of the same name. In the proeeedsngs in council regarding the precedency of the to the law-1 a graceful man, bold and quick, and of Isigh birth, Esri of Nithsdale, on the 18th Jan. 1621, it was laid down as undoubted law that two peers could not bear ths same title, and the lords commissioners for exercising the office of earl marshaj, in the ease of Sarsfield, created Viscount Kingsale in Ireland, came to the same decision en the 19th April, 1637, and their report was confirmed by the King. EowAan, intes-ited the Desltedeae of Senserset. Sir Edward ns. This point was not adverted to in thejudgmentsprononneed andly, Letitia, dan. of Alexander Pepleam, Esq. of Liltleeete, sn the Hermes’s ease, hut st appears to afford an additional en. 33’ills, and had issue, PoruAls, Fsaacas, and Charles, reason in favour of the detioton. 517 HER H ER T F 0 1t D. ilEnTyonD, MARQUESS AND EARL OF (Sir Richard Seymnnr-Consvay, KG.), Earl sfYarsnouth, Viscount a capt. in the army; 5. 22 Feb. 1800; 8. as 4th marquess, on the death of his father, 1 March, 1842. }Liitcztgr. Catherine, dau. and en-heir of Sir William Fillei, of Ftllol hail, Essex, tn-o sons, nansely, 8,,, Enws.xn Sarasota, who received the honour of knight- hoed for his conduct in the battle af SIssseelhurgh, and svas come to Isim from any collateral ancestor. Sir Edward was s. by his eon, in Devonshire; and dying 11 April, 1013, seas a. by his parliaments by the ce. of Devon in that uionarrh’s reign. In the latter part of his life he lived in retirement at the castle of Berry Pumeroy, upon which he is said to have expended upwards of £20,000. Mc so. Dorothy, dan. of Sir htenry Killigrew and dying in 1659, was .5. by his eldest son, Saa Enwaan Seveser’a, .3rd baronet, SIP. for the co. Devon, Sma Enwaan Seiseoun, 4th baronet. Tins gentleman made a Iteaan of Coasusena. In 3667, he preesotcd the ielpeachment up to the llense of Lords. In Feb. 1672-1, lie was unanimously Bursset describes Sir Edward as “the ablest man of Id, party, the first speaker of the Mouse of Ceusmens that was not bred being the eider branch of the Seyneour facaily.” Ste as. 1st, Margaret, dan. and co-heir of Sir William Wall, Knt., an alder- maca of the city of London, by wheel he had two eons, and was a. in the baronetcy by the elder Euss’aan, whese eldest ten, whose only dau. and heir, Jane Seyneeur, was wife of Admiral 2r As-asia—Quarterly: 1,t, arg., an eagle, displayed, with two heads, an., beaked and membered, gu., surmounted of an eaeutchsenOf tho first, charged with a aalttre of the second, and surcharged in the centre with ahedgehog, for MAxwelL; 2nd, quarterly: 1st and 4th, em-., a saltiro, an.; 2nd and 3rd, for Heaaina, thraehedgelsogs; 3rd, quarterly, gss. and vair, over all a bend, or, for ConsTAnce; 4tb, as., en a bend catioed, arg., three billet,, sa., for lI.a.uoens’zost, Cecil—A stag’s head, with ttn tynes, nrg. ,Sapjssrlera—Two savages or wild men wreathed about the loins, acid balding clubs, ppr. .Slelfa—Deminun dedit. Soafa—Everiugbam Park, Yorkshire; and Carlaverock cantlo, Dumfriennhire.