Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/698

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KIN David, capt. 80th regiment; it. uses. 1799. Ancxasneu, miss a. as 8th baronet. Joists, selso d. soses. 9tar’, rn in 1779, to Sir Thomas Misc, hot., 11.1. afAsisefield, in Sleathe, ansi had a tan, Joseph, oust two dasss. Janet, Harriet, rn. iii 1751, to Sir Foster Cssalilte, Part. of Aetest Charles, wbss ass 5th baron, and an elder eon, his sneeeeser, Park, and tins issue. Sir David d. in 1795, and was e. by isis eldest son, VI. Silo FRANCIs, who survived his lather but a few issue; and Indty, Ehienbeth, dan. of Patrick, Earl of Strath. weeks, having been stain by Isis brother, Archibald, at the nserc, and widssv ofChas’los, 2nd Earl of Aboyne, by whom thsac a maniac who was tried for usc act and declared by he bad an only son, his euseceseor (in 1711), lisa j tsr’ to he insane as Sir Francis it. seam, the title CnanLEs, 4th baron; at ohoee decease oem. in 1726, tha dcvotve I upon Use nsf ,rtnnate brs,ttscr, 511. 5 us Aacsstnasts GORDON; who d. uasa. in 1809, and CnsnLrs, 9th baron. Thie nobleman so. about (ha year was a. by his brother, VIII. SIR ALrXANDrR. This gessthcinan so. in 1801, Edinburgh; and in eighteen years afterwards. without isabella, dan. nail eotscir of John Stowe, ‘t of Newton, hssvissg had ieoste in the interiso, I.ady Kinnaird left Deim. on. lincoln, I y svhsich Issity (mlii’ ‘5. at Nice, 10 Mtsreh, 1981, mie Itouse, 21 Sept. 1747; and his lordship annonneed to ssgo’l 08) lie had, DAVID, the present haeonct, and a dan., his friensls that she had been deliveresi of twine, Patrick 18 irriat, a. in 1013, to Lord Themes Itay, youngest eon and Charles, 23rd of tIse same month. Sir. Rionaird, the of the late )larqsieee of Twceddale. He it. in Feb. 1913. next heir, however, bs’eugbt an action in the Commisoary Ceosts’sa—ld Sept. 1050. Ae,ca—Ar.., a boar’s 1usd, erased, Court for the purpose of establishing the essrreptitioneneoe l,et,etcn I ieee iscssclee, or. Creel—An eagle, s’isisig, roe. of these children; and Lord ansi Lady ltinnaird, rcfnaing to 3J.’/la—Altisss tends, ,Sessl—Gilsecrton, sicar lladdingtea. K I N N A I K D. KstoNAtRa, BARON (Sir (+oorgo-Williana-Fox Kin. by whom be 1usd issue, ssaird, K.T.,P.C.), of inchtnre, co. l’orth, inthe peorago of Scotland; anti liarots Rodoic, of Psoeeio, and Baron Kinnaird, sf Riisoie, co. Perth, its that of the Unitod Dsusglues-Janoes-Withiam, I. 20 Feb. 1780; a banker iss Westmissster; Kingdom ; lord-heat, of Pes-thelsire ; 6. 14 April, Fredericlc-J chat-Slay. 9. iii 1014. 1807; inherited the Scottish peerage, no 9th baron, at tb decease of hie father, 11 Deo. 1826, and obtaioed hy eroatiotl the Barony of itoesie, in tho (ieorgiana-Muoy-Anne. iii. to Admiral Sir Gasege-Jehss. peerage of the United Kingdom, 20 Jnne, 1831, stone Hope, ItCh., who it. sn 1810. She d. 10 Dec. 1808. and he was further, in 1860, cseatoti Baron Kiss. Lanra-Ilargaretta, d. iss 1810. Arisohia-Darbara, d. in 1792, ‘saird, of lioosie, in the eo. l’erth, in the His lordship ef. 11 Oct. 1505, and was a. by his elderson, saerage of tho United Kingdom, with s’emainder, CnassLss, Otis baron ; C. 8 April, i780. Ills lordship se. us default of Iseirs naaio, to his brother, tlae Hon. yonngeot don. of William-Robert, 2nd Duke of Leinster, by Author Kinnaird, and the heirs of Isis body; ass. 14 wbom (who sO. 28 Feb. 1858), he bad icons, I see. 1837, Froneee’Anna.Genrgiana, dan. of Williaml”t’ancie’Sponcer, s. Goosoor-WsLs.saM-Fox, present peer. lot Baron Be Manley. and gralsddasa. as. Grahsm’Hsy-St. Vincent-De-Ros, bent. R.N.,F. 97 Oct. of Frederick, ord Earl of Beosborongh, and Ions had 1911; drowned off Bans, 14 April, 1838. issssc, I. Vieter.Alexsndcr, MoalerafKinnoh’J, 8.13 May, 1840; 9.18 Oct. 1851. II. Charlee-Fea, Maslrr of Alcoa ird, 8. 5 June, 1841 ; st sst Naples, II 31 arch, 1860, a. Olsvia-Iiaet,ara sit. K July, 1939, to Rcginald.Hoss-arsb Atexassdnr, eldest son of Sir John Ogilvy, Dart. iLinradc, The feudal harenyef Einssaird, is, Peetlsslnre, wee conferred Lord Kinnaird represented Leominster iss the Itoasee ofComnoons (l’yelsarter)npen tlantss.rnrs Ruros, orthcflcd, by WILLIaM elected one of the ropreoesstativo peers of Scotland (in iota). the Lien, Kiog of Scotland, when the family assnmcd the Bed, deeply lanaented, in the prime of life, 11 Dee. 1916. Dame of Ksaaasus,, Froan thieperiasage directlydeseende, C,’e.ulioeo—Seuutch llorony, 28 Dee. l6S2 lot Harosy of Sm Graanoe>paynsru Kuaroasna, of tnchtnee (an estate Cnits.d Kingdom, 20 Jssno, iou ; tad Barony of ditto, 0860. which came isste the family l’y the marriage of Regissald Aresa—Qssseterly: let and 4th, for Kseucss.ny, or, a fesee, Kissnaird with Marjory, dan. and heir of Sir John Riekaldy, wavy, betwean three mallets, ga. so a cost of aogmentation of tnchtnre, alient tho eloee of the 11th eesitory), who, for crescento, or. cie ley.dty to the house of Stuart, waeknighted by Cssatstus Ceaas—A nunhlet between the borne ef a crescent, or, isessicg II., in 1861 ; and elevated to the peonsge of Seotlassd, as Dee. 1682, as Jdassou ttlNvassso eFfarJul,sre, with limitation to the heirs male of his body, ills ledslsip ‘ii. Margaret, dan. of over the Lrcst, the usette, “I’bubo lax.” James Crichton, Esq. of Rntlsven, and had eix eeoe, of dssssuoeIerTwo savages, wresethed about the head and whom the ol’lcet aod youngest alone left loesse ; the foenoer, sniddle with oak-leaves, their bands, which support the PATRIcK, assaetor of Kinssaird, a. to the isarony ; and the basude a garlassd ef laurel, alt ppr. latter, Gaorge, use fattier of Goaegc, who is. Ilelen, oldest lllollese—’’ Qni isalitor vincit ;“ “ Certa eruce oalns,” and dan, of Charlas, 2nd Sari cf Abeyne, and had a son, Scatc—Kiosnaird Reuse, and Resole Priory, Perthsbirc, 648 KIN CnAnLrs, who a. as 6th Lord Kinnaird. l’bc baren d. in 1653, asid was a. by ide oldest son, I’atnsfle, 2nd haven; who ass, the Hon. Anne Fraser, dao, of lhngh, 10th l.ord Lcvat, and lelt at his decease, in 1701, Paanscsc, 3rd tuaron. This nobleman iii. let, Henrietta, dais, of Charles. Earl of Dusnmore, by whom he hsd no barony devolvcd npen his uncle, 1729, Magdalene, dau. of William Drown, merehasst, of ossower the interrogatories directed ts be put by the cornmisoaries, it wse decreed that his lordship olsonld pay to Mr. Kinnssird £000 for not appearisg personally in eonrt. The affair terminated by Lord Kinnaird’s declaring that both the ohhldeoss v.eredcad. Ills lordship it. 10 July, 17s8, wison the barony devolved npon Ida kinsnaon, CssAnLEs Ksreu.saan, Esq., as 0th baron (rcvort to issue of yonngent eon of lot lard). His lordship ass. Darbas-s, dan. of Sir James Johnstone, Hart. sf Weoterhall, by whom he had ieonc, two sons and three done., viz., Geonnc, his heir; l’atrick, nnfortonatehy killed by a tiger, on the eaaot of Coronoandol ; lleless, a. to the hey. Edsnnnd Dsssa, Vicar of Ws-esxoter, Shrepshire ; Elizabeth, d. susan. in 1799, and liargaret, ass. in 1770, to Thomas Wiggins, Esq., and d. in 1900. Ills lordship d. in 1707, assd woe e. by his only surviving son, Gesoor, 7th boros, and ene of the representative peers iss 3787. ttls lordship as. in 1777, Ehiaaheth, dan. s f Griffin Ransoss, Es’1, of New Palace Yssrd, Wcstsninster, banker, Gcoege-Wihhiam-Itaussom, d. in 1770. CssAaLes, anccessor to hio father. hlessry, if. in 1781. Edwasal-tiriffin, d. in 1803, Cl. aedo. 12 March, 1830. Elica, sss. to Edward, 14th Lord Bnnsany, and 1. hR widow, 30 .,ed, 1064. S May, 1800, Lady Olivia - t,etitia - Catherine Fitcgerald, sal. Anrnun-Frczornas.a’, H.P. far Perth, 0. 0 Jniy, 1814 us. 28 June, 1043, Mary-Jane, dan. of the Isle Wihismitenry lOoses, Esq. of The Grove, Stitchans, Snrrey, and has had, 1 Arthur-Fitagerusld, 0. 16 Feb. 1547. I Msry-Lonisa-Olivia, sO. 14 Msy, 1846. 2 Fredoriea-Georgiaaa. S Lsnisus.Ehiaabcth. 4 Agnets-Ohivia. 0 ticrtrnde-Mar. 6 Emily-Cecilia. 5. Cliivia-Cacihs-Lsnra. as. Frederico-Elicus, rn. iii 1938, to Vicc-Adm. Sir James hope, IC. N., tO.C. B., assd ii. 1950. prior to inheriting the peerage, and afterwards was ; 2nd and 3rd, for KuasNassen, gu., a saltier, between four osst if a cloud, within two brasschsee of pains, in erIe, ppr. elsiolul, in ch,aisso lussauging duuwn to thur foot, in their other Errantia inmina follussit.”