Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/699

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KINNOULL, EARL OF (George Drummond-Hay), blaciketa together. Je’inissg the Eams of Sliddlotoss iii the Viscount Dupplin, and Baron Hay of Kinfausso, in ssortls, Iso was ss,asle prtsssssar again by the Essghisls, in the the peerage of Scotland; Baron Hay, of l’edwardine, Brace of Angus, in the November of the sense yeas’. Tue in the peerage of Great Britain ; 6. 16 July, earl sss. 1st, 36 ary, da,s. of Robert, 2ssd Earl of Csudigan by 1827; formerly hoot. let life-guards; e. his father wlsessi lie hash iso issue ; ssssd 2ssdly, Catlserisso, dais. nfChsarles, as Hth earl, 18 Feb. 1866; sit. 20 July, 1848, Lady Viecotssst Crasobonress, asssl grassddan. of WihliamCocil, Earl Emily-Blanche-Charlotte Somerset, 3rd dau. of of Salisbnry, by whose he had two suns, successive earls. Henry, 7th Duke of B&anfort, and has lead issue, i. Geoecn-RoeEaT, Visceust Yl tin, liout. lot life guards, devolved nposs las brother, 6. 27 May, 1849. ii. Francis-George, 6. 29 May, 1853. sic. Arehthald-Fiteroy-Geerge, is. 20 June, 1833. iv. Alistair-Geerge, 6. 10 April, 1861. v. Claude-George, 6. 24 June, 1982. s. Constsnee-iilaache-Leuisa. is. Clelia-Evasgeliue-Cor,elanee, si. 18 Slay, IllS. in. Sluriel-iieueietla-Cenetenre, iv. Magdulen-Ceustauee-Mary, if. an infant, 6 A1,ril, 1811. npon hie khssnoan acid hole-at-law (refer to Peter, of Kirklaced, Liirragr. PETeR HAt, Esq. of Melginehc, derived from a eomrnen a cosesnnssiacser for the treaty of melon between England ancestor with the Earle of Errell, cc,,. Margaret, dan. of and Scotlassd, smel sat iss the first parliament of Gresst Criehton of Ruthven, and had issue, 5. PerEz, ef whom presently. ii. James (Sir), of Itirigask, wheee een, lie JAOIEa HAT, of Pitoorthie, eo. Fife, the oelelsrated Strathallass, by whom ha bsed issue three eessa assd two favearile of King JAMEs VI., was created a Ilaree of dssn,. His youngeot sass, Ccl. John tlay, took an active England, in 1615, a, Lord hey, of Sauley, cc. York; part in the rising of 1711, and was enhacqesenthy made adraocod lie 1018, to the 5’isoesuily of Desscaeler; and secretary of etate, end createsl, by dcc Chevalier do St. finally created Earl of Carlisle. his only eon, JAMEe, 2nd Earl of Carlisle, S. e. p. in 1860, when Ihe earl it. us 1719, asod was a. by his ossly esen-iving sacs, haneurs expired (see aresos’e Desosesof end J?xtierf GEnr,ae-llmeRv, 7th earl ; who lead beers ps’svionoly Peerage,) acid Iha isla,sd of hsarbadoee devolved upon tire (31 Bet. 1711) treattd a peer of Great Britain, by tho title Earl of Finned. PETER STAY, the older son, ra. H argarct, dan. of Sir in 1701, Abigail, yossngest dsos. of Robos-t (Ilarley), Earl of Patrick Ogilvio, and had threa eono, viz., 1. PATRICK, of Melgineho, enoostar of the HAys of Pilfser. is. Peter, ef Ifirleland, who had issue, I George, of Kirldand, his heir. 2 I’atrick, 31.D., of Ratiray, whose line failed with his sans. is. htesrsv, enierrd jests 1,aly order,, ansI becesne enceeesively, 3 Peorsese, of Bathousie, 00- Porch, sic. Margaret, dao. of Jasoes Oliphant, Eoq. of Baclsillen, aad was s. by isis soss, CEoeGr, of Balhosssie, who sit. Marion, dau. of Sir ‘fhomae Niehaleon, of Camsek, King’s advaoaie assd crass, in 1679, by his elder san,, SI.?. for iho Os. of Perlh, created Viaossnl .Ds’pplie, 31 Dec. 1697, of whosss hereafter, as 6th Earl af Einnesml. iii. Groaoe, of whom presently. The 3rd son, Gzor.saE HAY, Esq. of Kiufausrs, boi’eg a highly aceomplishod person, was hstroduood at court by l,ie cousin, Lord Carhiale, and acquired immediately tho fnll coesfidence and favom’ of King JAatze. He was appohstsd a geestlemass of the bedehambor, honoured with the dignity of knighthood, and granted (IS Fob. 1999) the dissolved Cas-tisnatan priory of Perth. Ho was subsequently nomi,satod elsrk.regieter of Scotland and, in 1629, appointed to tire high digesity of Loan CRANOKLLOR of that kingdom. Sir George was advanced to tho peerage by CRARLEe 1., 4 Hay, 1627, by the tstlee of Paross Hag, ef Kisfaseoe, and Vierssc,l Dasjspliss, with reversion to his heira-gonoral wlsatsoevor; reid created, 25 May, 1633, EARL Os- KsNNonL, with tho same reversionary clause iss the patent. His lordehip is. Margarot, dais, of Sir James Haliburton, of Pitour, by whosss he had isssse two sona and a dais. Tho carl el. 16 Boo. 1634 (up to which period ho eosstinued chses,eellor, with tho approbatioss of the 649 K I N whole lahsgdons), arid n-as s. by his 2nd, best el’loot stirviving son, Gconoc, 2nd oarl ; eaptcstn of the yeosssels of the guard to CssAesLEe 3., acid osse of Isis majesty’s privy eoess,cil. llio lurdebip was diotiagssislsod, elssring the civil ‘vase, by sirolsakess fidelity to isis nssfortussato aovereigss, acid gallant a,ssl aetivo sorvteca as a soldier iii his cssuse. ITo se. Acs,se, eldest dan. of Wiuiac,s (Bonglao). Earl of Mortuss, 1usd- treaonrrr of Scotland, by wbom iso lsael issue ovith two dane. (KAT5IE55INE, as, to Janice Baird, Eaq. of Auelssssedslen, see issfrs’, asssl Story, iii. to Earl Slartselsall), aced his sue— eeossr, at his desaiao iss 1644, WsLLsAse, 3rd earl; who lseeanse, npess the decease (if Isis couoiss, ,Tssmca, Earl ssf Carlisle, without isssco, ice 1660, prounder of the islrsssd of Bssrbodssee, grautesl by Ktcsg CnAELKO i. to the lot Earl of Carlisle, svhieh Iste lordship dispisessi of to Cons.ce II. in 1661. This ,solslemssss, during tbe civil was-c, was takess by the repnbliesssss, and eomsssitted lsriasssser to the castle of Edissbmsrgh, whssseo lie made his escape, 28 Hey, 1654, over the wall, by tying shoots snsd His lssrdslsip it, in 1 67)-, and was,. by Ide older soss, Gzonosr, 4th earl ; u-ho ii. o. p. tss 1697, when the ho,sassrs WsLLsAai, 5th earl; at whose decease usia. us 1709, The representation, as heir geuersd and of here, of the fimmily of Ilsy, Earl of Ehononhi, devolved on Wtllians Baird of Auchmedden, son of Janice Baird, and the Lady Katherine Slay, his wife, dan. of George, 2nd Earl of Ktnnoull ; and new vests in Francis Garden Fraser, Eeq. of Findrack, 00. Alerdeess ; while the peerage of Kinnossll, aeeordissg to the clause of the patent in favonr of heiro-gesseral, devolved ysnssgoat son of Peter hay, father of the let lord), TacasAs, Vieceuel .Dujspliss, as OtIs earl. She lordslnp was Britain as one of the sixteen represesctative peers. He cci. Elizabeth, dan. of William (Brcsmsaond), let Viscount George, Earl of luvorcioso, hot S. iasnelass iss 1740. The of duress Shey, s_f Pe,ls’erslisse, cc. Ibe’efes’sl, hlis lordship se. Gxford, lord-high-treasurer of Great Britain, by whom lie had four eons and eta dons. ; of whom, 5. Tnooeae, e. as 815 earl. a prebendary of Weelmtnsler (1343), bishop of St. Asaph (1741), bishop of Salisbury (1761), ansi, in the sense year, archbishop of York. Ilto grace assumed the car— name and aross of Beossaseon, according to the decsl of entail of In, great-graadfalhor, Wihhians, Vieesust Siraihaihan, lIe as. iss 1748, hlossriella, dau. of Peter Aariol, Faq., an eminent merchant of London, and had issue, 1 Boozer, also a. as 9th earl. 2 Peler-Anriol, hieet.-cal. in the West Yorkshire nsililia; 55,. in 1775, Mary-Bridgel, only child of Pcnsberlon hitiheses, Eeq., end S. in 1799, op. His widew is. lndly, lIchen, 4lh Visconnt Galwey. 3 John-Auriel, eamno. RN.; 5, s.p. in 1780. 4 Edward-Aerial, PD., dean of Booking, prolsendary of York and Sonhhwell, rector of hlsmdleigh, and one of Ihse chaplains in ordinary to Iheir late majesties Gceeoz Ill. and lV. s sss. lit, in 1782, Eltaahselh, den. of William Cenne do Vismes, by wham (who 5. in 1790), lea had, Edward-Wilhioen-Auriol Braoossaond-J{ay, BA., F.S.S.A. of Lendoe,, Scotland, and Perth; served in the Peninemslar, in France, and Iho Low Countries, under this Duke cf Wolhiogisa, Lerd Lynodoeh, and in the list and 73rd regiments and oss the staff; srsmi subsequently principal clerk in the I-yen office ef Scotland, and eenssmh - general for .Slsos’ecee; 6. 4 April, 1785; es. in 1012, Leaiso’StargarCl, don, of tIme late John ‘l’tsanc,es, Req., depnly eem.-gcu. 1 amid it. in 1845, having by her had Issue I Edward-Hay (Sir), formerly governor of It, Hslena, bin ldhht; sse. in 1110, Laura-Sarah, 2nd dau. ofLieut.Celontl Livingetone, B, I. Ceuspasy’s service, and K I N KINNA1IID, VISCOUNT, roe NEwnuielI, EMIL. K I N N 0 U L L.