Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/719

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LEO 1. Sin WILLIAM Laweox. He was 0. 3 May, 3790 ; and sit. NicmIoL.s.o. an eminent lawyer, who, having filled the office ‘20 Oct. 1225, Clarinda-Catharine, only dan. and heir of John Lawson, Req. M.D., of York, anl by her (who ii. 10 Jan. 1301) has had, Jonn, present baronet. Henry, 5. 20 Feb. 1833; drowned in New Zealand, 3 Jan. 3337, while attempting to save the lifo of his shephoid. WILLIAM, 5. 22 Dee. 1031; iii holy orders of the church of Edmund, a gallant naval officer, kfllcd at sea, 10 Jan. 3703. flame. Thomas-Fanlinns, 5. 11 Sept. 3037. Clarinda-Msny, a nun. Elizabeth, a nun. Grace, a nnn. Sir William ii. 22 Sims, ioes, and was a. by his elCoot Soil, Sin Jona LawsoN, the lssd and present baronet. Aross—Arg., a chevron, between three martlots,sa. Crest—Tn’s tiered arme, arg., enppertiug tile rising sun, ppr. There was, Uoijs. EnizAneasI, a grant (new ill O5- gsaeten of the present baronet) of a crest to Lawson, of Breugh Hall, viz., a niartlet, sa., en a cap of maintenance. The eldest eon, Sesl—l3reugh Hall, near Cattertek, Yorkshire. LECHMEPOE. LEcRMNRE, SIR EDMUND-AN. EDMUND LEcuasnne, Rag. of Severn End, H.P. eo. Worrester ‘cRONY - Hxnsrr, East. of The Chariton, Bart. of Lndfcrd, and had by her a son, Rhyd, eo. Worcester, high-sheriff s. NmenoLAe, Sin 1733, who inborited the Charlton estates, of Woreeeterahire, in 1862, late M.P. for Tewkeohnry, 6. S Dec. 1704, and aaaumed that additional snrname. )See Jlunnr’c 1826; s. his father, 2 April, 1856; rn. 80 Sept 1858, Lonioa-Roeamond, only surviving Mr. Leehmero in. 2ndly, Elizabeth, dan. of the Rev. John child of the late John Haigh, Esq. of Whitwell Whitsoore, of Penny Compton, so. Warwick, and by her Hail, North Riding, Yorkelaire, and has had Reginald left at his decease, in 1803, a son, Hnngerford, 6. 14 Jan. 1864, eZ. 1 March, 1864 lSlS; ci. 1st, 13 May, 1707, Mary, dan. and heir of Joseph ‘EDMOND-ARTIICR, 6. 21 Sept. 1865; a son, 6. 15 Benviek, Esq. of Mallow Park, Woreestershire, by whom .Jnly, 1868 ; and a dan., Alice-Mary, it an infant, (wbe S. in 3020) he had issue, Dee. 1862. ILiiicgc. The very ancient family of Leohmere, originally from the 31 Oct. 3842, Emily-Mary, eldest dan. of the tate Sir Harry Low Conntrios, derives from JoaceLyno on Lnenairar, who s. Sarah, 5. 33 Feb. 1284. aeqnired from WILLIAM the Conqueror a grant of lands in ii. Ehiza-Anne, in. 14 Feb. 1337, to S.Wall, Esq. of Worthy Manley, ee. Worcester, and a mnessuage called, in old deeds, ims. Prances, ii. 29 Jan. 1S47. iv. Jemima-Icabella. Leehmere’s Field, Leehmere’s Place, and Red Court. (For v. Georgiana-Feliela. drfeiledpetfipreo, see Nxssi’s ll’errcabs-shire.) The Lschmeres vi. Emsna-Cathenoe, no. 0 Aug. 1032, to William Candler, have intermarried, and are eessnected, with the Ruyliales, Esq., RN-, efMatvcrn Link, ro. Worcester. Whitmores, Tlnngerforda, Sandys, Dynelcys, Foleys, Fierce, Sir Anthony ci. 2ndly, 8 Sept. 3223, Eleanor, dan. of the late Overburys, L’erketeys, Be Rupee, llowards, dr.. de. SIR NicHoLAs LEcnalr.nn, Knt., M.P. for Bewdley (representative Bayley Villiers, Req. of Gloucester; and if. 22 March, 1840 of this distinguished line, and aon of Edmund (his widow 5. 20 Aug. 1807), and was s. by his son, Leobmere, Req., by Margaret his wife, sister of Sir Thomas It. Sin EDaIuNn-iiuxnzi;r000, 5. 25 May, 1782; ci. in Overbnry, who was poisoued in the Tower), was appointed 1819, Marta-Ctara, formerly Olaid of Honour to the Queen, a Baron of the Exchequer at the Revolution. He so. Penelope, dan. of the late lion. David Murray, and by lmr (who S. dan. of Sir Edwin Sandys, of Northborne, in Kent; 20 Jan. 1003) had issue, and dying in 1701, left issue, i. Etsamus’n, his heir. Ii. Sandys, of Pewnhope, in lterefordshire, grandfather Louisa-Augusta, so. 17 July, 1858, to Lambert Lonio,Count ef Scunaaionn Lecsisinne, Req. of Fowuhope, who in. Jane, dan. of Edmund Pateshall, Req. of Allensniore, and had issue, I JOUN-SCUDAMORe, of Fewubope, whom. Catherine, Sir Edmnud 5. 2 April, 1050. 2nd dan. of John Whitmore, Req. of The Haywood; L’reaiien—1818. .Aroe—Gn. a fesse, or n chief, two and S. in 1001, leaving issue. 2 Edmund, of .Allensmcre, who aesnmed the anrnome pelicans, vulning themselves, of the last. Cresl—A pelican, of PATECRALL. (See Bunion’s Landed Gentry.) I Edwyn-Sandye, of Hereford, who no. Elizabeth, dan. Hall, Yorkshire. of the Rev. IlIr. Jones, of Fey, in Herofordshis-c, and had issue. His eldest dan. was so. to Ccl. Rnolr, 0th regt., and S. his widow 20 Sept. 1801. 4 Nicholas, S. at ses. 5 Thomas-Allen,who no. Sane, dan. of John Whitmors, Esq. of The Hsywood, and loftissnc. I Martha-Maria, so. Robert Hathway, Req. of Much Cewarne, ce. Hereford, and had sixteen children, of whom the eldest, the Rev. Robert Hathway, rector of Ballingham and Stretton Sngwas, in. Mary, dan. of Mr. Thomas, of Hereford, and had two eons and two dsns.; the eldest son, the Rev. Robert-Callow Hathway, vicar of Kewstoke, co. Somerset, as. Caroline, dan. of the Rev. H. Hodges, of Woolhope, and has four surviving children, vie.: 3 llesiryRichard, ISA., 5. 1014; 2 William-Joseph, RAin holy os-dora, 5. 1830; so. Emily, dan. of Rev. J. P. Benwell; 3 John-Nicholas, 5. 1030; 4 Elizabeth, ma. Stewart Fellows, Esq., Bombay army, and has a son, Howard-Stewart-Sandys-Leebroere, ii. 12 Oct. 3927. Sir Nicholas was a. by his elder eon, EsIMUNn Lecnszsne, Req. of Hanky Castle, who so. T.aey, tEcoNpsELB, E.ORON (George Wynclhnm) of Leconfield, dan. of Sir Anthony Hnngerferd, of Parley Castle, in Somersetahire; Peerage of the United Kingdom, hsving been no and S. in 1703, having had issue, Axrnocev, his heir. 660 T E C of sseleoitor and attorney-general, was elevated to tho peerage by King Grooon I., in the dignity of BARON Lecnsmone, of Evesham, in the eo. of Worcester, by letters patent, dated 4 Sept. 3721. Ills lordship was likewise chancellor of the Dnehy of Lancaster. lies;,. Lady Nlieabeth Howard, dan. of Charles, Earl of Carlisle, lint dying iseusless, in 1727, the Barony of Leehmere became err mar. Richard, who oi. Nlizal,elh, widow of Thoisss Swift, Rsq., sod ,l. 7 Jen. 1773, leavieg a coo, William, s-iee-sdmn. lt.N., wile me. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir John Dashes sod King, Ilarl., of West Wyeembe Pail, Nooks, and by her (wile ii. in 1827), left tome, I Charles, rapt. lt.N., ii. 1022 ;2 John, is. Ihe dan. of ihe Hon. A. l’eley; 3 Rieha,d, si. and has issne; 1 Lnry; 2 Siary, so. Is 1,erd de Sauiearee, and S. in 1840; 3 Elieahcili, ci. to C. Olenco, Esq. ; 4 Csrelios-Anselta, ci. to Major Arlhnr Ogle, and has issno ; S Aesgosla, ci. Is J.-M. MeDDle, hog., and S. in l83i, leaving two dane. Av’rnonv Lreaamsne, Esq., M.P. of Itanlsy Castle, is. Anne, dan. of Thomas Foley, Req. of Stoke Edith, in the co. of hereford, and dying 3720, aged 10, left a son, 1714; who as. lot, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Rlnndsl upon the demise of his isnele, Sin FRANCIS CnARLT0N, in Landed flenlry.) I. Anrnonv, 5. 2 Nov. 1706; created a Baronet 1 Oct. i. Eoasoioc-HunocnronD, 2nd baronet. ml. Assthony-Derwirk, 5. 28 May, 1002, in holy orders; ne. V. Parch, Mart. Park, Hants. EnMuNn-ANTnaNv-HAnLev, present bart. Mary-Clara-Elizabeth, ni. 4 Aug. 1942, to Evelyn-Philip Shirley, Req. of Eatiugton Park, eo. Warwick, late 7d.P. d’Arras, of St. Valerie, Picardy. ac., vnlningberself, ppr. Jlshte—Christns pelteano. SeeLs— Rhyd Court, and Severn Nod, Worcestershirn, and Whitwell LEO ON PIE LI). in the East Riding of the co. of York, in the created 14 April, 1859 ; a aol. in the army : 6. 5 June3