Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/720

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LED 1787; no. 25 April, 1815, Mary-Fanny, only dau. of WiLLIAM the Conqueror, and one of his barons), was summoned the Rev, William Blunt, of Crabbett, Sussex, and by by patent, justieiary of England, This personage, one of leer (who d. auddenly, 23 Slay, 1863) haa had iaeue, the moot powerful barons of his time, felt at the battle of i. George-William, 5. 27 Feb. 1217; d. 2 July, 1037 U. Ilswav, SiP. for West Sussex, late capt. let lifeguards, Evesham, 3 Aug. 1205, and was a. by his son (by Olivia, 5. 1 July, 1830; so. 15 July, 1007, Constancellrelyn, Bucks), 2nd daa. ef Archibald, Lord Dalineny, and grand- Olson, known in history as Hugh de Spencer, eeeier, 2nd dan. of Arolaibald-Joha, 4th Earl of Ileneberry, E.T. ne. Porcy-Scawen, lip, for Went Couaabcrlaead, 0. 30 June, appointed governor of Slam lborengh Castle, 2nd EDwARD 103.5; so. If Get. 1800, Sladeliuo-Caroline-Franeeo-Edeu, II. tIe was f-srther promoted to the dignity of Earl of 0th dau. of the lab Sir Guy Campbell, Dart., and has Winchester, 16 May, 1522. This nobleman was banished the George, 8. 39 Aug. 1803; Guy-Percy, 6. 19 Jan. 1865; realne, through the influence of the barons, in 1320; but ansi Siery-Coesst:uice. e. Mary, d. 1(1 Shy, 1821. ii. Fanny-Charlotte, as. 13 Oct. 1942. Alfred Montgomery, cause of his oppressed sovereign, was beheaded after the flag., yonugeot i-see of Sir Ileary-Conyugham Slonigemery, 1326, without the formality of a trial. his lordship vs. hart., aud lea’ ha,1, Wilfred—ltcury, is. 7 April, Isabel, dan. of William de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, 1549, sl. 53 Aug. 1853, awl two duos., Ediih, and Sibyl, and widow of Sir Patrick Chawerth, bywhom he had, with so, 26 Eels. 1860, to John, present Marqneao of Queeaeberry. five dane., an only non, Di. ltelen—Caro]hee-Elizaboth. iv. Blanche-Julia, s. 31 Gel. 3548, to Richard-South- ,bnniar), who having ci. Eleanor, dau. and co-heir of Gilbert, well, 6th and present Purl of Mayo, and has issue. v, Caroline-Sophia, ci. 13 )larch, 1851, to Col, 11.-Nigel was cemneonly called Mann OF Ge.oucaovea. In the 13th Fitehardiug Kingoeote, t li., SIP, for West Gleuccoterohire, EDwARD 11, he was nominated lord-chamberlain. His and C. II SEarch, 1832. PIe so. ludly, S Feb. lordship was aeon after, howevee’, obltged with his father ta 1856, Emily, dan. of the Earl of howe. vi. Constance-Elizahelh, em. If April, 1659, tu Liont.-CoL William linac, late Se,sia fucilier gnardo, of Caidwell, Aa-rshire (-dee hluuac’s Le oils5 teal,’G. His lordahip la the elsleet of the offspring and been declared a tratto,’ by parliament, lets hononra became adopted heire of George O’Brien Wyneiham, 3rd Earl forfeited. This eminent nobleman left tosue, of Egremoat (a title now extinct). Lard Leconfield n. Edward, to. Anne, dan. of henry, Lord Fcn’ers of has had the following brothers and siatera, 1 Sir Henry Wyndhans, K.C.B., SIP., a general in the army, 8. 12 Slay, 1790, eo. 1812, Elizabeth, eldest dan. of the late Lord Charles Somerset, and ci. 3 Aug. 1860; 2 Charlea Wyndham, col, in the army, an. 3 Oct. 1835, The eldest son, Elizahetle-Anne, third dan. of }iugh, Loe’d Polwarth, Hcon, comneonly called Lord Glaneprgan, having entered and ci. 18 Feb. 1866; 1 Frances, in. 20 Jan. 1796, to into the military service of Enwsen III. and distinguished Sir Chance Mernik Borrell, Burt., and ci. 28 Sept. himself in Fnince and Scotland, w’ae sumamoned to parliamen’. 1848; 2 Mary, vi. 18 Oct. 1819, to George, 1st Earl of nephew and heir, Mnnster, ansi si. 3 Dec. 1812; 3 Charlotte, an. tn Sea Enwxaa no SeoNcon, being snnsmoned from 1557 to John King, Eoq. Cs’esstkss—14 April, 1859, A-mae—Az., a chevron, between Garter. hIts lordship vs. Elicabeth, dan. and heir of Sir fierce liens’ heads, erased, or, within a berdare, wavy, of lice list. Creel—A lien’s head, erased, or, within a fellerloek, she leek gold, sad Ihe bow counler-compony, or, and as.; the head charged with a sallire, wary, gu. Sepjserlero—Dexler, alien, as., wiaged ia,veledly, and plain collared, or; sinister, ms grypleea, arg., gsstld de sang, plain collared, gu. Melts—An lsoe droit. Se”fe—l’eheerth and Brave House, Chiehester, and conspiriseg to rcalere Rmcn.aseu II. his beneura were cxtiugulahed. East Ledge, Brighton, Suisex. LE DESPENCE.[t. Le DESPENcER, BARONESS (Slary-Francce-Elizaboth was reatored, by letters patent, to the dignity of Bareness Boecawen), ID the peerage of England: 1. is de g1’rsecer, in remainder to the heira of bor body, with 24 March, 1822; e. lacr gnandfutlmer, 3 Oct. 1831; time ancient seal, place, and precedency of her ancestors ae. 29 July, 1845, Evelyn L’ceeawen, now Viscount ‘leer lmedyship wan likewise entitled to the Barony of Burg’ Fainsouth, and haa bone, e. Evet.yN-Enwaan-TeocarAa, lient. Goldotream - guards, itbergnvenny was eenfirnmrd at the sante tines to the heir is. 24 July, 7847. U. Hngh-I.e Despeneer, 5. 20 Feb. 1049. Di. John-Richard-no Clare, 6. 19 l1ee. 1600. e. Mary-Elizaheth-Francee-Catheriao. ci. Edith-Maria, en. Mabel-Emma, iil1C2tgt. 11mm, nr SPENCEP, e u of Tlmesnae de Spencer (who was tbe hetra of his lordaht1s’e sisters, SIsry, wife of Sir Francis the sixth in descent from Robert Doepencer, or Stewart, to Dasinveod, Dart, and Catbenieme, lady of William Paul, Esq. 670 LED to parliament 14 lIce. 1264, when be was constituted dan. and heir of Philip, Lord Basset, of Wyeombe, co. baron, who was summoned to paa-linment, 23 June, 1295, and returning the ensuing yeae, and adhering at.anchly to the landing of Queen laAsEL and the Prince of Walea, in Oct. Sin Muon oz Srraene (known as llngh de Spencer, Earl of Gloucester, and niece of EnwAaa 11. was summoned to parliament as a Baron, from 1311 to 1125, and leave the kingdom; but being recalled with him, was constituted governor of the castle and denseans lands of Gleueestem, and warden of the forest of Dean. TIe was eventually, however, beheaded at Hereford, in Nov. 1326; and having i. Muon. Groby; and dying in 1312, left, I Ei’wano, of whom presently, on heir to bin uncle. 2 Tlsenmao. I Henry, the warlike bishop of Norwclm, who d. in 1101. from 1358 to 1349, when he d. without iasue ; and his 1372, was installed a knight of the most nebla order of lbs Barthetomen- Hurghersh Nut. ; and dying in 1375, waa a by Isis aoec, Tuoamxs, commonly called Do Spencer of Olamorgan, wlms was summoned in 1382, and created Earl of Gloucester in 1397; but being beheaded and declared a traitor in 1400, for This nobleman left a non and heh’, who died during minority, when his lordship’s sister, baBeL no Srowcr.a, became bin heir, and vi. Richard Boauchansp, Earl of Worcester and Baron Ahergavenny, by whom she had an only dass. Emcxnvvn Bsaucseoaer, who sa. Edward Neville 4th ss,e, of Ralph, Earl of Westmerlaud (an earldoam forfetted in 1970); and the attainder of her ginndfather, Thomas, 7th Baron de Spencer, Isaviug Iscen reversed, her ladyship cam-i-ted time Baronies of Borgavenesy, B-srglsernh, and Be Spencer, into the fanmity of leer husband, where they remained until 1509, when Pfeaesv, the 4th Baron Abergaveany, ml. without male issue. Rio lordship’s only dan,, Tue Hon. Hoar NoveLL, ci. in 1571, Sir Tbomaa Pane, Knt. by whom she had issue, four aona and two dane. Lady Fane, after the demise of Sir Thomas, 25 May, 1604, berate, but that baa never been clainaed); tlsc hiareny of ‘nate. Lady le de Spencer d. 28 Juno, 1626, need was,’. by leer eldest son, Faassceo, who was created Baron Barglscrot assd Exan OF Wrsvseont.etco 29 Dee. 1624. and the Barony of Be Spencer merged in the eanidonc, until tise demise of Jones, the 7th earl, in 3762 (who succeeded hia two brothcra), tsdl.lsouttaone. when it fell into alssyamace botwesa but the crown terminated the abeyance in 1763, in favour of