Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/721

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LED SIR FRANCIS Il*snwoon, Mart, son and heir of ti-s abovenamed Sir Francis. This nobleman dying, however, in 1781, without issue, the barony again fell into abeyance between his sister Rachel, relic5 of Sir Robert Austen, Fart. and the heir of his aunt, Lady Catherine Paul; namely, the descendant of CATHERiNE PAuL (only dan. of Lady Catherine), who a, Sir William Stapleton, Fart, and left (with a daughter) an only eon, SIR THoMAs STAPLETON, Mart of Hotherfield Greys, co Oxford. This gentleman ci. in 1768, Mary, dau. of henry Fans, Esq. of Wormeley, cc. Oxford, brother of Thomas, 9th Earl of Westmorland, and bad issue, e. Tnoisas, in whose favour the abeyance was terminated in 1788. ss. William, lieut.-gen.; is. in 1790, Anna-Maria, eldest dan. of the Hon. and Right Rev. Frederick Keppel, Lord Bishop of Exeter (deceased); and d. in 1826, leaving by her, who ci. in 1816) an only surviving son, John-Horace-Thomas, lient. -colonel; 8. in 1793; cc. lot. in 1814, Georgians-Maria, dau. of George, 2nd Lord LEEDS, DUKE OF (Sir George-Godoiphin Osborne,) Southampton ; and 2ndly, 8 July, 1831, CharlotteGeorgians, Marquees of Carmarthen, Earl of Danby, Viscount 2nd dau. of the late Hon. Sir William Ponsonby. Latimor, of Danby, Baron Osborne, of Kiveton, co. Ha d. 7 Nov. 1636. IlL James-Henry, I. in 1777; ci. in 1642. t. Maria, d. 29 March, 1618. u. Catherine. Sir Thomas S. in 1781, and was s. by his son, Sia Tuosess, who s. to the Barony of Le Deapsucer upon and a Baronet of England a Prince of the Holy the termination of the abeyance at the decease of Lady Roman Empire; 8. ld July, 1802; a. his eout as Anslen, 16 May, 1798. His lordship 0. 10 Nov. 1706, no. 8th duke, 4 May, 1859; os. 21 Oct. 1824, Miss 1 July, 1791, Elicabeth, 2nd dan. of Samuel Eliot, Eaq. of Harriette-Arnudel Stewart, and by her (who ff. in Antigna, and by her (who d. 3 Jan. 1849) bad issue, L THoMAs, 0. in April. 1792; no 2 Feb. 1816, Maria-Wynne, i. Ceosoc-Gonos.pniai, Marques, 5/ t’eresarl/ies, 0. 11 2nd dan. of Henry Mankos, Eaq. of Kingston hall, en Porset (see Buaan’s Landed Gentry), hy whom (who ci. 15 Oct. 1830) he left issue at his decease, 1 June, 1829, MARY-F5ARcE5-Es,szAnnTse, Baroness La Despeneer. is. William, 8. 2 Dee. 1797; an officer in the army; S. at Barrackpors, in Bengal, 26 Sept. 1826. us. Miles-Jshn, in holy orders, rector of Ideroworth, co. Kent: 0. in 1901; is. 29 11cr. 1610, Anno-Byam, only Is. Franeia-George-Gsdolphin, 0. 6 April, 1810; en. 4 July. child of Thesnas-7orhnry Kerby, Req. of Antigua; and ci. Il June, 1030, lesvtng issue by her (who d. in 1042), 1 Adelaide, en. 28 Oct. 1091, to Catesby Paget, Esq., and tsr. 1.l’Arey-Godolphbs, major late 87th foot, 0. 14 Juno, d. 26 Aug. 1860, leaving issue. 2 Anno-Byam, en. 17 Aug. 1858, to Capt. Hotham, eon lv. Willism-Godolphin, 0. 20 Aug. 1820; is. 8 Sept. 1829, of the Hon. and Rev. Frederick Hetham. 9 Jane-Elizabeth, Ia. 10 April, l06i, to Archibald Godloy, Esq., 4th son of John Godley, Rsq. of Killigar Reuse, co. Leitrim, and has issue a dan. Anna-CharloiteAdelaide. 4 Maria-Catherine. iv. FaAncrs-Jaavsa, suecesser to the baronetcy. iSee STAPLETON, MART.) i. Elizabeth-Mary, d. Horn. 30 Dee. 1023. er. Maria-Frances-Catherine, m. 9 Jan. 1812, to Robert, is. Rmma-Godolpbiu. present Earl of Roden, K.P.; shed. 20 Feb. 1081. its. Emma, en. 0 llay, 1825, George, 6th Viscount lhidleton, us. Charlette-Godolphin. iv. Dlanche-God’ipbin. and has two surviving dana., Mary-Emma, Countess his grace inherits the Princedom of the Empire as of Enniskillen, sod Albinia-Frances, en. to Alsxander-S. a descendant of John Churchill, the 1st and great Leslie-Melville, Esq. iv. Emily, rn. in 1817, to the late Lieut.-Goncral the lien, PUKE OF MARLBOR0U0H, on whom “omnesqne snos Sir Merenles-Robert Pakenham, K.G.B., of Laagfsrd liberos, hveredrs, posteros, ac descendcntos legitimos Lodge, co Antrim, brotiser to Themas, Earl of Longford. nsascnlos et ftcnsinas, ntrinsqne sexns,” the dignity v Frances, d. ansi. in 1012. vs. Anna-Frances-Esther, ci. in Dec. 1828, to Lord Fan- was conferred by patent, 14 Nov. 1705. Of these ham, K.P., and was killed 20 Aug. 1860. His lordship d. 1 Oct. 1801, when the Barony of La Do- descendants, the Unke of Leeds springs from Hen. spencer devolved upon Maav-Fsaxecse, his grsnddau. the rietta, Duchess of Marlborough, the eldest daughter present baroness, and the baronetcy was inberitod by his of the let Duke of Marlborongh, while the present lordship’s only surviving eon, tlse Hon. Sir Fs-aneis-Jarvis Duke of Marlborongb is representative of the Second Stapleton. (See I/sot title.) Oreolissss—Baren, original writ of summons, 14 Dec. 1204; confirmation, 20 hay, 1604. Arsss—Qnarterly : 1st, ai-g., a lien, rampant, sa., for The family of OOEORNE is one of considerahle sntiqnity in STAPLETON; 2nd, cc., three right-band gauntlets, with their Kent, and was early seated at Asbford, in that county. So baeke forward, or, for lANE; .3rd, gn., on a saltier, avg., a far back as the 12th of IlcNav VI. John Osborne, of Canterbnry, resent the field, barbed and seeded, ppr., fOr NEvILLE; 4th, quarterly, avg. and gu., in the 2nd and Ird quarters, a fret, however, as is the paternal ancestry of the noble family 01 or; overall, a bend. sa., for SPENCER. Saypsi levs—-Dextei-, a griSin, wings elevated, or, collas-ed, Godolpbin, which the present Duke of Leeds represents, and line re5exsd over the back, sa., the collar charged with three escallops, aeg. ; siuiscer, a bnll, arg , pied, sa., armed, and his descent throngh varione lines from the royal hones basfed, collared, and chained, the chaic reflexed over lbs of Plantagenot, (see MusEs’s Regal Fsnsihie,,) add a lustre to back, or. Jeot—lfersw&tb Castle, near Hadlow, KenI. sses J4’sssse—2, St. James’s Square. LEE LEEDS. York, in the peerage of England, anti Baron Godolphin, of Farnlsam Royal, in the Co. of Buckiugham, in tbe peerage of tile United Kingdom; Viscount Dninbhsne, eo. Perth, in the peerage of Scotland; 1852) has had, Auc. 1028; so. 16 Jan.1961, Fanny-Georgians, 2nd dan. of George, 4th Baron Itivers, Lady of the Dedehansber to the Princess of Wales, and has had, George-Frederick, 0. 1 and d. 8 Nov. 1861; GcoRoe-GoneLs’neN, Earl of l’eaty, 0. 19 Sept. 1862; Francis-Granville-Godolpbin, 0. 11 March, 1801; a son, 0. 10 April, 1886, and a dan., 0. 28 July, 1867. 1814, Matilda-Catherine, dan. of John-S. Rich, Esq., and has a dan., llarrist-Enama-Arundel-Gedoiphha. 1834. Mary-Catherine, only den, of John Readicy, Esq. of Wbittlesford, Cambridgeshire, and has William. llenrv, 0. 27 Dec. 1560, and Mary-Charlotte, ,. Snsan-Georgiana-Godolphin, sa. 22.hnno, 1804, to h1eus— Jsbn-Ncwshsn Milbank, Esq., 3rd son of Mark 1111- bank, Esq. ol Thorp-Peevow, and BILrninghans Psi-k, Yorkshire (see DunKs’s jostled Gesiry), and has a son, 5. 20 Feb. 1807. daughter, Anne, Conntess of Snndcrland. IL ill til5Jt. occurs on the list of Kentish gentry. Ancient, Osborne, the illnetrions houses of Conyers, D’.trcy, and his grace’s coronet of which few other families can beast. RICHARn Oanosnc, son of Richard Osborne, hy his wife Elizabotb Pyldsne, en. Jane, dais, of John Drenghton, Esq. of Brongbton, and had with other issue, a sea and heir, SiR EnwAan Osnossec, Rut, who filled the oHcs of lordI mayor of Londen in 1292. Re is. Anna, dan. of Sir William 671