Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/74

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AM H. A Ml! William, Viscount Folkstone, aftenvards Earl Madoor; and Abbey, leap. Enwoan II. or Ill.: and WALTeR tiC Escorenx 3 Reyneldia, who ci. sam. of Pembory, in the Subsidy Rolls, 1338—1348. Ia the 29th JOFTN-GAY ALLEYNe., Esq., the 2nd son, 9. 28 April, 1724, EDwARD ill. lIce name appears by record to he written succeeded to his father’s estates at the early age of six de Aiiihersl. years. Being chosen into the Assembly fir St. Andrew’s in lo tile 22nd year ci t{iciiaap II., 1757, he so strongly reconsniciided himself, by his distin- Jetis Ascnresv was using at Asshtret, in the parish of guished and indel5Gigshle attendance, as from thessceforth Peheobury, altos t’embury, en. Kent, and frona him de— to secure all anon ii re-election. On the oreaoion of a eeesdrd pamphlet published by Inca, in oiudieation of the honour of Tuoscos Ascitmiep, of Amherst, net 21 in 1488, ss appears the island, respeeti hg the expedition to Gnadslonpe, be from the will of his lather, Thomas. By his wile, a sister of received in his place the ,lnanimwss lb inks of the Assembly; Thomas Bowregge, of Capell, lie left fonr cone, viz., and on a vnemey of the eh or in 1707, he was, with the osme i. ,Joeia’, ci v heoi presently. unanimity, placed in it, which lie constami dy filled while his it. Nieooias, ancestor of Vim.exai-.amdnsT Tsstes-Bssiesr health permitted l,is resiilcnce is the island, and which he finally reoigieed June 6, 1797. In 1768 (March 20), he was ereatesi a BARONOT. tIc si. lot, Christian, 4th dats, and iii. Wdhaai of Pcmbory. Iv. liicliard of ileadeors. eu-heiress of Joseph Doltis, Es:1. of Blade ltocks (by Ansis, only dais, and heir of Edward Jordan), and had one son, Time eldest eon, who d. its infancy. He Co. tndly, in 1706, Jane-Abel, thu. J,ua AamsesaT, ef Amherel, living 1086, vi. Parnell Raynts, of Abel Alleyne, Esq., by whom he left issue, Revyorn-Anet., present baronet. John-Gay-Newton. d. at Eton, in 2800, oged 13. Slary-Spire, 1. 10 Jan. 1802. Jane Gay, it. 22 Nov. 1826. Eehocea-Braitliwaite, so. vs William Bevil, Eoq., and ml. 1046. i. Iliehord, of Itoyboll, Kent, serjeiant—at—taw, and oerjeaet Christian-llnttia, ci. to time l:de 01ev. ileury Withy, of Trinil Cliuvea, lluddvrsficld, acol bed issue. Abel, d. 1812. Sir John d. in 1001. Grenlivn—6 April, 1768. Arose—Per chevron, go.,od erm., in chief, two lions The youngest sen. heads, erased, or. Ceeot—Out of a ducal eovonet,a horse’s head, Sr. Jlstts—Non tna te moveant, aed publics vota; or, Non Kent, ns. Joan, dan. of John Barnden, Gent., and had, with tua te ned publics vota. deal—Alleyne Dale Hall, Barhadoes. :2 usocor. tteq of .Xmhnrot, en Kent, ilidli agton, en. Nor’ fills and had soy, co. Sliddlesex (see ltruae’a Losslrsf I, el.’ol. and (lying in 1276, left, iotre tills:, aeon and heir, Eienasn Aumienox, of Amherst, ivito vi. Slargsref Risen, and left lhrec eons, viz., is Qooeo Eeicane’en. Time male dime of this learned person ceased with Ins giaisdson, CHARLeS :aiseaOr, Esq., who 7, l”ei,(. in 1705. ii. William, svho left a don. Story, a. to Joisn Champs, Esq. of Tssiibr I ge iii .terrtnr Tnn Rev. Jeryr.ny Aa.snrp,nv, recter of Horeemonden, io one dan,, three sons, viz., Arthuv, 11G., it. about the yearltso, leaving two oonoaud two dasigbtero. Richard, 8. before his father, leaving a son and dan. JOHN. The youngest son, Jonv Anstimnor, Esq., learrioter-at-law, and one of the henchere ‘f Gray’s Iou, so. thrice, but had issue by his first srife (Margaret, dan. of Jeffevy Kiihy, eiticen and merchant of London) only. He d. in 2881, and waco. by his only surviving eon, Jerrrnv AamnmmeT, Es:1., barrister-at-law, and beneber of Gray’s Inn. This gentloman was the first of the family eeated at Riverhead, in Kent. He 1. in 1713, and was o. by his only surviving eon, Jr.rrenv Aatner,er, Req. of Riverhoad, barrister-at-law, and a beneher of Gray’s Inn, who vs. Elizabeth, dan. of Thontas Kerrill, Esq. of Hadlow, eo. Kent, and bad issue, i. ,Saekville, 8. slim. in 1763. ti. Jerreny, created Lonn AasneneT. iii. John, an admiral in the Ii. N., if. losueleos. sv. William, lieuv.-general ill the army. aide-de-camp to the king, lient.-governor of Portsmouth, governor of St. John’s, Newfotnidlaud, and adjntont-geo. el his mojeety’s forces; to. Elicabetls, dan. of Thomaa Patterson, Esq., and it. Ia 2791, leaving I Wtta.sxat-Piar, 1st Earl Amherst. 2 Ehcaheth, so. to John Hale, Eoq. and d. in 1826. i. Elicabeth, wife of tlee Rev. John Thomas, it. in 1770. This lady was celehratod for her lactic taleuts. AIIBgR5T. EAnL (William-Pitt Amherst), of at. Margaret, it. eoia. in 1785. Arseati, East Indies, Viset. HoiLneeslnle, of Holmesdale, The 2nd eon, 00. Keut, acid Baton Alnherst, of Montreal, JErFE5Y Aatnonev, Esq., having acquired high military came county; h. 3 Sept. 1803; ot. 12 July, 1834, reputation as cemniauder-in-cbief ef the British army iu Gertrude, 6th dan. of time late Hon. and Right Rsv, North America, from 1758 to 1764, ivan made a knight of the Hugh Percy, ilieltop of Cat’liele, anti Isas hael issue, Bath in 170t, and elevated So the peerage 20 Slay, 1776, as Bores Asilmerst, of Holmeemlate, es. Kent. His lordship was t. Wtct.sxas-Ancnsn, Viocooemh Kolmesdale, SIP. for West constituted, in 1775, commander-in-chief of his majesty’s Kent, late capt. Celdstream guards; b. 26 March, 1831; land forces in Great Britain; and he was created, 30 Aug. so 27 Aug. 1a62, Julia, only surviving d.iu. of the last 1788, Mecca Aiaheeot, of Jooetrceet, Cs. Kent, with remainder to his nephew, William-Pitt Amherst, Esq. Hens. 1st, Jane, only dau. of Thomas Balisoo. Esq. of Ramptoua, in Kent; and Sadly, ghzaheth, eldest da,s. of Gen. the lIon. George Cary, hut had no issue. Lord Amherst received a fieldmarshal’s baton in 1796. He a. 5 Aug. 1797, when the first hai’ooy expired, bob the second devolved, according to the t. Mary-Sarah, si 15 Get- 1857, to Wilbraham, eldeet limitation of the patent, upon his nephew, WiLLsAai-Prc’r AMHERsT, 2nd baron, 9. 14 Jan. 1773, who was at one time ambassador to Cidna, and subsequently governor-geneial of India. and who n-as created Viseoost lloloieodole and EARL Amtnenor, 2 Bec. 1826. He so. let, 14 July, 1800, Sanah, relict of Otbtr-tlickmau, 5th Earl of Plytnooth, and dan. and es-heir of Andrew (Archer), Lord Archer, by whom (who a 27 Bay, 1838) he had to survivn diesderus DR Ilevttettnasv occurs ha I’ipe Roll1 an. infancy, loans, 1215; Roovoos no Itemaitusors, in lbs Chartolary ef Baybani .ALTAMONT EABL 125’, 0CC’ S HOG. MABQPESS oi’. .ALTIIORI1 XI500L’NT, CCI? Srtosiouen, EABL. AMBERLEY, VIsCOuNT, Bed liUSSEl.L, EAseb. A M TI E IL S T, Earl t’ornwalhio. it. Frederick, capt. 14th bnaeare ; 9. 6 Dee. 1858. tie. Percy-Arthur, 9. tO Nov. 1839. iv. Jefl’sry-Chorles. limit, rifle brigade, 9. 3 Get. 1844. V. Jeseeliue-George-Hcrbert, b. 7 June, 1846. vt. Hugh, 2. 10 Jan. lOst. son of Lord Rgsrton, of Tatton, co. Cheeter, te. Gertrstde-Elieaheth, it. ouiri. 8 Sept. 1061. sst. Constance-Harriet. iv. Margaret-Catherine. v. 011mev. vu Chai’letts-Floreotia. Ills lordalnp a as Sud earl, 13 Maroh, 1857. Ittnragc. 21