Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/75

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AND I. Jeffery, 6. 19 Aug. 1802; d. sais. at Barraekpore, 2 Aug. heir of Sir William Essox, Dart., and by her had an only 1826. ii. WILLIAM-PITT, present peer. III. Frederick-Campbell, 6. 10 Mar. 1807; 5. sine. 12 Oct. Darnell, Knt. of Heyling, es. Lincoln, and had two done., 1829. i. Sarah-Elizabeth-Pitt, os. in 1142, to tbe late Sir John 1. Enasnasn AreneasoN, Req. of Droughton, es Lincoln, Itsy Williams, ef Bodelwyddan, Rart. his lordship ci. lndly, 25 May, 1139, liary, relict of OtheeArcher, dan. of Thomae Wood, Esq. of Audleld, cs. Ysrk, and 6th Earl of Plymouth, and eldest dan. and eo.heir heirees of Barney Wood, Esq. of liilnwiek Piercy and of John-Frederick Saekville, 3rd Doles of Dorset. which Bnrnby, in the same shire, by whom he bad hOer sties, lady el. s. p. 20 July, 1Sf I. The earl d. 11 Maccl,, 1117. t’iealises—Haron, 39 Aug. 1780 Earl, do., 2 Dee. 1820. Ar,a—Gn.,three lances, or tilting-spears, erect, in feaoe, Jonu, successor to his father, as 2nd baronet. or, headeD, ac. Cresl—On a mount, vert, three like speers, one erect, and Roe rIND, who inherited as 4th baronet. twain saltier, girt with a wreath of laurel, ppr. Suppsrlu’e—Two Canadian war Indians, of a copper colour. Stephen, os. Mary, dan. of3lr. Lnkyn, and d.c. p. rings in their ears and noses, and bracelets on their wrists aud Hary, are, to Thomas Norton, Esq. arms, ar., cress hells over their shoulders, buff; to ens a pswderhora. pendent, to the other a scalping knife, their Sir Edmund so. lndly, Syhilla, dan. of Sir Rowland waists covered with a short apron, gu1es, gaiters, blue, Egertsn, Dart, of Farthiagee, en. Northampton, end relict seamed, or, legs fettered a,,d fastened by a chain to the of Edward Mellot, Req. lie was a. at Ins decease by his bracelet on the outer wrist, ppr. ; the dexter Indian holding driest surviving son, in his exterior hand a battle-axe, the sinister holding in his II. SIR JOHN, who so. Elizabeth, dan. of Hugh Snaweell, exterior hand a tomahawk, thereon a scalp, all ppr. AlsIfe—Cosetantift et virtnte. ,S’eeis—hlontrsal, and Knole, beth near Seven Oaks, Kent. Tewn Heuse—41, Grosvenor Square. AMIENS, VISCOUNT, sec ALDEOROUGH, EARL OF, The only son, ANCIIUII[, EARL OF, sec LOTHIAN, MARQUESS OF. a’evsrted te his uncle, A N P E R S 0 N. ANDERSON, SIR CHARLESHENRYJOHN, withsnt issue. He so. lndly. Elloabeth, of SirAnthony of Broughtnn, Co. Lincoln, Deane, Knt., and had, with, a dan., Elizabeth, wife of 6. 25 Novomber, 180.1 s. his Stephen Croft, of Stillingten, a son and hot,’, father, 05 9th hart., 24 March, V. Siot RuMoreD. This gentloman, in. 1st, blaa’y, dan. of 1846; sir. 11 Sept. 1832, Emma, William Harvey, Esq. of Rolls, in Essex, by whom he bad youngeot dan. of the lato John WsLnlAas, his successor ; Elizabeth, sri. to Henry-Brewster Savile Foijambe, Esq. of Altlwarko, Darley, Esq.,’ Derothy, wife of William Burton, Esq. ; and co. York, and has had 6. 1 Slay, 1817, aged 90. lie Os. 2adly, Prances, dan. of issue, 1. Edmund-Willonghby, 0. 27 July, 1117; 6. 27 Aug. 1939. Elioaheth-Dsrothy-Fmnees, who in. Nicholas Sasith, Esq., ss. FRANcI5-FoLJAasaa, 0. 19 Aug. 1641. us, Charles-Whicheste, 0. 19 May, 3841. 1. Charlette-Aratella, ci. 15f2, te Captain George-Phipp VI. Sm WILLIAM, i5. Anise, dan. of John Maddissn,* Esq., Preveet, 33rd regt., eldest eon of the Veu. Sir G. by Katheri,seWhichcott, of liarpewell, cs. Lincoln, and had, Frevest, Dart., archdeacon of Gloucester. Is. Emma-Theodesia, irs. Praoces-Slary. is, 53 Jsane, 1013, to the Rev. ErnestReland CRA0LEO-JORN, who inherited as 0th baronet. Wllberferce, rector of Sliddleten Stoney, Anne, or. let, Samuel Thorold, Esq. of irarmotern Hall; Oxfsrdshire, 2nd sen of the Et. Rev, the Bishop of and Indly. to— Ross, Eoq.; shed. 12 Jnly, 1030. Oxford. Lt1Icagc. This family is snpposed to be of Danish extraction, sad Henrietta-Jane, so. to the 10ev. Nannton-Thomas-Orgill to have settled, in early times, in Narthnaube,’land and Lineolnshire, Charlotte, arc, to Robert Rode, Req., and ci. in 1022. which counties were peopled hy Scandinaviaos. Ronea AreneaesoN, of Wrawby, co Lincoln, I tarp. Enw. II., Frances-Maria, sI. Oct. 1146. was ancestss’ of HENRY ANneasore, Req. sf Wrawby, who bad an only son, VII. SIR EnaanaD, 0. Ii Sept. 3715; or. Catharine, 2nd EDWAaD ArenoasoN, Esq. of Plixborengh, co. Lincoln, dan. of Thomas Pinmer, Req., and dying s. p. 30 Slay, 1719, who ia. the niece of William Clayton, Prior of Thernhelme, was s. by his brether, co. Lincoln, and was father of Ssa Enasuun Arenresoas, Knt., lord-chief-justice ef the gate, in Lincoln Minster, and rector of Lea, 0. 5 Oct. Court of Cemmon Pleas from 1352 to 1601, and, as such, 1767; rse. 33 Dec. 1102, l’rancea-Mary, 2nd dan of Sir was in the oommissisn which sat in judgment on 3lAev, John Nelthovpe. Dart, of Seawty, co. Lincoln, by AnnaSlaria-Charlotte, Queen of Seots, in 1186. This learned person espoused Thomas Carter, Esq. of Iiedborarne, eo. Lincoln) of Andrew llagdalen, dan. of Christopher Ssnith, Esq. of Annatles, cc, Willonghty, Req., secretary to Prince Charles Edward, lIertford, and had three eons add six dans.; of the former, My this lady (who 6. in 1936) he had issue, Edward, 6-op. Francis (Sir), ancestor of the Earls of Yartorough and of CnaomLesHearav-Jona. preeemat tart. the extinct llaronsts Anderson, of Eyewsrth, zo. Bedford. Wtliam-Edn,r,nd, 6. in 9lay, 1115. (Bee Muaxe’s Rzriorl Brsrsrarlrrgr.) Wsnsaaai. Elieaheth, as. to Sir Hatton Fermer. Grisild, so. to Sir John Sheffield. Catherine, so. to Sir Gesrge Booth. Msrgaret, is. to Sir John Monson, Knt. of Csrlton. Sir Edmund 6. in 1683. His youngest son, Wn,a.sAas ANDEN5ON, Req. of Lea, ci. 1st, Joan, only dan. Lincoln. _______ of Thomas Essex,* Esq. of Lambonrn, Berhs, and sister and ANDOVER, V5SCOUNT, Sec SUFFOLR, EARL OF’. A N U ehlld, Eoa,nreo. lIe si. 2ndly, Elizabeth, don, of Sir Thomas who both 6. ysnog. Sir. Anderson 3vas a. by his eon, who was created a Baronet II Dee. 1660. lIe so. 1st, Mary, William, who so. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir John Baker, Dart., and 6. in the lifetime of his father, s.p. His widow sri. Sir Jonathan Atkyrs, lint. Francis, oc. let. Helen, dan. of William Anderson, Esq.;and lndly, Prances, dan. of — Shiresmore, Req., and bad issue. Req. of Milton, city of York, and bad issue, Enasnan. Elicabeth, wife of — Colllns, Req. of Westminster. Catharine, wife of— Thompson, Esq. Mary, wife s’f— Vesey, Req. Frances, who 6. ens,. III. San EaMnND, dying sam. 17 Dec. 7676, the title IV. Sie Enasuac, who in. let, Mary, dan. and es-heir of William Cex, Esq. of Porters, eo. hens, by whsm ho had two eons, William and Edward, who both 6. before bimeolf SIary, mistress of the wardrobe of Hampton Court Palace, J. Batty, Esq. of Ta,lcaster, and had by her an only child, aceonntant-general in tha court of Chancery, and 6. 2 June, 1162, aged 46. He 6. 3 Slay, 1765, and was s. by his son, Enasnrrn, his successor. (leorge, 0. 10 Nov. 1759; as, Lucy, oldest dan. of Thomas Plsmer, Esq., and 6. 0. 51. Catherine -Slsrin, in. to Arthur-Lemnel Shnldham, Req. Theedoeia-Dorsthy, in. to the Rev. Richard Verers, and 6. 3 Slay, 1531. Lenran, and 6. in 5Ias’ch, 1143, Sir William ci. I Starch, 1715, and was a. by his eldest son, VIII. Tree Rev. Sso CHARLEs-JOHN, pretendary of Thorn- “fib. (by Snsanna, his wife, dasa. of Fanny-Slaria, ass. 24 June, 1533, to the late Sir Jehn Nelthorpe, Bart. Emily-Siargaret-Charlotte. Sir Obarles 6. 24 Slarch, 1546, aged 79. Creatisn—hI Dec. 1660. Arias—Ar., a chevron, between three crosses, fiery, sa. Crest—A spaniel dog, paseant, or. Mslrs—Gnaviter. Scsi—Lea Hall, near Oainoborongb, es. By the marriage of the Rev. Sir William Anderson with Anne Maddison, the present family come to be descended My the marriage of William Anderson with Joan Rsoex, fran, Sir Rannlfnede Trehaanptsn, of Loa, An. 1100, through the Andersons became sole representatives of the ancient the Os Braosee, h”otbills, Barsihys and Boevilee. Saxon family of Essex, deriving from Sweno de Essex, living leeesp. EnwAseD the Confessor. 25