Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/100

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M U N Jolea, his heir. Jesersl, seeeeeeor te his hr ‘thor. Catherine, a, in 1731, to Robert Lewther, Req., gerernor iv, (Jnshivns - k’rancio, 8. 383-1 ; at. 8 Ang. 1865, EdithThoniasine, of Ilarbadoes. Sir Joseph 4. in 17-14, and was a. by his eldest sen. SIR .losso, Mr. for Cunderland, Toni lient. and eustosrotulorum v. Arthur, 6. 1237. i.E tleo cc. Weotslorland ; who 0. without iesno, s, Mary-Anne-Ross, at. S Jnly, 8846, to J.-Thesdnre and was a. by his brother, SIR Joserie. This’ gentleman is. Sarah, dan, and sole is. Amelia-Agnese, os, 28 Sept. 1800, to the Rev. heir of John Moore, Req. if Semorsrtshire, by whom he bit, Sir Charles no. 2ndly, 14 Jan. 1853, llarrietto, dan. s, Jonx-llroiiv, his snccesser. ii. Lownieie, 2nd lord. a, Jane, ii. Margaret. ill. sfHnnmsnby. army, under the Poke of Wellington from 1811 to He it. in 1777, and was a. i’y his elder son, Sin Joija’, wleo was created a poor of Ireland, 21 Oct. he was wounded at the storming of Badajos he 1753, as Ilantlo ,lli’NCASTEIC, wIth remainder to his brother, has received a medal and six clasps for liodrigo, Lotether Pcossingteu, Req. his lordelnp ci. Penelope, dan. and heir of Janus tonqitoo, Es,1., by whom be had, Maria.Fraoeee-Margarrt, who -is. in 1411, James, present division of the Colnmbian army nnder Bolivar, at Earl s.f Crawford and llalearres; ohe 0. 16 Nov. 1056. He if. in loll, leaving ne male isene, when the peerage the battle of Agnotnaar, when the Spanish army dovsdved, according to the limitation, npan his brother, Le’wrnra, (Oh baronet, as 2nd baron, a general officer in surrendered to the Columbian genera). the arnly, and colonel ‘f one of the royal velemn battalions. JIb bar,Ielii1i at. in 18112, Esther. find dan. of Thomas harry, Huno Mono, the first of the family designated of Fenlis, Esq of Clapham. en. Surrey, and widow of James Morrison, 4, in 1126; and from him lineally descended Esq., lay whom (irho 1. hi Oct. 1827) ho left at his decease, ReseaT Steam, 16th baran of Fonlis; a’ho 4. withont in ISIS, an only sun, Lowrnrn.Auoi’sn’s-Jnno, 3rd baron 1’. 14 Doe. 1102; issue, in July, 1507. and was a. by his brother, at. 15 Dec. 1820, Enmees-Catherine, youngest dan. of Sir John HECTOR Moieno, 87th baron of Fonlis; who at. 1st, Anne, Ramsden, hart., and by her (who d. in 1053) had issne, a, Gniei,-Aunnsuo, 4th baron, ii. Jooslyn, 6. 24 Aug. 1037, 4. an infant. 115. Jo.S0LrN, preeent poor. Pr. ALa1e-Jaorra, late lient, rille-brigada, 8. 5 April, 1037. ROBERT Sloono, 18th baron of Fenlis, called The Black s. Fanny-Caroline, 1. at Vevey, 12 Jnly, 1004. si. Jlschel-Jlatilds, 1, -ui infant. iii. Louioa-Thsodooia, to. 21 Nov. 1050, to Edgar-Atheling Drnmnaend, Req., eonoin of Viscount Strsthsllan. His lordship 4. 30 April, 1050, and was a. by his eldest 1. Ilecror.-Moonn, 19th baron of Fonlie, who wascreated son, Oaor.a-Auocsauo, 4th baron, ohs woo 0. 1 Dee. 1011, and dan. of Ilngb Mackay, Req. of Farre; and dying in 3628, at. 2 Ang. 1675, La’ly-Jane (Iroovonor, dan. of the Marqneos was a. by his only eon, of Westminster (which laiTy was at. lndly, 3 Oct. 1003, to Ii, Sin Ilrcron; who if. usia, in 3621, at the age of 17, IOngh Jlarlsw-Lindeav, Roq. ilendsay CS., nephew of the when the title develved upon his cousin, Earl of Crawford), and hal a dan. Margaret-Snoan-Eliraheth. III. SIR HOBERr. Thtsgentleman at. Jean, eldest dau.of lIe 0. at (‘astollarnare, near Napleo, 37 June, 1062, and was Sir Hector Moore, the 1st baronet, and had, witb seven .s. by hio next onrviving hrothor, Jnaonvo, 5th and presont eons, one dan., Loon MoocasTon. Creelisna—Baronet, 21 Jnne, 1076. Baron, 21 Oct. 1703. Sir Robert was a. in 1668, by his eldest eon, Aron—Or, five fnoile, in fesse, ar. Creel—A monntain-eat, passant, giiardant, ppr. Sapjasu’sero—Doxtor, a lion, rsgardant. ppr., rharged on dying in 1666, was a. by his eldest sen, the hreaet, with an stab-branch, vert; sinister, a horse, rrgiianlant. V. Sma Iloernv. This gentleman was appointed by ppr., bridlod, or. Molts e —Vincit amar liatriat. Over the creot, Firm, vigilant, Onoaon I,, high-sheriff of Ross, by commiseion nnder the active. Sesls—linncaoter Castle, Ravanglaso, Cnmberland; and Forbes, Req. of Colleden, by whom be had three eons and Wartcr Ball, Fncklingt n Yorkshire. 1I UN R 0. Mna’p.o, Sue CIIAI1I,ES, of Fonlio, co. Ross, P. L. Slary-Seymonr, who was sele heiress of her father; and for that en., in 20 iNlay, 1795; 5. as 9th baronot, 2 May, 1848 in. let, 20 Juno, 1817, Aenolia, dan. of Frodorink Browne, Esq., late iii 14th dragoons, Sir Hngh 0. 2 May, 3818, and was a, in the baronetcy by and by her (who rl. 14 Sopt. 1849) hao leone, I, Csaasolss, t, 1014, at. 15 March, 1847, Mary-Anne, dan. his wife, dan. of John Montgomery, Req., of Milton, Co. of John Nich,,lassn, Req. of Caniberwell, Snrrey, and Ross, The lineal represontative aaad heir-general of the has, Rector, 0. 1844: Charlos-Freslorirls, Ii, 830; (isorgeSlsntganirry, Munrns of Fonlie, is the preoenn Lient. -Col, GroetoaWss.s.maam-Hoa,ue;s 0. 1833; Amelia; and Sland-lfary. 802 211 U N II. Ilarry, 8. 1830. III. Frederick, 0. 8822. only dan. of J.-W. Hampton, Esq. Trskelle, Req. of Hyde, Isle of Wight. Wallast’ ‘11 Goode, rector of St. 0-tIcs, Cnlchester. of the late Robert Midgley, Esq. of Esoington, co. York. Sir Charles eerved with high credit in the the end of the evar ha Portogal, Spain, and France Badajos, Salainanca, Nive, Orthes, and Touloose. He also served with distinction in the war of lodeliendence isa Sooth America, and commanded a ILiitcar, dan. of llngh, 6th Lord Fraser of Lavat, by whom be had two eons and a dan,; and hndly, Janet, dan. of Andrew Slenro, Rsq. of Miltewn, but had no other issne. He 0. II Nov. 1663, and was a. by his eldest son, Boron. This gentleman, who was a military officer, d. at Clan, in 1633, and leaving no male irene (his dan., Margaret, ci. Kenneth Mackenzie, of Scata’ell), was s. by his brother, a MacscsI ef Neon Scotia, 7 June, 1634. SirHectoras. Mary, Rebecca, at. io Cohn Hebcrtsen, Esq, of Kindeace. IV, Sia Joust, who as. Anne, dan. of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, of Csnl, and had two sons and four dane. Sir John great seal, dated 2 Jone, 1725, Mc at, Jean, dan. of Jebn one dan., Anne, at. to Alexander Gordon, Esq. He if, in 1729, and wae a. by his eldest son, VI. SIn Roeoav, a gallant military officer, who fell at the battle of yalkirk, fighting against the Caavae.ion, 17 Jan. 1746. Sir Robert at. Mary, dan. of henry Seymour, Req. of Weedlands, ce. Dorset, and was a. by his eldest snrviving son, VII, Sm HARRy, SIP. This gentleman at. Anne, dan. of Ilugb Rose, Req. of Kilravock, by whom be had, Hnou, late baronet. George, who if. in India. Sir Ilarry was dietinguisbed by his great classical attainments, and emaj”yed the repntation of a profonod scholar. lie 4. at Rdisbiargh in i781, and was a. by his eldest son, VIII. Sin Menu, who at. Jane, dan, of Alexander Law, Req. of London, and by her (whe wasdrowned whilebathing in 1863), load one dan., d, 12 Jan. 1849, his kinsman, the present baronet, who is eldest eon of the late George Mnnro, Req. of Cnlrsin, Ross-shire, by Margaret Rnoe, Req., J.P., O.L. • of Cremarty, Scotland, who, throngh his motlscm’, Catherine Mnnre, of Cob-