Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/101

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M U N cairn, is great-great-great-grandson of Sir Robert Munro, I. Sm THOMAs MUNNO, K.C.B., a majorgen. lathe army, 5th Bert. and 24th Baron of Fonlis. +1iinru uI Cumin. LIEUT.-GENERAe. SIR GEORGE Mnnn, of CaloRic, R.B., TnoasAn, present baronet. was second son of Colonel John Munro, of Obadale, and CAMPEELL, 5. 7 Sept. 1621; late capt. gresearlier guards; brother of Sir Robert Mmero, 22nd Baron of Foulis. lie en. in 1653, llenrietta, dan, of Johr, Drummend, Eoq. and is. the Hon. Christian Hamilton, eldost daughter to tics han issue, Ilogh-Thomas, 5. in 1836; Edward-Lieoel, t. in first Viscount Boy-ne, by whom he had one ooee, GEoRGe. 1162; Aneds - Katherieee; Ethel-Dora; and GesrgiaaEvelyn. He entered the Swedish service, and romneandod a division of Gnetavns Adolphno’s army at the battle of Lutren. On Sir Thomas Mnnro if. at Madras, 6 July, 1021. the breaking out af the civil war, he retorned to England, Urealisn—5 Aug. 1623. and served ill the royal army, as major-general, or second ice Arise—Or, ace sagle’a head, sraeed, gn., encircled by abraneh command of the royalist forces in ireland, emder the Marquis of laurel ocx the dexter, and of oak en the sinister side; on a of Ormonde; and Sb- George’s eemmieoion, signed by the ebief, org., the reprcseeetatiou of an Indian bill-fort, and Marquis, as his majesty’s hcntenant at lice city of Lieoee-ick beocath, in letters of gold, ties werd RAnAaer; on a canton, in 1i40, is he the possession of the present haronot of Foulia, ga. a representation of a silver medal presented by the East Sir Charles Memro. He commanded a division of the Scottish India Company to the first baronet, for his services in Seringapatam army under General Leslie, and after the battle of Creel—An eagle, close, ppr., having a representatien of the Worcester he joined CRARLES II. in Holland. Upon the medal above-mentioned pendent from its neck by a ribbon, Restoration he was made Commander-in-chief in Scotland, the dexter claw resting ou an eacutebeon, gu. charged with a in consideration of his eminent services to the royal Caine, representation, of the eirat, of DAOAMY, as in the arms, and and died at his ecat of Cuirain, in Ross-shire, about 1684-7. in the beak a sprig of laurel. GEORGE MuNao, the son of the general, possessed extensive Hello—Dread God. landed estates in the ceenaties of Ross and Sutherland he cc. Miss Ann Cenminghamc, of Rllcrking, in the so. of Teeca Hsse,e—0, Upper Grosvenor Street. Aye’, and had three eons—George (died young), G05TA cue, and Jauses. He wao s. by hio 2nd son, GuevAvus lttixeo, who ox. the heiress of Newmore, but left no issue, and was s. by (the son of his brother James) MCNSTER, EARL OF (William-George FitzClarence), his nephew, CHARLES Muaeeo, who vs. Mary-Ama, the youngest dan. Viscount FitzClarenoo, and Baron Tewkeabue’y, in of David Rose, Seq., of Innerehasaly, sister to Lord Ankorvillo, the peerage of tbe United Kingdom, 8.19 Key, 1824; one of the senators of the College of Justice, and to late captain in the 1st life-guards Ne. 17 May, 1855, General Charles Ross, eolenel of the Manchester regiment Wilhelmiua, eldest daee. of the late Ron. John-Kennedy of foet. Charles Munro ci. at St. Thomas’s Monut, Madras, in 1782, and left a son, George, and two dane., Christian aud bad, Ann. The son, Geoaoe Mueeco, s. his father, and in 1702, vs. Margaret, I. Enw.eau, Fisceanl Filefilareece, he. 20 March, 1056. dou. of John Montgevsory, Rsq., of Miheton, cc. Rose, by ci. Lionel-Frederick-Archibald, 5. 24 Jnly, 1057; 4. 24 whom he had three ebildren—Mary, 5. in 1793 ; CRARLE5, see. Geaffry-George-Gordoo, 5. 18 July, 1052. present baronet; aced John, 5. in 1798. George Munro ei. cv. Arthver, I. It Oct. 1885 ; el. 20 April, 1i61, at Rdiubnrgh, 19 Dec. 1815, and his eon, John Munro, if. v. Aubrey, t. 7 June, 1802. also at Edinburgh, in 1547. The sole members ef the old xc. William-George, 5. i7 Sept. 1864. eteck of Fouiie and Cnlrain uow surviving are, SIR CHARLES Slnaao, present baronet of Fouiie, and his issue, and the issue ef his sister Mary Munro, wife of Alexander Sienson, COLONEL GEonoe FITZ-CLAEENCE, eldest illegitimate sen of Esq. of Littloweod and Dingwall, and relict of Owen King WILLeAM IV., was elevated to the peerage in the above Lindsey, Req. of Saint Andries, in the co. of Mayo, by both dignities by letters patent, dated 4 June, 1831, with special of which marriages she (who ci. 1 Nov. 1663) has had issue. remainder, in defanlt of his ewn male isnue, to his brotbers, Crealiees—7 June, 1654. .,drees—Or, an eagle’s head, erased, get. Cresl—An eagle, perching, ppr. .Seepverlere—Two eagles, ppr., wings expanded. JIsIls—Drsad God. dsel—Foulls Castle, Evanton, Roes-shire. MUNRO. MUNRO, SIR TRORAS, 8. 30 May, 1819; inherited, as 2nd of Wingerworeb hail, Derheysbire (a baroosiry now exeheol), baronet, at tbe decease of his Geerge, comne. EN., Knighl of thee Mcdjidie, t. 13Apr11, 1836; father, 0 July, 1827. Rn was a.3 Joly, 1084, 3laria-hlenrietta, oldest dan. of John Henry, lately a captain in the 10th Edsvard, hoot. 7th fosiliors, lx. 4 July, 1037; ii. at Constaneinople, hussere. JLillcagc. ALEXANDER Muaao,merchantof Glasgow, son of Daniel Muoro, of the cams place, ocs. Margaret, dan. of Thomas d’Olranle, hoot. in ihe King of Swodon’e life-guards. Stark, and if. in 1855, leaving issue, DANIEL, who ci. in 1660, leaving a son, JORN, a writer at Madras. Tuosiae, of whom presently. Alexander, of Edinburgh, who rn. Anne, dau. of Capt. sisters; — Patrick Brown, ef the sams3i y, and hoe two sons and e. Frederiek-Fitocharence, 1,. 0 Dee. 1709, a heal-general in two daue., Alsxander, Patrick, Elizabeth and Margaret. William, if. eeavs. James, a surgeon at Madnas; d. uam. Erskiue, rn. 1st, to Sir James Turnbull, of Edinburgh; and 2ndly, to the Hon Henry Erekine Margaret, vs. te Geerge-Harley Drummond, Esq. The 3rd son, 111 U N and governor ef Madras, was created a Dart. 6 Ang. 1825. Sir Thomas, ra. 30 March, 1814, Jane, dau. of Richard Campbell, Esq. of Craigie, 00, Aye, by whom (who 4. 21 Sept. 1826) he had, in 1760. Seal— Lindee-tis, Kerriemuir, Forfarebire, MUNSTER. Erskiue, uncle of tbe Marquess of Ailea, and has March, 1863. ii. ilICtIfli’, Lords Frederick, Adophns, and Augustus Fitz-Clarenee, primogeniturely and their male descendants. The Earl of Mnnster, a major-general in the army, aide-dc-camp to the Queen, lieut. of the Tower, and governor of Windsor Castle, 5. 23 Jan. 1704; vs. 18 Oct. 1810, Mary Wyndham, dan. ef George, Earl of Egremont, by whom (who ii. 3 Dec. 1842) he had issue, SViLLeaas-GsoEce, Vioces,sf .Ftlzclac’oorc. Frederick-Charles-George, t. 1 Feb. 1826, D.L. fer Derby, rapt. late 10th hnssars, vs. 2 Dee. 1836, Adelaide-AnguslaWllheelmina, eldest dan. of Philip-Charles, let Lard Be L’isls and Dndley, and goaneldan. sf Sir llonry Ronloks, 4Ih heart. and asaemed lhe snroavse of liraneece in 18i5. 3rd Earl of Clenmehl, acid leaa lest soses, twins, 8. 0 hay, 1861, and a son, t. 17 Pole. 1884. 23 Jely, 1052, of woemds recehed in ties atiack on the Redan. Adolaide-Goorgiana. Aeegeeela-hlargaexl, vs. in April, 1844, to Philip, Baron Keeet do Doodd and /. 8 Sept. 1846, leaving eosae: their dau., Angssia, was cc. 3 May, 186.5, at Seockhshn, io Couni Gostave Mary-Gertrode, d. an infant in 1034. The earl ci. 20 March, t842, and was s. by his eldest son. The late Earl of Mnnster had tbc following brothers and cbs aruey commanding tlei forces at ltooeteay, colonel of lbs 11th lost, G.C.R.; ox. 10 Ilay. 1021, I.usly-Angosls Doyle, dan. of George, Earl of Glasgow. and 4. 30 Get. 1a14, having lend oeee dan.. Asegusla-Georgiana-Frcderira, who ci. hI On. 1033. ci. Adolphns-Pitz-Claronre. G.C.hb., roar-adodral RN., naval aide-ds-cocecp to Ihe Qocen. raeeoor of Vhxdser l1osn h’ark, t. 10 Feb. 1002; ii. 17 May, hall. 3 e2 803