Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/169

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P A L K. PALK, SIR LAWRENCE, of Haldon to the limitation, npan his grand-nephew (the eldest son ol House, CO. Devon; H.P. for South the said George-Robinson Walters, capt. RN., by Mary, Devon, 5. 1818; s. his father as 4th 2nd dan. and eo-beir of John Orfonr, Eoq., to. Wexford), baronet, 16 May, 1360; rn. 15 Nov. II. Eta Muon WALTEaS, of Caatletawn, cc. Wexford, 8. 1845, Maria-Harriet, only dan. of 27 Oct. 1776, who assumed, by royal licenrs, 15 Jan. 1798, the late Sir T.-H. Hosketh, Bart. of Mary-, youngest dan. and to-heir of Jahn Yates, Faq. of Rufford, by whom he has had, i. LAWNENCE-HE5RETH, lient. Scots fus. - guards, 8. 3 Huoa-PAsneca, 3rd baronet. Sept. 184G. Is. Robert, 6. in 1848. I. A dan. n. A dan. 3tfuragr, The family ef PALE l5 descended from Henry Palk, who Ho ci, 17 Nov. 1813, and was s. by his only son, Eta RuonPALL5000 was poeeeesed of Ambroeke, temp. HONEY VII. WALTER, 7th In deacent, ci. — Abraham, by whom he bad Robert; Walter, member for Aebburton; and Grace. Creatieaa—6 Aug. 1771. Arais—Por pale, ea. and avg., three The eldest eon, 1. ROBERT PALE, Eeq., who had been appointed governor lions, rasogant, counterchangod. Creel—Out of a ducal of Madras in 1763, wao created a Baronet, 19 June, 1772. town House, and Portobeile, to. Wexford. Sir Robert m. Anne, dan. of Arthur Vaneittart, Eoq., by whom he had issue, i. Liwaekoe, his successor. e. Anne, rn. to Sir Rourebier Wrey, Eart; and ci. in 1791. as. Catherins, ci. seam. sal. Amelia, if. young. Sir Robert was a. at his decease, in i7si, by his eon, II. SIR LAwRENcE, H.P. for the to. of Devon. This gentleman m. 1st, in i7ss, Mary, eldest dan. of John, 3rd Earl of Darnley, hut by her ladyship (wbo ci. in 1791) had no surviving issue. Re iii. Sndly, in 1792, Dorothy-Elizabeth, dan. of Wilmot (Vaughan), 1st Earl of Lisbnrne, by whom (who ci. 12 Feb. 1849) he bad issue, LAwaerace-VxucisexN, 3rd baronet. Robert-Jobn-Malct, 6. 16 May, 1754, hasristor-at-law; m 3 Aug. 1820, HarrieIt, youngest dan. of George Hibhert, Eaq. of Portland-place, and has issue. Wilmot-Honry, 6. 24 Oct. 1796. John, major in the army, 6. 26 April, 1601; ci. 4 Oct. 1838. Edward, 6. in 1804; ci. 25 Jan. 1023. Arthur-George, in holy orders, 6. 10 July, 1606; ci. 37 Nov. William Palmer, Req. an eminent lawyer, whe lived in the 1033. Elicabetla-Malet, ,s. 16 May, 1018, to Sir Horace Seymour, with Amy, dan. and heir of Nicholas Ward, Esq., one Mr. for Lisbnmc, Ird son of Lord Hugh Seymour, and sO. 18 Jan. 1037, leaving issue. moiety by purchase), was created a Baronet 7 Jnne, 1800. Mary, rn. 27 Aug. 1013, to Ernest-Augustus, Earl of Lisburnt, He ci. Margarst, dan. of Sir Francis Moore, eerjaant-at-law, and it. 23 July, 3851. Sir Lawrence if. 20 Juno, 1813, and was 1. by his eldest son, of Fawley, in Berks, by whom he bad lame, III. Sm LAWRENOE-VA000AN, who was 6. 24 April, 1793, 5. Thomas, ci. young. and ui 9 Dec. 1615, Anna-Eleanora, relict of Edward Hartopp, is. Lewis, 2nd hart. Eaq. of Dalby Honse, Loicestorohire, asid eldest dan. us. Goolfrey, ci. seam. of Sh Bonrchier Wrey, Bart, by whom (who ci. 25 Jan. s. Eliaabeth, as. to Edward Palmer, Rsq. 1846) he had issue, 1. LAWRENCE, prcacnt baronet. is. Henry, ii, holy orders, rector of Bridfard and of Dunch’deock, to. Devon, 6. 25 Fob. 1619; ci. 17 Nov. 1046, 1670, by his 2nd, but eldest surviving son, Isabella-Mary, dan. of Jamos Pitman, Eoq. of Dnnchideoek II. Eisa LEWIS, who ,a. Jane, daughter and to-heir of Mouse, co. Devon. as,. Augustus, 6. in 1824. 5. Rliaabstb-Anna, ol. 16 hay, 1040, Albany-Bourchicr issue, ,. Geonrsr, Isis socceeser. Savile, Esq. if Home Park, near Ashburton. ss. Isabella, as. 50 Aog. 1048, Samnol-Weare Gardinei Esq. is. ilohaert, a-ba as. Rester, dan. of Sir Francis Lawley, Earl of Coombo Lodge, Oxon. Sb- Lawrence-Vaughan if. 10 May, 1800. Creotisss.—lS June, 1772. Arms—Sa., an eagle displayed, arg., boaked and legged, or, within a bordnre, ongrailod, of tho second. Crest—On a semi terrestrial glabo of tbs northern hemisphere, ppr., an eagle, riaing, srg., beaked and s. llargaret, as. to Talmash flake, Faq. momberod, or. Seet—Haldou Honss, Exeter; and Manor si. Eleanor. in. Eliaal,elh. or. Jane. House, Torqnay, Devonshire. 871 PAL PALLISER (ExTm-cT). PALLISEE, San HUGH- PALLISEn, of Castletown treated a baronet in 1848, is the present SIR JOON-SOMERSET house, co. Wexford ; 5. S May, 1796; e. as 3rd baronet, at the decease of his father, 17 Nov. 1813, and ci. Horn. 3 Ang. 1S68, when the baronetcy became extinct. ci-, pierced of the lot; in base, aa many garbs, one and two, gn., banded of the lrd. I. Ssa HUCR-PALL105R PALLIOER (son of Capt. hugh Crest—A demi-haro, at., charged on the shoulder with Pallloor, of lUrks Dighton, so. York), attained the rank of Mottoes—For P&EINOTON, Par viribno virtus; for RUSSELL, admiral of the White, wae first lord of the Admiralty, and was governor of Greenwich Hospital. Sir hugh was crested a Baronet, 6 Aug. 3773, with remainder to George- Robinson Walters, Esq., tbe eon of lois sister Rebecca. He ci. Nina. 19 March, 1706, when The Vatbe, in Bnckinghamsblre. descended, by his bequest, to his illegitimate son, George Thomas, Esq., who aosniued ths surname of PaLr.soaa; bist the baronetcy, with the lrieh estates, devolved, according via., the surname and arms of PALI,1SER only. Sir Hugh m. Dedham, to. Essex, by whom (who ci. 1 Aug. 1823) he had issue, Mary-Anne-Rachel, ci. seas,. 10 Dec. lSiO. MaryJsue, rn. iet, 16 April, 1022, to William Lockhart, Eoq. of Germiston, in Lanarkshirs; and 2udly, 11 May, 1848, to Capt. tbs Mon. John-H-A. Keane, 2nd son of the late Lieut.-Gsn. Lord Keane. PAulseN, the 3rd and last baronet. corsnst, gu., a domi-eagle wings elevated, or. Seals—Castle. PALMER. SPALMER, SIR GEOFFREY, of Carl- ton to. Northampton ; barrister9 at-law; 5. 9 June, 1809; s. his father as 8th baronet, 26 Aug. 1865. I. Gtorranv PALMER, Eaq. (lineally descended from beginning of the 15th century, and “btaincd by maa’riage, moiety of Canton, in Northamptonslaire, and the other av. Edward, ci.e.p. is. Franeea Ia. to Jshn do Ia Poantaine, Faq. Sir Geoffrey was attorney-general and ehief-jisatice of Chester in the reign of CnAaLes II. Ms was a. at hss decease, su Robert Palmer, Esq. of Canton Scresop, to. Lincoha, and hod and ci. in 1724, leaving isaac, I THoMAs, who ,. as 4th baronet 2 Lewis, rector at Caruso. 3 Eteherd, coo at ihis six clerk, an Chancery. I Elicabeth, s’ seam. Sir Lewis was s. by his eldar esu, P A L Pakington, Sir .Jobu’e yonngor sistsr, as joint heire-atlaw. Mr. Rnssell aosnmed the aurnaiee of PAsosaovors, and being PAsosaovoa, SART. Ci-eatioa—1 846. Arms—Per chevron, sa. and arg. ; in chief tbree mullets, four becanto, one, two, and one. Pideiis et audax. Seot,—Wostwood Park, Droitwich; and Powick Court, to. Worcester. Foaea Hoaee—4i, Eaton Square. x