Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/170

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PAL PAL Iii. SIR Geosnir, Mr. for tba en. of Loicester This A L M E R. g-entietaasi Sn. Elizabeth, dati. and co-heir r f Thomas 0 ran— them, Esq.; but dyinge. p. in 1732, tho title devolved upon his nephew, IV. Sm THOMAS, lIP. for tile co. of Loieeeter. This gentleman in. Jeasima, dan. of Sir John Harpisr, hart, of Calke Abbey, ond had two ooos and two ,laiis. Sir thomas id is, 1765, and was u. by his rinty surviving soil, V. Sm Jonts, M.P, for the cii. Letceslee, svhu m. 21 June, 3750, t’barlotie, dan. of sir tlenry Gongh, Hart, of Edgelrsstnrn, co. Warsviek, by whons ho had three 505,5, I. Thomas, si-tin 4. 1 Toni’, 1 10, raving issue tip Solrtn;i, dan of Sic J ssstini;ui lstsain, hart, of Laiupnrt, I Tnoa,so, 0th barreset. I Caroline—Sepluii, ci. 21 laIr, 1827, to Major Robert Close, next brother to the present Slaxsoell Close, Esq. of Drnm— basaytur, and has Issue. PALMER, Sm WtLLiAst-HENRY.RooErt, of Castle Jonx-htesnv, tttsbnrnnet. , Lackin no. Mayo, anti Konuro l’ark, to. Dnbhss, iii bonus lot orlot tliisnbth , I ieesttt D L 8 29 Nov 1502 et 14 Match 1528 Elonota 5asuuei ileyrtek. and 4. It Aug. 1856, baying by tier Oeho daughter and co-heiress of John Matthews, Lsq. of il. 1860) tue1 issue (with two oilier sons, who ,t. infants), Eyartle atsoi Pins Iloatock, in Deuiaighohia’e, nasd by I Ediearst-Jstsn, ti 14 Aug. 181L her (who d. in 1852) han hati incise. Stirnry-Wiltiani, ealitasu 89th s’egt.; I. II Feb. 12ot 4. , Rooca-WiLLiAst-flr.tctev, of Cefte Park, co Deubtgh, 3 Frederiet, of Withrote halt, (tabbans, lair captain 27th lata 211’., late lirntenasst 11th Prince Albert’s Owin regt.; 0. 11 July, 1825; m. 11 Nov. 1850, Mary, only clan. ilussare ; served in the Crimea, and took part in ef the tote tt’.-hl. harrison, Esq. 51 Coayngtiasn halt, en. Use famous cavatry charge at J3alaclava ; now heist.Tuck, and has a son, Fdwai’d-Geeffry-Brnaittey. 0., 14 col. 2nd life-gnnrds. done, 1864, ansi ttsree dons., tary-Snphta, hester-ALec, s . Siary-Elien, us. 25 May, 1857, to Archibald Peel, Req.1 unit b.sssstv—llevrsrk. 4 htohert-ilrsriek, 0. 23 Aug. 1828, barrister-at-lass’; m. 1st. son of the Right Hon. lien, and Lady Alice Peel, and 22 Sept. 1557, Slargorel-C’acoline, dais. nf Jolts5 Gray, Essi. ii. Sept. 1061. of Strenthain, Surrey, which lady it. 17 Sept. 1818; he oi. ii. Altec-Emily, 4. 23 April, 1030. 2dty.Ssssan-Geerghntdau.-3t.Grcontsq. of Sir Roger o. his fathor, as 4th barotsot, 29 May, 1840. Rardisley, hlerefordshtre; ci. 16 Nov. 1851, Ellen, den, of tlse Rev. htens-y Dnnglas, canon nf Dsrtione, sssit tins tend, llenra’-Williein, I. Ccl. 1850; 4. 21 July, 1828 Mabel- At the period of the Crusades, the members of religious Janc; ned Slorgarot-Rteannr. hsusns, who had corned against the infidels, were commonly 6 menu-as, capt. late 47th rogt. 0.8 Dee. 1832. lie sorveil eahlsdpatniern, from the palm-branches they carried in their throughout the v’hole of she Crtmeais caiss’aign, and n-as hands tn mark their retuns from Palcst.isse. But the present iii all the battles, except nalactava. lie in. liarriett-Rliaabcths, dan. of Rdsvard Dawson, Esq. of Lannde founder of the ancient and noble family of PALMER, for Abbey. centssrtes of the first consideration in the southern counties 7 hicrrick-Augnslns, 0. 23 Sops. 1835; capt. late filnst regt., of England, n’as a Norman soldier, who having repeatedly taken prisnner at the steritung of the P,odan, 0 Sept. 1555. distinguished himself in single combat againet ‘thsSaracsns, lie us, 21 Nnv. 1861, Domthy-Sosan, Sort dun, of Sir received knighthood from the kiog on the field of battle by Arthur-C. ilselcrtgg, Bars., and hns iievrirk-Arllssir, ts that surname, which has ever since hoen retained by his bells’’ nd Ethel dcsccndantu. 1 Rarbara-Cathserine, in. to J.-W. Ponso, Esq. of htesole- Hence PALMER (aitcgod to have been third sets of ass vend, co. York. Edn’as’d Palio es, Eoq. of Nayton and Castertoss, Nos-folk) 2 Elizabeth-Sephin. went to Ireland, and had a grant cf the Castle Lackin, 3 Siarv-Jesnimn. sit. to Frauds-Leslie Pym, Rsq-, eldest sen and many ether lands in the en. hiaye, ty patent, dated ofki’2 tn Esq. of Ttse ttasctts. , I Hen. 1684. His signature appears to the addrees front tbs - , . nobility and gents’y of the en. 3iayo, to CssassLcs II., in Sir John 4. U Feb. 1117, and was s, by his grsndson, 1682. Ho left, by his wife, Anne, dais, of Francis Bressu, VI. Sm TuossAs, whs 4. tinoc. a few months afterwas’ds, Rsq. of Dronsors, co. Denegal, five Sons, and was u. by his uncle, s. Franois, ci. s. p. VII. Sin Joisti-lietoin’, who wash. 11 April, 377.5, and ol. Roora. 3 Hay, 1808, Mary-Ct-ace, eldest. chant, of LowisThomas, 2nd in. Thomas, ancestor of the PALairas of -Sninme;- hilt, cc. Lord Snndes, by n-bum (who it. 26 Nov. 1953) be had, Mayo. iv, William, S. n.y. v. Edmund, S. e,p. Gcors’nev, ptesent baronet. Lesvis-Heaav, MA., in holy orders, rectst ef Rust Carttnn. The nd non, 0. 16 Aug. 1518. - Ronra PALMeR, Esq. of Palmsrstown, co. Mayo, to. George-John,’, to, 12 Sejil. 1023. Prances Ellis, and had two sans, Arthnr-Watsou, captain hsb feathers, 0.23 Ang. 1823; iT. lb - Jene, 1863. I. Hoges’, has heir, of Palmorstewn, whn so. Mary, dan. of Richard-Thomas, in holy orders, 31.A., 0. 11 Apr11, 18271 4 Sir John Browns, Hart. of The Nails, eo. Slays, and by 19 Sept. 1861. her bad one eon, Francis, sonic time of Patmeratown, ynsncis, 31.A.. in holy orders, 5,. 15 July 1928. who to. Ehzabeth, only dan. and heir of Sir Robert Grace, ci. 30 Sept. 1840. to the Roy. Edssnrd Treltnpe, pre- Eclitin, Bart. of Kenure Park, Co. Dublin (grsndsnn of bendary of Lincoln and rertnr of i,casitsulsant brolber of rue Sir Henry Echlsu, barnn of the Exchequer in Ireland), Etgtis lion, Sir John Tndtepc, Itart. ‘ and had issue, since extinct. Mo ni. hodty, Mary, dan. Charholte, st. 19 July, 1864. and es-beir of Achonon Moore, Esq. of Eavilla, ce. Tyrone, Thseortesia.Sharv, ci. 19 Feb. 1440, to Gte ltev. George’ by Sidney his wife, dan. of Edward, Viscount PowersEihsssand Slaunsetl, reelor of Thorpe Station’, Snit son of court, but by her bad no enrvsvsng issue. Thoisiash’. Hsonsoih, Esq., late SIP, Ii. TnoMo.s, of whose line we treat. Sir John 11. 2’) Aug. 1862, and wane, by his oldeat son Ssn The 2nd son, Ocorrnev PALMeR, the 8th and present baronet. ‘ TnoasAs PALMER, Esq. of Castle Lankin, co Mayo, nt. fiophia, dau. of Thomas Tipping, Esil. of Castleton, co. Civetbse—7 June, 1660. Tenth, and bad, with other issue, Arnie—So., a chsevt’en, or, betsveets three crescents ar I. Sin Ronnu PALMER, Hart. of Csntts Lackin, so created D by patent, dated S Slay, 1777, H.P. for Portarlingtou &c. Creel—A sryvern, or, armed and tangued, go. He in. in 1752, Eleanor, 2nd dan. and co-heir of Michael, hello—Par sit foctnna haberi. 2nd son of William Ambrose, Esq. of Ambrose Hall, Co. ,Dishs—Carhton Park, Nerthasnplenshstre; and Carhton Curhicit, Dublin, and had tosne, Lcscestershsre, Francis, of. hems-c his father, s. p. Jonte-Roona, 2nd baronet. W5LL5Aa5-H stony, 3rd baronet Sir Roger was o. by his eldest surviving non, Ii. Sin Joinsi-Ronca i’aLasnn, who en. Mas’y, dao. of the Hey. Thomas Ahthsni, LL.D., by Jane his wife, dan. of the 72