Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/171

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PAL 11ev. Henry Luehington, D.D., vicar of Easthourne, Sussex, s. GF.OROE-JOOEFH, 3rd baronet. but dying o. p., 0 Fob. 1919, was e. by his brother, IH. Sin WILLIAM-HENRY PALMER, of Palmeretown and Kenure Park. Ho iii. let, Mary, dan. and eventually having had issue, Charles - Thiuuas, 6. 21 May, 1842; co-heiress (with her sisters, Jane, 4th wife of JohnCreatrakee William-Henry, 6. 30 hay, 1811; J,,hu-Duearel, Os. 7 May. hill, Eaq., of Streametown, co. Westmeath Elizabeth, 3rd wife of Walter Nangle, Req., of itildalky, 1852; Frcderiek-Archdalc, 6. 25 Ang. 1857 anti Stacy- co. Heath, and Anne, 1st wife of Charles Dunlop, Esq. s. Louisa-Catherine, if. 5 Nov. li_sit’. of Edenderry, eo. flown), of William Toole, Esq of Itileock, is. Mary-Anne. ce. Kildare, assd Jane ilyrne, his wife, and by her (who d. is’. Carohne-Hsrrict, us. 17 Jan. 1650, to the Right Rev. a year after the marriage), had a child, which ,i. an infant. He so. fndly, Alice Franklin, and left issue, WILL1AM-HENRY-HOOER, present baronet. Francis-Roger, Ca, eel. 2nd battalion 69th rifles ; 6. 21 5011, Ill. Sic Gmsou-Joszris, who was 6. 20 Dee. 7611, and ‘s. Get. 1811 ; is. 24 Sept. 1846, Frances, only dan. of 26 Feb. 1616, Psuily—Elizabeth, ycusgeot dan. of George- Dr. Joseph Thomas, inspector-general of hospitals. John-Roger, capt. 17th lancers, and hient.-eel. South Peter Hstford, Esq. of Woetoubirt, cc. Gloucester, and hash Mayo rifles, 6.17 Jan. 1813; m. 12 March, 1845, Catherine- issue, Mary, eldest dan. of Frederick Webb, Esq. of Westhrook, Durham, and 4. at Esnlogne, 29 Nov. 1839; his widow ma. 2ndly, at Franklert, 30 April, 1064, Adm. Sir George ii. Geosor-IhUnseus, 6. 9 Aug. 1041. Lambart, K.C.H. - Charlotte-Alice, so. to the late Lient. -Ccl. William Percoral, Sir George ii. 22 Feb. 1566, sud was ,s. by his elder son, Sist CD. Angusta-Sophia, sa. 19 Oct. 1010, Hyppelyte Desird Phillipo AccuaoLr-BosrEv PALMR55, the 4th cud proseat baronet. O’Snllivan Do Terdeek, a Belgian oHeer, and knight of Ci’euehfsa—28 July, 1791. the order of Leopold. Ellen-Ambrosia, ia llugh-Brabazon Higgins, Req. Sir William if. 29 May, 1640. PALMER. — PALMER, Son ARCI1DALE-T1OBERT, of Wanlip Hall, 00. Leicester, lieut. and adj. rifle brigade; 6. 1 Nov. 1838; 1. his father ae 4th baronet 22 Feb. 1866. JLiitcgçr. Joszpa HUDSON, Esq. of Bontherheek, near Keswiek, in i. Rvnr, 6. 1 Jan. 1661. Cnmbsrland, Dutch consul at Tunis, ns. Sarah, dan. of ii. Williaus-Ihyde, 6. 5 April, 1561. William Plowman, of Leghorn, merchant, and had issue, CaAaLes-GaAvz, 6. at Tunis, 3 April, 1730. Jane-Catlsarine, in. to George Peale, g551 of Lendon. He if. at Port Mahon, in 1751, aged eighty-aix, and was e. v. ltary-liydc. by hie son, I. CHARLES-GRAVE Hunsow, a director of the South Sea The lineage of this fasuihyis the same as that of the Earl of Company, and high-sheriff of Leicestershire in 1784, who Morley, being derived from Edmund Parker, Esq. of North was created a Baronet 28 July, 1791. Sir Charles us. 1st, Shelton, cc. Devon, ,vho rn Dorsuthy, dan. of Sir Clement 8 March, 1766, Catherine-Susan, eldest dan. and heiress of Smith, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and had an only son, Henry Palmer, Esq. of Wsnlip lislI (for descent of the John, who us. Fmuees, dan. of Jeroneusy Slayhow, Req. of PALMER5 of Wanlip, see Boaat’n Landed Gentry, under Beringdon, and dsp. leaving Edsunudaud two othersons; PALMER OF NAZ5NO), by whom (who d. 24 Jan. 1805) he had Edmund, is. 1501, Amy, dan. of Sir Edward Seymour, of issue (to survive yonth), L CHARLES-THOMAS, isis successor. ii. John-Samuel, is. in 1022, Maria, dau. of Ralph Alleim, Rsq., heir, and William, of Hoberton, Devon, father of lloon but 4.5. p. 17 May, 1832. i. Catlierlue-Charlotte, 4. 8 April, 1805. is. Ilarriett, sum. in 1804, to Sir Jelsu Pichardeois, lfnt.; and created a Baronet, 1 July, 1651, with remainder to the son 4. in 1840. us. Louisa, if. in 1802. iv. Mary-Anue, if. nays. Ito so. 2udly, 13 Jan. 1806, Sarah, dau, of Peter Holford, II. SiR HENRY, who m. Margaret, dan. (and at the death Esq., which lady ef. in 1611, without issue. Sir Charles ef. of her brother, heiress) of the Itight Rev. Alexasider Hyde, 24 Oct. 1813, sod was s. by his eldest ecu, II, Sin CHARLES-THOMAs, 6. 20 Stay, 1771, who assumed, of Disaton, eo. Wilts, (uncle of Edward Hyde, the hat aud by sign-manual in 1813, the snruame and arms of PALMER great Earl of Clarendos) and had issue, only, in compliance with the testementary injunction of I. Hugh who in. Anne, eldest dcii. asid co-heir of the Right his maternal grandfather, henry Palmer, Rsq. of Wanhip. Hon. John Smith, speaker of the Honso of Commons, by He in. 14 July, 1802, Ilarriot, third dan. of Sir William whom (who, after his decease, was sa. to hhiehsel, 10th Pepporell, Dart., and had issue, 873 PAR 55. Charles- Archdsle. in holy orders; 5.1613 m. 25 Feb. 1836, Elizabeth-Julia, dan. of the late Johss Simpson llsq. of Lauinde Abbey, Leieestrrslsire, and if. 0640, Elizabeth. Charles-John Abraham, D.D., bishop of Weliingeen, New Zealand. Sir Charles-Thomas ci, 10 April, 1827, and was e. by his eldest i. Assenua.s.o-Roszs’r, present bart. i. gmily-Frnuces. Arise—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, arg., os_s two bars, sc. three trefoils, slipped, of the first; in chief, a greyhound, conraut, of the second, collared, or; 2nd and 3rd, per chevron, embattled, orm. and so., three martlets, eeuauterchanged. Cocci—A greyhound, sejaut, cc., gorged with a collar, or, rimmed, gu., and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil, As-ins—Quarterly: let and 4th, arg,, a chevron, vert, between slipped, arg. three pahmers’ staves and serips, two aud one, sa., .Smf—Wanlip Hall, Leiecstershire. garnished, gui.; 2nd and 3rd, ehsquy, erg. and cc., on a PALMERSTON, see post, PUERAGES PECE26TLT Qresto—let, an aim, embewed, vested, az., cuffed, or, gm-asping EXTINCT. PANIIIURE, BARON, see DALIloUSlIl, EARL OF. gsrppsrters—Tws panthers, regardant, ppr., firs tssnaut PARKER, VISCOUNT, 166 MACCLNSFOF.LD, EARL OF. Seufo—Palmerstown, cc. Mayo; Keuure Park, oo. Dublin; PARKER, SIR WILLIAM, Dart. of Mslford Hall, eo. Snfl’olk, lato capt. in the urmy; 6. 2 Sept. 1826 ; e. his cousin, Sir Hyde, as Oils hart., 21 March, 1856 ; on. 22 Nov. 1855, Sophia-Mary, 2nd dan. of Nathan iel.Clarks Barnardieton, Eeq. of The Ryee, Sndbnry, Snffolk, and Isas, us. A sos, Ii. 26 Jan. 1880. s. Anne-hyde. in. Sopbia-Myde. Liiscagt. Derry Pemeroy, and had, with other issue, EDMUND, his PARKEI5, Esq. of Shoredtteh, co. Somerset, whooo sou, I. ALnEuHAN HUou PARKER, of the city of London, was of his brother, Henry Parker, Esq. flying in 1696-7, he was s. accordingly by his nephew, fl.D. Lord Bishop of Salisbury, son of Sir Lawrence Hyde, Earh of Clauriearde) he left at his decease, in 1112, four Crealisn—3 Msy, 1777. ohief, gu., three annuicts, or. a tilting-spear, ppr.; 2nd, a griffin, sejant, arg., wings addomed, gn., charged with three aunnlets, of the second, beaked and momhered, or. from the mouth, plain gorged, chained, and froiu the erullar pendant an iuesentoheon, or, thereon a cress calvary, gu., between two palm-branches, in saltier, yen. Melts—Sic hens meronti palnsa. and Eyarth, Denbighshire. Tezea House—Portland House, 66, Portland Place. PARKER. ii. Margaret-Hyde. iv. Aiuy-Dyde.