Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/188

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P II I William, eT. young. Elizabeth, vs. to John Shurter, Req. Sir Erasmus S. 11 Jan. 1697, and was 0. by his eldest surviving I Manchester, 8. 4 Nov. 1060. s,.n, IV. Sue JOIIN, who m. 12 Bee. 1697, Mary, dan. and heir I Rotert-Ncedham, H.P. for Bnry, 0. 20 Jnne, 1815. of Anthony Smith, Req., an East India merchant, bywhons I Mary, ‘a to Robert-Hyde Greg, Req. of Norelifie Hall, he had, with three daus, who it. uo,a.. 1. ERXeMU5,1 eneeeoaive baronete. xli. Ilo]heley, of Abs-cover, co. Carmarthen, who left an F Pendloion, Manchester; S. in 1134. only den. ani heir, Mary.l’hulippa.Artimisiis.75. Is Tames I Jeooy, it. sines. Clan-Octavia. Child, E-iq. ‘f lligdlly lt,oise, cc. l’emlr,4ee, and had an only dan. and heir, Mxov_Pn,urra_Anvrs’uIslA, who m. lot. John Grant, Req. of Nolton, and by him was mother of Ricn.ann.Bunaernv-PnTt.1rP5 ‘Geavir’ t’nume’ps, Req., iii. Tienamas, of whom presently. who was errated a Baronet in 1819, and a peer of Great Britain, as Loon Mis-romeo. in 1947, and 5. 1 Jan. 1997, when that title became evl,net. Slaria.I’hilippa-Arieniieia, so. fadly, in 1912, the Rev, henry Gwyther, MA., and 1. 1932, leaving hy her I Tnoamae Pars-mel, Req. of Sedgley, so. Lancaster, 0. see’,sd hneband, a son, the present Rev. Jasero ArcxeNTice Rider, Req. of llanehestcr, and had issue, I’uimc.irps. of Pirton Castle, eo Pembroke, HA,; I Gconr.e, created abaronet. and a dan., Slaria-Phihppa-Arteniisia, a. ti the Rev. W.Ii. I Susanna, cc. to John Slather, Req. of Everton, nearLiverpool. hull. PHILIPS. PRILIIs, SIR GEORBE-RICBARB, of Weston, en. Warwick; late H.P. for Steyning. Ridrlorlninetor, and Poole; ii. 23 Dee. 1789; as. 18 Nov. 1819, Sarah-Georgians, oldest dan. of Richard, 2nrl Lord Wstorpark-, and baa, s. Jnliana-Cavendieh, as. 21 March, 1139, Adam, Ind Earl of Canspcrdown. is. Emily-Anne, cc. 16 July, 1914, to Lord Carew. use. Lossioa-Georgiana, ,o. 17 July, 1547, to the Earl of Caithness. 31 tncagc. The family of PhGips has been, for many centuries, resident in the cc. Stafford. Fexacso Puvtvpre, of Nether Teysee, in tho parish of Iii. Katharine -Somerset- Wyttenbach, 0. at Berne, in Checkley, d. 6th Enwavin VI. ho descendant, Jona Puss-irs, Eoq. of Iteath House, lord of the manors of Upper Teyue, Nether Teyne, and Checkley l bapt. 31 March, 1691 ; so. 16 lIce. 1712, Sneanna, youngest dan. and co-heir of John Burton, Req. of Derby, and bad, with Sir Thonsas 10. 2ndly, 2 June, 1842, Elizabethharriet-Anna, three dane., who it. Siam., four eons, viz., i. Jona, his heir. ii. Nathaniel, of Stand-in-Prcstwich. Lancashire, ae. 5 Beo, wife, 3rd dais, of Layer Oliver, Eaq. of Drill House) 1717, Elicabeth, dan. of Behest Ilibbert, Fisq. of Stock- field IIo,soe. an,l hy her ‘whe ii. 16 Hay, 1797) left at his of the late Rev. W.-J. Manael, eldest eon of Sir decease. 29 Sept. 1900, tlsree eons, vic., 1 Jona, of Ileath House. grandtetber of the preeent Crsslioe—27 July, 1021. Ar,eo—Sa., sem6 of fienre-de Josia-Carci. Puis-ies, Esq. of the Ileath Hence, cc. lie, or, a lion, ranspant, holding a sword within a bordure, Stafford, and of his conein. Jona-Wsrr.saai I’nii.iea, wavy. Creot—A lion, rampant, holding a sword. JIehlo— Rsq. of Ileybridge. (Mc Brace’s Loaded Geatry.) 2 Robert, of The Park, Preatwich, Lancashire, andof Dens, Patria, Rex. Seal—Middle Hill, Worcestershire. Suitterficld Park, cc. Warwick; t. 3 April, 1760; Se. 890 PBTLTJPPS, SIR TBOHAS. of Mid. dle Hill, co. Worcester; F.R.S. and F.S.A.; created a Baronet, 27 July, 1821 at. let, 7 Feb. 1819, Harriet, dan. of Liont.-Gen. Sir Thonaac Molynenx, Bart., and by her (who €1. 25 March, 1832) has bad isene, s. Henrietta-Elizabeth-12e1enx, ci. te J.•O. Halhwell, Req., F.R.S., P.S.A. is. Maria-Sophia-Bamfylde-Foster, c-a. 1 Aug. 1044, to the Rev. John Walcot, rector of Ribheelord, Werceslershire, eldest son of the Rev. C. Walcot, of Bitterley Court, Salop. and had five children; shed. 26 Fe1,. 1838. Switzerland; ‘e. in 1848, to the Rev. John-Rd-cardAddieon Fenwick, Incumbent of Chriotch,srch, Needwood. Slaffordeljire, eldeol son of the Rev. Jehu-T. Fcnwick, of Northfield, co. Worcester, and has two children. eldeet dan. (by Harriet-Charlotte his William Hansel, Dart., of fecoed. PH’ I 2 Aug. 1798, Anne, dan. of Matthew Needham, Req. of I Nottingham, and had issue, Mark, of Snitterfield Park, co. Waiick, late H.P. for ci,. Chester. I Sarah-Jane, oc. to J,-W. lifylne, Req., barrister-at-lew. Anna-Priscilla. Heather-Emily, Ca. te William Bockworth, Req. of Isabella. Elieaheth-Lncy, S. ssn,a. Caroline. 2 Samuel, of Meybridge, cc. Stafford; 0. 4 July, 1762 it. an,,,. in 1924, Iv. Richard, d. young. The 3rd eon, I 24 Starch. 1728, cc. Mary, snly dan. su heir of John Sir John if. in 1736, and was e. by his eldest son, I Rlir,eheth, m. to William Righy, Req. ol Oldfield Hall- I Cheshire. voIced upon his brother, of Oakhill, Slaffordahire. VI. Sic Jonam, who was o. in 1764 by his only son, Catherine. VII. Sin Rscaacu. This geutlensan aras elevated to Sophia, m. to Edsnnnd-Heury Lnshington, Req. of Park V. Sm Reactive, at whose dercaee, s. p., the title de- Mary-Anne, cc. to the Rev. Charles-Benjamin Cbarlewood, the peerage of Ireland as Boreo MiIferd bnt dying o. p. lisnee, near Maidetone. 20 Nov. 2123, that dignity expired, while the baronetcy The only son, devolved upon hie kinsman, I. Gcor.oc Pnitira, Req. of Weston and Sedgley, 0. VIII. Sue Rowtalen-llnamav Laronanac-Pssssaeee(revert 24 March, 1766, evas created a Baronet, 21 Feb. 1028. Me to descendants of the yiinnger son of the 1st baronet), who as. 16 Oct. 1708, Sarah-Ann, eldest den. of Nathaseiel Philin. Rlicahelh, den, of James Frasuplon, of Freme, Co. lips, Req. of Hollinghurst, in the latter co., and by her Somersec, by whom (who it. 26 Ang. 1834) he had no issue, (wise if. 2 Sept. 1044) left at his decease, 3 Oct. 1947, an and if.23 April. 1032,when the tiCe devolvednpon his 1 cether, I only son, the present Sic Geoeoe-.Rscaaen PEITLIPa, Dart. IX. Sic WiLLIAM Pnstirre. 0. 2 Oct. 1704, who ci. I 13 Oct. 1029, Rlizahelh, dan. of George White, Req., and had, I Creehies2i Feb. 1021, I Arioe—Per pale, ae. and so., within an erie of fleurs-de-lis, GouwiN. 10th baronet. Sarah-Rlieabeth. GilLs. Lavinia. Charlotte. P arg., alien, rampent,es’mhiois, ducally crowned, and holding between the paws a masole, or; a canton, ermine. The son and heir, f’crof—Adensi.lioo,rampant, erminoie, cellared,sa.,dneally X. Ste Gonevia, 0. 10 Jan. 1140; d. snder age, 12 Feb. croevoed, ci-, holding between the paws a fienr-de-lis, az. 1927, and was s. by his kinemsn, the present Rev. Sue as-itbin a isiascis, gold. JaMes-Evaca Pnss.irrs, 11th hart. Melts—Nil nisi honcstum. Seob—Wealon blouse, Warwiekshirc. f’ceahioe—9 Nov. 1621. Aroe—Arg., a lion, rampant,oa., Town Ilsuse—12, Hill Street, Berkeley Square dncally p irged aod chained, or. Crcsb—A lion, as in the arms. Jlaiie—Dneit am or patriw. 4 WIs a PHILLIPPS.