Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/189

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PIE PIERS. PIERS, SIR EL’STACE - FITZMAURICE, iv. F,’ederiek, us. Flsa’be, dan. of Samuel llartney, of Pallaec, Bart. of Tristernagh Abbey, co. Westmeath; ii. 1810; William 1 and Elizabeth, wife of llicliar,t Young, Faq. s. to the title at the death of his v. Dctavios, in bob’ orders, vicar of Proston, near Weymonth, father, 15 April, 1850. }Luitciiiic. WILLIAM P,ees, Esq., son of Richard Piers, Esq. of Piers VI. SIR Jous-Jirasere, who a. lot, i’s 1706, htary, dais. Mall, en. York, was sent eve, to Ireland, in 1166, by Queen lady :1. in 1790; and 2n’lly, in 1011, Miss Elizabeth King, by EUZADETH (whom be is said to have ssved, at one time, whom (who 9. at Liscea, 17 Feb. 1062) lie had, from the fury of her sister, by conveying her privately i. LosdsaAdelaisle, ehanotncsse of the royal order of St. Anne away), in a considerable pest in the army, and was rewarded by grants of land of great yams, partienlarly of ii. l”lorenee-Anna-Maria-Slaplelon-F,’edertea, win July, 1642, the abbey of Tristernagh, in the ca. of Weetn,eath. He was subsequently constituted governor of Carriekfergua; and senesehal of the county of Antrim, and he obtained, in 1569, a reward of 1060 marks for bringing in the head of lie ‘1. 20 July, 3041, aud waa a. by his nephew, the rebel Shone O’Neill. He 9. in 1601, was interred at Vii. Sin hENRy-SAMUEL, wIse is. in IbIS, Alice, youngest Carrickfergns, and o. by his only ton, HENnv P,rass, Esq. of Trieternagh, who is. Jane, dan. dan. of J.-T. Gliudon, Faq., RN., and had issue, of Thomas Jones, UP., Archbishop of Dublin. and lord- m. Ei’a’ro.rr.-Freesosunsrr, preseni. baronet. chancellor of Ireland, by wham he had fnnr eons and six ii. Pigati-Sansoel, ri II June, 1036, aged eight year,. dan,.5 Sir. Piers, who was an eminent traveller, left behind ii. Maude-ltory-Floeenee. him an areount of his travels in Germany, Italy, &e., a copy of which was placed among the 3155. of Sir James Sir henry-Samuel 9. 15 April, 1070. Ware, in the Chandoo library. This gentleman conformed to the ohn,’eh of Rowe, and prevailed npon some of his children to emb,’aee the same faith; of whom Thomas, his 3rd son, beran,e a Franciscan friars and henry, his 4th son, left a oon, John, who took orders in the fit-ret—An ;srm, embossed, vested, aa.. cuffed, arg., Ike Isand Catholic Church. Mr. Piers d. in 1623, and woe o. by his eldest son, Sin WILLiAM PIERS, Tnt,, who as. Martha, dan, of Sir ,Soet—Trtsternagh .&bbey, co. Westmeath. James Ware, the elder, and was s. at his decease, in 1630, by his eldeot ted only surviving eon, I. Heaav Picas, Faq. of Tristernagh, who svan created a RAaoarv OF larLAno, 15 Feb. 1660. Sir Henry os. Mary dan. of Dr. henry Jones, Bishop of Month, by whom he had eight oonst and six dons.; and dying in 1691, was a. by his eldest son, II. Sin WILLIAM. This gentleman so. 13e,sera, eldest tan. of WiDtam, 20th Lord Kerry, and bad, with other issno, Ifeasv, hi, bet,’. Wflhtam a. Elteabeth, dan. of Edwa,’d Croloer, Esq. of Rawieighstoan, on. Limerick, and sad issne. He 9.. in 1691, and was o. by hit oldest non, III. Sin Hnronv, b. in 1671; who as. 1st, Jane, dan, of John Pigott, Faq. of Kilffnny, en. Limerick, by whom ho had issue, Jona, hi, successor. Henry, of Retterdam, merchant. Margaret, so. to Joseph Robins, Esq. of Rallydnif, eo. ElI- i. Geoase, 0. 1151. ii. Arthur-John, 0. 21 Feb. 1053. kenny. Iliaey, its, to Ehab, son of the Bev. Eliah Hancock, of Annaghduff, cc. Leitrim. Elizabeth, Se. ta the Rev. Sir. Wye. Snsannah, ci. to Mr. Cottisgham, and 9. 26 Jan. 1760. Sir Henry us. Indly, Catherine, dan of Richard, 2nd Lord Peter Goode, Esq, and had issue, Santry, mmd widew of Lanrenee, 3rd Earl of Barrymors. 1. Geoaee, his successor. He 9.. from the effects of a dose of opium, 74 hhrch, 1713, ii. Boeee’r, successor to his brother. and was o. by his son, IV. Sin Jona. This gentleman us. in 1730, his firstcousin, Peter Is Neve, Req., and ‘ad a son, Iteesy ISir), G. C. iii. C,, Cnrneiia-Gertrude, dan. of Snnthwell Pigatt, Rsq. of Capard, Qneen’a Co., and was e. in 1747, by hia only 2ndly, Frances, dan. of Sir Etehard Weetlesley, Fart., and eurviving son, V. SIR PIOOTT-WILLIAM, who ns. in 1771, Elizabeth, only dan. and heir of John Smythr, Faq. of Dublin, and bad, P 1 (1 I. Jons’-llexawrv, his heir. ,i. Ftwar,i. iii. henry. en. Limerick, and had issue, I’igat, d. young 1 llesesSAMUEL, who e. as 7th bossed ; Diehard Frederick 6. in 1761 t. 23 F’eb. 1644. His ynungeat dan., Helen— Clara, si. 35 June, 151’s, hastings Snow, Raq. of Blandfo,d. He d. in i706, and was a. by Isis san, of the Rev. Joseph Pratt, of Cabra (‘utile, Cavan, which of Bavaria. Ceunt Louis he Coat do Kervtgnen, and has, I l’esdinand-Jabn—liahrtul—J,ouis—Amedie.3iasje. 3 fia.ston—Charles—Louis—3iarie. a lient-Ciaudia-Ludoaio-Xavier-3larie. i. Aliee-Reslee-Susa,ma. in. Elizabeth-Catherlee, Crioiioa—i6 Feb. 1660. Arise—Az., three liouo, passant-guardant, in fesse, between two double cotises, arg. holding a flag, erect, per fesse, of the last, and of the first; in chief, (we torleaux, and in base a plate. .lllalto—Nobilis est ira leonis. P I G 0 P. PluoT, Siu ROBERT, of Patshull, co Siafford, ii. 1801 ; e. his father, as 4th baronet, 1841; so. 1st, 5 Oct. 18°6, Mary, 2nd dan. of William Rumford, Esq. of Bans- ford, Co. Lancaster, which lady d. 5 Sep. 1847. Sir Robert so. 2udly, 22 Jan. 1850, Emily-GeorgianaRuse, eldest dau. of S.-Y. Benyon, Esq. of Ash hall, en. Sulop, and Stetchworth Park, co. Cambridge, and has, ,. Elliner. ILuIIcaflc. hluan Piaev, Keq. of Peploe, cc. Salop, as. Elizabeth Dieken, and 9. 1607. leaving several children. Ills 7th san, RICRAED Piety, Fsq. of Westminster, us. Frances, dan of iii. hugh, vire-aeliniml RN., also ci. 1sf, Elizabeth, dan. of a general officer, to whoa: ShaIta a-as surrendered by the French: he it us. in 1540; ted 5 dau., Tsabella. lie at. had by that lady (aba 9. loll), I Fanny. 2 Caroline, In. 10 Sept. 1006, to the Few Lord tienry Fitzroy, and ,t hi, a’tdew. I Jan. 1035, leaving issue. i. 3largaret, us. in 1771, to Ylseosas Fisher, Esq. Me. Pigot, who ii. in 1120, was a. by his eldest son, Anne, as. lit, to Alderman Patrick Cough; and Indly, to I. Graaoa Pioo’r, Faq., governor of Fort St. George, hiadraa, who was created a haronet, S Dee. 1164, with remaiuder, in default of male issue, to his Froilser Robert t and on failure e,f Margaret, as. to Sir Edward Dowdell, nf bleusitstswn, es. his issue, te his ether brother biugh, and his heirs male. Sir Jane m, to Henry Jones, Req. of Newtown, en. Dublin. George was subseqiseetly, in 1763, elevated to the peerage sf Elizabeth, mis. 1st, to John, son of Sir James Ware; and Ireland, by the title of Raaou Floor, q/’ Pot,hssli; hut dyteg (in illegal coisfiesement in India, ssq:posrd by violeaee) ssill:osst legitisnate* issue, the barony expIred, a4,ile lbs baronetcy devolved according to tiinitstien, upois los brother, II. BeloAnlea-Gers. Sit Roeeev Pieuv, an officer of hIgh Thomas (4th son). is. Elizabeth, dan. ef Colonel Scott, and reputation dnrieg the great American a’ae s and so distinSir Theophilus (SIb son), at. Christian Bedford, a widow (he is biugh Figot, lt.C.ll., ndm. of the White, who 9.30 July, 1637, aged 62, was his lerdehip’s iliegitinsate eon. Lewis (6th son), us Cecilia Lynch, of Gaiway, but had no “ The daughters were, Alderman Nicholas Dowdall. CeeGy, ea. to Sir Dudley Loftua, Knt. Heath. Indly, to Willism Fitzgerald, Faq. of Gortins. Frances, as. to George Lowther, Faq. of Ekrine. Of those, had several children. said to tsaae been her 7th husband), hut had no issue. issue 891