Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/190

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PIG P 1 G 0 T T. PIG gnislsed at Bunkers hill, that tie had obtained the eslenelcy Iloarer, of 0)ysas’t, front whom lImo Psoorrs 5! Dysart. of the 30th regi. of foot. lie iii. iS Feb. 1765, Anne, dais, of ‘i’lsounas (highs lIen.), of Losig Ashtan, in Sonsersetshirs. Allen Johnson, Cog. of Kitternan, cc. I inlslin, nod sister of Sir Arenas nra, of wbons presently. Allen—Johnson Walsh. and of sien. Sir henry Johnson, boils John, echo sum. Mary, dao. of Edgoo’orth of Edgoworlhslowsi, created baronots. and by that lady çsvho 1. in 1117) had, 5. Groove, his heir. is. hugh. rapt. liE., who et. os’s. at 1_bison. iii. itoliert, a ml. in the arnie, ,n. in tool, Mare, dan. nod co—tin r of John Williamson, Ess1. of Staltoiol, and ii. no 100;’, Mary, sa. tue 1 ‘udley h’hilhips, Esq. tearing issue, I ttsshert, as. let, to 1042, Harriet-Margaret, yenagest dan. of 5 irn. (‘hence, of htailger I mi, cc. tali’p, is tic 4. 1 532 The 3rd son, nnst 2ntlv, 2” April, i ma, Anna .Statths 3rd sIan. of the ALEXANDER Psoorr, Esq. of Intohonan, in the oo. Cork, tate (ion. Sir William Clinton, (it’. It. at Caliroachi. Horts. sebose svill was dated 17 Sept. 1600, os. Anne, dan. of Sir 2 Chsanles—hls’nt’y. i. I,rs,nura, Suit sian. of Sir Withast Edward ilotton, Knt. ol Ilriszit, in tbo cc. of fltmbhio, and linneil, ban. ol (‘hiarhlu ‘n lark, soil d. in 1040, teasing a son, II oghs, and live stasis. 3 Cl rouge, it. ,c a. at Cnrfvs, in I 030. s. Annu’. Sir lIchen 1. 1 Aoig. 1 790, and sras.. by Ins oldest son, ill. hiss tiroson, a general officer in the anny, 0. 10 (let. and by bor (who d. in 1716) had issue, o. EMAnUEL, his 1166; u. 10 Jufy, 1790, Mary-Anne, dau. of tho lion. John beir: n, Alexander; ns. Tboouas; Iv, Johss; v. William; Monchutoti. ssf Finoshiaste, co. Nusritsanslston, by srbosn (ss’ha it. 5. Olartba, os. to William Parsons, Req., eon of Sir Wilbam 20 Nov. 1037) ho had iosno, s. George, deceased. si. Itosseax. present barcoet. in. John, doceasod. of Cork, (whose will, doted 9th April, 1733, was proved, iv. llrnry.Onlonslo, sO. in Nov. 1040. v.Arthsir, 5 sines. 9 May, 1069. i. Sissy-Anne, deceased. is.Snsphia, deceased. Aehgrove, tsy whom lie bail a eon, Gn000n, bir heir; and its. (iessrgiana, s’s. in Ang. 1020, to the Rev. Rsduerl Wraltestoy. tndly, Jndith, dai, of Riohard Warhnrton, Req., by whom ssho ‘f. 315 Jais. 1630. iv. Eleanor. v. Olivio, deceased. vs. Fanny-Henrietta, vs. 4 April, 1o39, to the 01ev. Charles 31.D.; ausd Jndith, wife of the Rev. John Chetwynd. Grey Castes, rector of Slant,sn SI. Qssinlin, Wilts, 2nd son of Enuannel Ptgott sO. 30 Jnne, 1762, and was a. by bie son, the late John Gatos, Esq. of Waodcohe, Salop, and rI. April, Goonos Ptoovr, Esq. of Cbetwynd, co, Cork, who m. 1905. ass. Lanra, a, 29 Oct. lO3ls, to Oesurgo tbolyoake, Rsq., undo to Jane, dan. of Richsrd Wanbnrton, Req. of Gari’nbincb, Sir itarri’ ttoh-oato-hjoodrielue. han. viii. Caroline-Octavia, vs. in 1049, to Francis—Charles Fitzroy, Tnooeas Ptnora, Req. of Knaistum, Qneon’s Co., 0. 11 Oct. Req., son of thso Rev. Lord ltonry Fitzroy, and r 2 Sept. 1051. 1734, who having adopted tbe profession of arms, attained Sir Oenrgo if. in I 041.—3 Isoc. 1764. A ‘ste—Eros., th roe tsikotseads, in fesoo, sa. Cs’c,st—A scott’s head, erased. audio—V Oust foto pivot. Ss a;—Branehios Park, Nesvnsarkol. PIG0TT, Sm CHAnCES - R0BEBT, Right lIon. Thes. Kelly, formerly one of the judges of the . .. Hart., of Knaptoss, Qneen’s Cnointy’; Court of Comnuon Pleas in Ireland, and by her (who if. - ‘t’ - 8. 13 April, 18351 Into Hunt. both 9 Jan. 106.;) had issue, f foist os. 81) Oct. 1856, IhIary.Lossioa, s. Tissnias, lose baronet. yottngeot dais, of thn late Capt. Hal. 55. tieou’ge-Frannis, late capt. BOIls rube; 3. 0 Sept, 16001 lsswell Cao’osv, of Beslsiington Park, Iss. Wtlhhaou, of Dalhingham, iso Casnbnhdgeobire, J.P. and I ‘1’ - j Surrey, RN., astd baa basso, t 4 . CssasLrs-RraseLre, 0. 10 Jan. 1059. LIllragr. This family was founded in England by Pioov, Baron of Busorne, in Nocnsandy, one of the forty knights who accompanied W’ss,rsaas the Conqueror. A bcanth the otdert sottlod at Chotwynd Park asud Rdgsaoont, in Shropohire, whore it stilt c sntiniies; aisothorpossossed Doduteshalt Park, iv. Welhesloy—PoIr, K 30 Slarelu, 1000; in holy orders, vicar in Buicks; and a third removed into Ireland. JonN PsanTT, Esq. of Dys set, in tOo Qneon’a County, hat a grant of that estato by patent, dated 20 Sept. t062. Ho woo Cattier nf Sin Roanerr Puoavv, Knight, of The Dysart, who had his lands erect into the manor of Dyoart, by patent, 2 Jnly, 1639. Ito su5. let, Astor, dais, of William St. Loger, Eaq., son of Sir Asithony St. Legor, Knt., tord-dopnty of Ireland, and hail hy hor, Joins, hilte,l by’ Itso reluols in 1641. Aloxaadee, c,,lonet in site army. Sibitia, sa. Is, Ilarreuhy huane, lLoq. of lirittas lasurotliy, so. to Sliehsael llott, Esq. Jane, unto Fslssiood Savage, Esut. Sir Robert so. 2ndly, Thomasioo, dais, and cs-heir of Chris. II. Sm Tno,asAe, 0. 12 Oct. 1706; who in. 14 Oct. 1001, topher Poyton, Esq., sod haul by her two sons and two Gossegiana-Anno (wbo so. Indty, 1053, J.-F. Battho, Req. dans., of wisoso the yonusgor, Elizabotis, became the wife of of l.,oye C.sotio, co. Invonsocos), dais, of ‘William Brummell, Richard Cosby, Raq. of Stmadhahly. Sir Robert’s eldest 5055, Ros1. of Ivivenhosi, in Essex, astd loft issue at his decease, JOHN Psooxx, Es1. ,sf Grangobegg, in the Qnoen’s Co., 7 Oct. 1047, who was killed in 0641, m. Martha, dan. of Sir Thosnas Cuasrno-Roensx,present baronet. Ctlotoogb, Bart., and had issue, 892 asid seas ascestor of tlio Psooxrs of Jtahiaoda,ff. Williaisi. hilled ssilh his fattier stu 1641. ‘t’hossiasiiie, m. so Coouorfssrst of I nchinlushao. Slartluo, so. to I Icon’ Gilbert, Esq. of Ritmiocliy. Jane, m. to John Groves, Req. Sitnila, is. tsr, to l’hosssas Fitzgerald, Esq. of K’ulcromio sod ledly, to Vatuer Birmingham. widow of Thomas Addorloy, Roq., by whom be heft, with a dais Anne, wife of Tbontaa Brodriok, Req., a son, Tooasaa PlooTe, Req. of Chotsvynd, in the co. Cork, who in. Jatse, dan. of Sir Emanuel Moore, Dart. of Roscarhory, Parsons, Dart. ; Is, Anne; tut. Elizabeth. Ths eldest son, Risanors, Psoorx, Roq, of Cbotsvytsd, SIP, for the city 0 Oct. 1703,) us. let, Lacy, dan. of George Rogers, Req. of be had, Richard; Rlicabotb. wife of Jamso Dennis, Req., aftorn’ardo Lord i’raetsun ; Martha, wife of Rayly Rogers, Qnoen’s Co.; and dying in 1771, was a. by his son, the rank of maj ar-general, asusl ‘a-as a member of the panDa- moist of hu’eland (or nsoro than thusrty years. He in. in 1767, Ps’iocilla, dan, s.f Willians Garden, Req. of Lismore, Qnecn’e Co., by whom be bad isone, Gruuesn, eresuteul a Heronot. ‘Him hiassu, an officer its the au’suoy. ci. s. p. Alexandri’, barrister—at-law; S. a. u. in 1024. Tlsosisas, in holy onutersh so. 33 Jely. 1013, Mary, eldest duuss, of Itichiarsl Croaadale, Es’;. of ttyntt ; uf. its 1034. Ben. Pigott 2. 13 Oct. 1101. The eldest son, I. Crowns Pmnor’r, Req. 0. in 1764. was etwatod aMaronet 3 Oct. 1000, Ho °s, 35 Feb. 1704, Annabella, doss. of the ii. 13 ylarnhs, 1033. dclsuisy-hiruutennoi for Ihal me.; es, 23 .Iutie, 1027, Harriet, dais. of Lient.—Gen. Chsnislohduer Jeoffesasn, ot Dahinghosn Ilsunso, ansi by her (who 2. 12 Slarchm, 1030) Isas, 1 Clinietephor-Wihliam, 0. 23 Jan. 1036, who look by oigsssnanuuol, 21 Jon. 1039, the surname autd arms of Jeaht’reeon sutuly. 2 AsIa, m. 13 March, 1053, to Jahin-Dnnn Gardner, Eoq. of Chsaltorie, ca. Cassibrislgr. 3 lhars’iel. Mr. lr’dlianu Pigelt rn. lndly, 16 Oct. 1047, Charlotte-Maria, usidow of the hate Gee. Lord blesne, G.C.H. of Srnoertso, and rector of Fsggheslsse and Fovoni, Wills so. let, in .bnnc, 1047, Maria, dan. of the late Adsn. Lord Otcsry Paudet, G.C.R., wInch lady ml. n.y. to Dee. 1043; he so Zisslly, ISn’t April. 1050, h”auuov, 2nd dan. of Hersssrsl Orsinville, Req. of Weilcahusuene itall, Wanehckshiee (ate INure’s Luau/out O’er (17;), osod has isone, Wellesley-Geergo, 0. ‘20 April, 1061: and FannyAda. 5. Fu’auiees—Pm’iscilla. Sm. Atnsusbelln-ltelena, ml. 25 3lanets, 1656. sss. Jane. 5”. C luanlosle, v. Salishitry-Hat’i’ief, em. II Ccl. 1030, ho Count Gnstavn Itisigeossein, of Sianicb, and by tsisn (molmo sO. in 1046) has fosse shussos. vi. Esstity’. Sir GeorgeS. 20 STay, 1044, and was a. by his son, Mary-Rltcabsslh.