Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/207

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P 0 W Vane, 3rd earl, 6. 18 May, 1750; in. in 1754, Mary, da’a. of Req. of Kilfano, H.P. for Kilketmy, and nicer cf Iho Riehardflntt, Esq. of Arlioghanaten,eo. Gloucester, andhad, Riglat l2,,n. henry Gratlan, and hail by hrr (who d. 1321), I. JOHN, his successor. or. Vets, 6. in 1761; lient -general in the army, and sonic. s. Jo;tx, present bonnet. time lIP, for llridgewater; r,r. Miss Becoher, and left, 1 John, I. iu 1759. 1 Maoy-Anne, d. ‘no. Il Oct. 1520. 2 Anna-Lucy, m. 0 Sept, 1811, to George, Lord Nugent; left issne at his decease in lisdia, in Fe;,. 1043, Gervame. and d. in 5816. 3 Vera-Bridget, ci. at Corfu, 17 Aug. 1834, J.-N. Cotenel, iv. Ambmse, archdeacon of Lismore, to. Is;, Sasan, dan. of M.D. of the rifle-brigade. 4 harriet-Jane, a. Host. 23 March, 1311. 5 Charlotte-A tine. His lordship a. 14 April, 1758, and was e. by his elder aon, JOHN, 4th earl, 8. 7 April, 1708; in. let, 11 June, 1782, Fsr,te, Fri1. of 1)nh,lioo, arid niece of Mall;eso Pet-dc, 6.oq. of Sophia, dau. and heir of Admiral Sir George Foesok, R.B., v. hleery, late lient.-enlenoh lladrasar,nr, at. 1932, Frances. and by that lady (who a. 24 Jan. 1811) had iasue, i. JOHN, 0th earl. ii. George. 8. 10 May, 1700; vice-admiral RN.; no. 0 lIce. 1811, Catherino-Sophia, eldest dan. of Sir George Dallas, Dart., and by her (wlso a. 11 April, 1831) left at Ins deoease, 10 Feb. 1854, 1 George, 8. 12 June, 1821; capt. 14th regiment; a. isso. 2 Henry-Vane-Aobton, 8. in 3821; E.1.C.S.; a. 1346. 3 WILLIAOI-HENRO-, present peer. iii. William, 8. in 1753; d. an’s, in 1803. iv. Vers, 8. 70cc. 5731; ensign 4th foot; a. in 1812. s. flephia, a. 16 Nov. 1309, to IIem’y, 2nd Duke of Cleveland; Esq., and has issue, Katherine, amad lieio’gina-_tli-e-3Iary, and ,t. 9 Jan. 1319. ii. Slary, in. in 1821, to Lord Charlon-Honry Somerset, and it. Fr;;nees, s,. in April, 1840, to the late Jolt;; Poster, Esq., d. his widow, 11 June, 1860. tim. Augusta. The earl no. 2ndly, in 1310, Margaret, dan. and solo heir of JnnN Powrn, the present harsm;et, Ynyr Burges, Esq. of East Ham, and relict of Sir JohnSmith t’,’enlbo—ll Jnt, 1315. Burges, Bart., but by her fwhoa. 27 Stay, 1838) had Aro;e—Arg., a beto,t, e;;graied, gn.,t.etss-een Iwo foxes’ heads, no other ieoue. His lordship, who was knight of the erased, ppr. ; en a chief, o1 the ;reoad, tl;rec escallops, of lisa Thistle, lord-lient. of the eo. Souwmet, and recorder of field. Creel—A otag’s head, erased, ppr. Bridgrwator, a. 14 Jan. 1319, and ‘.vas a. by his eldest son, JOHN, 5th earl, who was 0. 5 July, 1781, and no. 28 . g. 1f,,1le -—P,’o ;o;trih scamper. 1920, Charlotte-Fanny, only dan. of the late Itenry-Derleeley Porlma;s, Eoq., and load issue, John — Dolls, Vie’s wi lliolee, 7. 3 June, 1921; d. inns. 18 Ang. 1343; an elileerin the grenadier guards. yore, Viso’ent JJi,,lea, eol. 1st Senaersctslnre mililia, 7. 21 Aug. 1832; d. tone. 29 Aug. 1817. Amias, 6. 0 Feb. 1811, an officer in the grenadier guards, and ti 20 Feb. 1857. Margaret-Charlotte, ri. 1834. The earl d. 20 June, 3364, and was .s. by his nephew, W5LLIAat-HENHv, 8th and present Earl Ponlett. Crealieae—Daren, 23 June, 1027. Earl, Jr., 29 Dee. 1700. Arsss—Sa., three swords, in pile, their points in base, arg., pommels aud hilts, or. C,’esl—An arm, embowed, in armour, holding in the band 1. Jnsou-Teinor, 0. 2 Stay, 1841, a sword, all ppr. Soipperlere—Dexter, a savage man; sinister, a woman. it. James-Talbot, 0. 21 June, 1351. both ppr., wreathed about their temples and loins with m. Mary-Jane. ii. Gwe;;daline-Anna-Eliza. leaves, vort. .llfslls—Gardez Ia fol. Seal—Hinton St. Gsot’ge, Somersetsbire. Tea-to Hence—I, Bnekingbaon Gale. POWER. Powan, Sm Jony, of Kilfane, Ang. 5941, was 0. 1771; a;ad am. 26 Sept. 5739, Mary, eldast co. Kilkenny, 5. May, 1798 ; a. dan. of Thomaa Drenan, Req., eo. Wexford, by whona (who hia father, as 2nd baronet, in a. in 0334) he had issue, Feb. 1844; an. 30 March, 1835, JAamrs, present baronet. Prances-Elizabeth, only clan, of Ilsr3-, ,l. l’tl,i. William- money Wade, Eec1. of Catherine, a. to the lair Sir Nicholas 1-’ilr-Sims;m, lIP. for Clonabraney, co. Meath, by Ft-anrca, the ldng’s Count3-, and iashtreiso--g,’neral of t’riaoos, his wife, dan. of Sir John A;;nelte, is. Is Thomas-S. Ceppinge,-, Req. of STiddhcfta;, cc. Craven Cardon, Dart., and has Ehirabetl;, a;. to Ihe hale Jslto;-hlyat-intl; ‘fall,el, Esq. of Daily— had macen, i. John, 0. 1838; d. Got. 1804. it. Rtonnnn-Cnoatnxoa, 0. 1341. Ut. Adam-Clayton, in 1311. V. William-Le Doer, 8. 1057. IL 1lltEt’. JOHN Powea, Esq. of Kilfane, son and heir of John A rise—Per sallier, or amid arg., three units, ramompani, ai’g., Power, Esq. of Tnllamaino Castle, en. Tipperary, who served armed and lnng;ucst, flm., in bite er;;trc chief a-i-tutu an ,c;; as A. P. C. to Clive at the battle of Plassry, by Jane his helmrt, affr-ont2e, unbarred, hp” on a chief, , ttree rsi-alhei’a. wife, dan. of Adam Newman, Esq. of Newberry, es. Cork, Creel—at tinolo’s ta-ad, eah,essrd, qnarlrrts-, git. and st- be and grandson of John Power, Req. of Eao-retntewn, or’. bn’eon the horna,eonaauerelmanget, a cross calvary, creel, ta Tipperary, by Elizabeth his wife, dan. of Ambrose Congreve, Seal—Eder,oine, near Ennitonrihy, to. Iteiferd. Eoq., 0°. Waterford, waa created a flarenet, 12 Jnly, 1030. He it,, llarrieti, 3rd dan. of Gervase-Parker Deishe, 959 P 0 W it. itirhard, rapi. 0’2,al regimsel ; d. in lottie. iii. C ervase, l;ont.—eolonol I Otto rrgis,,r,o; ., . in 1037, l’ronrrs, dos. of the late Adisoiral Boss, l,y ;rhoni (ii he ‘I. i,i 1041), he Parlor, and Franers, ,,i - Gem. 1081, 1,, li,d,,’re (Fl lara, Cs,;. Barker Tharicer, Esq., Q,,ren’s t’s.,aad by 1,er (ssl;o ,i. July, 1004), load issue, William; (iOivasz 1 Coiiige ; li’’brrl—I;nshs Zerna, ,o - 1060, in Eirhard Leescn—Marslo,;(, Es,1. ; 31 ;iry; ,,s. in 18(51, 10 the hey. 1 leer)’ Villiers—Slro,rt ; anti Susan. lIe o, - 2i,dly, Sept. 1857, Callie;-itir, 2n’l dat;. of ‘l’l,,,,na Seaferd. Anne, dan. of CapI. Prendergast, a,id nieco of Sir Jrlfl’y Prende-gaot, and has had issue, llrnr3--t’, rnderg;,sl, hour. Madras al-toy; Williono-llaekcuzie ; and hhai,tee—l I,,rrirttFranres - Gordon, on 10 April, 1801. in t’apt. John-William Fry, 91st highlanders. Vt, Gssrge, member of 11cr Majesty’s Co;meil, Island of St. Vincent, WI.; ci. lot, ltareh, 1330, Adelaide, dan. of Sir William Sit-till;, En;., and by her (who d. in 1830) l;a,l a sot;, Williana, capt. 32nd fool, who ii. 10 _tog. 1317, freon woi,n,ts received at Ihe Resides;ey, Lnrlen,,w. 51,-. Grorge P,,srer to. 2ndly, Got. 1813, Margery, only elan. ,,f Jsln l’reo,lorgast, ;. Mary, a. to Willian;’Filo,oillia,,, Barte,n, Esq., of Ilinton hlafl, 00. Cat-lose, end ,t. 1330, leaving issue. formerly M.F, oft; n-teen, or. ‘dnte;-ford. Sir John a. Feb. 1844, and was s. by hie obtest son, Sm Seat —-Kilfaae, ‘I’basn,ae-tonn, Co. Kilkonny, P 0 WE R. PowEll, Son JA1IEO, Dart, of Edcrmii;c, eo. Wexfortl; dcps.ttylieutenant, anti M.P, for the ____________ county; 5.6 Dcc. 1869; ns. 26 Jan. 1843, Jane-Anoma-E)iza, dan. and co-heir of the late John-Hyacinth Talbot, Esq. of Eallytrcnt, co. Woxford, J.P. anti ILL., and has load ieot;c, mn. Matilda-Joseptilne, doe. iv. Pranaea-Slary-Ursnla. v. A dan,, 7. 11 hay, 1807. E,thbCe’IdC, Sm Jonae Powen, Dart. of Rnebnrk House, co Duhli,o, and of Sanopton, co. Wexfsrd, J.P. and DL., so created Margaret, o;. h-’raneis—Aagusins Cs,ltl, Estl.,aa,l has lassie. Corhr, ansI has matte. srent, cs. Wexford, and ha, a son, John—b hyacinth, antI a dan. Enily. Eat ihy. ChIco, so. to Josepbo Barry, Esq. of 3lid,tlchon, re. Cork. Sir John a. 25 Juno, 1325. f’s-it’lisa—Ang. I 3-11, 1U’uIIo—Prr rrueetn ad eoroeaat. I my. George, 8.1346. t. Angnota-Francos,