Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/208

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Bartholomew, Es. of Addingtoo Place, Kent, by whom (whod. 13 July, 1S27 ho hod iooue, 1 John, 8. 10 lIce. 1810; is. It Dec. 1844, Jane, dan. of the late Gen. Sir John Guise, Mart., and hoe coven eons and five dane. 1 Frances-Amelia, is. 21 July. 1832. to the Yen John- Cecil Hall, archdeacon ef Sian, who d. 0 Feb. 1844. 2 leahella-Harrivt,re. 21 July, 1028, John Malcolm, Req. of Poltalloch, in Arpyllehire, acid A 30 Sept. 1838. Colonel Stratford si. Sndly, 1st Ang. 1823, Harriette, dan. ef Henry Grant, Req. of The Duel1, ro. Glamorgan, and 9. 8 Aug. 1830. his widow 9. 28 Slercb 1861. iii. l4,levard, colonel in the army of Cork Abbey, Co. Dublin, and Seormoro. en. hugo ; 8.2 Ang. 1772, twns with John; in. 17 Ap”ii, 1707, Ilarrirt,sisterofWari,er-Williasn, Sod l.ord Roseniore, and 1. 24 Aug. 1859, having lied by her (she <1. It; Dee, 1858), harriet, m. in 1819, to Sir 1Pm. l’erner, Dart., SIP. i. Martha, 9. 13 Sept. 1844. Pno’ERoUnUPT, llst’0U9T )1[srvyn ‘liingfield), of is. Einilia, spin 1e17, to hiebert-Deane Spread, Esq., rapt Pon-eroennrt, en. Wseklnav, and Boron Wingfiold of 15th fiast, whe 9. 5 Feb. 1840, She 8. 6 June following. iii. Harriet, d. usia. 1808. Wingileld, no. Weaford, in the 1seorngo of Iroland; His lordship 9. in 1788, and was e. by hie eldest son, o reproos’ntotiro poor; late on officer 1st life-guordn RzcuAao, 4th viscennt, 8. 58 Oct. 1762; in. 1st, 30 Juice, is. 11 Oct. 1836 ; s. as 7th viscount, on the decease of 1789, Catherine, 2nd dan. of John, let Earl of Clanwihliam, hic father, 11 Aug. 1S44 sic. 26 April, 1864, Julia, by whom (who ci. 1793) he had three eons, oldest elan, of Thonaac-William, 2nd and pretont i. liicnxou, his successor. n. John, 8. 4 Sept. 1791; d. at C,:imbra, in Portugal, 18 Slay, loll. The family of Wingfceld, “famone,” says Camden, “for III. Edward, in b4y orders; 8. 20 Nov. 1722; en. 12 April, their knightho’d and ancient nobility,” is stated to have 1s19, Louisa-Jean, 3rd dan, of Ihe Men. George Jocelyn; been eated at Wio60eld ro Ruff 1k brfoio the Conquest andd3ing6”ptio .00m n y ng The senior male, line, t.iat of Lethanngham (of which was 1 Richard-Rebert 8. 20 Aug 1820: is 21 June, 1845, Sir Anthony Wingheid, K.G.),is axainci, and VisrouroT Faniiy, eldest dan of the Lire 11.-h.Iinton Castle, Esq. Powraerono’i se near Chief of thie ancient Loose, of Stapleton Grove en Glenrrster, and has hed, Sin Thrisoun Wirsorintn, nephew of Sir Richard Wing- Rdward-J’hn, 8 2:( Aug. 1848; Richard-William, 8. fold, Woof Kirnhslt’ne Castle, and of Sir Robert Wing- 18 Dee, 1848; Fanny-Catherine; and Louisa-Mary. Sold, Ent, of the Holy Sepulchre, and cousin-german of Isabella, (1.4 April, 1058. Sir .tnthonv Win field, go.. of Lotheringhani, commenced 2 George-John, 8. 11 Jon, 1022; in. Ii March, 1851, his distingoisherl inilisary rareer, under his uncle, the Lor,l- Ss1’hia, youngest dan. of the lato P.-D. l’onncefort Depute Sn 11 rlliam I itzw,lliers in the cIvil eva, sin Ii ci uid I’ lsrfpCia l3nck i haicormdi,,rt:i lb was aftoi’wor’is engaged opon the Coistinont and re- and 1 8 Opril 1066 having issue Anthony-henry 8. 7 tnrning to Ireland, woe rppaioted by Queen EtizonrTsi, Sept. 1857; lironvillo-Fonlis, 8. 10Apr11, 1859; Honoroin 1600, moresehal of that hing.loio, which office was roil. Emily; and Mary-Isabella. f,raied to Inin by Jones I., and he was at the sanis tiino Rdward-ffolliott, of Maids Moroton Lodgo, Mnrhi, called to his majesty’s privy council In 1811, Sir Willloni rapt 2nd li.’e-gds. 8. 0 Aug. 1823: in, I May, 1848, was joined in the government of lcd ni and sgain in 1f62, Fr.mees-Eroily, eldest den, of 0’ orge. preient Lord having in the interim l’een elevated to the peerage of that Dynovor, acid ‘1. 26 Sept. lOil, having by her (who it. I ing lom (19 Feb Ii I ) I y the ut c if xsccuroT Puwons Ci hv lob) had Fdwaid Rh; 19W John couor; but d. without isono, in 1034, when tbe dignity Trrvor, 8 17 Nor 1811; (leorge-Talbot, 8. 26 March, expired, while the ostates devolved upon his cousin, 1811; Williamifohlioti, 8 10 April, 1s61, 9. 8 Dec. 1861 Sip EnwAno WiNOFI ron, a dislinguishod soldier nuder Ihe lien, y-Joeole’n, 0. 26 Nov. 106:;; Solins-Emily; FrancesEarl of Essex, acid a person of gre it iofiurnco and power is Lcnisa; and Rand-Isabella. Ireland. lie is. Anne, dan. of Edward, Lord Cromwell; 1 Emily. and dying Li 1638, n-as o. by his eldest son, ills lordship is. lndly, 1797, Isabella, dan. of the Right Hon. Rienoan Wirsoriron, Roq. of Foweroosurt, who s, in William Browniow, and by her (who 4. 5 April, 1848) had, 1640, Ellrabcth, eldest ,lan. of Sir Heni’y Folliott, Lsrd i. William, in holy orders, vicar of Abboyleix, Queen’s Follistt; on I dying hi 164 or 43, was .s. by his only son, Co.,- 8. 21 May, 1789; to, 14 Sept. 1830, Eliiabeth, Pot carT Wiroorxri,n. Es,1., in whose favour the Vrscoursra. don. of the Rev. Thomas Kelly. of Ksllyville, and or I’owsnsconisT eras revived Icy patent, doled 52 Feb. 1665. by her (who 1. 1856) has issue, his lordship so. lady Rlirabctli boric, eldest dan. of his 1 Rirhard-Thoraas, 8. 18 fIn. 1815; t, II April, 1864, grardian, tho Earl of Orrery; hot dying withont issue, to Isabella, den. if the Rev Edward (mile, of Jersey. Rdn’ard-lihgb 0 1, Jan. 16411 rl. in 1047. 117, the peerage again exisred, while the estates passed to Elleabeth-lsal;elia, en. 13 Aug 1890, to ltens’y Pile- his eonsrn, Goorgo, eldest son of the lien. Geo. -Francis Celisy. gnwaan WiroorIron, Esq., harris;er-el-law (son of Lewis 2 Isabslh,a-Fra,ieua. S Emlly-Caroline. Wingfield, Req., by Sidney, dan. of Sir Paul Goro, nf 4 Franres-Catlierhie. Manor Oore), This grnilrenan so, 1st, Eleanor, 2nd dan. of ,. Catherine, iii. July, 1832, to theh.ite Roe. Arthur New- Sir Arihor Gore, nf Newton Gore, co Slays; end Sndly, combo, of Abbeyleix, Qnerr?o Ce., and it. 1815, leavisg Sites Lloyd, lao. of Willias, , levi Isishn’p of Eillala ; by this jessie. fs,reoer ef whore he hod one son and tevo dons. The enly son, n. Emily, so. 4 June, 1827. to the Rev. Prederirk TwisleRrenann Wiroos’inr n, Esq, of I’ew, rscenrt, SIP., who ton now Lord Saye and Oslo), and 4. 20 Juice, 1337. was ccv st.-d ti the peerage of Ii’elon,h, 4 Feb. 1741, Icy this The viscount 9, 19 July, 1609, and was s. by his eldest son, titles ef demo ll’i. yield ansi Vioeornsr Powrnscot-nT. IIis RicnAIir,, SIb rierount, 0. Il Sept. 1709; is. 6 Feb. 1013, lordship so hat, in 1721, Anne, dan. of Christopher Uoirer Fiaencis-Thesdeoio, eldest din, of Robert, 2nd Earl of linden, Req. of lJrh, r’s Q,sav TI,ildso, l’nt by her had no issue, lie hr whon,, (who 9. iii 1920) be hod issue, godly. I Isrs’tliy. 8 n. s.f I Icr n,h.s R’swley, l’ioq. of Sum- Ersisnan, 6th visceunl. inerhill, eo. Shu:dli; arch ‘l3-mg n, I ,;l,left (vatb two ‘Ions., Cotnei’ine-Anne, so. 21 Dee 1612, the Hen, ancd Rev, A-fl. Frances, on. en 1 I,, 0’’ .1 s’I.n lire, Lord Ar, ‘‘ally, acid Stuart, 4th son of Robert, Ssd Earl sit Castle Stnart; and Ieol’ehla, a. in 1776, t” Sir t lien-lee Style, Dart.) two sons, 8. 21 Dec. 1643. ef whoni the oiler, Ills 1, o’rloin i’ a. 2nd If. in 1922, They doGo, don. of the lien - Enwsnn, Soil viseenut, 1,. in 1729; ,l. UPos. 8 May, 1764, hugh H’’ward, and mccc of tho Earl ef Wicklew, but Lad aind woo .c. by his 01112 britler, iso oilier issue. lIe 9. 9 Aug. 18211, aiad was o. by his son, Ririsnnn, cr1 e seceont. Tins nolslensan vs. Emilso, d.,s,, Ririr.a ins, 6th vieroernt, 0. 18 Jan. 1615, wh’,n in. 93 Jan of John, E nh ‘f Al.lherongls, arid hal irsne, 1836, his rs,sssin, Lady Eliral’,elh,-Franres-Chorlette Joeelyn, i. Rirnoon, lila snr,’essor. dan, of Ilie Ird Earl of Rode-n, and had issue, n. -loins, hut. -sol, iii the arnay ; 0. 2 Air;7 1773; o’l,e asorinied. in 1663. 11cr o,l’hihon:il sn-noose of Sriras-r, tm, This grolierson aces rho soil ‘at lire Ii lo Deoia et Dnrhon’, lie is. 1°i, 13 April, 1787, Froi,ncs, only child of Icr norsi by lhe Il’s. Anne-Mario-llridget hlyng. 7111 I P0 W ER SCOUR T. POW POW Earl of Leiceotcr. IL LlIcdfit.