Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/209

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P 0 W Mttvva, present viscount. Maurice-Richard, an otllcerlst life-guards, 8. 15 Jan. 1839; ThIs Asiennes Guys, Eeq. of Styebe, m. Alice, dan. ol so. 11 July, 1065, Mary-Agnes, youngest dau. of James F. Townobend, Req. of Brsekenaek, co. Nerfelk, and had, Thoek, Esq. of Chariton, Wilts, and sister of Lady SLurborne, RoBeRT CLeve, Faq. of Styehe, lIP, in the Lsng Parliament; and 1. 14 Feb. 1866. Lewis-RecuAnu, 5. 25 Feb. 1842; os. 16 done, 1868, CeciliaEmily-Emma, I. Geoaoa, who so. Mary, dan. and heir of Martin Husbands, dan. of the Rt. Hon. J.-W. FitzPatrick, HF. His lordship, sometime H.P. for Bath, d. 11 Aug. 1844. The viecounteasm. 2ndly, 19 April, 1646, Frederick-William- Robert, present Marquees of Londonderry, H.P. f.lrealioo—4 Feb. 1745. Arms—Avg., on a bend, gu., three pair of wings, conjoined in lure, of the field. Creel—A den,ieagle, rising, wings oxpanded, arg., looking at the sun in its Robert Clive wae .e. by hie groodeon, glory. Sioppertcrs—Two pegasi. org., winged, maned, and ROBEaT Cs.ivv, Faq. of Styehc, -o. Elizabeth, dan. of R. hoofed, or. Mollo—FidilitO eat de Dien. &al—--Powereeonrt, Amphlett, Esq. of the Fonr Ashes, Woreestorohirs, and had, near Enniekorry, eo. Wicklew. P 0 W I S. Powis, EARL OF (Edward-James Herbert), in the co. of Montgomery, Vioeouut Clive, of Ludlow, Sarah, owen 1755, Sir John Markham, Bart.; and d. in 1820, Baron Herbert, of Cherbury, iu the oo. nf Salop; Jnditb, vs. in 1757, to Thomas Wesley, Faq. of Sbrewebnry. and Baron Puwis, of Powis Castle, in the eo. of Frances, so. in 1758, to Matthew Wilson, Esq. of Rehton Montgomery, all in the peerage of the Uuitod Kingdom; Baron Clive, of Waleot, in the eo. of 2adly, to her cousin, Mattlsew Wilson, Eoq. Her only Salop, in the peerage of Great Britain; and Baron Frances-Mary Riehareloon-Cnrrer, of Rohton STall, who Clive, of Plessey, in that of Ireland ; high steward of the University of Cambridge; 5. 5 Nov. 1818; a. his father, as 3rd earl, 17 Jan. 1848. tUtcagc, Powys Caetle—at an earlier peried called Bed Castle and Rosea’e, was the illnstrioeio R’asea’r Ctevv, to whose Poele Castle, from which the Herberte, Hails Fowis, and bokheees in eoemsol aced daring iie war, England, in a great the present femily. derive their title—was purchased by the moaseere, owes the eetaleliohnee,et of leer doneinion in India. Herbsrts in the reign of ELIZABETU. It had been the seat Ito was leers at the faeevily erect of Styehe, Shropohire, of inheritance ef the Greye, Lerde Powys, and Chsrllons, ‘24 Fob. i726, and after m:eking bienoelf remarkable at the Lorde Powys, descended from the marriage of John de various schools he woiet to, more fe,r his fiery and undaunted Cberlton with Hawye Gadarn, dan. and heirese of Owen ap Griffith, last Prince of Powye-Wenavynwyn. The family of Clive, which aseumed its name from the fitted bine for a soldier, and icc 1717 he qnitted tlee civil for maner ef Clive or Clvve, has been eottled in Shro1’shire the military service of the Company. Shin first distinction since the reign ef heNley It. RienAno Come, of Huxley, Cheshire, and of Styehe, in Cotole, whore as a lie,eteeeaeet ho esmneande,1 the forlorn 00. Salop, 12th in descent from Henry de Clive, of Clive, hope that abormoel the breacle. lee 1731 he t k the city of m. Margaret,° den, of Sir Richard Corbel, of Moreton Areot, and after a loceg ,lefe,iae of it, he signally defeated, Corbet, by Elizabeth his wife, dan. of Sir Walter Bevereux, before ito walls, the eeeeiuy ariso came to rrtake It. His E.G., created Lord Ferrere of Chartley, and had, with health (hon required hue, to rotern to Eieglaaeel, lent lain three dasie., one of whom ea. Richard Lea, of Lea, three repose there was oheert. On leie rct,ern to lecelia lee femed eons, ReLaxeD, his heir; James, ef Lendon; and Ralph, ef tlee whole nattoes aro,eeod 1.3- tlee ate’ city of the Black Watford. The eldest son, RlenAen CLive, Eeq. of Huxley and Styehe, living temp. perpetrator, the Seerajole Bowlech, Subale of Ilesgal. lie Heveay VIII., cc. Jene,t sister of Sir William Brereten, stormed Calcutta, and once master of it, ler’esght the Ent. of Brereton, cc. Chester; and d. in 1573, leaving, with Snrajah to immediate terneo. lie then entore’,I ml,, a plot five dane., oneaen, Sia Geoaoe Cnsvz, Ent. of Huxley and Styehe, chancellor conspiracy, the success e,f which won a,’hicved by the of the Exchequer in Ireland, who o. Sneennab, dan. famona battle of Flnosey, fonght the 23rd Jsene, 1717. of Henry Copinger, Esq. of Suxhall, Snff,clk, and had issue, Clive there, wills 3,000 sscn, utterly ronted the Snr.ejoh i. Joenna, of Huxley, who Ca. Mary, dan. ef Andrew Dowlah, at the head of troops acneeesnth,g to 70,000. The Charlten, Eeq. ef Apley Castle, and left at his dece-see an moult woe the oxeeuti,en c,f the Snrajah. tho ieeoh,liaticn of only enrviving dan. and heir, RACnAEL, so. in 1619, to Thomas iViltcrahsm, Esq. ef Nantwieh; and frem this marriage derive the WinBOA5IAII5 Calcutta, and tleon tnrnimeg bin arIses sgeeinot lice Butele of Dvlaos,re (lately represented by Geoane defoatod them by sea and laced, aced eompollod theen to a Wis,snxnxa,, Eeq., H.P.); the VILBaAnAacs ef diode; treaty of infinite benefit to tbo Foot ludics Couep.eny. he 1761 and Edward Beetle Wilbraharn, Lord Skolneersdale. Clivo again came to Englaced, a,eel was elevated In the II. Asianese. She derived, threngh the family of Forrers, from the Olive of Ptooooy, ro. Cloe’r; ins keigleflee’c”1 of the hlath dates Saxon Earls of Mereia. She wao descended, through the Fitzalans and lIe once more there as Preot’iont cf licn._’al ; theee ho o,-ttlod to Eohnns, from the Lady Elizabeth Plantagenet, dan. of Kiag the Company’s advantage, an,i fncdly reinmod t,e England Rnwaan 1. P 0 W who vs. Mary, dan. el Sir B .Abyn, Knt., and had, Esq. of Wornabridge, Herb; and d. v.p., leaving, I Bosenv, successor to his grandfather. 2 George, eursitor baron of the Exoheqner; d. ua,a. S Edward, of Wormbridge, who left a numernns isene. His eldest son, Sir Edavard Clive, Hut, of Wormbridge, became ajudge of tlae Conrt of Common Pleas. RLcnaan CLIvE, Eaj. of 5t3-ehe, avho represented Montgomeryehire in ooreral successive parliaments. He vs. Rebecca, dan. and co-heir (with her sister, Lady Sempill) of Nathaniel Gaokell, Faq- of Manchester, and had issue, ROBERT, his heir. William, 5. 29 Aug. 1742, m. 25 Ang. 1790, his 2nd cousin, Elizabeth-Cure, dan. of John Rotton, Esq- and 5. 21 June, 1025, leaving issue seven sons aied one dan., viz., I Richard, ii. in India, cecue. ; 2 William. in holy ordere, vicar of Wslehpool, ned eometinie Archdeacon of Moutgsenery, 5. 14 3larrh, 1795; we. 20 Oct. 1029, Marianne, 4th dase. of Oc’rge Toilet, Req., of Betley Itall, eo. Stafford, by svhom )sa-ho 1. 16 Feb. 1841); he has an only anrvtvieeg den., Marian,eo - Caroline, i. 5 June, 1002, to the lion, and Rev. John 11-0. Bridge- man (see Basnronn, B. o’) ; 3 Robert-Horsort, 5. Jsine, 1796, d. 11 Aug. lviii ; 4 Edward; 5 Hecery Bayley, 8. 1803; 6 George, is h”ly orders, roetor of llosetford, Salop 7 Ilenjcsmin. d. young; 1 Cburl,etto. Rebecca, ow 16 74sv. 1719, to her firot-eanoin, the Rev. Robert Clive, rector of Msroton, and Jere bendary of Westminster, sen of the Roy. lionjaeein Chve, of Dnffield; and 5. in 1825. Hall, Yorkshire. Their only child, Margaret Clive, was e,e. twice, lot to the 31ev. Ii. tdiehardasn-C,errer, aeed dan. and heiress by her first nearriage was the late lliss 5. naea. 28Apr11, 1061. Anne, so, to the Hon. George Sompill, aol, of Hugh, 11th Lord Ssmpill. The eldest son, spirit than bia application, he in 1744 entered the Civil Service of the East India Coesepeuzy ; hut ieatnre had wae at the siege of Poeeelieherry, aseel at the attach of Dcvi hole of Calcutta, (‘lice terribly avenged tin deed on its to dethrone him, and with reckless energy carried out the his nebeister liter Jsffier in his phece, and tho rapid eeaeendaney of (be British power. Clive became Govornor of peerage of Ireland, 15 3lareh, 1762, 1)3’ the title of Boroa in 1764. In 1765 scene eliote,rhamee,eo in India brcvegbt him in 1767. He was liP, for Shrowsbnry froeo 1768 ta the end 971