Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/229

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It A N WILLIAM An JItN5tIN, alias HERBERT, Lord of Gwarhtdee, Stawel, and dan. of Janses, .3rd Rarl of Salisbm’y, by whom who sit. Gwenllion, dan. of Howell lehon, Esq., and had be had no child. The earl if. witbssnt mate issue ut 1711 four cone, s. Jouw, of Werndn, whooo son and heir wao wben the earidom expired, and the visoomity ostd barony anoestor of tho family of Pstooen of lrerodss; it. tlevtn, rentained doristasit fir uessrly half a ccstt’ory, tsutil cloinsed anceotor of the MoetoaNs of Acxton; iii. iloweL, of whom by, and allowed to, the deceaoed lorffs essnnist, we treat; and iv. Tuoat.oo, from whom dooeonded the Cssxau,as JoNns, Req., its 1719, as -6th viscount (revert HEResERTO, Earle of Pemhroke, &c. The 3rd coil, Hower. AP QueLLeR, of Treowon, lionmouthshiro (now 1st viaeossnt). his lordshi1s so. Sarah, i,nly dan. of Thomas the property of John Jones, Req. of Llanarth Court), o,. Montgomery, Rsq. (a deseenilasst of tire ltssstgssmerys of Hand, dan. of lewd ap Rice, and his groat-great-grandoon, Prance), by wbom Its had (with other issne, who d. 0. p.), JoHN op TnoaeAe, of Treowen, sa. in 1481, Anne, dan. of . - sucressive visrouutt. David ap Gnillim Morgan of Arkston, and had issno (all of whom here the snrnansc of JONES), 1. Wis.uxat, who s. at Treowen, and ]eft issne; Ins great- grandson, Sm PHILIP Jewes, Rut. of Treowen, lieut.-colonel of I-he iv. Ilenjamiss a heat-cot, in the army, ci. sutsa.3 Sept. 1776. troops raised for CnAesLns 1. in the co. of Mtennsouth, and a’. JoIsts, n rsajsir in tlse 11th tsasssars, s’s. Eliza Cane, dan. of 81.1’. far that ehire in 1653, ci. Elizabeth, don. of Sir Edward Morgan, Dart, of Llanlarsaus Abbey, and had issue, tht’ee sane and nine dases. Sir Philip Jones was in vs. Alcxander—Mantg,sntera’, aice’adsetiral u.N., b. in 1778; os Raglan Castle when ii seas taken and destroyed by Sir Thomas Pairftx. Itis direct descendant is Ike present Jossec-Aavitun tleoanar, Esq. of Llanarth, cc. lleomoisth, who has been antherized, isy royal licence, to rasaene Use ancient oanae of his ancestors. lie sss. in 1616, Augusta- Charlotte-Elizabeth, only surviving child of Lard Llaseover. Ii. DAVID, af whom presently iii. Morgan, of Crossland, left isssee. iv. Richard, of Pembrokeshire, left issue. v. Walter, of Moaleswesd. The 2nd sen, DAVID Jnwee, of Chepstew, sa. Ursula, dan. of Wartle The visossunt who bad been risaisanan ssf cssmmttteos in Wyrwood, of Eeeton, in Gloncestorshiro, and had two sons, the House of Lords of Ireland, d. 20 April, 17o8, and was viz., HENRy, and Richard, of Claypit, Stanmoathehire, so. z. by hb eldest son, and left iesnc. With this hrastch of the Jssrnscs the family CHARLEs, Shh viscount, capt. RN.; whod. uass, in 1660, of Burdett is, threngh female alliance, ronssccted. David when the houonrs devolved upon his brother, Jones was s. by his elder son, Hewuv JoNEs, of ltiddieton, Lancashire, who sit, a dan. Etizaboth-Carohine,tllegitimate dan. and heir of Sir Philip of Daniel, of Acton, co. Suffolk, and had issue, Roger (Sir), ass alderman and sheriff of London, knighted at His lordship so. 2ndly, in Sept. 1811, Miss Louisa Thomson, Whitehall, 6 July, 1664. Sir tiegcr sss. Anne, dan. ef Thomas Hackeq of London, and sister of Sir Christetsher llaektt, TnoMAs-IinnoN, present viseonot. lard-mayor of that city. Thomas, The younger son, THOMAS JoNes, hs holy erders, a doetos in divinity, was His lordship d. I July, 1S20. consecrated Bishop of Iloath, t 2 Slay, 1184, and translated Ceeof)oo—21 Aug. 1626. to the archiepiocopal see of Dublin in 1601, in which year Arms—Az., a cross, between four phoons, points downwards, ho wao eanstitssted likewise Lord Chancellor of Ireland. His grace so. liargaret, dan. ef Adam P,srds,n, Esq. of Crest—A dexter arm, emhossrd, in armour, lbs hand in a Lurgan Race, ro. Louth, and relict of John Dotiglas, Rsq., gauntlet, ppr., eroopiog a dart, or. by whom he had issue, ltoosa (Sir), his successor. Margat’et, so. to Gilbert Demvile, Esq., clerk of tlse Ilanaiser. Jane, sss. to Henry Piers, Esq. of Tristernagh, co. Wostaseath. Touts Jfossoe—7, New ltnrtington Street. The archbishop d. in 1619, and was o. in his estates hy his son, Ssu Room JoNes, Knt. of Durham’s Town, co. Westmrath, who was olcvated to the peerage of Ireland, 21 Astg. 1628, by the titles of Baron Joeseo, of Koran, and VssconNr itANeLAule. His lordship as. 1st, Frances, 2ssd dssu. of Garret liloore, lot Viscount Dregheda, by whom he had, AaTnua, his successor. Thomas, m. Ehzabetlt, dza. ofJehn Harris. Esq. of Wisschester, and bad issue, Roger, M.P. for Winchester, sit. Ilargarel, slat,. of Joseph Gulston, DI)., and sister of William Gutsion, tsishop of Dristol, and left, Cltarles, seha sit. Elizabetts, dan. of Janus iseoglas, Esq. of Haddington, a desrendant of the great Scottish Honse of Douglas, and had, CuAoLzs, sobs inherited as 4th Viscount Ilanelagh, and tlsree daiss., Ilartha; lilacgarel, its, to Thomas Gardner, Esq.; and Wilhetntina, widow of Jehit Hill, Req. The viscount its. 2ndly, Katherine, dan. of Sir Edward RANFURLY, EARL 01° (Thomas-Granvillo-HenryStnart Longueville, Dart., by whom he hail one dssn., Elizabeth, ns. to Col. Robert Sandys. His lordship ci. in 2638, and all of Dnngannnss, en. Tyrnne, in the peerage of was o. by his eldest son, ARTHUR, 2nd viscount. This nobleman to. Katherine, iroland; Baron Ranftsr)y, of Ramphorlie, en. lIenfrew, dan, of DIehard, Ist Earl of Cork, and was s. 17 Jan. 1663, 1849 a. as 4th earl, at tho death of his father, 20 by his only son, EInuARn, Ird viscount, created Earl s.f J&tsselspls, 11 Dec. May, 1888. 1674. His lordship who was viee-treasm’er of Ireland, and governor of the castle of Athlone, so. 1st, Elizabeth, doss, of The first of this family, of athens Ilsom is any record, is Fmnois, Lord Willoughby of Parham, by whom ho had two Ueurann, whose son, AOAM, early in the huh century, obtained sons, who both ci. young, and three surviving dons., Elizabeth, Os. to John, 16th Earl of Ittidare. Pranets, its. Is Tlsomas Coniugsby, Earl Coningsby. Ratbarine, ci. sssssst. His lordship so. 2ndly, liargaret, relict of John, Lord of ts)s oneetssors, arc freqsssnily to lie fotmd in the Cbsrtelory 931 It A N to descessdastts of the lion. Thomas J,snes, 2nd san of the iii. ttichard, a nssjor in she amsy, is. 24 llarels, 1764; vs. 14 50150. 1701, Soplsia, oisls’ dau. and heir of John Gildard, Req. of Slaclelcy tlorst, cc. Lancaster, which lady d. 27 Nov. 1661. Major Janes isp. Itajor Cane, ef Goblin. Major Jones and isis wife ars bath deceased s’. is. lhs. Jonas d. in clsildbcd. Caroliuo t’alittet’, clan. of Tltsrnas t’alntrr, Esq. of liasstbledon, Ilonts, and nioce of Gen. Sir Wifliasa llyers, tIm., and sT, S Jon. 1861, teavinghy bar (who ii. 26Nov. 1658) had issue, I ALEXANDOE-IIOOTSOMEBV, 8. in 1612. 2 Rohirrl-llolcswortts, 8. in 1-°14; tO. 1816. I ltenry—ttart,erI-llon;g,sneer’, bin 1831; ci. II Dee. 1811. I Corshine-Sarals, so 14 May, 1814, to Visc’sant 1-tenry deViseass, 2nd toss of Elisde William, Count do Vismes (ore pose, Possesses TiTLes). 2 Itary, is. 11 Stay, 1866, to tIm Rev. J. Williams, tab rectsir of Gringley, Notto. TuoasAs, 6th viscount, it. 2 Feb. 1761 ; nt 1sf, 21 Ang. 1804, Stevens, Dart., by whom (who sO. in 1801) ho bad no issue. by whom be left, Ilarliara, m. in 1834, to Count Johu-Rernard Von Reehborg, of bIte Aoslrian empirs. Story, dec. henrietta. or. Liopporlees—Two grilftns, ernsinois. JJotto—Cwlits,s nub vices. - Sast—Rstnelsgte lioesse, l”ellsons, Itiddlesex. It A N F U R L Y. Knox), ViaeolsutNerthland, and Baron ‘Welles, in that of the United Kingdom; 8. 28 July, Itliutacir, the lands of Enox, and Danfnrly, in the slnre of Renfrow, from Walter 161gb Steward of Scotland, and tack the otmzine of Enox; he was o. by his son, Jones KNOX, of that ilk, end Ranforty, whets name, and that 3o2