Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/230

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It A N el the Abbey of raistey, as witnesses to various deeds concerning the Abbey. i’essvssr.n K sire, of that ilk, and of P.anfnrty. in 1171, resigned the lands of Knox, Itoafurly. aoil briff Castle to tise Crown, and rees’ired a ns wgrant of tim suite I tise charts r tiring still eotititt In the I legiotry I titer of the s rest Sat in Kiloihittrgis). tie Os. Agtses, dust, of t,ioit Lyle. and teas a. by his son, Cesivisrn Knit’s. if that ilk, tutu S I tattlitily, ss’tto us. Janet, diii. sit ].isrst Senspie, ansi host issue two suits, I. 1.’eTlTSSEO K vax, selso s. to the bout esf Knox attd ltatsfiirly, to is ussr l.souI) Ilsey retnatneut till I fill, olsen list nualo hsno lit tsiitei’itnt’t. Ti lVss,s.i.sst knot. The hut sin. WiLLs so K ‘isis, us. the stats. ond heiress of Siteytand of Silty— l,snst, to. ttessfrese, aoit hail issue, W’ii.t,s ost Kiss is, tif Silt ylsind, is tto s. lt.irg.trol, ulsist. of Patrick Pletniog, of tt,irreet iatt, co ttessfross, attit setis e. luy his sits, W’sett.sis Ks it’s, of Sitrytanit, lie to. ssiouitt I fIt, Margaret. seidois sit Itis esotois. 1’u’ltlreit Knot, of titat ills, osid ttait. sail iseir of fleoruse ltaxwel I, of Ness-arte. Iiesistes ottser isooe they tsast a sisn, 1st sass K soy. otto seitlesh sit Olsiugotu’, and i. toolset, slsssi. of Arelsttiahsl t,oti, yistttitterssiia of l,ortl i it:stssio, I iy iotsotts iso tssuit, v. Georgus )btittis ibis) Is.C.L., so. 1sf, 1008, Ausne, 2nd don. ‘I Kxssx, us. to Elioustietlt Spattg, dtitt. of a tiatsiih gentle— titan, sstsst stoic orer ho Scotland isa the suite of Queen .xxo, of ttess:aark lie 1usd by tier, s. Tise Itigiti I toss. ‘In nsos Koox, otto settled at Dssngsnnon, cii. Tvroste, I relasnt, its I f92. tIe is as osie of I ho Itajeet) ‘S hit sot t lost. l’riev Council. ats,t for toasts rears retireetsleth tise tioroisglt oil lstttgassstses iii Part lautteits. ltio Iseiri tsssrtttg fattest, his estates ist tretand de nuts ed ott isis ssetshsesr, o. 01 lii’ tiruithes’. Ti. Juno Knox, of u-boos presently. iii. William, it. o. p. The lnit sun, ,Tisssx Knox, so. Elizolsetlt, dan. unit Isoir of Itityti Koilit, Eoq., a eastet of the Fart ltartsehal’o tansity S styittg isa 1722, he stos o. by Itis sistly sots, Titossos KNOX, of llongtsnnon, uousrtiase 31.1’. for Dougonnon, sstssl tietitly (iisrertti ‘r sf else esi. ‘l’s rotse. It e isu . tie 51cr, don. of John Eelttiss, ot rslt1ititi, 00. t horn, and it. t 7512, teas istg iustse, 5. ‘1150000 Koox, lot tteur, is. Jotist, silos ui. itt t Till, toe only dais, of Itenry Waring, 8Kg. of Wai-ittgstown, co. Down, and left isstte, 1 tlet:rv. 2 Ttsestias, tietst.—eol. in the fe st—gnarito, us. Ettesna, dots. of ‘—Witliastsi, ttst., oust by ltrr (is-Iso sit 2tidty, (len. Sir ttostrv Custtsptss II, 1(0.0.) Issisi I learr,1 Itontas, sod tts’osi ntsese, 3t.l’., istsis so. II iioSitttrsts. I Itostu’:’, sit, to Jatitis 1.1 ossls’a7 , Log. of l’ai osir ttoyat, co Tyrosie, 31.0. is. tiizusiiettt, u’ It F onto, Log. of Scafuirde, eo. Dosen. TIse eldest soss, Tssossao t(ossx, of tiungannon, for ntany years lIP. for titof I trough, seas elersteit is tlse ieer.t0e of I rel,sssst, 16 Jan. t lot, as tt.sritts Well us, snit creased, I Jttt1 . 701, ‘Otoeottutt Nit tlslassst. lie seas 0. 19 tInt. 112-1 ii. Attste, 2set doe. of Jidtst, 1st 1.osot Knalstits, ansi sister of buss, let Viieount etc Veuei, by oboist (tube 1. t 1 Oct. toOl) ho 1usd iooue, 5. ‘roossoo, isis heir. Si. ,iolto, sssutjur gen. its the army, ond gorcrnor ofjasnaieo, lost ott his p.ssouge to that i ‘lund isa 1000. Its. Vesey, 0. 17(0: as. 1792, Cust.tsertne, duos, of Gen. Gisberne, vms, Ldsaiussid, 15.1 5., Luuril P,tslmep of 1.fsnes-tehs, us. 1716, Anna— st 1830. leaving i,00e, 1 Tlsootss (hisi,sroe, 0 6 lto’, 1790: it. Pets. 161,3 2 Kdtisond-l’ situ-is, b. I e02 : sss. loll, II ory—Aosse, doss, of The 11ev. It. W’usrd l it. IsIS, learing teaoe, Vesey-Tlsosnas. Kdttsttnst, tssie bust foot, h. I Slit, ui. I Get. 1082, Olas-garetCtariesa, 2nd lusts, of Ilse 16cc. Jassti.s-t’. slarre It, reotor of Kellieiosin, co. Cssrli’sr’, ttoettarut-tleusry, 5. 1816; Thomas. Foeti’ietss-, Is. I —10; Catltorine. o,. toll, to tiieh,ard Boss, EM., 31.11., end 9. 1064; Cln’iotsaa1 F’antty, it. 1061; Mid Caroline. 1 31,srsan-Diaoa, su. 11ev. ttiettard Nngent lbos’ner. TV. Villissot, 0.11., I.orsl Iliotsop of Bees’s-, 0. 1762’ sit. 1700 Ansti’, don. ef .Jatttes Stessees’. tie’ wltitsn (otto if. 1014; ite left issoe, at halo derease isi tolls I Janseu’Sps’steer, 11.15., 0. t7op sit. 1911, Clara, dots, of the Thomas, hit viscount, sI. 5 Nov. 1011, taos a. by his eldest ion, flsgttt ttsist. JoIsts Iteresisurd, atid if. 1062, liavisag hail issue Tuossas, 2nd viosiosmt, wise was emoted s peer of Ihse United by tier (ss ho it. 1052), Thtotsaas-Cossrge, F. ts24. Cttorlee—.t silos—lieu esfos’d, 0. 1 Sb in Itoh’ os’des’s ‘ its. Kingdoni, 6 Jidy, lob, as llaeoo Dassrrns.v, and made ass ts’ish 1537. Cttrisisita, d:ssa. of ttte 11ev. Etist and IA silo 00d has Eunt, its Lane or Uaxem’oey, Sept. 1831. lIe n’ss 0.5 Aug. 1754; tins ulatss. Ge-trge.itereofos-d, 0. 1q10. Itarhara.Asioe, ,ii. toll, Joist Stevenson, Psg. Cl ira Ehie abut, itt. 1047, Joust 31 tsihsten, Lu1. of Spring Ci riser, 0-i. F orntasssuht I site it. 1061. bsisto-hIa-Frastu es. l’r.tnees—Itort’iett 2 Wthliusot, in bushy orders, 0. 1790; so. lii, 1811 Sarah dots. of Sir A. Ferguson, hart., by tettsat he had, 932 RAN W’ihhbone, 0. 1011; us. 1st, 1053, Gertrude dan. of T. Ilobino, Lsg., tiN. t she if. hs(0, leaving issue, ViItisot, F. I st’io ; Froaeea-Entsna Emily-Annie. Ho us. lodly, hi Jnty, I sf2, Itory-hiatuells, dutu. of II. Frend, Pss1. sit lhuushetl, co. 1.toterieh, and niece of Field-Marshal Viseuuimnt 5.hustighi Aodtrw-t’engasoo, 0. 1016; us. Katherine, dan. of L. Blocker, bIet., ssuut has iosae, W’ittiamn-Pergnuoo, b. 1861 Thuusitias-Johiii, 0. 1519; so. 1010, Lutsisso—Angosta, dan. of Jasmies Care3, Nag. Tue Cci .11 httianu I(nox us bndty, loll, t.onhso. dso. ofttso 11ev. Sir J. Ituutuinson, Idari,, and st loGO, hating by her (o Iso ii. 1040) hod issue, lhsre.i onus, so. tube noyd, Fig. Anne-Ellen, cm. tIer. 2. Carey. Chorlotte’Esttser. Fs’ssnees-l1unih’, os. P,usiiert—Veoey Trooti, Lost. I lloorge, 0. 1700 t hieot..eol. Cotdstresoi-gnnrds. 4 Clsutrtee-llenry, 0. 1005 ; hteat.-eoh. in Ihe army; if. 1564. I .losse, ,t. 1o61. it Ansse-Ettzaluelh. 3 Isotuehla, us. 1824, (tetorins Wigrant, Esil. 4 Sehina-Fltealseth, to. 1015, IV:lliasn-I’onsooby-Esrker, Lug. b’u’oores-Letieia, us, toll, Hon. osid ttei . A.W’. Ponseroy. 6 hlessrietta-Itary-Osstavia, us. 1041, lions. Adohshe-Assgnsbo de Shsueler. 7 t.sssiQ -Larinia, so. 1542, Colonel J’33’ Ornssby, It.A. I hlohest-Adetoife, flu. torsO, Ites’. W’.-A. Orsaisby. of Sir tEuluert Stoides, Itort. boo sO. toll), he had issue, I Ttsoesao l’ery, 0. loUIs; as. Franeei-Ehioalueth, dao. of Capt. (teoruse Iluuruloth. II A,, noel h-is hssse, George L’elsler, capt. hA.. 0. 1837, and (latlsei’ine.hsohrlha-Phorenee. 2 I ls-strv—btorr-, hut Itoh’ suruteri, 0. 10051 cii uleass of Ilsehstog, reeler of Ilaulleight, -o. ottoths-, us. lit, I 41, lone, dasm. of thu II “is. sod htei - Aohtusr Veiey, ansi is1 Iser )suhsn if. 15161 luast iossse, Ausiae Lossisa. I Ic st. hiidty, toll, Ehizaheths—.lane, slass. of hiso II suit. Aulnsir,tl F—S.-!-’. Knox, asid by’ her (seho if. loIs1) hsad issue, Esoily—Jase. 3 i.heorgo-J 00,00, 0. 10111. He ii,. ‘2usuIt , tlturriet, slass. of ‘thomas l”orteieue, Esg., by olsens (uettus it. 101 6 tie loft isssse at Ins decease, 1127, I Jiuttn—Clutotiester, captain of dragoons, b. 1615; us. 1853, Lusdr Losiisst-Isasroen—Daooer, sister of the Earl of Portar— liii tisue. I bsaheiha, usi. 1517, J.Tisdafl, Log. of CharhosOsrf, es. Ibosth. s-i. Ctsuunles, nreltdescon sit Anunogh, et. loll, hoarisag issue, lit’ II annals )selso st I o12), dasi. of Ilobert Dciii, Esg., lit P., nod u sdoo of Issues Flehehen, I ‘l’hsinas, to holy orion 0. 1607; Os, lot, 1040, ElbaW’isichsiooehls, skso. ot Ellis blent, Esg., oust tuy her (who if. 18011) huts iossse, I Ctsutnles—Jeffes-y, 31 asls’as eieil seneheo, 0. 7 Isdy, 1041; ou. II Aug. 1554, Ehzoheth-Georgina, Srsl dusts, of thie Rev. Thioiuau-Dan’soia Logan, reeler of Ch’sylesloseo, co 1_outths, tretond, asssl Itas isssse, ‘I hiomas— ‘esey-lletetlhe, 0. 17 Aug. tOSS; Charles’Arthns-—Nor(h_ lausul, 0. 15 Jon. I SO? ; 2 El leo-hi nary, 0. 1642 t 1 Robert— Uehmiresi, 0. 1844: 4 Dos, soo-Then:os, 0. 1815; 5 l’esey, b. 1s47; 6 C-leeney-Juuhn-llonnoelt, 0. 1518. lie tus. hndhy, 1ofI, }‘.unily-Jaoe, don. of lhs’ lIce. 1.1), Logan. 2 1 lsutuort—l lessl, 1)15., L’urd Ihiehishi of Diii, n, Conner, and Droiteori’. 0. IsIs; ,o.Io41, CaCseni ne-Delta, dan, of Too- oats’ C ilihuon bite gitileon, Lug, of Bathysreda, eo. Limerick, oss,l hos bone, Chsas’Ies—Eehsseo:aut, 0. 1646; Thsinmas—Jolin, 0. 1545 Itotsent-Iahus-Skoflinghen, 0. 1551 ; Edilh-Kathei’fseo3tas’y; Eeelysi-Katlieritie-lsabeh 3 Chsontei-tleorge, sit, toll, Issshehtts—Ittssissoh, stats, of Eh)is Itesti, Kog,, sod has fistic, AsIa-Elba Isabel—Band; Kath— leems M,ire —bIht,onsse. 4 Grorge-Jolmmm, 0. tol5. Charlotte. fan, of Sin Thioneoa bleskofl, Dart., and by her (ia’tso ‘t. 1817) left issue at Isis decease, toll, I Ldssisstsd-Datryne1de, srebsdeaeete of If ihlaboe, 0. 1501; usa. Agsirs-ltarv, dasi. of t,ieni.—CoI. Hay, 0usd has issne, Chaar— belie, rn 1812, Ttiotitos Dolt, t Anno-Geot’gina, ci. 1064, to Wilhiane Dssnvihte. Esg. of Eielssnond Lodge, cc. Dosen Ageeu-lsohie’lls,os. 1610. Col. tteory Green, CD. 2 Choi’los, 0. loll; its. ISIS, litany-Anne, dan of George llsirslsiet’e, gosh. 1 lana, in. 1927, Ilse lien. J.-T. O’Neill. 2 Ihaiviel-Ansee, iii. hItS, D,-tt. tloss, Log.; if. 4 Fob. 1664; he us. loll. 3 Famine’, u’s. 1012, Hey. llas’eiss lloeCaimslond. 4 Anne, uu. 1032, Colousel Heni-y SnuGs, sulso u-as lsilled at I uhoersoats : site st. 1855. us. 2 Inns, I Ion, Diano-Jaoe, eldeol dau, snd co-heir of Edmund, Viueoineh Pes’y, and Isy taer (u-Iso sO. 24 Nov. 1130) had issue, a. Tisosios, 2nd earl. is. Ednissnd-Seotea_I’ery, admiral tiN. 0. 1711; no 1 Jtsly lOIo,Josse, stan, of Wilhioni’ite1ie Yes-c, Log., and it. 24 Slareh, 1007, lsaeing had susie, I Thsomos-b’,utnaunst, (1,11., o col. in She srnty, 0. 16 March, 1620; us. 22 Oct. 1016, Lucy-Diana, don. of the Yen.