Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/322

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SET eldest son, SIR ALpRrn-Fsseneaec-AnotPnue SLADE, the 3rd and present baronet. Croetine—SO SepI. 1831. Arson—Per fesae, arg. and so., a pale, eounrerehanged, and ass. Geerge, no. h)aress, doss. aed co-heir of James Slsore, Req. three horses’ heads, erased, two and one, of Use second; a chief, ermine, thereon lava boost’s, fired, ppr. Coal—On a nsetont, veil, a horse’s head, erased, ea., encircled, with a chain ie form of on arch, go]d. Mollo—Fidue et andax. &at—Mae.nsel house, Sosnerselehire. SET GO. Snioo, Manueos OF (Ueorgo-John Browne), Earl l’he earl of. in 1776, and was s. by his eldest eon, of Altamont, Viscount Westport, of Wostport, co. PETER, 2nd earl; n’ho so. las 1752, Elizabeth, only dan, Mayo, and Baron Montoagle, in the peerage of Ire and heir of Chief-Justice Kelly, of the lolaud of Jomaica, land; Baron Monteagle, of Westport, aforesaid, in and had isosse, the poerage of the United Kingdom ; col. South Mayo s. Jones-Persia, his eoceeasor. militia; 6. 31 Jan. 1820; s. his father, as 3rd uaarquess, It. Llenia,aprivy-eouneillor, 8. in 1763; so. isa 1790, Anne, 26 Jan. 1845; so. 1st, 3 May, 1847, Ellen- Sydney, dan. of Percy, 6th Viscount Strangford, and by her (who ef. 2 Nov. 1852) had an only dan. Catherine-PhIlippa-Ellen, it. 2 March, 1855. His lordship no, 2ndly, 20 July, 1858, Julia-Catherine-Anise, eldest dan. of Anthony-F. Nugent, Eoq. of I’allae, eo. Galway (see WRSTSIRa’ru), by whicla lady (who if. 25 June, 1859), he has had a dan., Jnlia-Ellen-Anne-Catherine, it. 25 April, 1664. Jona Bstoavae, second oen of Sir Jehn Brow-ne, East. ef The Neal, and brother of George Brewue, ancestor of Lnrd Kilmaine, was a colonel in King JaMes’s service, and one of the eapitu1ats’s of Limerick, where (being originally bred a lawyer) he had a pri’eipal hand in drawing op the eelel,rated articles of eapitnhstiou. Sly his second wife Itlaud, dan. of ‘t’hesleeld, SrI Viseonut Siourke, of Moyn, lie had two sos and three daua. Bridget, laity Athenry Elizabeth, so. to John tlirrninghani, Esq.; and Eliaabeth, or. to Tbeolsal,1 Viscount Mayo. lie it. in 1705, and woo a. by his elder non. PETER Beowwz, Req., whe so. Illary, sian. ci the Right lion. lienis Daly, one of the judges al the Cenrt of Common Ploae in Ireland, and woes, by his son, J,,ea’ BaowNE, Eoq., H.P. for tiaotlebar, who was elevated to the peerage of Ireland, 10 Sept. 1760, by the title of Baron Meet r”glr, of Westport, so. M,s1ao. his lordship was created, 24 Aug. 1768, Vi.,ceael lt’estperf, and advanced to the Bart,leos ef Altareoot, 4 lIce. 1771. He aa. in 5729, Anne, dun, of FOr Artbnr (lore, hart., and sister of Arthur, 1st Earl of Arran, and had issue, I. PETER, his sneeesaor. is. Arthor (lit. lIon.), a cot, in (he nrmv, H.P. for es. Mayo; so. Anne. dan. of John 14 ,,r,lhser, Sits., by whom (orho it. July, 1607) he left issue at Ins decease, 21 July, 1773, I Jeha, I). ie 1756; as. in 1764, lines-Mary, dan. of Admiral Sir tiiehord hughes, Ilart., and ii. in 1814, leaving noon, Asaeue bRowsE, Itsq. of Newloarn, cc. hiseeoamson, who ow is 1615, Anna-Elizabeth, only don, of Capboia Richard Cle,nente, F. l.C.S., and has had, I ‘l’laosssas ; 2 Jehe—Irarin 7 henry-George, V.C., captain 160th foot, Os. 10 April, 1662. Nannie, duo, of Charles Seely, Ee1., M.P.; 4 Edward; 1 Ctaodinc-Adelai,le, so. I 0a4, to C-S. Greavea, Esq ; 2 Etnily-Alire. so. 1841, to James-Arthur tirowne, Esq.; 3 llooe-SlarcarelL, so. 1846, to Arthur lirowee, Req., and it. 1047 ; 4 FlIes; 5 Elicabeth ; 6 Story; 7 Ae,tie. 2 llesrge—’l’ow,saen,l. 0. in 17611 an. Sties 5’leet,seo,l, ned ,t. 4 done, tonG, t,avieg hod isaac, the 11ev. John-Peels tlros’ne, vae,sr of hlrai,alree, Essex, ,l, 17 Feb. 1 064 and four ,iaue., 1 eab,’tla; Georgina; Catherine ; sad Rose, ct 16 March, ISiS. 1024 SET I A one, so. ltajor Thomas - Bockaall Liodsey, of Tnrin Castle, cc. Mayo, and it. a. p. 2 Angueta-Loaisa, a,. in 1605, Lt.-Coh. Dominick Browns, of Itroseno hull, eo. Slays, and it. in 1650, leaving issue, of Newport, nad ,l. leaving issue. Slargaret, an. i’s 1765, to Dominick-Geoffrey Browoe, Req. of Castle Slaegas’ret, and by hina, who it 5 Slay, 1826, load, aoilh sitter issue, Deminiek-Geoltrey Browee, now Gotbrte, created Bonow OnasasonE (sic that till’s). iv, Ja,uee, prime oerjeant-at-luw in hrelaod; it. ussm. in Nov. 1750. v. henry, so. Sties Lynch, Jan. of Sir henry Lynch, Bart., and it. 0.1) in Starch,, 1012. vs. John, so. let, Sties htory Cocks, end by her had leone, 1 Emily, ate. 8 Jan, 1766, to Donainiek Browne, Rsq, of Ash’ ford, en. Gatway. 2 Star’, er 14 Stay, 1800, to Peter Blake, Eeq. of Corbally Caatle, eo. Gala’-ay. The lbs. Johe Bi’owsse iso. 2ndly, Ifasalinda, dao. of Eneae Gilker, Fog., by aehon (who it. 30 April, 1612) he left, I henry. I Rhen, ,l. 18 Oct. 1804. 2 L,sssiea, in. 26 Aug. 1867, the late George Stoore, Rsq. of Shsore ]toll, eo. SOto’o, aeoh had (,rith ether isss,e) a eon, hoe preeeat Georgc-liesry Stoare, Req. of Sloore hail, late H.P. for the en. Stays. S Anne, 1. Anne, so, in 1762, to Ross Stahen, Eaq. of Castlegar, Co. Galseay. duo, of toos Station, Fsq. of Casttegar, and his wife Lady Aisne hlrow,oe, and hs’ her (who ,l SO Dee, 183S1 he left at his decease, 14 Aog. 1028, I Janice, of Ctarenaoet btouee, co Mayo, b. lb June, 1191: et 1st, in 1020, Eleanor-Catherine Srd dau of John O’ello, Req. of tteekley, Kent St.?.. bot by her fe’lso it in 18231 had no iasoe; a,sd 2adty, 17 Starch, 1825, Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of John Poget, Rsq. of Totteridge, Rerte, and, dying 21 Doe. 1054, left iessse, James-Penis- ttssee. Catherine-Rtea,sor. Cha,’lotle-Elicnt,eth, Anne-Caiherine-Rother. 2 Pete,’-Destio, fonsterly SIP. for Bye, secretary of legation at Cola’nhagee, eo,4 Jtey, 1822, Catherine-Esther, dao. of Jaloa l’s,gcb, Req., aforesaid, and has iesoe, Peter-Itenis, 0. 1825, so,. 20 June, 1865, Ruuly, eldest dan. of thus’ Id,’ Col. Ilielsard hleatsehanop, gren .—gols. Corherine-A,uie. Nether-Jane, s,i. S April, 1860, to Ihe SIarquie of Casenova. Eleanor-I eat ‘ePa. S Pools, t, 12 Oct. 1795, in holy orders, vicar of Sautry, and afteraeauls rector of Roaiscorthy, and dean of Ensty air. 7 tunic, 1824, A,,,,e—Alieia, slain, of ‘i’ho,ssas—Willia,u F’il— gate, Rsq. of Arthuretosen, co. Looitt, and it. Starch, 1864, having lsa,l i050r, ilenie-ltasee, 8.6 Oct. 1826. Millions, to. 5 June, 1636 Rmily—Assne. Louiea-Anne. Rltzahells-Jane. 4 John, of Stount Bi’sswne, co. Slays, sri. 25 Aug. 1832, Rethnr, el’leeI duo. of Johss Wells, Rsq. of Beekhey, Ke,st, Ml’., and it. 21 Stay, 1602, having hod iaeue, hlenry-Bnrdett, 1,. in 1837, 1. at sea, t8S7. b’ereia’aI-Alta,neoi, of Stoa,nt llrowne, to. in 1841. Rather-Charlotte, so. 4 Jan. 1862, to Thomas Bingham, Req. Lo;,aea-Anne, s,,.3l Jan. 1866, to Lient. Frederiek-Aogostine Le Sleanries’, tIE. JeotiS-Sophia. Caroline, no. Iddan. 1602, Lt, EogSne-htay Ca,neron, R.A, 9 George, 0. 20 Slay, 1803, in holy orders, vicar of Lenlon, Notte; no. in 1828, Elizabeth-Ammo, dan. of the 11ev, Edarard bay, of Ileaufort hionse, eo. K’err5’, assd hoe ioeae, George-Robert, as officer ia the army, to. in 1833, so. I Oct. 1062, Eatma-Fraures, only dais, of Wilson firm, Fog. leolsert, in holy orders, 0. 1635; no.0 April, 18th, EllenBielsenda, yoongeet duo. of the 11ev. DanIel Wilson, vicar of lshisgton. hlesr3’-Jso’, in looty orders, 8. In 1841. Joho-Edss’ard, 0. in 1842. Francis, 0. 1644. lla,-rhet-Annoe, Elicssl,cihs-t,ossiea. I Anne. 2 Ehizul,eth. son, 25 Aug. 1632, George htarrisan, Faq., and ,t, in Noc. 1645. S Charlotte, on, 9 Sept. 1824, to the Rev. W’ilhaso Pardos, ao’l it. 20 April, 1848. 4 harriet -Slas’y, or. in June, 1829, Os the Bee, Robert t’akesnlsasto, eon of else late Ad,nsirat the tfon. Sir Themao i’akenhauu, G.C.B.; sIts 6.25 May, 1665,