Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/323

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S L 1 i. Anne, m. to Otway, 1st Earl of Desart, and 4. in 1011. ii. Etieabeth, Os. to Sir itose llahoa, Part., and 1. in 1795. iLL. Charlette, as. 10 John Stahon, Esq., who 4.23 Oct. 1834. forest and parks of Rseareobos’ough, into the house of Sheet. 1051. His lordship 4. 28 Dcc. 5780, and was a. by his eldest son, Sliugsby, of Studley, which JoaN - Demo, 3rd earl, liP., 0. 11 June, 1730. This Wsts.sons on Susaeconv, of Stndloy, su whose inane the nobleman Ia. i 3tay, 1787, Lady Louiea-Catharine Jtswe, families of Slingeby aced Sertveu, wcs’e thus useited, wess woungast dan. and es-heir of Richard, Earl howe, by sose of Jobsa do Slingshy, (groat-grasedsose of William do whom, (who s. lndly, Sir William Scott, late Lord Stawell, Srlisngiebye, of Slingohy, ise the North Riding of Yorkshire,) and if. in 1817) he bad an only son, I loerr-l’eran, 2nd icy his wife Agnes, dais, of Williessu ,lo Stodloigh (Stndley,) marquess. His lordship was created llAseqe’ess or Se.s,co, and heir to her brother, Willieeses. liz (the said William do hs Ireland, 20 Dee. 1 gte, and a peer of Use United Ringeheso, Slingsby) it. 21sd EnerNan 111., 1149-10, having had (by as Baron JIsnfrsgle s_f O’rot1esrf, cc. Maps, 20 Feb. 190G. hte said wife, Johansea) a dan., the wife of ltot,ort de He it. 2 Jan. 1809, and was e. by his eon, howe - Preen, 2nd marquess ; 0. 10 3tay, 1788 ; m. who s,e, Margaret, does, nf henry Querton, acid 4. 18th 4 March, 1816, Hester-Catherine, eldest dan. of JohnThomas, Erewsun III., 1144-0, a. p., and 18th Earl of Ulnnrienrde, aoed bad bone, 1. Omanr-Jenn, present marquess. ii. J,snses-cle llurgh, 0. 10 April, 1823, lient. lttls hnesars ; ci. tea the first quester qesarterly with Slissgnhey, an has been oil Sues, in Ai,ril, 1847. tic. Jono-Tooasao, late hoot. RN., MB. for es. Mayo, 0. 10 invees’iably. He see. Jeheensaa, dais, acid ce-heir of William Sept. 1024. so. tHick-Henry, under secretary to the government at Bengal, her had issue, 0. 14 March, 1031; so. 29 Oot. 1055, Catherine-tlenrietta, WiLLiam DE SLsN000v, who ne. Margaret, dan. of Thomas eldest don. of W.—S. lichen, Esq., P.91.6., and less issue, Wisekesley ; and 4. 15th Itscnsnn hi., 1391-2, and wan z. by Ce’orge-Uhict, 0. 1 Sept. 1010; herbert-Richard, 0. 11 lot. his son, 1858; another son, 0. 0 May, 1067; Catherine-Elizabeth; WiLLiam DL Ss.sononv, who as. Janet, dan. of Randolph Edith-i-Tester, and Flerenre-3larioa. v. Richard-Howe, major late 90th regt.; 0. 7 Aug. 1031; so. Melton, of Meitma Stall, ce. ilerby, aeed,hcir of her brother, 16 Dec. 1001, at Rondesbueh Church, Capetoe’n, Agnes-Elizabeth, John, and by Ler bad issue, (besides a dan., Anne, or Agnes, dan. of Janice Aes’eshsee-y, Esq. of llrighten, and has cc. to Thomas do Euae’ishurgle, which Thoruas ii. isa 1410), had Arthur-Richard, 0. 10 March, 1806; another son, 0. 4 John, Robert, and William, of whoen the two last ii. a, p. Dec l000j Agnes-Catherine, 4. 24 March, 10031 CarolineEdilh The eldest, (tseia with Agnes), 4. 29 July, 1005; and another JeeuN Do SLINCOnY, so. Je,ehanna, riau. of Welter Calverley, Gsa., 0. 17 Aug. 1807. 1. Louisa-Catherine, co. 18 May, 1039, Charles ltosx, Esq. of of Calverloy, co. Ye,rk ; and 4. 18th heNRY VI., 1499-00, Caotlelaclsyn, co. liaye, acid has three sons acid a dau. ii. Elizabeth. sic. Cathcrioe, 4. Ross. 7 June, 1048. iv. harriet, me. 31 March, 1003, to Sir Robert Lyiseh-Blesse, Part. v. Emily-Charlotte. vs. Itester-Geergiana, so. 1858, to the lion. 5.-P. Carew. vss. Assgsmta. viii. Story-Anne, so. 2 June, 1000, hugh Wllbralsans, Eeq. at TuoasAs, of whom presently. Boatheaven Lodge, co. Mayo. The marquess, who was governor and vice-admiral ol Jamaica, 4. 20 Jan. 1949. He was lord-lizntenaest of the ro. Peter, see. and has issue one den., Anise, ae. let, to William Mayo, and cal. Of the South Devon mllitia. Crenlisos—Ilaron, 10 Sept. 1700; Viscount, 24 Aug. 1708; Simon, ‘ii’. and lied issue, Christopher, Robert, and Peter Earl, 4 Dee. 1771; Slarqnens, 19 Dec. l000—lrisls honoors. Baron, 20 Feb. 1006—Hailed Eingdsus. .4 e-,oo—Sa., three lions, passaut, in bend, arg., betsecea four 1028, wisizls date has been usually gleon for the Rena hendlete, of the last. Creel—An eagle, displayed, vert. deppsrter.e—ttexter, a lalbot, ppr., gorged with a baron’s ruronet; eicsister, a horse, arg. .3Jsfls—Snirez raison. deat—Wcetpert House, co. Mayo. Town House—it, Mansfield Street, Portman Square. 3LLlIcagc. nn Seusvnn, surnamed Aucepz, hind a confirmation William, ci. e. p., and was bnried in Kuareoborougla of Isis lands in Scriven fram HENRY 1., and was the first Peter, and Thoman, hethi et. .c. p. of his house who enjoyed the feudal hossour of zapitnl or Ehleesbeth, to. to Christopher Coniora. of hteltbyo, cc. York. chief forester of the forest and parka of Rnarooburongh. Dorothy, tee, to Francis Teenzre’I, of Pannall. Tie had issue, DaLuwsa un ScusvaN, whose son, HENRY DO ScuivaN, ne. loop. HENRY Ill., Emnsa, siator Ho n.m 1581, was buried in ttnarosborengh Church, 26 Sept. and heir of Henry do Markingtess, and by her had bone, in that year, and o. by his eldest same, Baldwin, who it. .s. p.; and Tnuants nn ScoaevecN, heir to his brother, who see. teeny. Thomas and Resu-y Perzy, successively Eserlo of Nee’thiemhos’land. Euwanu I., Agseos, dan. of John do Wolkinghane, and heir of her brother, “Alaaous do Watkiugbam, Cheunlier,” and 1600, being buried by hia wife, 4 Ang. iss that year, in tbs by her had issue, Heauv ne Scesvnn, who os. temp. EDwARD 11., Alice, lie tender a fnir altar-tomb, on wheiele are their effigies deco. ased co-heiress of Richard do Caperon, of Scettnu, and recumbent, of the nize of life. On one of the folds of bon’ by her had issue, two dana., co-heirs, of whom the younger, ds’eso appear tho quarteringn of Percy and t.uey. It ehanld Agsses, sir. lot, William do Newsom ; Sredly, Bichard Furneux, be seotiecd that this Francis is cemuassely called Sir Fraeseis from wham she was divorced ; assd lrdly, Williaon evese SIr. Peuseaaat has fallen ieeto the mistake, but he ia not do Merkenole. The elder, JOuANNA no ScRsvtN, carried the manor of Sm-ivan with abundantly prove that he never was kaeighted. The ietake 1025 SLI several others, and also the dignity of capital forester of the Slingaby, by intermarrying, iu 1097 with William de Wiukcolcy, ley whom nhc 1usd issue, and two sons, hubert, itsessonere DO StsNesBY, heir of his lerethcs’, Oilhert, capital forester in the sight of halo mother, who hers Scrivese the cesstocu of snoat of the thseeily sissee, though not Neefield, of Seotton; and ci. 37th EDeveesu III., having by having had three dens., Marjory, so. to Thonean Conghyll, of Knarenheoreugh; Johanria, Lady-Prioress of Nens-Jlonkten, co. York; Anne, or. to Hugh Tauce’ed, at Baronghbridge; and one son, JonN no SLsNRsnv, who see. Marjory, den, of Simon Poaley, of Medley, co. Suffolk; and ci. 18 Sept., 9 HeN. VIII., 1313, having had issue, Sias’nednnke, }- who both 4. e. p. Goidoshorough; Sadly, to henry Drakenbury. (whiole Peter was father of Antleossy Sdngoby, creeLted a Baronet of England by lettere patent, beesrieg date 13 Oct. Scotia erection. Sir Asetleony wan goverecor of Zntphen, in the Low CeuaaD-ice, and 4. in 1630, when tlse baronetcy became extissct. Rimber’n ceenjecture as to the limitation of this patent to Sir henry, tlse let Noon Scotia Baronet, is wrong, for no mention is made isa Sir Horny’s patent of his being abore the rank of a geutleenan, nor is it to be onppoeed he would here had a second patent of baronetcy had he beets already a baroseet), asid fone dane., Anne, m. to John Swayle, of Staveley; SIsn-jory, eel, to Walter Pulleyn, of Seottota; Isabella, to. to Thomas Lambtess, of hlarrowgate; and Ehteabethe. The eldest son, Tazosean no SLtzsonnY, m. Jobanue, dan. of Sir John w’ SLteooay, StE CHARLES, of Mallory, aced had ieeeec, - Scriven Pack, eo, York ; Is. 22 PNANCSa, of wham preoematly. ‘Is Aug. 1824; e. lila nmnole, no 10th Marrseaduke, see. Eliaeebetls, deco, of Sir William Mallory, a bareenet, in Feb. 1835; late in the Stndhey, widow of Sir Robert Stapletoms. Christopher, see. Elizabeth, dan. of itiehard Tancred, of Pannall, and was buried in Knareeberough Church, 0 Fob. 1002. Church, 8 Oct. 1600. Ansee, as. to Christopher Sleisecll, of Hnldcnby, Joanmea, see, to Thomas Norton, of Seaeroft. Pnsa’csn SLsaonnv, who so. Mary Pes-cy, only sister of This lady 4. in 1900, aged sixty-six, aced he 4. isa Slingehey chapel, tee Rnnrcohorough chssrch, They both called Miles, oven on bin tomb, need the lamily evidences 3u SIJINGSBY. ___ royal horse-guards.