Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/324

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SLI as doubtless arisen from the knighthood of his son, Sir TunMAs, isis successor. Francis. He had issue hy his lady four daus., who all henry, sf the bedehamber to King CuanLas If. ii. 0. p., and i. Thomas, who was drowned in the Nidd, while endeavonring Ite was s. by lsis elder son, to save his aervant, in 1581, aged 28. ii. Francis, C. a. p. irs. Henry, d. 0. P. iv. HENRY (Sir) of whom presently. v. Arthur, d. a. p. iu 1556. vi. Charles, chriotenod 22 Nov. 156], in Knaresborongh dau. amid co.heir of George Cradock, of Caverswahl Castle, Church, bachelsr of divinity, rector of Rotlierbury, Co. Northumberland; is. Elizabeth, dau, of John Elho, of ca. Slaffsrd, by whom (who ti. 24 Jan., and was buried, 2 Barnborongh, co York, by whom he bad, I Thomas. aged 27, and se,s,a. in 1617; d. and was bnried lse had issuo, in Knareobarongis Church, 10 Feb. 1672. 2 Margaret, os. to Tb,,mao liarret, of the city or York. 5 llaria, aged 551, in 1617. vu. William (Sir), (founder ssf the Kippax branch, extiesct Aruudel of Trerice; aud Srdly, to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke in 1695, by the death of hia grandson, flenry, wsthsnt issue), age’l 55, in 1617, was made commissioner-general lb was a. by his elder son, in 1595, cibirida hnnarariue to ANNE, queen-cousort, in Ill. Sits Ilexesv, SiP, for Knarcshorosigh; who d.s.p. in 1603, and one of the deputy-lieutenants of Middlesex in 1692, and was a. by his brother, 1617. lie a. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Stephen Board, Knt. IV. Sin Tsi:saias, who s. South, dau. of John Savile, Esq. of Board hill, co. Sueoox, and ii. in Aug. 1624. There is of Slothley, ca. York, arid by her had issue, a monument in the S’lingsby chapel, containing, in a eiche, a statue of him as large as life. Pennant, in his Tsar [ross Aisles floe Is Jtes-r opsic, says of this figure, Tnnosos, ssscccesor to his brother. after having minutely described it, ‘‘the whole is one oh SAviLe, who o. as 7th h:sronet. the best sculptures I have seen in osr ehnrches.” The Charles, who dyis:g before his last elder brother, never monument was put up during his life-tims. He had issue by his wife, I Henry, aged 7 in 1627, master ef the Stint to King in IllS, Miss Turiser, and by her had issue, CuAnLss II., and, as such, author of the Motto on our coin. ‘‘Hocus et Tutausen.” 2 William, christened 9 Dcc. 1615, in Knareoborosigh Sarah, so. 18 Aug. 1754, to Thomas Dnncombe, Esq. of Church; d. in it’ll. 2 Elizabeth, aged 8, in 1627. viii. Guildford (Sin, chrtsteued 7 Oct. 1565, in Kuaresborough Barbara, :1. a. p. Church, comdrs 11cr of the navy, I’ o,p. J ARES 1. Sir Tlsousas was a. by lets eldest son, so. Margaret, dasi. of William Water, aldernsan of York, V. Sin llrxav, SIP, for Knaresborough in the last parliasncsst and by her had eight sons and four daus. ; of whom, dasa. of Johss Ainshic, Ha1., of Studicy, chancellor of the Guildford, aged 7, iu 1617, was seeretsuy to the Earl of Exchequer, by wham (who st. 51 May, 1716) he had no Strafford ; and Dorothy, aged 5, us 1617, so, Jeffrey Nightingale. of Kisesworth, cs. Cambridge. ix. Francis (Sir), constable of Ilanibowliso Castle, and of issue ; aisd dviug iii 1763, was a. by tsis brother, the royal council of the province of Monster, aged 42, in Vi. Sin Tssossaa; scl,a . a. p. in 1763, and was s. by his 1617 ‘co. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir of Hugh Cuffo, of ios:tlser, VII. Ssn S.ovss.r.; wh:s st 0. p. in 1790, when the title Cuffe Hall, cs. Somerset, and by Iser had issue, The oldest surrivissg sou, Sits Iiurnv SLsNoorv, was knighted by Queen ELizaaern, VIII. Ssn Tssoaioa-TunNrR, high-sheriff in 1705. He sue and held sundry sfficeo under the Duchy of Lancaster, of let, his cosssin, K:ithssrine (Turssor) Buckley and Sndly, which he was dcprived in 1611, by an ssnjuot doo’oc of Sir Sl:sry, natural dau. of his undo, Sir Henry, by whom ho Thomas Parry, then ehanoollor to tho duchy, who, by a had no issue. He C. in 1506, lcavios5 issue by his 1st wife, seeosid docs’oe, iss 1613, de1e’ired hiss of ces-tahs crown Tuosiss, hie successor. leases, and comsuitted him to the Fleet for his (Sir Thosuso Charles, of Loftsss Hall, who, dyissg befors his slderbrother, Parry’s) life, which ovas two years. Sir Ihoury was high- never succeeded to the title. He m. 1 Oct. 1521, Emma- sheriff of Yorkshire us 1651-12, and iseing absent from tho Margaret, dau.of Thomas Atkinson, Esq.,by whom he had, oununer assizes in 1612, on aeeosssst of his suit in Lossdsn for restitution of his offices, was tssod £200 by tho judges of assize, Baroiss Aithasu aid liromlcy, of the Exchequer. lie was a. Isy his elder son, lIe so, Frances, don. assd heir of William Vavasous’, of SM. Sun Tnoasao; who sI. op. n Feb. 5535, and was s. by Weston, ca. York’, and by her (who C. in 1609) had issue, his nephew, Sin CasassLes SLixoenv, the present baronet, 1. Wiliksm, whowaskilledat Florence,in 1617, agedll, up. U. tlosessv (Sir), aged 15, iu 1617, of whom presently, A ross—Quarterly: lot and 4th, gu., a ehevrou, between iii. Thomao. i. Elizabeth, ss, to Sir T. Sletcalfe, Knt. is. Maria, so. ts Sir Walter Befholl, Knt. of Allns. Ii]. Katherisse, so. to Sir John Fouwick. Kut. and Bare. debruised of a fease, gn., for Ss,isessnv; quartering in the ti. in 1656. iv. Alice, os. to Thousas Watertou, of the co York. v. Anne. vi. Frances, so. to hhnian Stapleton, of Wighhll, eo. York. vii. Eleanor, so. to Sir Arthnr Ingram, of Tomple New- JIstto—Venitas hilseravil. oem, father of the Lord Yiscousst Irwin. Sir llonry d. on the t7th, and was buried 28 Dec. 1634. at Kssaresbsroosgh Cliurcis. lie was a. by his oldest atu’vivissg son, I. Sm HcNisv SLiNOOBY, who was created a Bocesrf of Jfseo Scotia by Kissg Cn.&ns.ra I., by letters-patent sinder the great seal of Seotlasid—’’ Bat. apsd Strivellssg seciusdo die Mcuois Ihos-thi, Anus Bamlisi mihlosiuss sexccuteoimo trigesimo octave, ot anus rogni ssostri docimo tortio.” The king had a short tissso previously hsnourod his,s with a visit to the Bed house, n-here the bed tss which his majcaty reposed is still preserved. Sir henry adhered to the king e. Wis.s.isx, is. 1540, 3rd sec. to the Bnitisb Embassy at through all his troubles, had all his estates seqnestcrod md sold, and lived a ruisied snau till 1619, whois, fssr ass attempt, is. Edward de Grey, S. Jsuse, 1546. i. Cicely. ssnhappily fsr hins a little too early inasle, to restsi-e his majesty King CnaaLcs 11., he was beheaded, after a mock Sin William s. his father, 15 Aug. 1850, as 11th trial before a protossdcd cossrt, S Jusse, 1639, oss Tower huh, borouet. being the time aisd place also ssf the exeeutiou of the esuissent Dr. Hewett. Sir Henry so. Barbara, dais, of Thomas, The patriarch of this family (the spelling of whose eurisanse 1st Viscomit Falcsssberg (who s?. 11 Dec. 1641), and by her had issue, S 111 1 Barbara, so. tu Sir John Talbot, Knt. of Lacoek, Wilts. II. Sin Tuoaias, who was high-sheriff nf Yorkshire in 5661, SIP. f or Enarosbsrough in 5678 and 1681, and for Searborosigls iss lOSS. He wssa appointed constable of Scarborough Castle by patesst, dated 26 Oct. 1670. He sa Dorothy, Feb. 1675, iii the Slingsby chapel in Kssareoborough chm-eh) Ilessnv, his successor. TnsaiAs, succeseor to his brother. Barisara, thrice married: let, to Sir Richard Hauleverer, of Ailerton Manheverer, cs. York; lndly, to John, Lord assd Montgomery. Hrxav. his successor. succeeded to tho title. He was a barriaterat-law, and roeided at Loft house hill, near Knaresbocough. He m. TuoseAs, who a. as Sib barosiet. Barbara, of. s. p. Ilelmsley, of which isiatch the present Lord Feveroham is the lineal descendant. of Qmccn .sexc and the lot of Gasnet I., who as. a develvesi on isis nephew, 1 CnAnLrs, the preseist baronet. 2 Emm,sLonisa.Katherine, use. 19 July, 1860, to Captsin Leslie, roysel horse-guards. Caohioo—2 Slarch, 5815. two leopards’ faces iii chief, assd a hunting-horn in base, org., far ScaiveN; Sisd and Srd, arg., a grithu, oegreaut, sable, fahlowiisg os-den: 1 Markissgtsn, 2 Walkingham, S Caperou, 4 Stodleigb, 5 Noefield, 6 Vavasour, 7 Cradsek, principal quartenings. Cce°l—A hioss, paasaut (sometimespassaut-guardant), vent. Ssssls—Scnivess Park, uear Kuaresbsrougb; and the Red House, ussr Marstsn Moor. SMIJTH. LiIlragc. is sf rare occurrence in Englassd) was BOWYER-SBIJTH, Sin WILLIAH, of Hill hall, en. Essex; b. 22 Apr11, 1814 ; NO. 2 April, 1839, Mani;euise - Frances, 2nd dau. of Sin Henry Meux, Hart. of Theo. balds Pai’k, Hente, and has issue, I’anis. 1(20