Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/357

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STO principles of Mr. Pitt. Ho served as high-sheriff for Kent, in 1804; sI. 26 Aug. 1832, and was s. by his son, Sta WALTER- GEORGE, the present baronet. Uc’sodistt—ll Dec. 1000. Arcos—Arg., on a bend, ssgraiied, 02-, between two roses, gu., seeded, or, barbed, vort, three burldes, of lice fourth, oil within a burdure of tho fifth. crest—A dozier armed arm, issuing out of a ducal coronet., grasping a dagger, in foote, aU ppr., tics last iciliod acid punmoilsd, or Soscjcsrtrro—TwO hinds, porporo, comes of sstoiios, arg., ducaily gorgod, or. Motto—Gang forward. Halo—lIner’s Wood, Groombritigs, Kent; and Bordwood, 1510 of Wight. ysien House—SC, I’ortman Square. STOCKENSTRSH, Sm GYSBEItTHEN5tY, Gnoaun Svna,tottocc, Eoq., Otto cf lice clerks of the grrcst of Maaatrocu, Capo of Good cloth, limp. I’.t.tzatcoTn. lie’s, twice, 1 tnt had i otto only Hopo, late an offloor 61st foot, by his 2nd wife, ttlizahcthc, dan. of Mr. Aldcrntc’tc P ‘‘sdroft, b. 11 March, 1841; s. his father its 1.471, was o. l’y hie eliot cccli, 03 2nd hart. 15 Match, 1864. 3Liitczqr. Arouses SvorEetasenon, Esq., by birth a Swede, descended II. Sca Josta, d. attics. 1042, a,sd was a. Icy his haa’tlccr, from a family of ancient and high distinction in hio native III. Ssa Gmcooo, who ccc, Mcu’garot, dan. of Richard, lot land, had, in 1003, boon prevailed npon, says Ltchtonstein, to Lord Lovolaco, of Itorley, and had t’,cne, accept the office of ianddrost (chief magistrate) of Graaf Gsoace, his successor. Reinet (at the Cape), and on the niornhtg of the 28th Her. 1811, Juox, who 5. as 2nd baronet, at the decease of isis father, to being in eocnasand of tics colonial nsilitia, at war srith tics Kafirs, was snossacrod by a body of natives, Sir. Stookenstcom ass. Maria, dan. of John Droodors, Esq., an advocate or barrister, first of the Donith bar, and aftorwardo at the Cape, by whom Iso isad, - The oldest oon, Arouses SvoeEEasTRon, hi, at the Capo, 8 July, 1792, acid had sixteen children of wlaom sscly two oorvivcd him, suoccoded hit father oo landdrost, and was solortod by Lord Jshcc and Margccrct. Ito was cc 21 Feb. 1736-7, by the con, Glenoig for the office of lieutenant-governor of the colony the title under the arigiccal patosct was nccpposed to expire, and upon his retirement, in 1840, was ocado a baronec, but ii is maintained to have merged in the 2nd patesct by 13 March of that year, with a retiring pension conferred by devolving upon Sir John’s conoics, her Majesty ‘for hio long and valuable services,” Sir VII. Ha Joust (the 3rd harsscet of the new creation, ref or Andrioo so. 8 Dcc. 1820, Eloaho-Helena, dan, of Gysbort-Honry to Lcd loss of Sir George, 3rd barcsncd. This gentleman Maasdnrp, Esq. of the Cape of Good Hope, director there of was comptrohlcr of the bocecehold acid a privy-c ,,,csscihlor in the government bank, and had issue, t GYOOERT-HENRY, presesit barostet. 2 Awnsnns, barristor-at-law, b. 22 April, 1844 t tct. 24 35cc. heiress of Henry Mclttoh, Eoq. of S,cnderotoad, ca. Scu’rey, 1887, at Newlands, Caps of Good Hope, Maria-Henrietta, by whom he had lwcs dates,, ?dcsrtha, Icc, to Arthur Vanoittart, oldest dan. ot Andrios-J. ttartzenbcrg, Faq., lILA. 1 Ehizatcetls-Iharia-llenrictta, cc. I] tclarcls, 1802, to Charles- tndly, l’enclopa, clan, of Sir Robert D,cshwaceh, Hart, of William, 2nd son of the Rev. Plenty Hutton, rector of Filleigh, Nortbbcrccoke, cc.. Gxford, by wlsum ho Iaacl therm oc’no, who oo. Devon. 2 Maria-Snsanna, to. 19 Jan. 1884, to Sictney-GodoiptsinAloxander all a. primogcnitnrcly to the title, and six dacso,, viz., Shippard. Ksq. of the Inner Temple, grandsoo of Penelope, 01. Icc, to Sir Henry Atkios, Dart.; arcd 2nshJy, to the late Hear-Admiral Shippard. 3 Ella-Helena, Sir Andrios d. 15 March, 1884, and was a, by his eldest son, Snc Ance, cjt, Sir Wiiliaus ttoo’yer, Dart. Gvonoav-Hnaav Srocecasvncsas, the 2nd and present baronet. Crtaiion,—1l March, 1040. Arias—Per fcsse, arg. and or, a fetes wavy, az., between a Sir John ,l. isc 1772, and wan s. icy his cldcst soss, sword and branch of laurel, in saltier, ppr., passing throccgls VIII. Sm Jnstsa, who was a. by his hi-other, the ring of the astronomical character of Man, sa., in ctcief; IX. Sta ‘WsLLIASs, at whose deccaso, oats., the tithe and, in base, lhe stump of n tree, one branch sproutsog from devolved upon his brother, tho dextor side thereof, issuing from water, ppr. crest—In front of a liko stump of a tree, two swords, in 1722, by his kinsmasc, saltier, points upsencds, ppr., pommel, and hilts, or. flotts—Forlis si juce fortis. STO S T 0 N 110 U S E. ISvoasiouae, Slit Heaitv - VAN. 8lTTAttT, of lladlej-, cu. I lerks, lc. 6 Slay, 1327 o. aa 15th barb, at the doceasc ccf,hss father, ‘Jo Jan, 1266; sold Jot,s, 1PM, (ll,arlotto, 4th dats. of tiso late Jschn-lioatty West, Loq., V.P. for I)ot,lii,, and grancidan. uf the lato 1-lots. Jndgo J1. Burton, cst ci Icy her (who d. 21 Aug. 1857) hcaa lsad, 5. Vaasittarr Ilenry-t’eltinger, b. 6 Slay, hl’22; 0. Feb. 1831. H. RnacaALn.CuAsLrs.lsownso EeL, 1-. 3 July, 1832. sit. Ernest-hay, 8. 27 Jctty, 1873, 3Lincitr. of London, and relict ci Waltcr Lowoo,s, Ecq. cccl dyissg 1. Wias.cci Svosntcctcoc:, Leq., of Itolley, co. l’tcrko, treated a Haronet, 7 May, I f28, ac. Klizccbeth, dan. asc’i lceirccos of Jolcn I’owcU, Eoq., acid had ioot’c. Sir Wiliieccs a’. its lUll, acid was o. by his eldest se-sc, a patent granted in 18731 Od. Sisrilca, dccc. acd heiress of Nobect Briggso, Ksq., lsrcclher of Sir tlonsptcoey htrcuos’t, acsst widow of lticharct Spencer, Fog. Icy this lady ice had an only ,on, his successor, Sm Jona, 3rd lc:,roccc 1, of whom presently, ae 7th t,ccroscct scnder lice origisitch cc’eahcc,n. Jancee, seheso grandson, tics 12ev. Jassco Svoxuot’oc. icchcrited -as 11th baronet. Elioaheth, at. 1st, to W’iliam, 3rd Lord Byron; and lndhy, 2 OIof-Gsdfvted, a justice of lbs peace at the Cape of Good to Sir liiclsord Stidolf, ilart. Sir George occrrcnclored the origitcal pctesst of crustiest, and Hope, and major of the Caps mo,snted rifles, deceased. obtained a stew Oslo frr’m hug h’csanLcs TI., in 1670, 2859, Ludwig-Alexander-Wilhelm, eldest con sf the Darsscc von Paleske, of Sprengawolcen boi Prenss Stargard, West esstailicsg the baronetcy upon his 2csd ascd 3rd oasIs, ascii excluding the oldest, wham ho Lad dioisslserited ; hut ssotwithstanding, at his demioc, IV. SIR Gsa,nur, the eldest cost, e. ctn,ler tic0 original patent. This gcntlemasc ‘cc. Nrc, Asasce Searlott, by whom 2 Maria-Caroline, scc. to John-Jaeobns Meietjos, Esq., chief- he had two dans,, and hit coctcssc,cr, ‘, Sits Gooaoc, who sct. Anne, dan. of James Ashtan, Esq., VI. Stn JOHN. This gcntlcsnan dying ussoc. in Jcsly, 1740, the reign of Queen Aaso. He us. lot, Mary, dsctc. and solo Esu. of Shotteslctwokc, ccc, llcrke ; ascsl Mary. Sir Jechcn Ed, Lard Gower. Catherine, cc. ho May, 1745, co Robert, Earl of Lichfielsh. Slargarct, ,l. once. Susatsoah, ut to t’clcr Sorb, Esg. of Toctwosd, lbants. Diana, oc. to the 12ev. Mr. Bennrht. K- Tao ltr.v, Sta Jastes, LL,tc., wI,ct was 5. 12 April, Xl, Tnr. Nov. Stn JAMes (great-grandoon of Sir George, 3rd baronct), Ic. 1715, who was for ntoro than tcretctyyearo a physician to the infirtscary at Northansptc’ss, antI afterwards, in 1761, tocck ccrders and was rcctccr of tlroat and Little Chovcrcl, Wilts; ho was mc ensitcetct preachier. Ho ot. let, Assne, dan. of John Naale, Faq. of Alhcsley, near Coventry, a maid of honour to CAROLINE, queen-consort of Gooscact II,, and had issue, 3v2 STOCKENSTROM. 1 NnalEs, crealed a baronet- He os. and had issue. His dan., Emily-Mas’ia, os. 12 Jan. Prussia, 3 Peter, m. and lsss issue, 4 Eric, ccs. and has issue. 1 Elsaho-Erica. magistrate of Bcaufort, Capr of Good Hope. 1059