Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/358

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STO Tuoasss, his successor. Sarah, os. George Vosissittsrt, Esq. of Pisham Ablcy, MY. for the cc. of Perks, anti had issue. Sir James a. Radio, Barth, only olsild and heiress of Thomaa Ekisos, Eoq., hy whom (who U. 10 Doe.) 7d8) ho loft iwo sans ojid a dau., i. John, in. Sarah, dan. of Richard Sooplscos, Esq.a capt. in the army, anti loft issue, I Jeno-ltsooor, 11th haronot.’ 2 TJMOTIOY-VAN5ITTAOT, sIlls baronet. Hoary, felloso of Nose Coltogo, Oxford, in holy orders; too. Emily, youngest dau. of she Roy. Oeorgo-Wiflsam Shirt, of Lung Critcisib, Dorset. 1 Laura. us. Timoihy, in holy orders, vicar of Snnningwell, Perks, nod on archdeacon, who assented hoc addisiossat surname anti arms of Vigor, hr sigss-massoat to 1700, olsen the death of Ins brother-sn-law, henry Vigor, Esq.; so. Charlotte, dan. of STOURTON, BARON (Charles Stourton,) of Stourton, the Rev. Thonsas hlunhingford, and noire of the Ilight Rev. George-base llon;tngfard, Dli., FItS., bishop of thcrcford and warden of Winchcstcr College, by solsona be boo Isad issue, Winifred, (eldest of the tsvo dana. and co-heiresses I Ronry Simslsoose-Vigor, .51. A., in Italy orders, probondosry of Philip Hosvard, Eaq. grandaon of Henry, 6th of Lcdtsary, and rector of Eaton Bishop, oo, Poke of Norfolk), one of the co-heirs to the dormant hlcrcfc’od ; a. Lessisa-Rssrt, older doss. nt1 cc Iseir (with Baronies of Howard, Mowbray, Braoae of Gower, her sister, Eliaa-Lcsther, Isle wife of Co. Uoyd Vaughan &c.; b. 13 July, 1802; a. his fatlser, no 18th baron, Watkins, of I’ennoyrc, lord-heat. (of Orecknnckslsirç) of 4 Dec. 1846; so. 1 Aug. 1825, Mary-Lucy, dau. of Jolsn Taytor-Cardan, Esq. M.D., and dying 1 Mar, 1838, left issoc, Charles, 6th Lord Clifford of Chndlnigh, and has had, George, sT. young. Alfred-Henry-Say, heir of entoil, to the Slanhonae-Viger s. Wiiiamn, b. 1 Oct. 1826; of. 21 Oharch, ISIS. estates. Charlollo-Elirn, U. I Aug. 1811. Gcrstdine-Lassisa. 2 Charles. I Arthar, in holy orders, vicar of Walford, Ilerefordshirc; so. Saphia, otao. of William Sheppard, Esq. of Chfson, and aistcr of W’illiam Sheppard, Esq., late fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, and by her (solos ol. S Stay, 1868), isas issno, James, lient. Madras army, soho Se. 6 May, 1538, Corinne, iv. Edwin-Joseph, b. 27 Sept, 1632; it. 21 Ilay, ISIS. eldest dan. of C. Ileade, Esq. Madras civil service, and by v. Eversrd, capt. 10th hossors, 8. 18 Feb. tOIL ns. 7 May, her (svlso if. 7 Feb. 1308) haa had a tan, Charles-Cecil- Gordon. 4 Edward. 5 Frederick. I Mary, as. to tho Hen. Archdeacon Clarke, canon of Salisbury. 2 Emily, so. to — Willis, Esq. of Shissfield Park, Berkslsire, and Isas isscso. 3 Clsssrlotio, a. to Ihe 11ev. hr. ilidding, and it. leaving issne. 4 Fanny, Mrs. Tesosphe, of Bishopslrow, Wiltshire, 0 Lucy, Mrs. Vtgnc, of Wosten, Somerselslsire. 6 Itarrict. 7 Clara. i. Clarissa, as. to ttonry-T. Vigor, Esq. who it. a.p. The baronet oh. 5 Dec. 1701, assd was isstes’red in the chapel inch of g’ronnot with the foreigner, and fissalty obtaining from at the Met Wells, Bristol, where there is an elegant epitaph use duke his osvn terms. having broken down the see-wails of to his memory by llassnah Store, n-ho also wa’oto one oat his the Severn, and guarded the passes toy land, Rotolphs entered second wife. Sir James u-as o. by his oldest son, XII. Ste Tosnasas; at whose decease, withant isone, its sppearassae in time west; and, thus protected, cosnpelled Wsa.e,sAas 1810, the title devolved upon his nephew, XIII. Sin JsonN-B000Ke, at whoso deeeoae, a. p., 0 Dec. gallant soldier lineally descended, 1848, the baronetcy passed to his brother, XIV. San Tsatovnv-VaNstrTAnT, who svas b. 1700, and in. so. Alice, dan of Lord Berkeley, and was a. by his only 1825, MaryDiana, oldest dan. of the Rev. George-William onroiving son, Stun, of Long Critchill, Dorsetshire, and had, I. llrNnv-VAossn.eaT, present hart. I. Diana, iso. 16 Jan. 1801, to Clsorles-Nerman Perhin, Esq., Joao ax SToroToto, lord of Ihe manor of Preston, co. Wilts. P.1CC. seantoc, and it. 1b07. as. Entity-Mom-, or. to IL-P. Monakton, Esq., OIafross CS. Its. Solhna—Ann-Mary-Clsarlstlc, to. 2 Jan. 1851, to Charles- Basset, five seas and lhrco dana., and was o. by his eldest son, Philip Gssthtnor, Esq., Madras civil scrsioo, who 8. 1857. iv. Evetina-Caro,liae-Ncalc. V. l-ctiiia-Purvis. Sir Timothy-Vansittart, who was of the Madras civil service, htoigno, of Stoddcnton, Whtlshire, and was a. toy his son, ii. 30 Jan. i86’i, ant was a. by lots only eats, Son MaNnVaNssnAnt Sax Jon S’oeuoooy, lint., a gallant soldier and a distisguiohcd STo)Ns,,tasr., the 13th and present baronet. C-raliosa—First cutout, 7 Slay, 1628. Second, 1670. A oao—Arg., on a fesse. sa., between three hawks, velane, or., os. Witlc. Ills lordship so. Margory, dun. of Sir Jelsas Wadhsaos, a looparsl’s face, betsseen tsso mullets, or. Covet—A tatbol’s beast, cotsposl, org., collared, so., lined, and his eldest soot, catching a dcvc, volant, of the lot. JtJelto—Soblhniora petamns. STOPPORD, VIsCoUNT, Hf COURTOWN, EARL OF. Berkeley, blot, of Revrrsoon, Glsncrslorahire; but dying a. p., STORMONT, VtoCoL-NT, ace MANSS’IELD, EARL OF. Wroltooloy; bsst dying also a. p.. seas a. by isis broilser, STO S T 0 U B T 0 N.. co. Wilts; and in right of hia great-grandmother, n. Itenry, b. 26 Dec. 1027; it. in 1818. Itt. As.raEn-Josevn, DL. for York, late officer Yorkshire hessars; b. 28 Feb. 1850; os. 18 Sept. 1660, Mary-Margaret, only child of Olstthew-Elhas Cerbally, Esq., SIP., ef Cerbaltsn Mall, cs. Meath (ecs Peon’s Laedsd Gssis-y), and has had a son, b. 10 April, 1036, dcc.; another son, 0. 25 May, 1587; and a dan., b. 20 Oct. 1868. 1862, Fcrooina-Starta-Magdatonn, yssmgest dsu. of Patrick, tat Lord Rclless’, and has Eversrd-Joseph, b. 1065; a son, b. 8 Jan. 1368 t Story; and Etbel-Olary. vs. Alberl-Josoph, b. 21 Dcc. 1830; 00. 20 April, 1166, Ehizabetl,-Laora-Carntinc, youngest dan. of the late Sir Robert- George Throckmsrlan, Earl., and has Aobren-Jossph, b. 28 April, 1867; and a dan., 8. 11 Nov. 1868. t ;ncagc. This outdo family, which des’ives its snmanae from the town of Sloorton, co. Wilts was of considerable rook antecedently to Gte Canqocst; for ce find at that period one of its members, Ihotolpit Stourton, the most active in galtantly dispnting every Glastonbory sshco that virlorions Ncmaan had naade his to grant whatsoever ho domandcd. From this patriotic and Sso Barn ne Sveuoaos, Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, who WsLs.saos or STonvow, who at. Joan, dan of Richard Vernon, of ltomingsham, Wilts, and was o. by his eldest son, This John, who, in the 17th of Enwoon III., was in the wars of Aqtsitain, loft by his Sod svife Jane, dan., of Ralph, Lord Wss.e,sAas Soocovoy, who was steward of ehe principality of Wales in 1402. This gcntlrnssaa as. Elizabetls, dan. of Sir John stalcssnan to the reign of I-lena- VI.; whirls mrsa;srcls, in onnsi,teration of isis cnshteot srs’vices, elevated hohas to the peerage, II Slay, 1449, as ReRuN STOCKTON, Ot’ Sleos’foo, Not, of Merrificld, co Sosnarart; and dying in 1162, ssas a. by Wsas.sats, 2nd baron. This nobleman so’. Margaret, dsn. and cc-heiress of Sir John Chidiork, lint., and ssas a. by his eldest son, Juno, 3rd baron; srho too. Catbscrtnc, dan, of Sir Maneice was a. by Isis broslher, WILLIaM, 4th harm, sohso a. Thomnasioc, dan. of hugh Enssaon. Slh harcn; nbc in the bIb year of lInen VIII. was appointc1, by act of parliassocnt (as one of ttoe most discreet 1060