Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/394

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TA Y Baring, Bait, of Lai-klieer, co. Devon, and by her (who 1. 25 May, 1850) has had issue, 1. itaryJisrothy. n Hissa-Frances, as. 2 May, 1T4, to Capt. l4His, greu..g’te. (See rote, llowasio-r’r-Wott’rN, 33.) itt. Emily-Itarriet. lie at. 2ndly, 13 July, 1852, Mary-llatilda-Georgiana, ilau. of George, 8th Earl of Carlisle. L sri Taunton was Si Lord of the Adtniralty from 1632 to 1634, Yies-Presdent of the Board of Trade an’i Master of the Mint from 1833 to 16311, Chief Serretary for Ireland from 3816 to 1817, and again President of the Board of Trade freon 14 7 to 1852. He was TEIuNMoOTn, BARON (Sir Chat’les-Jolen Shore, Secretary of Stats for the Colonies from 1855 to 1858 and he was r;decd to the peerage 1859. Iiitiragr. Tue faintly of Lahsnrbe:-e left Franse st the period of lice 1838, Caroliur, 3rd dams, of William Browns, Eiq. of rovecati’ ‘a of the edict of Nanles, and heosnie eetal,islmd Tshlantire Hall, en. Cumberlsnd, and has had issue, in I lotlsoel. The firet who settled in England was the late Pcare-I’,scoati Lameresee on, Esq., a partner in the great H. Frederick-Wthlism.Jshu, licut. R.A., t. 21 Aug. 1844. inereasittle li ness of holes, who purchased this sotates of in. floury-Noel, RN., t. 29 Aug. 1847. tha’lands, in Essex, anC Over Stewey, es. Ss,nsroet. tic so. let Nov. 1795, tlarotlsy.Eltnah,sth, 4th dan. ef the late Sir Francis llartng, Cart., as,d dying is Jass, 1539, lift two mit. Emily-Catherine. sirs, I Ira see, crested To rn TA5:N ON ; sod john, ,7• P., of 14re,osne Stall, hlsrkhsg, Surrey, 1,. 1 7sf, is. 1s30, Mary— Louisa, Seed dan, of lames Ilu Prd, Esq. of Wilten Park, The name of Shore, of considorablo antiquity in Derbyshire, ca. Bucks, and ci. 29 icily, 1863, having had issue, Henry, second secretary is II. TO. diplomatic service, Ii. 1521 VT- At-their, 1. 1542 ; and six daess,of wloeci the eldest, Ls,usa, SIR JoHN Snoon, Rot., SIB. of Derby (eon and heir of wae oe 1551, to the Rev. G.-W, Hillyar, of C’oldharbsur, John Shore, Esq. of Suittorton), entered bus pedigree and forking; the 2nd, Emily, was see, to the Rev. Anthony arms at the time of Dugdsde’s visitation. This gentleman Thorold; the 3rd, T”aeoey-Adslaide, was so. 25 Aug. 1565, iS., it appears, in 1855, hcsviog two sons, Joux and Hsnry, to llerl,srt, yiesieiger eon of the late Lord James Stuart; and two dans., Susan, the svifs of henry Hunt, tag. of rind the oth, Cecilia, was en. Is Oeeerge-Tlossry-llewict Blockley, ho Wsrcestershirc, and Hannah. The elder son, Oliphant-Fsrgosou, Esq. of Brsadtehd House, Cunmbarland. Joox Suonr, Esq. of Londou, so. Samh, dan. of Abraham Creation—it Aug. 1559. 4e-o,s—s4aarterly: ens. and as,, in the 2nd soil 3rd quarters TsmoO5AS, liii heir. o cross tale ace, sr. Crest—A stsrk, org., heldiog in the beak a bless-flower, ppr. S,’pj’orl,rs—Oo either sides stork, arg., holdiog in the beah a lotus-flosrer, pps .3folte—T’assil,sse ciii, sod .xqaes. Scet—Qisaslsek Lodge, t3riducsvaler. Tutu Jloosi—27, Tlcigrays Square. TKVISTOCK, MARQUEss OF, see BEOFORD, DUEt OF. Jetty, er,,aled l,ord Teigissesoulle. TAYLOR. 1 It ti April, 1857; set. 11 Acsg. 1867, itiiiragc. 3. Sec CHARLEs Wss,s,maar TAYLOR, of Hollycomba, co. Sussex, 6 25 April, 1770, son of the late Peter Taylor, Esq. of Slurest house, es. Samerset, It P for P’utsnasssth in 1774, was himself TOP, for the city of Wells for thirty-four mit. lbest’y-Ooedas, .eo officer in the army; 5.23 June, 1800; successive years, si-id seas created a hsronct, 21 Jan. 1828. m. Chorbolte, 5. 1 Bay, 1854. lIe so. April, 1811, Charlotte, 2nd dan. of Jshn-BuneomhP:’ntett me. Anna-Maria, en. 27 Joly, 1521, to thee hale Colonel Sir Thompson, Es,1. of Waverlcy Ahsey, hoth iii ra. Surrey, and by lice (who iS. 1 june, 184s) lead issue, s. Cuaatr.s, present l,srt. i. Ennlg-Franres, so. Aug. 1s14, Is William, 2nd and present my. Rilea-ihary. so. S Cciii. 1510, to Colonel E.-C. Fletcher, Lcrd llrsnghans sod Faux, soil has issus. Sir Charles-William Taylor d. IT April, 1587. Ceesiis,,—21 Jan. 1628. Arms—Pal3’ of six, ermine and ermioeia; en a duet in. His lsrdship, who was a commissioner for the affairs of dented, sa., three esrallsps, or. Crest—A desoi-1’,s, per fesse infcnmd, es’minsis and ermine, Ceessliess—Carsuel, 1792. Boron, 14 Oct. 1757. Arrna—Ang., charged on else tesils’ sritlm 1550 sscaltops, is pale, are, sod a clees-soss, sa., heetween hhsree hmefly-less’es, s’ent. Crest—A holding snslhcr escallop, of lbs toil, bela-sen the paces. d1’illo—t)csee et Liherlas. Ss’sl—ltollyenmbe. Liphssk, .Snssev. TaRn House—SC, Park Crescent, l’srtland Place. 1093 TEl T E I Cl N 1VI 0 U I H. DCI., l”.R.S.), of Teigumouth, in the pssroge of Ire. land; ond a baronet of Groat Britaiu; 8. 13 Jan. 1796; a. Isis father, as 2ud bsrose, 11 Feb. 1834; tee. S Use. 1. Cetsnt,cs-JunN, t. 5 Jan. 1838. m. Caroline. it. Constance-Ellen. litTlCBC, appears amongst the gsutry of that co. leoep. Hoxoy Wilmcr, Eue1. of Barking, eo. Essex, and had issue, Elicalectls, so. ts 1Ten’ Wal, Eq. Corals, so. 1st, to Edsrard Ararild, Eq. t rapt. in ties naval service of lbs East India Company; and Sadly, to — Smith, tug. Hod, in 1711, and waco. by his eon, Tnor.tas Snonn, Rig. of Slaltou, os. Suffolk, who rn Darotley, dais, of — fdhcpperd. tog., by wham (who d. in 1763) he left at his deesase, in 2759, two sons, ‘rhnsnae.W’ih;iamo, is lids nrders, vicar of Sandal, es. Tort; so. Jshiara, etau. of W’tlhiam—31 aele,rnrths Praed, Esq. of Tcignmansh and d. is 1522, leaving issue. Ties elder eon, JOHN Coons, lisq., 6. 8 Oct. 1711, was appointed, in 1786, a member of the Supreme ConnaB at Bengal, and sue’ TAYLOH, SIR CRARLEI, of hollycombs, c°sdcd Earl Cornwallis as governor-general of India in 1792, in which year he was created a Baronet; and on en. Smeosex, ii. 4 Jan. 1817; 24 Oct. 1797, sves raised to the peerage of Ireland, as BAOON n. his father, as 2s;d boenuet, 10 Tasoa-,aouau. His lordship so. 14 Feb. 17Sf, Charlotte, only dan. of James Corniste, Esq. of Teigumeuth, and by hcr(who d. 13 July, 1531) had issue, Anne-Augusta, widow of William t. Cesarns-isux. present peer. mm. Frederick-isles. Bengal civil service; te. 71 Slay, 1789, so. 27 Joe. 1535, Charlolte-)tary, 2nd dou- of site late George Csrnisls, Req. of Salcasmbc Ilill, Devon; and iS. in 1837, having hail louise, I Antlsnr-Predcriek, 6. 1 11cc. 1532, wbs iS. an infant. I Loeisa-Ssna, so- is 1540, te the Rev. Aysesugh Flayer. 2 Clara, iS. 12 Jan. 1657. ed. 19 Apeit. 1826. Thnmas-Noet Ilill,, yos,esger son of Sir John hill, Ilsel, mmm. Cacohhse-Pnreetleea, so. 12 Eel,. IS°S, to the Rev. Robert Anderson, who ,t. in Starch, 15-Il. of Eeas’ard, Rest, aced 1. 17 Jan. 1515. Cot. Fletcher new union-Ceo.) ii. 2ndhy, Frances, dan. of Charles, 2nd Earl of Romrcy. India, and a pnivy-eaesmscilhor, d. 14 Feb. 1S14. stork, ppe., heeaked amid legged, sa., holding in she dexter claw o mshhel. Sesjeponberm—’rsse storks, regardanl, ppr., beaked and legged, sa. .llstfn—Perimss hieitis. .Seet—Langien HaR, near Nsrlheshlenton. Ruse, Esq.