Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/395

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T E ill TEMPEST. JLTEMPEST, Sm Onanrass-IIENRY, BarS., of Heaton, in the county of William l.ister, of SI idhepe ; and lindly, Anne i’rooton, - - palatine of Lancaster; so created by the former of ss’lioin oniy be had issue, uamely, a soti 30 July, 1866; 8. 5 Jan. 3834 ; Ia. and heir, 21 May, 1362, Cocilia.Elizaboth. Ilraov Ti Mprsv, living ui the reign of Q s ton Ri.uzADrTu, % Tichborne, dan. of J.-I1.-Wasli- srho ai. Isabel, testural do,, of Sir l,sgrtisss Percy, 14 ist.,’h’d ingtnn Hibbert, Esq. of Milton eon of Henry, Otis Roil sf Nortbssnilsorlor,’l, susil litesi with Grange, Warsvickelnrc, by whom STOPs,EN (Sir), his heir. of i6c:t burnt) he hae, i. HEN5Y-AETH0E-J050PIT, 3. 31 March, 1553. i Etbel-llary, I. 9 Oct. 1504. JLulcagc. 3 oEM TEMPEST, Lard of Bracewell and Waddington, of liroughton in 1597. lIe so, lot, Ants, don. of I’houoas lineally descended from Roger Tempest, living in tlso reigsI Rltofts, Req. of Fernbfll, assd had issue, of Hateny I., when his name is onhoctibed to several char- Anne, oi. io henry Young, Req. of Rcbden, in Yorkshire. ore cited in the Jfoaaelieoe. CIa so. Mary, dau. of Sir Franeeo, so. to Simon Tllakoy, Fog. of Ihiakey. flogh Clitheroo, Knt., and had issue, JOHN (Sir), his heir. Itichard (Si’), of Studly, whose son, Sir William Tempest, Jane, ii. no is. Kut. of Studly, marrying Eleanor, dais, and sole heir of Sir William Washington, Knt., was ancestor of the Sir Stephen a. fndly, Catherine, dau. of Ilens’y Lawson, Tesseavrs of Holossiile, Efilla, Slooley, Slsosllry, and Wyosjarif. Roger. svbe predeeeoscd life father. This John Tempest was one of the confedoracy under Rich,u’d, who as. Elizabeth, dan. of Nicholas Grimolsow, Thomas Flantagenet, Earl of Lancaster, that suhvortod the Esq. of Clayton, in the co. of Lancaster, and bad (sritls power of the favourite, Gaveston, fssip. RnsrAnn II. Ins older sos, and heir, Sin JOHN TEMrEOT, of Bracewell, living in the 23rd of George, who os. Frances, doss, of Thomas Sarihhe, Rsq. of EDwARD 113 ,so. Mary, dan. (with Jane, wife of Sir Edmund Taihot de Rashnil, Knt.) of Sir Robert Holaud, Kut., and pistor of Thomas bland, Earl of Rout, E.G , and left a Iesngdsle, of Lusssgtharp) three eons, George, John, assd son and successor, SIR R,cnAen TEsircsT, Knt. of Braoowoll, living in the Robert, osptoiss of a regimcsst sit foot in the service of reign of RscuAon 13., who so. Isabel. dou. and heir of Sir Jameo who beth it ycnng. John Leygard, Rut., and widosv of John Graao, of Gromolyne, elessr3’, I and had issue, f,ccs (Sin, Knt. of Bracowell, 0110 of the horoeo of Acm- CuonLes I., who fell at the taking of Tred:sgh, in ireland. court. Ho was ancestor of the TeserEsas ofBroceso, li and The lcd hut eldest surviving- Sun, Tog, both now extinct io the male line. The family of STEPREN TessPrs’r, Req. of Braugbton, asvaying hiusself TEMPEST of Toog is represented by the present Cot. under tho royal hasssser, ,slstatue,I a captain’s eommiaetsss its PLUMBE-TEMPEOT, of Tong. Moons. The 2nd son, Ronro TEMPEST, high ehorifi’ of Yorkshire in 1434, 55. ls’ek by the family. He iii. hat, Susan, dau. and es-heir Kathorine, dau. and heir of Sir Piers Gilliot, Toni of of William Ogletborpe, Rag of Ronndliay Grange, its tbe Broughton, Burusall, and Thorpe, and thus acqisircd tlseoo ro. of York, by whom he had, with otbsr children, all of estatco. Mo was high sheriff of Yorkshire in 1434, and was whom d. young, s. at his decease by his son WILLIAM TEMPEST, Fsqt of Hroughton, who m. 1st (13 st. William, who 5?. beyond the sea. HENRY VI.), Joan, do’s, of James Metcalf, Rsq. of Nappa; sit. TaoauAs. who sold the estate of Rounihoy, au. Anno, and 2ud]y, Elizabeth, don. of Richard Cothemli, Rag. of only doss, and l,oiross of Ilenry Seroopo, Eoq. of Busuby, Catherall, in the co. of Lancaster, which Tatter lady m. after her lot husband’s decease, Nicholas, 2nd sen of John Towuley, of Townicy. William Tompest was e. by his son, JOHN TEMPEsT, Req. of Broisgbton, who sis. and bad issue, five sons and two dons. The oldest son, flonca TEMPEST, Esq. of Broughton, ss. Anne, dan. of Sir John Ca.rr, or itarro, Knt. of Thornton-in-Craven, and granddau. of Thomas, Lord Clifford, by whom ho had issue, 5. Robert, d. young. II. STEPHEN, heir to his lather. sti. Leonard, of Rayne, in the parish of Barnoldswick, in is;. Fraccu,os. to Ai.slaby of Soutls Dalton. the co of York, who s. and had issue, JAMEe, of Rayuo, who on the da,s. of Nicholas Tempest, nf Brscewell, assd had two dons., Baton PT, sa. to Thomas Psrkor, Req. of Brnwnsbolme, Stephen Tempest us. tndly, Frances, dais, of Sir t ,,tteu its Lancashire. LETTICE, m. to Jobn Lacy. George. who m. Jane, dau. of Jsbn Parker, Roq. of SIR STePHEN TrairEaT, Rut. of Ilrougbton, a capt. in Rxtwiolo, in Lancashire, by wbom (who wcddod for the royal army livisig in 3470, whsi se. Anne, eldest dau. of her 2nd husband, Edwsrd Tempost of Tellison) he had, Sir Thomas Gaseeigue, Bart. of Barnslsore’. This gcsstleman Ellen. Isabel, so. to Henry Butler. —, ss. to Arthur Tempost. Mary, SI. to ibs Rev. John Wayts, vicar of Gargrave. STEPHEN TEMPEST, Req. of Broughton, who ci-. Elizabeth, Elisabetb, sic. to Edmund Fleetwood, brother to Ssr dan of Richard Former, Req. of Tissniore, ill Oxfordahire, Paul Fleetwood. sv. John. s. Margaret. so. to Henry Podoey, Keg. of Amforth. 51. Anne, m. to Thomas Legh, Req. of lsall, in Ctsmhenland. dau. of Sin Heusry Lawson. Bait. iS Braugh, ansi pro- ut. Catherine, is. to Thomas Maude, or Montslt, of deceasing his father, 11 April, 1,44, Iott issue, Riddleodon. iv. Joan, so. to William t4idhopc, of Marshall. 109’1 T E M hager Tempest vas.n at his decease by Isis e,,ss, Ss’eruee ‘I’rairEor, of liroughios, fn,indor’s trnstce a Skiptses School, eudon’od in 3548, tIe is, lot, 5gooo, dan. other issue, who ‘1. eseos., Asuso, s. 1sf, to Williasss 13,srtosi, ‘if Willington, and 2uidb’, to William Lansbton, of Stointon. Slang, rn. to John Pulloyn, of Scotton. It orotisy, os. to Edward liedo, of ltihliughahl. Fsaueoo, s’s. to Oliver Entree, of Bolland. The son and heir, Sin Svrrstra TEMPEsT, Rut. of flronghton, in the eoninsiosiols of She petsce for use co. of York, built the uiaooioss Isabel, is. to Franois Sl,slhoso. l”oq. of RisitLok. Ma,sd, ci. to Michael Shasv, Req. Rag. of Neeoome, co. Durham, and had further issue, STErnER, heir to his father. ‘I tsiimas. four dons.) four sons, Stephen, Ilirbard, John, and hobart. Ibsigh, and relict of William Baildin, Req. ‘if Iludidon, by wisom lie had (with a dan., Frances, s,. to Sir Williasu Francis, abbot of Lambopring. Rinu CuARLE5I., and slain in the civil ware, John, major of a ref snent of horse sss She service of King the oorrico of Iting COAELEO. lie ssshssquasstly suffered fnssm confiscation, assd the estate of Ilrossghf on woo scieesI osposs Sly the parliasssent, lint was aftersvarde porrliaaad STEeRER (Sir), his heir. in tloe en. of York, and had issue, I STEeRER, heir to his uncle. 2 Robert. 3 Thomas. 4 John. 3 Itichart, who ci. Hiss Margaret Green, and d. its 1729. 3 Musrv, Os. lot, to William Iiarg’roavse. Rsq. oC Carleton, in the 00 of York; and lndly, to William Ilardioty, Raq. of Norwood. ii Ann. 3 Snoan. 4 Catherine, la to Stephen Anderten, Req., brother of Sir I’ratleis Anderton, of Lest’ sek, u. Llhcabeth,1 both nuns. sv. Anise, so. to Richard Onimobaw, of Clayton, isu Lancashire. Gargrtsve, Itut. of Nootoll. Ho was a. at his decease by his oldest 0055. at his decease devised the soanore of Broughton and Barnsah.cuns-ThorlsO to he nephew, ndb:sd five sons ausd three dans., viz., SvernrR author of the 11cm ipie Loici, n’ho 0. Elizabeth, I STEPCN.WAtfl s,Ieceassr to his gnsndfather. 2 Ihetsry, MIs., t. 21 July, 17ff, who so. Rhmsnor Jones,