Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/410

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TOR the Sed son, was snsnlhered in the OCarkholc at Calcutta, 20 June, 1776; Julio, the 3rd san, d. in 1774; and Geoauc, the eldest san, HI’. for Middlesex ; ii. in 1709, us. Cecilia, us. in 1909, In J.-R. Gmeggn-Hapwoad, Enq. nI leaving issue, ts’ his wife Anne, ilaa. nf Ilse Ilight han. iii. Auuia-Haria-Bridget, us.29 Aug. 1794, to the Very Rev. 9villsaas Cooallv, ef Castlelosna, us Ireland, 1 Gearge, at tvratlsaut, 31.1’. for Middlesex; h. 1764; so. harriet, Slit dun, of the late Sir William Slant— iv. Bridget’Angsista-Farmesl, us. in 1006, to Capt. the Han. gamerv. hart, ofMaghie lull ; ned ci. s.p. 10 Jan. 1847. 2 Itahert, ci. in 1020 3 Jasiu,(Sir),,t’t.C.H.,Lsst.neSxsssrroon. (Sn cole.) v. Georginusa, us. to the 11ev. Geoffrey IIot’sby; and his I As se-Elinaheth, ii. 29 (let. 1847. 2 Caroline. 3 Frances. is’. Josni, I. 1704, whn seas the tsnh,rtossate A,hn lent flynn, so cruelly and unfairly eaecated, by tiring slut to death at vim. Lney-Juliassz, as. 1809, Sir J. Harris, Dart, wiso ci. 1817. Pnrtsnsossth, 14 Macitt, 1777, cinder tIre sentence of a court— The viosnoust si 0 taut, 1813, and wan s. by his eldest son, nsaelial. winds fositid sins guilty of au elm e ot jtalosnesst osdy, Gnostic, 6th viscount, b. 5 Jan. 1768; avhe us 1st, 8 Feb. hut cleared louis of ss’aat ‘f courage, and retoaiaieissted Issuur Ia acorn’. A,laHrat I yng 1. sss,o,. u’, El nail, a cot, in cli satiny. I,. 1707 ; svha so. Mai’v. dan. and 1702, Ehizaheth, dun. of Philip Langmead, Esq., H P. for Itricess , t I oluui lti’antston, F,sq., sif Steen’s, Essex ; ansI ‘1. Plynsouth, by whom (who ci. 20 Aug. 1810) ho had a dan., 1 770, sf ronsulsieas brought nit by seeing Iris brother, m. Lucy-Elizabeth, mis. 29 Jusly, 1036, to the late Ens’. John Admiral tips 11 Istoaghl tinsoner In Parlsnsaa;hs asatd the His lordalnp us. 2sidly, 5 Oct. tOil, Frances-ITas’s’iot, dau. ci insush Is soid vi,’lcnee of rite tsot’Iitaeo. i. Saeati, ss’I,o seas ,,i. In J,,lssu ltol,orn, Eotj .. an,I svas sssr,lhor Aduninul Sir Robert Ilai’low, G.O.P., and by hoc )avho sO. 7 i,f Sir ilasurers Osbomn, 3rd baronet of Ct;iohsanCs l’rioey, Feb. 1.000) had lasne, llc,lfas’slchire, Lard Tnrritigtou ‘1. in 1772, ansI was n. by Ins eldest son, Earner, 2nd vlsi nssnt, a p muster—general in I roland who so. iii 1721, Charlotte, youngest dais, of CLarIon, tot Duke af Manchester; hut le’sviusg no surviving issue at his decease, 2:1 Jass. t7$6-7,tlso lsauours devolvesi upon Ins brother, Gronoo:, Irs] viscount, a gousr,u’ssl—affleor in ttso assay. His tos’dship iii. irs 1730, Elizabeth Dame], grassslrlass. of Stu’ Peter itanich, Fist., by whr,nu he had two noun, who ssseeen ’io’i iii tisrsi to tlse peerssge. Ills larsisbip it. 7 April, 1750, asu,l was o. lv bin elder sosi, Grotass . 4th s’tseoussit. This sss,bhesnan o’ - lit 1765, Lady sit, .tasnes-2l’astrr.Dueo, 0. 20 July, 1018; mu. 1 Aug. 1870, lacy Boyle, oic1y daa. of Jalssr, Sits Furl of Cork aosd Os’ros’y, by whosis ho had fs’ssr sssrs’iring slauss. Lrsc;’—Eli oal ‘orb, avid sr of flrland,,, 2sol Earl of tis’adtord Gc,o’gsana-hli ool,esls, oi . 21 MorrIs, 1 7Sci, Is hard Johss l;sssoell, sIlt 1 she of Ilssdfsus’sI ; arid ii. 10 Cr1. 1801, lea, lug l-’rosseis, Stas’qsuess s,f l’a.vistoclc, ass,l oilier clsituhren. Isal,ella-Ehioohesls, s.. to 1704, to ‘h’lsousas, assd Marststess of had; d. I May, 1030. F.inily, so. 1 .tsslv, 1000, ho henry Sevsiinur, Enq., el,lnsl Lorsi Tommiuigtmrn, who attained the rassk of vine-admiral of soil of t.s,r,1 fishnet Se; sssossr s,ssd sO. 3 Sold. 1024, His lordshi1s 1. 14 iles. 1012, whsesi tlsn honoura asid estates tlso liIuu, d lh Jnssse, 1831, nf the fasaily dev,,Ivod uposs lsio brother, Jana, 5th viscousit, I. ha 1740. Ills lordship a. in 1767, Arusss—Qtsarsrrly; na. usnd 5mg., in the 1st quarter a lion, Itrisigot, des. of Coiaiuo,lore Arthssr Forrest (also t. corn, rasopan 1, of the seeosstl. sasass,ler-isi-elsinf ass the Jamaica nt;slioss), by whom (who ci. Creol—An Ises’atilte ais lelape, shatami, scm., homed, tosked, los 362:;) lie hash lassie, s. Gosinsun, Ins successor. is. Ehaund, ensunsissiosser Colonial Aisdit Offire, and sO. 5 Isssbsed, usxncd, ausut hoofed, or, slasdiag as a ship gnu, ppc.. April, 1054. iii. Jalssi, ma. 0 Nov. 1000, An;elia, don. of— Mayne, Esq.; Soul—Voles Court, 3lemewortl,, rear Maidstune, htent. and ‘1. Ia 1011, leaving, 1 George, cousin. tIN.; ii. 14 Sept. 1840, 2 John, in holy nolers, late vicar of haugford, Bests, floss Town H,suss’e— 4, 1I’amo’ielt Ss1uamc, Fisslico. rector of llnxford, SaTulk ; in. I Sept. 1040, Wtlliainisia. llete, 7th daa. of the 11ev. henry Monte, vicar of Ashwell, Herts, sad hiss isssso, .ti,hn-lioriec, I. 30 Ccl. 1046’ llary-Sssplua, ct. 10 J;sly, Idal Freiterica—Asnella; MatildaClat s—liesstrice 5 b’rasircs—Modelisso. I Eanly, us, is 1036, In Lieot.-Csd. Lawrence Fyler. iv. hlcsiry-l silkes, vienadsssiral tiN. l sss. Sluriu—Jsisse, slsss. al J.-tl. Clerhe, Esq. ansI it. 2450lst. 1860, hating had issue, I henry, at Qisenden hIall, Esoex, rapt. ll.N., 1. 11 Sell. l0l1 si,. 1st, Ii lime, 1029, Slarv-Ausie, only cmlii of lIne lisle Withiasss Welsh, lIsq. of Qisensl on I lull, Essex, and a descendant of Arcishsisliop (‘ranmer, and by tier (ohio 0. 25 Nat. 1973) Isas had, Altred-Hotyssesux, eapississ gren..gisssi’,ts, I. 19 March hodO; II rnrv—itcht,lieist, SOIls foist, h. S Slsss’cls, 1041 19’ithian4 Cransner, h. Is, Aug. 1043; is. 1 ,lsni. 1049 t Arilsssr.l 1cs vol. vW fliJ a unit ti>t.. h. 13 Gel. 1017; Edseard-prasiclo, 1.4 Api’it 1041 Wilians.Crannser, 1. 7 1 tess. 1049; ,t. 20 bob. I Sal llas’oldF.dnsssss,t, 5. 17 April, lo-71 t’ecitia’Slary l Edumls—31,iry ‘ ;ssusl Anne’Slary. ‘a,. 2ndly, 9 moe, lsS7, More, eldost’ds;u of cIte late Linat.-Col. lOsslsssisss, Cl;., of Belmont Itasi Is assd by her tins, Prrderirh—Jt,hsi, I). 11 Jnly, I Nil : licatris.n_Siary and I- ranres—Slary t 2 Ldssi asi,l, rapt, tat Tlnsssral fsssilier cu 10 April, 1052, Ehionl,stls EoI’erilsa, eldeof dais, of the late John htorsley, fish,, Ma,lras civil snreice ‘awl sO at I,arr,ssuls. 10 April, 1472, leaviog a s sit 3 J olill—Clusrhe enchain ‘lou’nuheustl), Vioeoutist Tow-nohend, of Raynham, co. tIN., Isnight of the Lcoh,sss sd hluoossr and 31ocFidh ‘ Itorfolk, Baron Townohend, of Lyrn Regis, in the 01. 75 Aug. 1 i1s32, l’enelsle’3largsieet, 3tsl ‘hum. r’f Ca sl’uts hunts. lt.N., sf llaiaes huh, Wilts; I (‘eciliss, iii. 22 Nc,’ name co. and a barusset; high steward of Tamwom’th; 1076, Slssnhis,ser—P..—S, Wlsilsnare, Esq. 2 fl”alvtes’ tItan) Pile 5. 10 Apt-sI, 1831.. Hin lordship, who wan formerly osaisl of lsnsiour to the Queen ; s’s. 1-1 Aug. 1 odI, to t’sulutajnll I M.P. for Tamwom’th, o. Ins father, an 5th macqutess htlnndetl, eldest son oh lt.-I’,.-B.-ll, filandehl, Esq, at Ds9’s 20 Sept. 1863. He uI, 17 Oct. 2865, Anne’Elizalaeth bns,,sk, t,sineaslssns’. v. b’rs’ds’riek-Gs’ruld, of Use P’oreigu Office, gentleman. Clementimsa, oldest dan, of James5 present Earl F’i.fe, usher of lite hlnloya’tsasubcr, snlso ssi. Cathuenint. Neville. a Elsonbeth-Lsiev, cs5, 1st, 20 Sept. 1797, to hear-Admiral I. .intsN-Ja,nsssDutuLe-rfTrAoT, limo. sub Jlapulcos, 0. hO T 0 W Percy Frarem, who it. 9 Thee. 1827; and 2udly, in 1830, to the Rev. George Gooslenatigh-Lyon, and ci, 18 Jau. 1016. Ilnpwusod haIl, eo. Lasieastnr, as’tsa if, 1874. Charles-Ilenes’ Itull, dean of Isarham, who ci. in 1827; she si, 30 Gel, 1892. Charles llerhrrl, U.N., whe it. its 1800. snidosn ct, 21 ,lulv, 1576. vs. licalrire’Chartalic, us. 30 Nov.1920, to the late Eec. Cohn- Alexander Campbell, rector nf Widdiugtno, Essex, uncle of Sir P7—F, Camntsluell, haul : also ci. 12 March, 1848. Lsuluin,soo of time ilean of Wells. s. Osonue, present prim. is. llshert-Pnrtaur-Palnrer, ii. 20 Nor. 1816; osn)ur in the Bengal N.E., hilled 18 Dcc. 1027. in India, u’hile leading Isis reginsest agaisist thus nasslisserrs u lie sss. 11 Eels. 1839, Ehizalunlh-Hai’ia-tsuselher, eldest dan. of Cat, Gu’a;hin, of Ihe liengal arusy, and had by her fwho us, 2usdly, II Feb. 1961, the Rev. William Wiuiehester, elsaplain in Bengal, and ii. at Rouse, S Nun. 1808), I tisonuo-Sranenv, Iteul. rifle brigade, 1.29 April, 1041. 2 Rehett.Lau-lhor, 5. 29 July, 1842. I Scdney, heat 10-Ills fuot, t. 9 April, 1041. 4 Nelson, heat. U.N., t. 2 Apnul, 1945. 0 Ersmncis-Itussell, I. 3 July, 1873. 1 Sophie. Caroline-Louisa, dan. of Willianu Caeh, Faq. of Roydon Ilall, Itessl, sv. Ilus,nhl-Juhn.2locris, hieol. hl.N.; 0. 4 Aug. 1823 sO. 27 April, laaO. s, E, Elimt,elh, ci. 12 Fehs, 1832. is. hiilare-t’arelhse, us.,30 April, 1047. to Resr-Admieal Sir Wihhis,uss-llsstchesou Idall, 11.N., K.C.B., late capt. of the Nesnesis.” Ce,elis,uss—Bamonet, 1711, Viscotsut, ste., 1721. snotied, and Isosufesh, or. Sujsjsarecre—Dexler, an herablie austelops, ems., homed, simishem a sralsot’se, ppi’., 051 a like gum. Jf,sths,—Tisthor. TO W NS II EN U. fl 5J flu) 1 l-.-’,a 8i.”Z tfl’”... 0 ‘- fl 5uatStMtsr’ TOWN5IIEND, MAE5QttFSS (Sir John.Villiera,Stua1.t ann hna aosno, Oct. lsOO,