Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/411

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Ttiitriigr. This ancient house deduces ito descent from Lodevie, a secretary of state, and was appointed lord-lieutenant of noble Neiman, who, settling in England during the reign of ireland; but dccliahmg to proceed to that kingdem, be was HENRY I., assumed the surname of TowNencan, and by Donstitatod, 11 Jire, 1720, president of the conneli. He marriage with Elizabeth, dan. and boiress of Sir Thomas anbseqnently re-filled the office of secretam’y sf statc, was do Havillo, obtained the manor of Raynham, en. Norfolk, frequently one of the lords-justices dnrhmg the occasional which hao ever shsoe remained in posocssion of hia do’ sojetnas sf his majesty in ins Germanic dominions, and scondante, and is now the principal residence of the family. wao metalled a knight of the tiarter, 36 July, 1724. lie Directly descended from this personage was, Rooen Townsnnnn, a lawyer of greaf eminence in the Pelh,rm, by wheni he had issue, reign of Rnwann IY., and N. 1’. for Caine, in Wiltohiro. In t. CaaRnrs, his successor, the lot year of Enwar,n V., Mr. Townshond was coi,aritnted is. ‘l’hon1ss, ose of the toilers of the Exrhciisscr, SIP, for king’s oerjeant-at-law, and the year following nominated the uaitersty of Cambridge, whese eldest san sac created, by Rxcozxnn III. one of the jnsticos of the mint ef Common sit. William, still, III. 29 Slay, U2i,, Iieaeieitta, only dau. and Pleas, wherein he continued antil his deeeaoe, his patent being renewed by HnNnv V ii., who also conferred upon him the honour of knighthood. Sir Roger on Anne, dan. and ce-heiress of Sir William de Browse, ltnt. of Wcnb,nn Hall, on. Suffolk; in conooqnenco of which alliance the Telvnohond family may quarter the arms of the ancient Darers of Bromber, of the family of Braoae, and likowise of Rat,os llaysmso, of Fool’ a, os. Perks, lie a,. ia 1777, Mile, Earl of Horoford, Newmarrh, Thn’on ilrecknock, &c. do. Sir Roger had is500 six oono* md fonr dano. He C. in the 8th year of lleNav VH., mmd his eldeot non, Sir Roger Townahend, Knt., dying without issue, we shall proceed with the 2nd son, Jonn TOWNCREND. Esq. of Dnsmpton, co. Norfolk who aa. Eleanor, dan. of Sir John Hoydon, KB., of Beaconsthorp, in the same cc., and was o. by his eldeot son, RmcnAmon TowNonERn, Req. of Drampton. This gentleman lieu sf hole paimsyamic. Towsahend( the somes of 1mb m. Catharioc, demo. and co-heiress of Sir Hnmphry Drown, Ki,t. of Ridley, co. Cheoter, one of the jnstices of the court of Common Pleas; and dying in 1544, was o. by his only son, SIR Rooer TaWNORENO, of Rayimbam, who received the iv. Hoper, ,t. 011111. honour of knighthood in 1588, from Charles, Lord howard 1. Elizabeth, am. is Charles, 1st Earl of Cernwallis. of E6ingham, for his opiritod condnet againet the krroada. lOis lordship m. 2ndly. lot July, 1713, Dorothy, dan. of Sir Roger ro. Jane, yoongoot dan. of Sir lllichael Stanhope, Robert IVaipoic, Esq. of Ttoimghren, co. Noifolk, and sioter Kat. of Shelford, co. Nottingham ; and dying in 1500, was a. by his eldest son, Sma JonN TOwNsRENn, knighted by the Earl of F,osex at t. George, aa adm, RN.; 8.29 Oct. 1716; 6. naas. 1769. the memorable eioge of (adiz, ITo wae H.P. for the cc. of is. Atmgastss, capt sin ill 1110 Ri. Ce’s. service. Norfolk, tclap. ELISAEETn, and a very dietinguisbed member sot, 1-tom’atia, ri. 1mm 1361, iv. Itichard, mi a-ooag. of the first parliament of Ring JAatae, dnring the sitting v. Edward, DI)., dean of Windsor; S. ii Hay, 1727; of which, however, Sir John had the miofortone to engage in a quarrel with Sir Matthew Drown, of Deachworth Caatle, which terminated iii a duel, fought on horoeback, on Honnelow Heath, wherein both the combatants were mortally wonnded, Sir Matthew dying on the spot, and Sir John Townehend, loon after, on tue 2nd Aug. 1605, leavhlg two cone b,, Anne, eldoet dan. and co-heirees of 5. Dorethy, Is. la Slay, 1743, to the Very Rev, Speacer Sir Nathaniel Baron, K. B. of Stiltkey, co. Norfolk ; by the it. Nary, a,, ia 1723, Is Tieat.-Geaerai Eds’ard Corasosilie, eldoot of whom, I. Roozn, Req., H.P. for the Co. of Norfolk, who was created a Baronet, 16 April, 161?, be wae succeeded. The viscount C. in June, 1728, atad was a. by his eldest son, Sir Roger Is. Mary, 2nd dan. and co-hcircss of Csiausrs, 3rd viscount, S. II June, 1780; who had been Horatio, Lord Vere, of Tilhnry, by whom ho had two eons previously snmaasnod to psriim.mont, 24 Slay, 1726, as and five dane. Hod. 1 Jan. 1636, and was o. by his elder son, Boron Lynae, sf Lyaac Bepir, and appointed a lord of the IT. Sin Reooa, who C. dnring hie minority, when the bedehamber. He is. 1721, Audrey, only dair. and heiress title devolved upon hie brother, III. Sin SOcRaTIc. This gontleman rendered essential Gzosas, Ins heir. services to the Royal cammse during the lisarpatioim ; he wae Charles (The Right Hon.) the celebrated omior end etHos- one of the aix commoners who, with sir peers, wont to the Hague to entreat King CHAR005 II. to retnnl to his dominions, and take the government of them into hio own hands, it was he also who fortified the town of Lana for his majeoty’s reception. amsd was the eomna,nidsr-in-chief of the Royalist forces on the Cotist of Norfolk. Clareedon gives a brief memoir of Sir Horatio in his Hislory of Ito Reteliisa. Being thne onc of the moot forward in reatormg iteger, haul-eel, in the army killed at Ticonderngo, 1752. Ihe monarchy, Sir tioratio was, after the aceompliobment Andrea. ‘ii, Robert Ornoe, Req. of Devsaehiee; and C. in of tl’at moot desirable cvent, created (20 April, 166]), Baron Toninl,erxt of Lysa Jtrgio; and advanced 11 Dec. less, to Time vtseonnt ii. 42 Slay, 1767, and was s. hsy hits eldest soil, the dignity of J’ktros,oi Teseashese,? of ltisvshaia. ilio lordship Gzio,or, dlh visronnt, 8. 29 Feb. 1124 goilsen to Ring Or. ist, Mary, dau. and sole heir of Sir Edward Gnoner I. This mmcblenoan, who attaimiod to be a field- Lewkeooi, of Delsbam in Suffolk, but had 100 iosnc. He marshal and colonel of the 2nd regt. of ,h’agsoim-gnarrlo, sa. lmodly, Mary, dan. of Sir Joacph Aahc, Knt, of Twickenham, was also a privy-cotniciltor, lsigh stowarit of Tamworth, cc. Middlesex, by whom he had three sons, viz., Yarmotmth, and Nerwicht governor of Jersey, asad master- Charles, Roger, and Horatio. The viscount <I. in Dec genera] of tIre ordnance, lime :oi’dship mi. lot, in 1751, 1687, and was a. by his cidost son, Cna ants, 2nd vtsronnt. This smohlemsn was employed Lady Charlotte Comptomo, only surviving child of Jamcs, as a diplomatist, and residomi as ambassedor-extraordinn’y Earl of Northampton, by whom he bad fsmmr 5mb tud at The Hague in the reign of Queen ANNr. After the fonr noise., accession of Gzoaee 1., his lordship filled the office of ia. lot, Elizabeth, only dan. and heiress of Thomas, Lord in 1789, Vhrssnl Sielsee. (See l5,,l ,Oga,l,i.) heir of Lord William i’swleti, sait Isad isesse. Charles, l,ie heir; Caroline, wifc of the 3i,,ol ltcv. Frederick Corawatlis, Di)., Archbishop of Csatorbnry Anse, Is. to Charles Hedges, Esq., sad Derothy, a. to SIiles-llulten Alien, Esq. The lies. William Towsshesd ‘1. in 1738, and svss s. by his sea, Chartos Tewesbend, Ssq., who, barisg tiled sesse public offices of importance, was erealed, 20 Gel. 1797, Auaat’ellsPswlelC, cl,,st. 1,1 the Rev. Richard Smmiyth. end graaitdau. and l,eir of W’illia,ss t’oo’lvtt, If sq., by srbein (‘vile ,l. 3 Jan. 1 523) lie had issme (,silh four dons., who ml. v,,s,i .) l,vO sons, Charles—Fred,’riek-Pew]ett ant bleary. ills lordship ‘1. 16 Slay, 1cm, cod svas 5. by l,is elder son, Chmartes-Fredcriclt-Peo’lett, Sad llnrou Itayniag, 8. la 17s5, at abase de,’ense, 1001., 2 Aug. 1523, the dignity devslaed npoa his t,rothcr, itenry, 3rd htaroa ltaa’sisg, who svss b. S Jane, 1727, and oss,nne’l, by aign macinto1, is’ 1823 (is maternal great-grandfather, Witliano-t’owleti. Be ci. 9 Aug. 1842, Es,eis, only dan. of Williant hi. Sellowes, Esq, of blamsey Abtiey, Ca. Hantimigdon, sad had a son, CharlesWilliam, h. 9 Get. ld II, ii. 9 Jumoc, iegi. Lord Itayniug, alto was Vicar of hlooingbam, Norfolk, ,l..5 Aug. taCO, and, as ho left so isaac, the litle hCcame cxtiaet. of the minister, Sir Rsbert Walpole, by whom he had, in May, 1747, Slary, dan. of General Price; and ,i. 27 Jar. 1762, hearing issue, I Rdv’ard, in tloty orders; at. 23 liarch, 1789, LouisaSamit, dao. of Sir William )Iilaer, ltari. I Mary. 2 Elizabeth. 3 Charelte, ma, let, 12 Stay, 177t, to John Norris, Req.; and Iadly, in 1378, to Thomae Sanqnier, Esq. Cosiper, denim of Itmirliaua. uncle Is Charles, 1st 3]arqaess Cerawallis ; amid ci. 1176. of Edward harrison, Req. of Balls, Rests, by wimons he had, mar, appointed Chaacehor of time itseheqner in Angsat, 1766; he a. 1735, Caroline, Dowager Consless of DaReilli, amid afmersrords ii’ ter own right ilaroness Greeawieto, itsmr, nnd co-heir of Jobs, 2nd Duke of Argyle ; and 1. aged dl, 2 SCpt. 1763, having had by her (who ,I, 17911 two sass, who d. nasa. and a doe,, Anne, arhe alose survived tier mother, and srae ill. Is’, to it. Wilson, Req. ; aad ‘Sadly, to John Tempest, Esq. Edward, d. ‘29 June, 1731. geb, 1781, leaving issue. From tile 5th son, Thomas, descended the Towsiaxans of it, John, soasetinae H.P. for the imaivereity of Cambridge lVrrflieet, nosy repreeeatod by the Bunnocas sf .S/Cpdtem. 1113 TOW TOW s. Groacz, his successor. 6.19 Jan. 1757; oi. 10 April, 1767, Gesrgiaea-Aaae, dan, of