Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/468

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W E N W E S WtNvwoovn on the termination of the abeyance at the ;v EN T ‘cvOR T decease of her cousin, Lord Scarsdale, 12 Nov. sf16. WENTw0RTH, BxnoN (Ralph - Gordon - Noel Mci- Crsi’hsa—Ity writ of summons, 1529. banke) of Nettlested, co. Suffolk, DL., b. 2 July, .4n,is—Quartorly: lot aod 4th, gi’., a bend, orm., on a 18”9 s hh brother 1 Sept 1862 His lordship canton, or, a lion’s head, erased, of the Rrst, for MILBANKE; -‘ ‘2nd aLid 3rd, sa. three spears’ heads erect, org., imbrued, who is by courtesy I coconut Oficie000, is t e e ppr os a thief, or, three pole-axes, az , for KING, surviving son of the ps’esent EARL OF L0vELACE (see C,e,h—ist, a lion’s head, esuped, go., charged with abend, that title ante) His lordship by royal licence, erm., for Dii BANKE; 2nd, a dexter arm, touped, vested, as., I t tako the sor- colt sable, the arm ehargedwith three ermios spots, in fesae, slated 6 s ov. 1861, y’as ant oi ixo 0 or, in ths hand a trunohssn, sa., headed, avg., for KiNG. nanse of MILBANKE, instead of that of KING, and to Seppsrtcrs—On either side a gryhon, arg., gorged with a bear the aims of Milbanke quarterly with those of collar, per pals, gu. and ar. King. Molts—Peossz S then. Itttiragc (eiatscesllp). SIR ThoMas Wtxes’ooats, of N’ettltsted, who was created WEST Lonn, see DELAWARE, EARL. Lord Wentworth in the 21st of Hsaov VIII. (we BuRKe’s .E’xlisrt Piers ye), was sn,omonod to and sat in parliament in the 25th of JlzNes VIII., and was summoned to all the ‘cvE ST B U R ‘V.eoeeeeding parhmsooto called in his lifetime. Ito is. Margaret, den. of Sir Adrian Forlsasne, KB., by wham he had issue. Ho ,l. 1551, and was s. by his eldest son, Tnouao, Ben torn WtNvivoorn, whose great-gmnddau. (tho dan. of Thomas, 4th Lord Wsntworth), ANNE, o. in lost as L.onv Wtasrs’oeon. Sho oc. JohN LoveLoet, 2nd Lord Lovelase, of Morley, and woos, by tier granddan. (the 2nd dan. of JoInt, 3rd and last Lord Loveless, of Hnrlsy), SIaeToa, Lsnv WENTn’OOTH, who was declared entitled lo the peerage of Woslworth by a resslntion of the R,,nss of Lords, mads ‘2April, 1702, which reoolotian was duly reports I to cod ei,nfirmed by Qneen ANNE. Lady Westworth oi. Sir Ilonry Ji,hnsao, K, II., bitt had no issue. She it. 1745, and ‘inher doath the peerage devolved upon Sir Enw.’,rn NOEL, Dart., the grandson and hoir of her aunt,’ionoT LovELoes, 2nd dan.,and only dan. who lsft issue, of Antis, Lady Wentworth, and her husband John, WESTBULT, BARON (Sir Richard Bsthell, P.C., 2nd Lord Lovelaee. This Margaret ia Sir Williani Noel, of DCL.) of Westbnry, in the eo. of Wilts, in the peerKirkhy Mallory, in lbs county of Lsieestsr, baronet,,.d of the United Kingdom, 6. 30 June, 1800; by hint, who d. 1001, she had issue and her grandson, Sir j, 1825 Ellinor-Mary eldest dan. of the late Robert Edward Noel Bart., as staled, s. to tho Barony of Went- worth on the death of Llartha, Lady Wentwarth, and took Abraham, Esq.,aud by her (who ci. 17 March, his seat in parliament as Lard Wsntworth en the 27 Nov., 18b3) has had moose, 1743. tie wan treated Viscount Wont;vorth on the 3 May, ,. R,rnaKn-Auoretus, ii. 11 Starch, 1530 ; so. 1 July, 1702. He a. Jndith, dan. end heir of Wtlliaen Lamb, Req. 1151, Story-Florence, youngest dan, of the Rsv, of Farndioh, so. Bedford, by whom he had isous, Aloxander-Fnwnso Lnttrell, of East Quantoxhead, so. I. TnoMxs NOEL, hia successor. Someroot, and has leone, Ii. Juniva NOEL, who o,. 1777, Sir Ralph Milbanks, Start., RICHANO-LrvTNELL-PILKINOTON, 0 21 April, 1032. who in isiS assumed the surname and arms of NosE, 2 Rds’ard-Attxsoder, 0.20 Ana. 1333. and by him, who d. in 1823, had an only child, 3 Arthur-John, 0. 17 Jane, 1003. AxNt-IaAntLLA, Lady Byron, who eventually s. to the 4 Albert-Victor, 3 0 Jan. 1304. peora”s of Wsntwerth. 1 Florents-Ebinet. Judith, Laty Noel, ii, 22 Jan. 1522. 2 Ada-Natalio. tel. Elleoboth Nest, who on James Bland Burgess, Esq., Slingoby. 0. 4 Oct. 13.31 95. 3 May, 1833, Caroline, nnbssqusntly created a Baronet of ths Unitsd Kingdooi, fifth dan. of the late William Chaplin, Rag., H.P., of but d. without isone 1773. Ewh,irst Park, Hante, and has issue, iv. Sophia-Susauna, who a. 18 Aug. 1777, the lien. Natha- Slingsby-Wcsttnry, 0. 3 Nov. 1501. tdsl Curzon, who subsaqueotly . his f.ither as the tod 2 Guy-Vivian, twin with lila brothtr Slingsh3’. Lent Scarsdale, mid by him had issue, 3 I.ioosl liereoford, 0. 28 Jan. 1001. I Natlianim4 Cnreoo, who a his father as 3rd Lord 1 Violet-lsabel-Sltngsby. Scarsdale, 27 Jan, 1517, and 5. en a. 12 Nov. 1056. 2 ilany-Slingsby, S. an infant, 1 May, loS,. 2 Saphia-Cacelino turoon, who a. Robert -Sowallia , Arthur-Reward, 0 31 Jan. 1373 ; S. Apcil, 1031. Shiny, Vies’ ‘outTamworth, oldest son of Robert, Earl W lie --J hn t H Bee 1042. Pci rers, bitt d. without issue 3 Jan, 1649. - i. as. 3 May, RIo, to the Rev. Themao-Edwm’d The lion. Saphia-ansanoa Cureon /. 28 Juno, 162. Abraham, rural dean and rotter of Rishy, Suffolk, E’tward, Viscount and Lard Woutworth, 5.31 Oct. 1771, and brother of the Biobap of Wellington, New Zealand. was o. by his only eon, ii. Eliza-Jane is. 2533, ti Christopher-B. Cardew, Eaq. Tnaaas Non., Viscount and Lord Wentworth, who took of Broemfiold, Rants, late 74th Ilighianders. his aoat in parliament 29 Nov. 1744. Itt ci. Mary, dan. of Emeoa-t,onisa, aa Sept 1034, to Mansfield Pnrkyne, Robert, Earl of Northtngton, but bad no issue. lie Req of Woodborough hall, Notto. Il April, 1315, and on his decease the dignity of Vieeaunt iv ‘ougucta.This laity has reeds a very able and Wentwerth became extinct, and that of Lord Wentworth ipalar translation of ‘La Gaviola,” of the Spsoisli toll into abeyance hotu-eeis his only surviving deter, Jndith, serile,’ Fornan Caballero, entitling it, “TlisSea Gull.” Laity Noel, and hio nephew, the lion. Nathamsl Cnreon, ‘afterwards the third Lord Searedalo. Judith, Lady Nool Loiril Weotbury, a very distinguished lawyer and 5. 22 Jm. 1822, leaving as htr sole heir her dan., stateenian, eldest eoia of the lato ltichaml Bethell, M.D., ANNE-I5AEELLA, who was 0. 17 May, 1733, and a. 2 Jan. was educated at WTadhani College, Oxford, where he 1813, Geiirgo-Corilnn, ill, L,,e,l Byi’cn, the great poet, and olitonecl a first-class in classics, and a second-class in t’y him (nbc ,l. Is April, 1424) h.,d an only child, mathematics, and bec:une a Fellow of the College, A000sva-Ana, who was oi. 3 July, 1833, to William, Lord and in 1860,D.C.L. He nas called to the bar by the igi itoequaitly Rut of Li elate1 o 1mtttie c H n Societ5 of the 7liddle Temple in 1ov 1823 Bvuoo-Nnso, V,scoo,,t OcO’h,’a, 5. kb maternal grand- aol attained the very higheet enimnenee during a long m,lthsr as Lean Wi.NTwonr,m, and d. nail. 1 Sept. 1002, li’actiee in the Courts of Equity; ho was made a RaLPnGinooNEL[a,, hi3 a 5Ottht tic us 38-10 and solicmtos gonei’ol in 1852 Ne Wtaawoern. woo knighted us 18,s3. He woe M.P. for Aylesbury, Laity Ilvr’o,, Icing the only ehil,l of Sir Ralph Sliti,anloo and aftortvarcle for Wolverhaenpton. lie was for Start., liv Judith his wife, oldest dan. an,l eventually ti-heir come tune vice-chancellor of the co. Palatine of of Edward Nail, B.moN IVENvw,iarn, became DoneNEss Lancaster, and counsel to the University of Oxford; 1170