Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/469

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W E S -and after being twice attorney-general, the first time from Nov. 1856, to March, 1858, and 2ndly, from June 1859 to June, 1861, he was in June, 1861, con- stituted Lord High Chancellor, which office he resigned in 1865. lIe was raised to the peerage as Lord Westhury, 27 June, 1861. Cs’essfioos—27Juno, tssi. A rssss—Arg., on a chevron, engrailed, an., betweso three boars’ heads, rouped, sa., an estoilo, or; all within a bordure of the third. Crest—Out ofarrown, vallery, er, an eagle’s head, sa., betsccen ewe wings, aa., and charged on the breast with an estoile, as in the am,s. ,Sappertesv—On either eide an eagle, wings addorsed, az. ducalty crowned, collared, and’ charged on the breast with an estoilc, or. Maise—Ap Ithel. Seut—Mackwoad Park, Basingsteke, Haute. Tssrss Jleese —75,Lancaster Gate. 5. Tuoaeas-Surroro, late NP. for MaIden, a magistrate and dep.-lientennnt for css. Essex and Suffolk, col. Essex rifle nsilttta; ti Oct. 1821; ns. .3 Feb. 1848, Giuticito-Remona, eldest dan. of Sir Edss’ard SJsm,inghnm-l3tsilcr, Bact., NP. (brother of John Butler, Lord Churoton), and by her (who sd. 20 Sept. 1890) hns issue an only child, TuOaseS-CHAOLKe-CALLIS, 5. 29 Aug. 1850. is. Edward-Brarucy, 1,. 1 Jan. 1825; ci. 9 April, 1841. s. Margaret-Mary, sn 21 Olay, 1S88, to Robcrt-Capcl Cure, Esq., eldest son of Capcl Cure, Esq. of Blake Stall, Eoeex. n. Caroline, Sir Thomas is one of the gentlemen of the Privy Chamber, a magistrate and deputy-liont. for the cue. of Eesox and Suffolk, and M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. He essecooded to tile Rivonhall and Felix hail estates on the death of his cousin, Charlos-Callis Western, Lord Western, 4 Nov. 1844, and was created a Baronet, 20 Aug. 1864. Jtmnczcgc, The family of Western was established in London, temp. HENRY VtI. Bscnann Wrsteaw, of London, was father of WshLsass, also of London, who sa. Frances, dan. of Mnrtin Troll, Esq., and ci. in July, 1840, set. 64, leaving issue, s. Henry Western, so. lot, Sarah, dan. of —J,avcneler, Esq.; 2udly, Jane, dau. of— Child, Esq ; and ci. in 1880, set. 60. - vs. Frances, so-. Heueoge Featiserstous, Rsq. of Toning, cc. is. W’iffiam, as. lhs dau. of —Alsworlh, Esq., and ci. in 1660, eel. 55. iii. Richard, os. and had issue. sv. Tnoaxaa. The 4th son, TssoatAs Wesrxxw, of Rivenhall Place, Esq. (which estate as - Anne, dan. of —Mathews, Esq., and hod, with other issue, he purchased in 1690), fined for alderman of London, and ci. 11 Jan. 1757, mt. 83, having Os. 30 Sept. 1851, Startha, dan. of Samuel Bolt, MI’. for Wincholsea, and by Iser left issue, s. Samuel Western, Esq. thrice III’. for Winelselsea, so. Anna- Maria, only dan. of William Finch, Esq., and ci. e.g. 20 Aug. 1699, having had bone, I Samuel, it. 5 Peb. 1697. 2 William Wostern, of Rivouhall Place, Esq. (to which estate he succeeded on the death of his graudftstlser, 1707), as. Anus, dan. of Sir James llalomau, Knight, Lord Stayur - of London, and sister of Villiaus 1st Viscount Batesssan, who resaarried in Fob. 1779, George PolluTe, Eoq., of London. He ct. 22 Sept. 1729, sot. 98, having had issue, James, who ci. 19 March, 1730, set. 14. Sarob, sister and co-hot; as. 10 Feb. 1739, William Itaobssry, Esq., of Kelmarsh, co. Nerthansptou, sod was grandmother of William-Batomau-Ilaubury Lord Bate- man. Wilholmina-Aune, sister and cc-heir, as. Richard Stephens, Esq. is. Thumae Westoru, Esq., 5,,. Anne, dass. of Capt. Fisher, and The eldest son of OLsxisuiliao, of Great .Vhingten, st. 1 April, 1733, leaving issue au only child, 1171 W E S Thomas Western, of Rivouhall Place, Esq. (to which estate - he succeeded on the death of his cousin James, in 1730), NP. for Sudbnry, as. Mary, 2nd sister and cu-heir of Sir Richard Shirley, Bart., of Preston, cc. Sssssex, (who resnarried Jeho Bridges, Esq., of Cobham); Ise sI 1 April, 1733, leavirg an only child, Tisomso, uf Rivenhall Place, as. Ann, dan. of Robert Callis, Ksq., and sister of Admiral Sasith Callis, and by her (shed. in Jan. 1776, set. 61; Iso st. in Juno, 178, set. 56) bad issue, 0 Thomas-Shirley, ts. 9 Bee. 1741 ; ci. 12 June, 1747. 2 CasaLas, of srhcm hereafter. 8 Thomas-Watstnghasn, LL.B., rector sif Biveulsall for 48 years, is. 8 Sept. 1748; so. 1lary, dan. ot Admiral Osborne, but si. s. p. 2 Sept. 1824. 4 Itenry-Chiehcley, 5. 19 Ang.l 750; ci. 24 Jan. following. 5 John, 8. 8 Sept. 1791; ci. in 17d1. I Anua-3laria, 5.21 Nov. 1737; as. 4 Jan. 1768, Sir T1,ssmss Shirley, Bars., of Otelsall, in Wiveisfield, co. Sussex; she ci. in Bcminiea in 1777; he 3. 18 Feb 1800, leaving issue. 2 3lsrgaret, t. 8 Nov. 1743: sf. 20 Bee. following. 8 Frss,ves, is. 25 Otay, 1739. 4 Judulh, 1,. 19 Get. 1742; 55. Robert Jienltou, Esq., and bad issue. Cnaarss WeseeaN, Rsq., use eldest ssss-vivtug son of Tisensas, succeeded his frtscr at Riveninil Place, 5. 27 Sept. 1747; as. 24 tIel. 3768, Frances-Shirley, only elsild and Iseir cf William Bollan, EN , of London, agent for the Province uf 3lassachuselts Bay, by Frances, Isis wife, sister of the above-nasse’i Sir Thomas Shirley, Barr. nf Otehall. Mr. Cisarles Western ci. set. 24, on 24 July, 1771; his widow, ,t. 10 Oct. 1811. Ole left, with a yuan7er son, Shirley, rector of Rivoubail, who ci. a,,as. 30 April, 1824, at. 56, a son, Wr6TaaN, of Biveulsall Flare and Felix hall, in Itelvedon, cc. Essex, Esq., S. 9 Aug. 1787, represented the cc. of Essex in parliament br twenty years and the borough of Olsldon for tsveuty-two years, was elevated so the peerage as BaRoN WESTERN of RIvENseALL, by letters patent-, dated 20 Jan. 1533, and ,t. os,s,s.4 Nov. 1844, when the title l,eeause extinct. Lord Western bequeathed the Rieculsoll ansi Felix Boll estates to his eotmiu, lise present Sir TaossazBuacso WESTEaN, Barb. sit. MaxsssstsaN, of whom presently. sv. William Westeru, of Riveuball, eo. Essex, Esq., ,f. s::sss. in 1788. v. Itobert, of parish of St. Peters, Cornhilt, es. 26 Bee. 1693, Anne, eldest sister and co-heir of tiso said Sir itichard StsirIcy, Hart., of Freston, co. Sassox, and 1. in June, 1728, leaving issue au only son, Thomas, who ci. o. p., and three da,ss. his rn-heirs, viz.:— I Jssdith, as. John Olonis, Rsq., and had issue. 2 Sarah, so. Sir vhos. Slostyn, Bare., of 310styn, cc. Flint, and ci. 28 3jareh, 1740, leaving issue. 3 Anne, sss. llssgh-llume-Campbell Viseeunt Polwartts, sfterwards Karl of 3fssyehnsout, sod ci. 0 OIay, t747. s. Elizabeth, ci. so infant. ss. Otartha, sss. Peter Goti, Esq., of Fais’ehureh in Wadhuesi, cc. Sussex. ito. Eliznbeth, it. an infant. sv. Otary, sss. Francis Tysseu, of Hackney. cc. Middlesex, who sf in 1710, leaving issue. v. Sarah, so. Francis Hrydges, Esq., receiver-general of the sssit dssty, 3rd sen of Jauaeo, 9th Lord Cisaudas, and brother of James, 1st Puke of Chandos ; he :1. e p. 29 Sept. 171;. Essex ffu:e arctic), who ci. 19 June, 1711; slse ci. 24 June, 1748. The third son of Thomas Westorss, Eag. of Itivenhsll Place, OtaxsusLsaNWesToaN, of Gre:,tAhingsou, ee.Cssmbridgr, Bog., r. Tnoaias, his successor. it. Maxisnilian, of f’okethorpe, cc. Oxfc,sel, and of Linecla’s-ten-flelds. cc. Middlesex, a director sf the East india Company, a’. Anne, don, of —Tahessrdcu, EN., and ci. leaving issue, Otaximihisu, who as. dau. of —Pcwkes, Beg. of Norfolk, and had issue, Maximilian, who se. OBss Loder, but st. o. p. Elizabeth, ss,., 1st —Lloyd, Esq.; 2udly, —Way, Esq. Frances, so. 3V. Strickland, Esg. Prances, so. 14 Aug. 1773, John Larpeul, Esq. of Eost Sheen, cc. Sorrey (secretary to the Otarcinsss of Itertford, lord t)e,st. of Ireland), tlse fatiser of site late Sir George-Gerard do ltochcpicd Larpent, lIars., Ot.P. for Ncstinghano. Borothv, as. 12 Olay, 179e, Sir Edssunst Itoad, Bart., of the i(ernsitage, en. Heat, v-ho 1. 21 Nov. iON: shc et.s.p.iz 1807 Olive. i Olive, so. Tlsersas Wisite, Esq. of Tattiugstssic Place, cc. Suffolk, and Isad issue. - 4v? WESTERN. - - - - WESTERN, SIR THOMAS-BURGH, - - Bart., of Rivenhall, cu, Essex, late NP. for North Essex, b. 22 Aug. 1795; at. 19 Feb. 1819, Margaret-Ltctitia, 4th dan. of William Bushby, Eoq. of Kirk- michael and Lamphite,co.Dnm. - fries, and has had issue,