Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/503

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W 0 R Woreley, of Worsiey STall, en. Anne, heirree of Sir John laud, Mart. (son of Sir William Frankbaud, Mart., by Ambells Leigh, of More, in Uorsstshire, whose doseoudant foil iii br the lease of Appuldereonshe Priory, in the Isle of Wigist, of Tlsrsusas ‘iseoumst l”ssucorlsurg, of Tisirkolisy), Isy Elian— long hold by the family of Fry, under the convent of nuue hetb isin wife, d;sn. of Sir Juhu ttussclh, Start., by Prances without Aldgate, London ; and their heir, Robert Worsloy, his wife, 4th dun, of this, l’rstootsr, (lLmvru CnunstvrLL, and succeeded to the same estate about the year 1590, when he by her, who ii. ism 1722, isad several rlsildrru, of wlsuns a pulled down the whole of the old Appuldereessihe maser yessisgsrsoms, thsRev. James Wom-slcy, us. lsurotlsy l’eumsymrsan, building, nod replaced it with a issore modern structure and srasgrammdfatherof tire present JosienWnsvmr-I’r:rcssvr;AN, (see Sir It. Worsley’s HLslnry ef Ike Isle ef iFipti). ‘l’heirlast Esq. ci (irinesby hail, o,s. Yorle ; Nary, tise eldest dais,, so. male heir, Sir Richard Worsley, of Appuldereosnbe, ii. in liiarnsadrskeienetablo, Req. of Wassuud (irow rei )rcscistod by 1805. (See Note.) The Lancashire family continued in posssneiou tlseirdcserssdasst, Lady Strirkland),and Frussscts, the ;rd ‘has,.of their estates till a second elaimaut aroac, viz., so. Sir Thonsas itobinsois, Hart., created Lord tlrssntbam Thomas Brerston, Req., of the cc. Chester, who had m. the (whose dan., Theresa, so. John Pasker, Req., created Lord heiress of Sir John 91s.ssoy, and wise, having entered a Borissgdon, gs’audfathcr sf the present Earl of Uiarcnslou— suit in Chancery against Rebsrt Worsley, the estates refer to’EAuL no Ouuv, &u.) Mr. Wsm’sley so. ludly, Anne, passed, nbeut the end of the sixteenth century, by purelsase sian. of Sir William ltstsinsoss, Bait., by whosss Ise hal tees (nuder some arraugeuseut, as it is supposed), to Ihe Lord children, who sf. in infauey, and also Ausse, Os. to William Chancellor Egerton (ursated Baron Ellesmere in 1003), tiastard, Esq. of Kitley, Derousbire. The eldest eon, before esham the suit was preferred, and they are now the property of his descendant the Earl of Ellesmere. The years msseusber of Parliament fssr the burougis ci Caine, family of whom we treat, thereuposs settled at Hoviugham and was n distinguished cultivator amid patron of Literature iu Yorkshire, but they retained, and still enjoy, certain and the nato. lie Isei,h tbo office of surveyor-general of manerial rights, and other quit, and chief rerits, over lbs the Board of Works msnslcr the auspices e,f Iris lilajesty several manors and nninrlosed lands, so leng held by tbsns Gnoauo Ill., from whom be received mussy fisitteriug ft the county of Lancaster. The immediate ancestor of the present possessor of Hovimsghain, vimmgisaus w;ss designed ssnd lsssilt by this genticusass, amssl wsss TssnMos WonsLnv, Eoq. of Hevingbaiss Hail, ss. Mary, scientific baooks, together wills a fisse e,,llcetiou of pirtnm’en dau. of Henry Arthingtou, Esq. of Artlungten Hall, in the and variosso ether wssrks ssf art. lIe o,. Eliaat.olh, sian. ssf the es. of York; and dying 3 May, i7is, left, with a sins. Itev. J. Lioter, and bad iosne several children. Of the nuns, (Mary, wifs of Francis Foljambe, Esq. ef Aldwark, from wlsese dan., Ann, is descended the preoent 0. 5. Feijainbs, Esq.), a sen and successor, Tnueses WnnsLnv, Esq. of Hovingbam, who ss. in 1710, Mary (who received a marriage present of £4000 from hsr near relative and neighbour, Mary, Ceuutcss of Paneenberg, 3rd dan. of the Protector), eldest dan. of SirTbemss Frank- Jane, us. to Sir Nathaniel Napier, hart. of Critelsill. Sir Rstsert d. in 1678, aed seas o. by his son, iv. Sin Rosr.nv, of Appnlsteivsmhs, t. in 1660, who us. in 1690, Frances, esdy don. of Tlsamss, lot Viscount Weymonth, and bad issue, itsbsrt, t. in 1699; d. unss. in 1714. Thynne, t. ii; 1711 m. Henrietta-Maria, dan. of Charles Wither, Esq. of Hall Place, llsnts hut 8. s. p. iu 1741. his widow so. Sadly, Edususd Itrausslon, Esq. Pasnasers, m. to Jalsu, Lnrd Carteret, afterwards Earl of Gramsyule, amid bad issue. Sir Hubert 4. in August, 1747 and having outlived his suits, was s. by Ins cousin, v. Sin JAMEs W’ussLsv, of Pilewsil, member in sins lsas’lisnaunts fsr Use boroughs of Newtsn. lie m. 19 February, 1714, Ruehaci, dan. sf Tisousas Merrirt, Seq., and dying in 1756, was a. by Isis sun, vs. Sin Tnesmos Wunss.nv. of Ajsputderrsmho, t. 22 Apnl, 1728, wIse ra. hs 1749, fliesbeth, dan. ef John, Earl uf Cork and Orrery, and by her ladyship, who ml. 16 Jan. 1800, had, ltieisAnn, his hsir. Henrietta-Frances, is. 18 July, 1756; os.in1784, fIrs lien. John Bridgman-Simupssu, 3rd sen ssf Henry, 1st Lord Ilradlisrd, The san amid heir, and had an only dun., hlsmsniorvA-AssA-MAniA-Cnomsoorvs, heiress to her nsatsrsal uncle, Sir Richard iVornley. Sire us. Isis isephew, the preacmst Sims llsLLioom Wesonr.rv, sf Ihovissg— II Aug. 1806, the lion. Cisarlos Andsrsu,,-t’elha,n, late EArs, bssm, svYonsuaouuu; 8.30 July, 1813, Isaviug issue. Sir Thsmss sf. 22 Sept. 1768, and was a. by his sun, vu. Sin Itsenorn Wsnst.ry, of Appuldereombe. 1’. 17 March, Qrauslrl its isssis prertesre. Soot—h lovisghsaiss I hail. mrs. I ssm’k. 1751, lIP, fur Nswpur;, and clerk of his Majesty’s privy council. Its su. in 1779, Scysuanr-t)sruthy, dan. assd cu-Iseir ci Sir John Flouting, Burt. of Bronspiun t’ark, lliddhesea, and had a 550 and dau., who beth 4. nulls. Sir Richard, ii. 5 Assg. 1800, leaving isis niece his heiress, and was u. in the baronetcy by his kinsman, viii. lii! Rrv. Sin Hstsuv WunrLnv-ldoLMns, LL.D., ho. in Dec. 1779 who m. Ehisabotis Trsuglsesr, eldurt duu. ef Leunurd, Lord Holmes, and wtduw of Edwurd-hleux Worslre-, Esq. of Gatrumbe, und bud by her, who sO. in Jams. 1892, tseu sons amid a dun. via., Lnoreoncs-Tnnaios, his heir. Riclrard-Flensiug, M.P. for Ntwporl, t. us 1701 ii. op. 26 July, 1814. Margaret. Sir Henry ii. 7Apr11, 1811, nnd was a. by his sums, ix. Sin h.EoNAsu-Tn0MA5-WousLr.v HOLMES, ho. 16 Jsdy, 1787, SIP. for Newport who so. 9 June, 1819, Anne ttsdslsmss, dau. of Jelsa Iselgarne, Seq. of Ecu-port, and smeics ef Leoussrd, Lssrd Cork, and 1. 1741, iruviug menu by her (a-tn rb. 1764), holmes, and had issssu, ELironExu, tim. 9 Oct. 1833, is the Hon. Willllaus henry Ashe A’Courl, 31.1’. for time isis of Wigist, uow Lord tleyteshssry, and that gentleman bar assumed in ronsrqsmessee lime additional surname of lior.nrs. Arsmor-EsiiLv. Sir Leonard ii. 10 Jan. 1825, when the title beessisse EXTiNCT. 1205 W II A Ins wHit, dmsss of the lien. ltenry liollasyse, olsiest semi Tuossxe 1Vs’nsLsov, Rae1, of hluvissghsm, was for many issarko of royal favons’. The fairs ily s,sasioissss-lsessseu sst lisa— enriched tsy him with ass oxtrusivo hibr.n’y of amid s. Euwono, a his fnlher. n George, in Isely orders, lit. A. of Trinity Csshlegr, Camsshridgr, rcelsr of Stonegravo sad Seawsen, in rise Norlis llidimsg of Yurkslsiro, sss. Anre, 4th dssss. of Sir Tlts,sssoo C’;sytry, l;sss I. of Bremptun, in that county, and d. in 1813, having bad issue, } deeeaocd. 3 Wit.ososm, Iseir tss isis uncle. 4 Stareus, sss. harriet, doss, of Lieutesaist hlanser, RN., amid by her (who ml. t9 Nov. 1858) Isas issue. 5 Theasas, in holy orders, ht.D., hA., i’.G.S., Moslem of Downing College, Cossibrisige, late Clsristiams ndvess’alr in that University, amid rector of Sessselon, cc. York s,. 22 Jsinr, 1842, Kntlserinc, dau. of Stausfehd Ilaeeseu, Esq. of Watsdals t lull, Csmamstsrs’tumsd. 8 Frederiek-Cayley. .29 Jnn. 1840, Jsstiane, dan. of John Wrigist, Eoq. tissir daao., Ctara-F’rnures, was ‘s.20 Sojsl. 1866, Ia Catst. Charles-li. Pbau’den, Indian rrusy ; ssnd iliida-Mary-Aguer, errs sss. 21 July, hef7, te henry Camnscsr, l7sq. af Ssssmssrr, Sussex. 7 Septinsmsr-t.aisrelol, liSA., Usivrm’nsty of Cnssslsrsdge. 8 ltenry-Fm-oneis, sss. Cotisorine, dssu. 5sf hi. blnrkden, Enq., ssmsd Ises had isrttc. 9 Charles-Vsdeisuimse, barrisler—aI-law. hO Arhisum-, ticabennnr Slstrrgisssrmst N. I., sss. 11 Nov. lS58, Winifrod-Sirerring. only dan. of rise lied .J.-Il. Evans, vicar of Baeirgthee-rusu-W’esfby, Hire shenisire. It Dighy-Esinmund. 1 Isatsehla, us. to J.-C. Blockden, Erg. h l’hsiladetlslsin, so. te Wilhiam-J. Coltasass. Erg., bh.,t. 9 Auur, 4 Frances, tnt. to the Rev. G.-H. Webbrr, lilA. Ruwxnn WssnoLwY, if. ussma. 2h hlsn’cls, 1870, sad wao a. by Arsssa—Arg., a etstef, psi. Cs’rsl—A wyvers, ‘rrrl._iIesfe— Tosoo Horses —34,l’rinrrr Gardrur, South EenstugtOu WRAXALL, ‘WRAXALT., Sn Ron2vrt o-Husnv, / of Wnvxafl, cu. Sssmnoroot; 0. 1? Don. 1832 n. his laysstlser as 4th S N5E sound, Surrey - NATHANmrL WuAXOLL, od lihsysr lull, ussr bhm-bstol, momcisnut, ho. us scs7, in. 1708, dssmso, dssu. of is,hsm G’,dd.srd, of Novisors ma. - - - Sarah, os. Joseids Silos, Req. of isLsyss Ilsilt and ‘1.hs4s. Elizabeth,, o. ‘litmus’I scans, Req.; and sO. mis Is Si. Mas-y-Anssc, s,s. Wiuhions Jeukins, of Slmrpteu lhahlcl, Lsq.; and so isis widow, 1794. Mssm’rlsa, it. usssss.