Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/504

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W It It NATHANIEL WRAXAI.L, Only Ten, WAS olso of Slayee Hill, and ldarott gitzwasq,te, and relict of James, Earl of Middlesex, 6. 725 it. 1740, .tnne, dots. of William Thertitttll, Fog. of Bristol, antI groat-niece of Sir Ja,nee Thorninll, Eric. ; anti d. 1781, leaving issue ly her (who 1. loUt), NATRANTEL-WTT.LTAM (Sir). Catherine. Bet,erea, a. James Itaberteon, Eoq., captain in the arrn and it. 1186. The Os at attn hair, I. NaTHAN I EL$l tLt Tall WRAXALI , Foil, of lVrax’oll, in Seniorsetshire, ti ,,ont,’ae of SI tolilleeo.x, with her ta-a sistere (the Ceoinirsn having obtained a sitlootic,n too the civil service ttf lten°dgho, and t.at1- Itrey of Groin’), 1 entItle re heiress to of the East ln,tia Ce, ,opany in lot It,, aol filled some offices tire alreioott lIar’ ‘113’of Fttzovarine, n’bieh has remained ever of importance there, eras created a Baronet, 21 Dee. .513. lit oitoce ht al taraooee (refer ta Linnan’e Ra’ttosrt anti Daraoattf at. in 1781’, Jane, tons, of toter Laseolles, Fog. of ltrii,rhts Pon-’ogo). Sir t’tdeberter, wE,, was a faithful and gallant House, Co. 11 arts (oct uctt latly 1. iii Sept. 10310), iTol dyin3’ c’avatiro’, ,‘eeetve’l aftor the rcetoratia,t of the metoarchy tho in 1531, left isona, W’ts.r.t.ori, ford laos’cnet and CharlesEdwartl, apltotrot,eertt of colonel of the Dorke ot York’s regimetot, and lieutenant B 1, lTt’d, is ho ot. 1827, Eilen-t eeilia, was appoioted governor of Shoemoesn. He d. in 1660, and dan. of John 31 alden, Faq. ‘fIlielo a’ at’), Snrrey, anti it. was o’, by lois eldest san, lS4tt, having by her (nh” to dseeased) had, r. FseneRIeK-CnAatre’LAOCELLEs, 3rd hart. ,,. 1 loa.o’oto llrroav, prescott tart. ITT. MeTtVTLLE-NaTTTAITEL, t. 21 Nov. 1s34; tto. in 1880, Snsannah—Harriet Ctarongt slit. s. Eeotlir-Fanny, tat Bealegne, 20 Nw. 1830; ii. 15.58, a nun in cite eoltroeot at lotewarlh, Middlesex. Sir Nathaniel Wr’axall, who n-as a writer of history, it. 15:1, Sir i3o,trchier 01. in 1868, and was s. tty his alder son, and was .. by his elder eon, II. SIR Wom. All, Who was U. 17111, and dying one., at of Jtthto Belle, Dog., by whom he bad live eons and four Pansy, near Paris, 2 llay, 1063, evas .e, by his nephew, III. SIR Fnrnrnlex t’naatrs LAOCTOLOr5, at tine time assistant commissary in tite Turkish t1ooti, gent, an anthttr of several works of note, lIe was t. 1828; a. 1833, StoryAnne, daa. of J. Iterring, Eat1., and ‘/.atVienna, 11 JUne, 1885, 0. it,, when he svas a hty tots lort,tlter, SIR HoaavtoHENRY Wnaxar.L, the 4th and present haraoort. As’eta—Lsaengy, eroninehe and ac. en a chevron, gn., three Ito ,b, lot 1 ToO, and w’aa a, by Ioi eldest eon, eatetles, or. Crest—A bo,ek’e heaol, taheesed and eraseol, gn., ehargoth an s’td SIP. This gentleman so. 1st, in 1747, Mary, da’,. of the breast with two lozenges, tn fesee, anti between the attires Joltn B Isvar,ha, Eeq. of lligl,gate, who rb, without toe,se, in an estetle, er. WREY. Witiis, Silt DouBoHIEg-PALE, of Trebitnh, mt, Cornwall 8. 171 11cc. L 1788; a. his father, ae 8th hart.. _____ ‘20v1t’26;,o.in18180 Itas had tooTle, I. Ellen-Caroline, Ta. 0 Aug. 15:00, ta Edorard-Jesoph Weld, Fog. of Lnlwerth Lastly, cc. Dorset, and it. 13 Sir Be,orohier tb. in 1714, and was a. by his elder eon, Oct. 18108. TI. Entily-Franees, ii. at Pisa in 1808. TI I. Geoigtaoaa-ao,ote (I. tL 1045. He ait. 2n’lly, 13 September, 1843, Miss Eliza Doles. Sir Bootrolner ie otte of the iteire to the liarotsy of Fttnw’arine, whoeh has been in abeyaotee for nearly two centuries. 3t ill Cztc. Iloanny SE Wary, living in isv reign of Eltog ST0PTIEN, Sir Rootreholer ,,t. 2ndly, in 1793, Anne, dan. of Jeltn Debeme was the pragaoirar of JOHN Wsny, Fog., sheriff of Cernw’atl, 28th F,LrzsaaTn, who at. Blaooeb, dato .a,tl heiress ,,f I lrnrr 121 lltgrew, Fog. of Walston, in Cornwall, by sabootit, wttlo ether large possesatone, he acquired the manor of Treltiteb, in the same cc where the Wreys hre,oose aoohoaqoteoilty seated, lie had six seas and toys dane. The eldest elsrviving son, 1. Son WIt.LTaSO Wanv, Not. ti Trelttteh, high-sheriff of Cor,osvall, etut Queen ttL’ZaBe’r,I, was created a Baronet, 30 Jmoe, 1628. This getotlaata,t is described by SIr. Craw, as ‘‘aman of hosptt lit7, asod a general sveleeoaor of lie friends. aotd neighta.’iors.” 11 a toe. l2hiz:d,eth. ‘lao.of Sir 55’tlliano Cooorto’oiay, of Powderl,a,n t’astle, eo. Heron, mel was s. at his decease, in lotS’,, tv hie son, II. Stn WILLIaM, scion Ta. Elteal ,,‘th, yostoogrot thou, of SioEdward t ‘hiehaster,the, if Eggeaford, eo, loran, ereate,l afterwards Earl of D’ineoral, to Ireland, Ity svhr,n lie left at his decease, in lo’45 I ovtth threo dane., a. to Bhtet, Erisey, and Nochelas), an only can, III. Sta Catcertaven, S in 1828. This gentlenoan too. Anne, 3rd dae. and ce-heiress of Edward Eottrehjicr, Earl of Bath Ito it. in 1820. 1206 W It It by orhom be left four aons and one das,., m. Boesrmrtea. lots ketr. ii Ctotot,esler. a ealerrel in her majeoty’s armies; slain in the ttefr,oe,’ of I ‘artSlertjtstetr, in Spain, tn 1708. —iTo. Edena,’,l. Tv. Jt,tttt. killed l,efe,’e Tangier. I. ,tr,oe, at. Ic Sir l’raneto Nertheete, Dart. At the decease of her lather, the Earl of Ilath, in 1636, the IV. Sme ltorrenrrto, lCD., a eolatoal in the army, and 3l.P.;wdoo a. Floronea, da,s. of Sir .Iohn Belle, et Stevenshear, by srhont he left too soon and a dan., Eoueerirr.s, his hot,’. Cloielaasler, roetee ‘tf‘fawsteets; st. and toa’l ieeate. Flereneo, ,,t. to J’thn Cele, Eeq., son of Sir Michael Cole, of Ennist,t lIen. V. Sroo Boo n(’sttna, 31. P. This gontlornan ttt . LOiaoa, dan. dot,te I. Berarnmea, hits tarir. TI ..Johtn. ITT. Cloicheetar. Ta. Ealtrrl, a geoerat in the army of the Queen ef Portugal; oh. in taco. V. Citartee. i. tliaea, ,,o, to SOon Stafford, Eeq. of Eoborongh. ii. t’lt,rrnra, it. he Edovao d t’aToo. Eeq. To, Citrisbitoto. iv. Catherine. VI. Son Tltustt’omot’oo, et,loeel of lbs Nerth Devon militia, 1751 .atl 2n’lly, lit 1755, Elta,t, ‘taut.of John Troaher, Esq. sf Dra’tftttd. in Wiltshire, l’y Ellen his wife, da,s. of Henry Long, Esq. of 3lehkstoam (aer Rosen’s Loatteot Getobt’y5, by whom he lefi, ltorric,,rna, loie sitreeseor. William ltottorethirr, lot holy ordrrs, who a, to the Olehloabtam oetabo of Itis a,eesl,tra, the Lange. He was reeler of Yasesteels a,ttl (‘a,tshinlitttso’ad, cc. taevett; st. Sopitta, datt. antI co-haireot of George Betloaht, Leg. of Bradferd, Wilts, and Itad issue. RIle,, st to the 14ev, Edsram’dtleotry Whoinield. Dyoaieia, to, to Eabert Ilardtrg. Feq, of t’hteeet. Ftt,roottca, a. Is lltrloartl-Cedotpltin Long, Leg. of Eewde Ashite,, lit Witletoire, and was macher of IVALTEE Loao, Faq., lale SIP. far Wilts. atoror-Slarta, so. La Niebolat-Eeuudell Teke, Lag. of GoeUntan, ht Eon I. “It.Sow flotrarHIeR, DCL, 5. in 1709; ,,u. let, in 1737, Anne, das, of Sir th,hrrt Fotlk, Doort. of ilaldon, Ca. Deven, b3 srhem (a Ito oh, in 1751) lie ltatl issue, T. Deesenmea-Pata. present haraoei. n. Festa’r-Rorsrotna, 0. in 1100; a. in 1821, Mary-Anne, dan. ‘f(‘alto. bait es, lt.N. i. Anna-Ete,,ner, a. let, in 1808, to Edward ltartopp. Leg. ot Little tOallsy, coo. Letcastar; and Sadly, to Sir Laoranre S’angttan l’atls, Ilart, ; atid 0. 23 JaTo. 1846. Esq., and had, i. ttent’y-tlenrchier, in holy erdem, rector of Taa’etoel’, Hovers to. let. in 1537. Fllon-ltlacia, oosly daa, of Nieholas-Iltoondell ‘lobe,Esq, of Oadtntoo, in KrnI, and by her (colic it. I Slarclt, 1884) has isaac, tcra sons and a dos., I tte,try-llautehter-’fslse, of lteltne t’ark, Ashburton, Devon ottire, h, 27 Jt,tte, 1829; so. Josly, 1854, Slartanore-Saral,, only child af Philip Caoteht Sherard, Olto arotl present Lord Sherard, t’y wloem ha has a ann, Robert-Boarettlee Shersrd, t. 21 Slav. 1s55. aad ethar issae. 2 Bou,vltier-SYilhia,mo-Tete. itt holy ordain, rector of CoTohinerigatsead, Devon; it. S Sept. 1859, Anne-Caroline, do,,. af Th,,nias Crt,stttsrait, Faq, of Filzwilhiam Square, Lttol,ltn. amod tao had isctme. I Aotoa-Maria-Taha, ot 2 Sept. 1597, Is Rev lsaaeIleegan Ito’eve’t, eldeat aaoo of Ttromosat-Semerviile Roes so, Leg. of ‘framoroIlasiso, to. CarS. The 11ev. lIt ney Iion,vhDr V/ray ot. Sadly, 0 Jan. 1069, Jane daa. of II. lamb, Fog of Eyten Route, tbnrhaai, and wtl,,s of Jala Sle.osaosea, Fsq. of Neweaatlt on-T tTO. r. Llea-iora-F.lizaltelh, ,,,. 1st, in March, 1915, Ia the late Albany Sante, Fsq. of Dahlands, es. Devon; and Sndly, to lite Fee, Ste. Fayle, of Terqtray.