Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/514

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zoU Sting JAMS’S 1., 23 Jnly, 1620. Sir Thomas, having lived to on’ Sir Cecil became then advanced age, was a. by his eldest surviving son, II. Sin EDwARD. This gentleman snEered incarceration and 1753, so.27 Juno, 1782, Harriet-Anne, only dan. and heiress of confiscation, by his attachment to King ChARLEs 1. Ito 05. W’illiam Sonthwoll, Esq. of Pranspton, co. Gloucester, of tlw Mary, 4th dass. of Nicholas Tntton, Karl of Thanet, and was a. at aanso family as Lord Do Clifford, and by her (who sf. 10 his decease by his san, Ill. SIR Thonas, who was a. by his brother, lv. SIR CECIL; who was a. at his decease, in 1705, by his son, V. Sin CECIL. This gentleman was .5. in Oct. 1725, by his eldest son, VI. SIR C’xeIo, M.D.; who sf. in 1778, and was a. by his eldest soa. VII. SIR CECIL. This gentleman so. Snsannah, eldest dan and ovenloally sole heiress, of Charles Iledges, Esq. of Finehicy co. Sliddlesex, isy whons tie had too sons and a dan. Ito 0. so His lordship 0. II Nov. 1828, when tlso baronetcy passed to tho SopI. 1775, asisl seas a. by his older son, VIII. SIR CECIL, who preferrest a claim to the ancient Barony hinonman, Sir George Bisshopp (zoo I/scsi lillo, and the barony of Do Ia Zooehe, in right of his nsollser, ansI svas evootssally fell isslo abeyance between his two dans., and was torminatod snistosoned to parliament in the dignity originally created by as staied alsovo. sssiistisoiis in 1272, wlaen WILLIaM LA Zorene was called to parliament as Baron Do Ia Zosss’ho, or Sancho. From Ibis soblesnats tho barony doseonslosi bozanls, for llsssssorp; 2nd, an.. lhroo swans’ heads, erasod at in rogalar suees’ssion tn EDsv.sno LA ZOUCIIE, the 11th baron; samnsonod to parliament Iho neck, arg., for llnnnes 3rd, per fosse, or and gn., a palo, from 2Apr11, 1571, lo 17 Slay. 1025, in which latter year ho connlorc:hzsngod, and three Corniols chonghs, ppr., for TATE; died, leaving two dans.. namely, Elisahclh, svife of Sir Wil-( between whom and their ermine, for Zorcssr. Hans Talc, of tie Ia l’rs sloseossdanls Ilso barony foil Alihey, in Northasoplon- in abeyance, and so continned, bcakod, nsonsborod, and boIled, or. shire, SLP.5 tsntil called out by the crown, Mary, wife, 1st, of Thomas 27 Ang. 1815, in favour of Sir Leighton, Esq. and 2ndly, I Cecil llisshopp, lIon., whose of William Coitnard, Esg. ,) molisor Sosanna hedges, was, maternally, geont-grcat-greal-granddao. of Sir Williasn Tate, by Elizabeth ‘douche,eldest dan. and co-heiress of the last baron. * For ample dolnils of the family of TATE (a branch of which was ropresessled by Miss TATE, of Bnrleiglt Pane, in Loiccater— shirel, see Hear’s Loosls ‘/(A ssfey. SIR WILLIAM TATE. of Do Is PrO, who so. Elizabeth, olslcst dan. of Edwarsl, 2nd Lord douche of tlaryngworlh, was great- grandfather of zoU StERna tlr LA Zoresln. If is lordship, who was 8. 20 Dec. Doe. toll) sad isanc, i. Cecil, lient.-colonol in the army; so. Charlotte-Barbara, eldest dan. of George, 2nd Marqnoss Townshond; bnt 0. of svoands received in action in Upper Canada, 16 July 1813, soithomst issue. Lady Charlotte sI. 3 Oct. 1807. II. Charles-Cecil, tiN., 0. nasa. 10 Slay, t808. I. ITARRI OTT-ARISE, present baroness. II. Kathorino-Annabolla, so. in 1820, lo the late Sir George Itichard Jlrooke - Pochell, Part.; vice - admiral U.N., SIP. (ace fOist 17.51,). Cecalioss—lI Jan. 1308. As’oss—Qssartorly: 1st, arg., on a bend, calmed, gn., throo 4rh, gss., ton bcaanls, four, three, tsvo, nod one, and a canton, Soisporlero—Two falcons, w’ings displayed and inverted, arg., ,Scnlo—Pnrhnns Park, Sussex; Hagley, Staffordshire. BARTn0I,ossnw TATE, Lag. of Do Is PrO, b. in lOfO; vs. Mary dan. and co-heir of Edsvard Noel, Esq., and had issno, BaRTsIoLosIEw, ‘choseline failed. CATmIrnsrsr, as. in 1720, to Charles Hodges, Esg. of Fmnehley, yotsngcst son of Sir William Ifodges, Knt., and had a dan. and heiross, SU5ANNAI5 llnnsnro, ns. to Sir Cecil Bisshopp, Part. MART, vs. to Samnel Long, Ksq., ancestor of the present HENRT-LAwE5 Loon, lfsq. nf tlamplon Lodge. 1216