Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/515

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Archbishops and tiislssps bear Use ensis of their Sees impaled with their eisa family arnss, seillsssst cs-eel or molly, and wills a mitre ever the shield. The mitre of beliL Archbishops and Bishops is (with the exception ef she oilier of stir Ilislsop 51 Durhans) exactly use same. It is a high goldess cats, enriched wills jewole, pointed and divided at the lop, silk fringed pondanis hanging from the lower part: each Isp is stsrosesmted by a cress, of which cress the osere anciesst and probably mere correct fona is as in she abeve engraving; use present sssssal form of use cress, however, is that of a cross-pattée. The mitre of time Bishop of Durham differs frons that of the other Prelates us being encircled wish a dsscal coronet As to the dssignation and rank of Archbishops and Bishops, cci ussr, taxs0000Tsos. AR C H B I S H 0 P S. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP gsa.; a chief ongrailed of the last for TAuT, 2nd and 3rd, org., OF, tiso Right Hon. two ravens hanging paleways, sa., with an arrow through and Moot ROT. Archibald both their heads fssswayo, hspr., fir .Monoccn. Campbell Tait, D.C.L., P.C., Prinnte of all Esagland ansi Motcopolitan; and Dean of the Chapolo Royal; son of Cnsuford Tait, Esq. of Harvieoton, 00. Clackmannan, by his wife (whom ho at. 1795) Suoan, dan. of Sir hay Campbell, Bart., of Snocoth, Lord Preoidont of the Conrt of Session in Scotland; 6. 21 Doe. 1811; formerly Follow of Baliol College, Oxfos’d, bead master of Raghy, and dean of Carliole; made a D.C.L., 1842; conoecrated Bishop of London, 1856, and tranolated, in 18153, to tho archiopiocopal see of Canterbury. His Lordobip us. 1843, Catharine, youngest dma. of tloe Aberdeen, and has issue; 1 Wilfred-Forbes-Home, Von. Archdeacon Spooner, by his wife Anna- 6. 1353 ; 2 Jocelyn-Home; 3 Basil-home; I Ethel. Maria, aunt of Sir Lucius O’Brion, Bart. of Dromoland, Zol ; 2 Beatrice. His lordolaip has had the now Lord Inchiqnin, and has issue, a son, following brothers and sisters, viz. —1John, M.D., Cranfosrd, ii. 1849, and Lucy-Sydney-Murray, as. with issne; 2 Walter, deceased; 3 Edward, Edith-Murdoch, and Agnes-Stilsvoll. The Biohop of captain Indian army and deputy-commissioner at London boo had tlse following brothers and oioters, Seetaporem; 4 Chance; I Jean; 2 Isabella. His viz., I John, sheriff of Clackmannan and Kinrose, 6. lordship was successively Fellow, Tutor, and Provost 1793, iso. Mary, dan. of Francis Sitwell, of Barmoor, of the Queen’s College, Oxford, Bampton Lecturer, Northumberland; 2 Jameo, 6. 1799; 3 ThomsoForsyth, Rector uf All Souls’, London, I’reacher to the Hon. 6. 1805, ccl. and C.B., A.D.C. to the Queen, Society of Lincoln’s Inn, and Chaplain in Ordinary ci. sssssss. ; I Snoosa4lssrray, ste. to Sir George Sitwell, to Her Majesty. He was consecrated Bishop of Bart.; 2 Charlotte-Murdssch, as. to Sir Clsarleo Wake Gloucester and Bristol, IS Doe. 1361 ; and was Bart.; 3 Maria, ste. to Richard Wildman, Esq. of translated to the archiopiscopal see of York 1802. Lowudes Square. Arias if 5/se See—Az., an episcopal otafl in pale, or, and royal crown, or. onsigned with a oross-patCe, org., surmounted of a pall, of the last, charged with four crooses, formde-fitchds, sa., edged Bishe1’sthorpe Palace, near York. and fringed, gold. .Fasssils Aiim—Quarterly, let and 4th, srg., a saltire, eng., llesidcacso—Lanibeth i’ahzcs; Add.ingten l’ark, Surrey. A YORK, ARCHBISHOP OF, the Right Hon. and Moot Rev. William Thomson, D.D., P.C., Primateof England, eldest sonof JohuThomson, Esq., by his wife, - Isabella, dau. of John Thosnson, , Esq., by his wife, Ann Home, Yf’*’ ouly surviving child of Patrick “Home ; 6. II Feb. 1819 ; sss. 1855, Zod, dan. of J.-H. Skene, Esq., and grand-daughter of James Shone, Esq. of Rnbislaw, 00. Anus sf .3cc—fin., two keys, in saltier, org.; in chief a Pu’, i/s A ross—Az., a lioss, ronspaut, arg. Bcsicfeace— BISHOPS. LONDON, BISHOP OF 1 Mary, so. to the Yen. William.Fredenick-John (NoMINATE), the Right Rev. Kaye, MA., archdeacon of Lincoln, and reccor of John Jackson, D.D., Bishop of Riseholme, son of the Right Bev. Dr. John Kaye, Lincoln, son of,Henry Jackson,Esq.,by late bishop of Lincoln; 2 Frauces-Eliza5 vs. 20 Sept. his wife (whom he 13154, to the Rev. James Marshall-Bnry, vicar of at. 10 Sept. 1807), Lucy, dan. Tickill, Yorkshire ; 3 Slargaret-Sophia, sit. 23 Jan. of Robert Chipchase, Esq.; 1867, to the Rev. Walter Abbott, vicar of St. Msrtins, 6. 22 Feb. 1811 ; formerly Lincoln ; 4 Lucy-Ellen ; S Bertha-Slary ; 6 Eliza, of Pembroke College, Oxford 155. 15 Aug. l86, to the 11ev. Arthur Brook, vicar incumbent of Muswell Hill; of Holbeach ; 7 Agnes-Jeune; 8 Helen-Mackesszie; rector of St. James’s, Westminster; 9 Esnily.Kaye; 10 Marion-Faith ; 11 Beatrice. The chaplain to the Bishop of London’s sister, Lucy, is as. to John. Queen; caaon of Bristol, and Henry Hakewill, Esq. Boyle Lecturer; consecrated Bishop of Lincoln iu 1853, and nominated to the see of London in 1868. His lordship sue. Ii Jan. 1838, Mary-Ann.Faith, dan. of Henry Browell, Esq., and has had issue, I HeuryJoha.Blomfteld, 6. 70 Nov 1859. c? 23 March, 1868; 22, St. Jamss’s Square. 1217 Asws.s 5! 5cc—Cu., two swords in ealiier, arg., pommels, or. Fosaiffs A nsss—Sa., across patones, bet ween threspheens, or. llce,de,scss—Fulham Palace, IIiddlcsex; Lenden House, S P JR IT Ufl LORDS.