Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/543

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AND OTHER RECENTLY EXTINCT PEERAGES. FITZGERALD AND VESCI, BARON. (Extinct 30 March, 1860.) FITZGERALD AND Vxect, BARON (Ilenry-Veeey.Fs;zgerald, LL.DJ, of Clare and Ineincronon, co. Clare, in the peerage of Sherard, of Leitrisn, in the peerage ef Ireland & 26 Atsg. Ireland; in holy orders; dean of Itilmore, vicar of Ilallintemple, 1797; 5. his father, as 6th earl. 16 Dcc. ,l 867; ss. 27 Nov. 1833, and rector of Castleroghan; a. os 2nd baron, 11 May, 1843; Tstary.Eliza, dan. of Edsvord Tossplc, Esq. (enly sets of she late so. 7 Sept. 1825, Elizabeth, doo. of the late Slan,Iish O’Grady, Rev. Thonsas William Temple, Dl).), by Csrssl,ne, isis wife, Req. of Elton, and by Iser (who d. 1834) hs,l Ore daus., 1. Slabella, es. 23 April, 1827, to tile Rev. Beassclsan;p-W. dau. of Sr Jolsu ltouywaod, Itart. of Ecingt’sn, and she Lady Stanoos, incumbent of Woodbnry, Solterton, Devon. is. Letitta. IlL Elizobclh, ci. 3 Nov. 1806. iv. Gereldine-Cathorine, sit. 16 Oct. 1856, to Waltor-Trevor sssd barony ef llarborough because extinct, and the barony of Stanuns. Esq. v. Goorgiana. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci 8. 30 March, 1860, ones, ao he left Sadly, 20 April, 1864, Major Clagell, late ll.M. Indian arnsy. no male ineoc, the title became EXTINCT. GLANDORE, EARLDO1I OF, AND VsscouNTcY o’ CR0SB0R. (Extinct 20 Oct. 1615.) Present Heir General of the Pcs;oilp.—WILLIAae-TALE0T William, Earl of Cevenlry, but heed no sssrvtving lssse. Ilis Cxooetn, Req. of Ardfert Abbey, co. Eerry, 8. 19 Slarch, 1817; lordship a. as 4th baron, 22 (81. 1800; and sf. at Naples, to. 20 July, 1838, Susan-Anne, 3rd dau, of the Hon. Lindsey. 18 Dec. 1819, when the title became EXTINCT. M.—Feter-Bnrrrll, 2nd brother of Peter-Robert, late Lord Willoughby D’Eresby, which lady r. 16 Aag. 1850. GLENELG. (Extinct 23 April, 1866.) GLENELu, BARON (Chariot Grant), of Gleneig, Co. Inverness, peerage of Ireland; 8. 12 June, 1788; so. 28 July, 1817, P.C., 8. 26 GeL 1778. His lordship, who was souse time prin. Auguste-Charles-Joseph, Comb de Flalsaull-de-ln-ltillardrir, cipal secretary of state for the Colonial Dopartusent, was fernserly ambassador of Prance at the Court of SI. Jausea, by raised to the peerage, by letters-patent, hearing date 11 Stay, whom sise had issue, 1835. He had previously represented the ce. of luverness in parliament. He 8. ones. 23 April, 1866, at Cannes, in France, when the title became EXTINCT. This family eprings from that of GRANT of Grant; assd so far hack as the year 1380, we find “Lsominus[aurentius Grant,” sheriff of Issverness. J0RN Gaomr the chief of the name, m. Margaret, dass. Iter ladyship a. to the peerages of she United Kingdom and of Sir James Ogileic, of Deskfnrd, ancestor of the Earls of Ireland en the decease of Iser fotber, the late Viscount Pindlater: his descendant, CHARLES GRANT, Esq., Is. in 1746, who for many years at the decease of her kinsnsan, Willians, Lord Noirne, in 1838. represented the co. of Inverness in parliament, was one Her ladyship ci. Nov. 1867, when the peerages she poosessed of the most distinguislsod directors of the East India became EXTINCT, and her claim Is the Barony of Naime Company. He sit. in 1770, Jane, dan. of Thomas Fraser, passed to her eldest dau., the MAnCuIoaEos or Ls,sonowsm. Esq., a younger son of Fraser of Balsam, in Inverness. 4tls son of Chorlee, 10th Lord Elpisinsbone, having adopted the shire, by whom (who ci. 23 Jan. 1617) he had (with dons., naval profession, atbained the rank of posl-captain in 1770, of svhom one, Charametle was os. to the late Right Hon. become rear-admiral in 1794, and vice-admiral in 1793, in whirh Samuel Starch-Phitlipps, Esq., under-secretary of state for year ise ceusmouded the naval department of the successful the Home Department, and another to Patrick Grant, Esq. expedition against the Cope of Good Hope, and was created, of Redeastle) three sent, CssanLEe, Loan GLENELe. Robert (the Right lIon. Sir), G.C.H., governor of Bombay; sf Haste/saves; JJurschat eo. Kiacnrdine, with rcmoilsder, in who so. U Aug. 1829, Slargaret, only dau. of Sir David default of male issue, to his dass. tlse Dos. Morgaret-Slercer Davidson, of Cantray, co: Nsim, and ci. in 1638, leaving Keith olsd her imue male. On the 17th Sept. 1803, ho issue by her (who ss. Iodly, 8 Aug. 1648, Hon. Josceline Percy), I Charles, 8. 22 Feb. 1636; 2 Robert, 8. 10 Aug. 1837; 1 Constauce-Charemtle, 8. July, 1843; 2 SibyllaSophia, in the peerage of the United Kingslens, svtth remainder, in sit. 10 March, 1864, to Richard Ryder, Esq., of the default of male issue, to the same dan., Margorrt-Stercer laser Tesuple. Thomas-William, ci. IS Slay, 1848. GLENGALIS. CAHER. GLEISOALL, EARL OF (Richard Butler), asd Viscount and and co-lseir of henry Thraie, Ksq. of Streatham, and Isy her Baron Caher, ef Calser, en. Tipperary, in the peerage ef Ireland; (who it. SI Starels, 1857) Isad a dan., GEOa5IANA-Acursva- a representative peer; t. in May, 1794; 2nd earl, HExascrrA, ns. in Sept. 1831, to the Hon. Auglsatus-Villiers, upon the decease of his father, 30 Jan. 1819; m. 20 yeb. 1834, 2nd son of George, 5th Karl of Jersey. Ills loniship it. in 1823, Slargaret Leuretta, younger dau. and co-heir of the late when the barony of 1801 and the viecounty expired; hut the William Mellisb, Esq. of Woodlord, Essex, and by her (who other bonsues devolved, accesrdiug to the revcmi000ry clause ,l. 1 April, 1864) had t. Margaret, sss. 2 Aug. 1856, to Richard, lssd son of the Itingdom, 17 Sept. 1803. Viscounty of Keith, 1 June, 1a14. present Earl of Wemyss. ss. Slatilds, ci. March, 1861. His lsrdship ci. 22 June, 1838, when the Random of Gleugall and Visceuutcy of Caher became r.xvIwcv, but the extinction of the barony of CAnER is still doubtful, scme claimants to that Itingsdewu, in the co. of Kent, QC., P.C., t’. II Feb. title having arisen, 1245 I{ARBOROUGH. (Extinct 28 July, 1859.) Hsasoaocou, KARL or (Robert Sherard), Baron of llsrborough, co. Leicvster, in the peerage of (treat tiritain; Baron Frances Ceurtesay, his wife, sister ef tise late Earl of Devon. The Earl of ldarhoreugh sl. 20 Jely, 1859, scIon Ihe earldons Sherard devolved upon PsslLsv CAsTLe Ssssaaso. Esq., as lth BARON SuEsAiss. (See that title, usste.) Tise earls widow as. HOLLAND, BARONY OF. (Extinct It Dcc. 1839.) Sister ansi—Stasx-KLIzARETII, Dswaaxx LADY Lsts ’oan.—llnNav-EnsrAan,4th Rsrou Hesllaud, who was souse tiuse minister-plenipotentiary at tise court of Tuscany, was 8.7 Starch, 1802; s’s. 0 Slay, 1833, Augusta-Slary, dau. of George- KEITH, BARONY OF. (Rxtiuet Nov. 1867.) Ensvu,BAaoNxse (Margarot-Mercer Elphinstoue-de-Plnhassll), of Banheoth, co. Dusohartan, in the peerage of the United Kingdom ; Rareness Keith, of Stonehaven Sinrischal, in the I. EMILY-JANE (to whom has passed the claim to use Barony ofNairue(, as. 1 Nov. 1843, to Henry, 4th Marquess ofLausdowne (see o,,5e sun 5 lUte, alo’s ATIIOLE, 0. or). II. Clen;eeliua-Msrie-Hortense, 8. 5 Jan. 1836. mis. Georgiana-Gabsielle. lv. Adelaide-Elinobeth-Jesephine, 8. 3 .kpril, 1841. v. Sarah-Soplsis-Louisa, sf. 8 JeUy, 1833. Keith, in 1823; and clatsued the Scottish Barony ef Nairne, Tax lIoN. SIR GEoauE-KEITn ELrniNs’ronn, lt.B., 8.1747, 7 March, 1770, a peer of Ireland, by she title of Bursts Keith, seas created BARON ItEITH of Bus,tcnlt, cs. Ds’nsurfon, Keith, and she heirs male of her body; and, I June, 1814, his lordship was created Viscotar ItEITI5. Ito so. 9 Aug. 1787, Jane, dan. cud sole heir of William Sterster, Esq. of Aldie, co. Pertls, son of the lion. Robert Nairue, by wisom, 55110 ci. 12 Dec. 1789, be had an only child, tise said 3IAEuAxmr- 3IEacER. his lordship so. 2ndly, 1808, Ilester-Slaria, eldest dan. in the patent, upon his elder dau., the lesto bareness. Cresshsss,—tbarony of Ireland, 7 Starch, ]797. Rarmt’ Piled KINGSDOWN, BARON. (Extinct 7 Oct. 1867.) KlNosuuwn, BARON (Thnmae Pensherton-Leigh), of