Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/544

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PEERAGES EXTINCT IN 1SOS, 1793. This eminent equity lawyer was called to the har in LIVERPOOL, EARLDOM OF. See JENKINSON, Be. 1316, and was made a king’o counsel in 1829. lIe eras appointed attorney-general I, the P,ines if Wales in 1311, and his chancellor in 1S43. He sal in Parliament for the horoogha ef llye and Ripen. He wee raised to the peerage 28 Aug. 1833. His lordship e. in Jan. 1613, h’ the estates of his nsothrr’a cousin, Sir Robert-helL Leigh, Earl., aod assumed, in compliance with that gentleman’s will, the and Alierearn, in the cc. of ltenmonth, and a Bart., lord. additional surname and arias of Lnioia, by royal licence, lient. of 31i,nmonthebire, h. 8 Nov. 1802; nm. I Dee. 1923, dated 7 March, 1344; lie if. one. 7 Oct. 1337, when lots .tnguste, den, and co-heir of Benjamin Waddhttgte’n, ci peerage became eatinet. can Remnna-r rennearoN, Esq. nf the Inner Temple, bar’ dater-at-law, eon of Edwar,1 l’embertcei, of Warrmngtsn, M.D., by Ellen his wife, dan. of John Lyon, of Appleton. ci, 21 Jnly, 1788, Slargaret, eldest dan. and en-heir of Edward Leigh, Esq. of b’iepliamn Hall, ,n. Lancaster, and first ennain nfsirRhcrt-H t Legh, hart, of llindleyllall,and had (with Itie lsrdslnp was far several years St.P. for the borough of a dan , Frances-Ellen, who ii. 88 Oct. 1867, widow of the Slonniauth, and alteravards, during many years, far ltary. 11ev. Edward-Collins Wright, rector of Pilaferd, Nerthamptonahire), lelsnie, and was, in 18.24-5, President of the Beard nf health, two acne, the RIGHT Roy. TsieamAa PaaicenveaiLeieu, and anhse1uently, from 1652 to 1825, First C’immisstener created Loon Kt,eesniswc, and Edward-Leigh Pemberton, of Public Works, svas created a Baronet July, 1878, was Eeq. of U rinateel Court, near Sitlingbeerne, Kent, made a Privy Cenneillor in 1854, an,h was raised to the t. 18 Fob. 1795, who ci. 23 lIce. 1520, Ch srlotte, dan. of I’eerage 21 Jnee, 3825. tfe was in Oct. 1861, appointed Samnel-Cemptan Pox, Req., a master in chancery, and has lerd-hient. of Shonm,a;thsbirn. He 3. 27 April, 1867, when had iasae, 1. Edward-leigh, of Lineele’s lee, liP, for East Kent, In. his peerage and baronetcy became EXTINCT. Slatilda—t’athieriee lLama, lao. of the If cii. and llev. leraneis_ Joaiea Noel, and has lice sans and nra dane. Ii. Eobert-1.eigh, if. 18 April. 1858. iii. Chiorleo-Leigh, is holy euler,, reeler of Carrey-Mallet, in several p’srliametits for Totem and Westbnry, and for Semeraetshire, w. Sarat—Eliaaoelh, ilon. of John Wooileeek, annie years previ;ne to Ins death, fort ‘era,of Glaiaorgan F.sq. of the Elms, near Wigan, and by her (iehie ii. 27 lice. ci. 16 lIce. 1831, Ch;mrlatte, dan. of Vihli;un Crawshay, of 1862) has hail twa sisni neil three dons. ; one of the does., Cyfarthfa, ci. Olnnaegan, l.’y wham (who as. 2ndlyS Hawkins, Mare-Leigh. 1. 9 Sept., 16112. iv, l.eftus-l.eigh. v. Wvkrlianm-Leigh, capt. 68th rifles. vi. henry-Leigh. i. Enaly-Lrigh, w. to Capt. Leach, reyal engineers. mm. Slargaret-Leigh, as. Is Psi. Slatler, and d. 2 J00. 1856. in. Charlotte-Leigh, in. to Oerard-Cnke Meynell, Ksq. Crsalian—28 Aag. 1858. Aroia—Qnarlerly: island Phi, ga. a rreas, engr., org., teto’eeo feer Ioaengea, elm., for Lnmr.n 2nsl aad led, eras., an calcite, Cr, hotareen three heekets, aa., loiaps and handles, geld, far l’nenen-roy. Crests —lst-.A done— him, rampant, gte, te’l’liog in Ins 1,aw a loaenge. org., rhargeil with a raie of the first, for I,eisim. 2nd A dragan’shiead crime, erased ge. dneatl- gsrgsd iii’, and transflaed by an arress’ fras— wars, Hr. .41o45,w’t. re—DevIce, a lien ge., charged an the ahealder seitti a larenge, erg., thereon a ease of the first ; sinister a wyvern, cite., deraIls’ garged ,ir, and elmrgrd on the shealder Iltree talbats’ heads, orasrd, as., their necks encircled with with an esleile, ga. Malls_Itt tihi sir nlteri. See ta—Sorry menral create, gull, three hass’ks’ lies’s, of the firsi, stringi ci hull, ea. Kent; and Thindley llall,ee. Lancaster. KIRKCUDBRIGIIT, BARONY OF. (Entinet 19 April, 1882.) Heiress—Tan Boa. Cawnea-EemaAnnvmt Lannnwr, wife o chained, geld; sinisler, a goat, arg., gorged witha collar, verb Jantes-Staenton Lombert, Ksq. of Creg Clnrr, ee. Onlway, d,lase ta o br arofyn Aaglied, No good camea fratn long formerly 31.?. for that cc. ens CAxtnnw-Onoy StAreeo.LAN, 9th and last Lord Kirkeudbrigbt, 1. 23 April, 1774 ; who in. Sarah, dc’s. of the late Colenel Tboniaa Gorges, and 3. 19 April, 1822, baring by laer (who ‘1.21 -lan. 1063) tied an anly dan. and heir, t’asmone-Ketzonnyn, ci. in 1832, to JamenStennten Lambert, P.B.S. an’l DCL.), of Lyndhtirst, re. Soathmamptan, a erIe- Enq., and has issne. LAKE, VISCOUNTOY OF. (Kvtinet 24 done, 1848.) C’i-heireaaea.—The daughters of W’arwiek, 3rd and last Lard hake, vie., Tan lh,ix. lsanncLa I4Lteasevu.AnnniT.a LAne, end Tue 11cc. hr,maaneTn-fjennaiaxa tILde.. 55 Wanwieme, the 3rd and last Viscount Lake, em, 28 Nov., 1915, Elinabetha. dau. of James-Beesridge Duncan, Esq., and left at his derease, 24 June, 2648, leahehla-Elinaheth. Augusta, and Etir:mlioth-tieort’iana, in. 3 Aug. 1868, to Jahn-Austin Gloeg. Esq., and has a dsa., Ii. 27 13cc. 1867. LANGDALE, BARONY OF. (Extinct 15 April, 1821.) H,ireas.—Tue lIoN. Jnvn-Fnas’res hlanrey Gale ThencesTnTnl, 31.mry, only daim. of Jauho D’Esves, of Wehheslioam’it, Kag., and only rinlit (by ban,’, il;ma, of Ed searil, Slit Karl of Ann flrseville 1115 a’tfo, sish’r of Sit’s. Delany and dan. of Ccl. thafird), ef llenry, l,ord l.angdate, master of the rolls, Bernard Granvillr, grandsos of the illualiious Sir Peril Gras- sehe ass created a perr of the United Kingdom is 1831, riPe, and yoasger brother of George, Lord Lnnsdasvee. Lady and whn, d. a.p., 10.18 April, 1821, ii. 7 Nov. 1821, seas ,a.16 Llartovor dorires, in a direct lute, from Ihe rsyal hsase of lice. 1827, Ia Alexander, Csant Tekeli do Sects. 1246 LLANOVER, BARONY OF. (Exlinet 27Apr11, 1867.) LLateovnw, Bamm (Sir Benjamin Hall, P.C.) ef Llenever Llanover, Esq.,’ and bad insue, m. Erejanan-ldanhary-Staart, b. 9 Jan, 1821; 3. st Lianaver 11 Fet,. 1842. it. Iienjatnin-Caradec-Trevar-Francis-Zaeelna, b. in Rame, 23 May, 1578; ii. in Tendon, 9 June, 1232. s. Angosta-Charlatte-Elieaheth, so. is Nsvember, 1846, to J.-Artbui’ herbert, of Llanarth, L’sq. sins EeNsAaemc HALL, Esq. of Aberearn, eo. 8lenmontb, and ttensel Castle, en. Glamerpan, t. 29 Sept. 1778 ; SIP. Ee,1. of Court ldem’hert, Ca. tllamorgan) he had inane, Beaaaans, created Lean LtAxovne. hlicham’d-Crawshiay, ci. and has issue. Henry, d. yaang. Hoary-ISrael. t. young. Chiarles-Itashen. itt holy ordere. roetar of Shire Kowtsn, (‘hepatea’, cc. .Mannaoath; i,i. Harriette, dan. of John Baker, Ksg., and has isane. Witlia,is-Thamimas, ealat. in the army, b. 21 Starch, 1818; ci. 23 Sept. 1648. t.suisa-Aslley, youngest dan. ci Jalin Allistan, Eiq., and has isasa, Charlotte, si. te’ Jotikin-Davies Berringtae, Keg. of Waodtnnd Castle, on. Glansergan, and has issao, Arthur-Vsedigaed. (‘reaGan—Part., July, l83R Boron. 27 Juno, 1889. ohr,,aa—Farty per pale, arg. and or, en a ehesrsa, between the second. (,rab—.l 1,ahmn—braneh, in bend, ninhster, vorl, aat’siomi;ing a gryphon’s hired, erased, or, charged en the nerh, ss’illi three barrolets, ga., and holding in the month a hare aa is the artns. Sajijmarteu’.,—Deater, a di’agon, gn., 5’srged seilh a collar, sr, thereon a he-uk’s lure, sa., and tlmereeun a hmewk’s here, arg., and chained, gold. M,,tTs—Nt inlenebng. LYNDHIJRST. (Ealinet 12 Oct. 1993.) L’evnum’ea’r, P..seea (Sir Jshn-Singleten Cepley, P.C., healed psliriehan, lan-yer, end jedge Lerd Chancellor of Kngland from 1e27 Is 1518; 1. 21 May, 1772; em. in 1919, Samh-Oaray, ba. af Charles Bruesden, Ksg., and widaw of Lieat.—CaI. Charles S’hsieas, 1st feat-guards, who fell at Waterloo. Ily this lady (ss’hs d. 15 Jan. 1834( ho had, m.Sarsh-Elieaheth, In. 8 Jan. 1850, to Henry-Jehmm Seiwin, Rag., eldest san of Sir J.-T. Selwin, Bart., of Down Hall, Essex, and ub. 25 June. 1565. mm. Snsao-i’enelope, 3. 9 Stay. 1837. sit. Saplna-Charenee, ci. 14 Doe. 1854, to Mamiltsn Beekelt, Eaq., aan of henry Beekett, Ksg.. and grandsns of Sir Julie Ilecketh, 1st lhart. of Ssnserby Park, Lumienlnahire, anal has issue, Henry-Lyndlmurst, 8. 9 April, 1957, and Penal aare-Stary. By (‘lrorgino.Mary-Ann hh avifo, dan. of John Port, ef llonm, Eel., es. Derlay (provheuohy Sparrow, having s. to the estales of Ins tinele l’orl, of llama, aed takes his name), by PrAsyAansr’r,ns ascIi as from the ancient royal and eshle families of Wales. (See lInemen’s lihlory e,f ftc RspnlFaomfhirs.