Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/556

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SURNAMES OF PEERS AND PEERESSES. Saroa,00. Fitzroy . Fitewilham Fleming (see ElphinstOne) flower . Foley . Forbes . Forbes . Forester . Fortescne . Forteeeuo . Foster (now Skeffingtou Fox Fox, Lane-. Fraser - . . - Baron Saltonn - . - lion. Alex. W. F. Fr-acer Fraeer . . - Freke, Evans- - Ffroncl French . Gage Gardner - Oaeeoigne (see Trench, B. Aoht,,wn) Gascoigne (see Cecil) GiFord - Giustiuiani . . - Countess ef Newbnrgh . Viaeennt Kynnaird Goodeve (see Erekine, Good eve-, Earl of Mar) Gerden - Gordon - - Earl of Aberdeen Gore Gengh - Goisgh - Bower, Leveson- - - Gower, Levesen- - Cower, LevesonGraha ,n - - Grant-Ogilvie - - Earl of Soafield . . . Viscount Reidhaven Grant - Boron Glenelg (extinct) Graves - Gray Gronville, Trmple - NngentHrydges-Chandoe Duke of Bnekingham and None . - - Grcnvillc-Neville(see Neville, Lord Braybreoke) Greville - Grey Grey - GriMe Nevill-Aldwortb (see Neville, Lord Braybreoke) Grimaton - Groevenor . . - - Marqrreoe of Weatnunstor - Earl Grosvenor Grosvener . - - Baron Ehury .., Hen. B. W. Grosvenor Gntl,rie - llaldane (see Duncan) Hall llallyburlon (see Gordon, H. of Huntly) Hamilton - . . - Duke of llamHton A Eronden hamilton . Hamilton, Bailliehamilton - TUb. Heir -dpperenf. Baron Sonthampon .None Earl Filewilliam ,.Vioeennt Milton Viscount Aehbroek .. Hon. Henry Flower Baron Foley - - Hen. H. T. Foley Earl of Granard None . Baron Forbes Baron Forester no - Earl Fertoeene isconnt Ebriugten Baron Clerment one . Viseonnt Massereene .. None - Boron Holland (extinct) Boron Convere...11°”• Soekville —Fitzroy. Henry Lane-Fox Baron Lovat Hen. Sin,on Fraeer (Master - of Lovat) Baron Carbery ... None . Baron Ffreneh Baron Be Froyno Viscount Gage ... Hen. Henry E. Hall Gage Baron Gardner None . Baron Gifford . Hen E. F. Gifferd Harqnese of Huntly Lord Lewis Gordon, B. Earl of Arran iecount Sndley Baron (Jolthorpe Visee,,nt Cough - Hon. G. S. Geugh Duke of Sutherland . . Marquess of Stafford Connteee of Cremartie , Viscount Tarbat Earl Granville .. Nono . Duke of Montreso . - Marqneee of Graham Baron Gravee .. Hen. C. E. Graves Baroness Gray . . . None - Chandoe Earl of Breeke and Waek Lord Breeke Earl of Stamford and War- None - rington Earl Grey - . . - None - . . . Hon. Lieut,-General Charles Earl of Vernlam ... Visce,rnt Grimeton Baron Oranruere .. ‘lIen. G. H. B. (lnthrie Boron l.lanover (extinct) Duke of Abereorn .. Marquess of Hamilton Earl ef Haddingten Baron Binning Baron Belhaven & Stenten Hon. 0. R. Hamilton Russell bnry Baron Bateman - . . Hon. W.-S. Bateman-JianBaron Castle,naiue . . Hen. R. hlandeeck Baron Snifield ... Hon. C. hharberd Heir Preeumptioe. W. S. H. Fitzroy, Esq., C. Hon. W. F. Forbes, B. Hen. C. H. H. Forbes, B. lien. G. G. Weld Forester, B. Bt. Hen. Chichester Fortes- cue, B. lien. H. H. Skefflngton, B. Hon. Fenton John Evans. Freke, B. Hen. John Ffreneh, B. Hen. Richard French, B. S. W. Gardner, Eeq., C, Hon. J. Campbell Gordon, B. Hen. A. C. Cough, B. Hon. B, F. Levesen-Gewer, B. Hon. Margaret Murray, N. Lady A. Bore-Langton, S., in the Barldern of Temple Rev. H. Grey, C. Grey, B. Lord C. C. A. Hamilton, B. Hen. B. A. S. Harrie, B. Ha,nilton (new Hamilton- Viscount Bovne - Russell) lIampden Hobart (sec Bebart) Hanbury, BatemanHandeoek - tiarberd . Ilareourt, Vernon- (see Warren, Lord Vernon) Hardinge ioeoirnt liardinge - Hare .....Earl ef Listowel Harris an of Halmesbury Harnie en Hornie hastings Bawdon- . .ilarq. of hastings (extinct) Ilaatings, Ahney- . - Countoae of Londours 1258 lIen. H. C. Hardinge Viscount Enniamore None - lien. C. B. C. Harris Lord Hanehilue