Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/557

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SURNAMES OF PEERS AND PEERESSES. Surname. Hastings . . . Title. Earl of Huntingdon . Heir Apparent. Lord hastings Hatton, Pinch- . Earl of Winchulooa and Not- Viscount Baidstone tingham Hatsell (sos Powye) Hawks, Harvey on Hawks . None Hay .....Marqne s of Tweeddale Viscount Walden Hay 1 of ErrslI . . Lord Kilmarssock Hay, Drnmmond- . . Earl of Kinnouil . Visconnt iJupplin Ileathcote . . Baron Aveland . . Hon. C. II. Hcathcote Hedges-White Ear 1sf llantry .. lien. H. Ii. ii. hedgesWhite Henley . . . . Baron Henley . . . Ho,, F. Henley Henniker-Major ...Bar on JTenniker . . l1on. J. H, Hennikor Herbert . . . . Earl of Pon,broke and Mont- Nono Herbert . . - - Earl of Fowls ... None gomery Herbert . . . . Earl of Carnarvon . . Lord Porchester Hervoy ....Mar quess of Bratol Hewitt . . . . Viscount Lifford. . . Hon. James-H, hIowitt Hill Marquess of Downehire Hill Baron Borwick 11111 (see Sandys,Baron Sandys) hill . . . . Viscount hill . lion. E.-C. lull Hobart .,..Ear 1 of Bnckinghamshire . Lord Hobart Hobhouse . . . . Baron Broughton ..N one Holmes, A’Conrt- . . Boron Hes-tesinsry lion. W.-L. A’Conrt-Holmes Holroyd Earl of Sheffield . Viscount h’evenoey Home . . . . Earl Home. . Lord TJutiglas Hood Viscount Hood . lion. G,-A.-F. hoed Hood. . . . Viscount Bridport Hon. A .-W.-A. -N. Hood Hope Earl of Hopetoun Viscount Aithr,o Hore-Enthvon (see hiutbven, B.) Hotham . . . . Baro,s Hothani . . None. Howard, Pus-Alan- . . Duke of Norfolk. Howard . . . Earlof5uffolkand Berkshire Viseonnt Andover Howard . . . Earl of Carlislo Howard . . . Earl of Wicklow one Howard - . . . Earl of EHngham Lord Howard Howe, Cnrzon- ... Earl Howo . . Viscount Curson Hunloks (see Piteclarence, Earl of M,mstor) Hutchinson, Hely- . Earl of Donoughmnre . Irby . . . Baron Boston . . Hon. F.-G.-H. Irby Jerningham . . . Baron Stafford one . Jervis . . . . Viscount St. Vincont C.-L. Jervis Jocelyn 1 of Roden . . . Viscount Jocelyn, 0. Johnotono, Butler- (see Butler, Baron Danboytse) Jolliffe on Hylton . lion. H.-H. Je,lliffe Jones . . . . Viscount Hanelagh . None Kcano . . . Baron Keane . . . Neck (see Powys) Keith (see Falcouer) Kennedy . Marquees of AiIm . Kenyon Keppel . Earl of Albemarle . Ker en Kenyon . . Duke of Roxburgho . Earl of Caesilis Lloyd Kenyon, G. Viscount Bury Marquess of Bowmont Kerr quess of Lothian . None . Kerr-MacSound1 (see Maedonnell, Earl of Antrim) King King-Noel . . Earl of Lovslacc . . 1 of Kingston . None Baron Wenlworth King (see Milbanko, Baron Won tworth) King Kinnaird Viscount Lortou. on Kinnaird . Hon. Eobert King . Knox Earl of Ranfurly. . Kynynmound,Elliot-Murray- Earl of hhinto . Viscount Melgund Labouchere ...Bar on Taunton . . None Lainbart Earl of Cavan . . Viscount KBceureie Ls,nbion ...Ear I of Bnrham . . Viscount Lamb ton Lane.Pax (sec Fox) Lascelles I of Ilarewood . Viscount Laecsllea Heir Pt’estcmphre. Hou, Captain Stanhope / Hawke, B. Hon. Sidney Herbert, B. lion. Ccl. P. herbert, C.B., II Lord A. IL C. llerrsy, B. Lord A. W. iliU, B. lion, and Bev. P-H, Noel Hill, B. I1.-W. Hobbouse, Esq., lJ., to the baronetcy only Charles hiothem, Esq., N. Lord Edmund - Bernard howard, B. Admiral the Hon. K-C. -C. Charles F. A. Howard, Esq., N. Hon. W. F. Hutchiuson, P. A.-F.-F.Jerniugham,Eaq/ ,N Alexander lfs’ntgomcrv Jones, C. Hon. J.-M.-A. Keane, B. Lord S H. Kerr, B Viscount Lortan, C. Hon. A. F. Kinnaird, B. Hon. U. P.M. Knox, B. 1259