Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/608

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SEATS AND MANSIONS OF’ Fingringhoe Hall, Essex. Afflerk, Earl. Finls’ay Ilense, Aisordern Fine Flare, Lewes, Sussex . Oage, V. Fisises’wick, _kntrisss FInley .tisliey. Olosseesterslsire Flinhtield, Co. Cork Flixion ii all, Suffolk, nr. Hanlesten Fioers Castle, lt’sxlssss’gisslsire Florence Court, Enniskition, Fersnanagis Fnssiskillen, K. Foothill, Wilts Ford Castle, Norlbamlserland Feresoark (Pepson), Derbysistro Forglen tlossse, sss’. TssrriE Passffslsirc Foruseza Place, ur. Maoleulseasl, Perks. Yossng, EarL Forssisans, near Ilisry SI. Edmsssssis Forest Lodge, Ilerks Fort Stewart, cc. I sossegal Foss llosssr, Perlissisice Fossils Cassle, Itoss-olsis’, Fountain I lail, tiaslsiiogtonsisire Fessr Oaks lIsP, Sullen Ceidfieid, Warwieksliire Frankforl, Kiikeeny Freelanel tlessse, Pcctis’lsire Freoch Park, cc. Roscoesmoss Freilserue Court, cc. Gloucester Friskuey, Lineolssslnre Frognal, Foot’s Cray, tfent Froyie, near Alien, Ilanlo t’rysiao Ilail, near Fes’rylsridge, l’orksh. Itossgisiess, P. Follsans, hlidsitesese Fuiisaoe Palace, hiislsiiesex Fullerioss ilouse, eo.Ayr FstlseeE Lodge, Twicisesslsasn Gadeisridge Park, ltemet-Hessspstead, Ilerts Oaicieeis Eineail, Ross-shire Oalieo Friary, Fes’lsaee, Ring’s County Oalleway Ilouse, Wigtessaslsire Galstan Hossse, Wessnsealis Onion, Yocksisire Oartsaliy, to’ Caiscay Oacnsns, Ilerefensiohira Gos’s’yhundon, Co. Cas’iow Oarstube llouse, Giasgese, Pssnbas’tansh. Campbell, Pant. Oarston llali, Sans’ey Oas’sseoad, near E’an’ingtoss, Lancashire Oorarsi, Part. Oaneagis, cc. Lenslonsierry Oatconsbe, ilants Ositon Park, near Reigato Oassnss House, Winslserne, Des’seisisis’e Gawsseorth Hail, Cheshire Gawthsorpe Hall, Latscaslits’e Oayhsso’st, Pucks Geaslsiiii, King’s County Gill lIall, Dresnore, cc. Dsoscn Gilmertose Orange, N.E.......... Eaird, Earl. GEsnerton, near Haddieglssss Oisburtse Park, Yorkshire Hissing tlali, Norfolk Olomis, nesr Forfar Olangeole, Co. Tippes’as’y Glan flyn, Palo Glausssk Park, Co. Precast Olalton, Stiltan, lluosts.......... Shserard, P. Gleenaoena, llowlh Glen App, Ayrslsire Oienae llonse, Dmssfs’iesslsh’e Olestahicey Lodge, cc. W’aienOs’sl Glenanna, near Dangarnan Olenarm Castle, ro. Aasnins Gienart Casile, Wicklow, Ireland Otesteagles, Perthsisir Olenfalloets House, Pershelsire Gicngas’riff Ledge, co. Cask Gleuham hall, Saflalk Olealee Park, co. Kireudlsrigist Oicuoye Lodge Glensial, co. Lisuerick (lienns’e, As’gyilshire Gless Uske, near Caorloen, hlonsnosstlsslsiro Glentworth, Linceinsisire Giinsk Castle, co. Oalscay Olerat, Siiriingsisire Giynn, near Eednsin Glyollsfen Park, near Carnarvan Godoiphin, Cornwall Oadasoralsasn Pa”k, Kent.,,... Sc. Vincessi, V. Ceoges’dslan, Carsilgansisire Hog Magog hills, Canebridgeshire I toldea tirove, Liandile, Carmas’lhensis Cawdns’, K. Ooidaknratsgis lId, Yeckolsire (ioodueslen Pas’k, near Wingisam, Kent Enidges, Part. Goadssood, Clsiclsesis’r, Sssosex It spsali, I,eiceslersisis’e lierdou Casite, herbal cs’s, htoranslsire (1(,r{lest ilossse, Eslser, Sssrrey Oorslonstown, uear Ll5iss 1310 Forbes, Part, Isessegal, lit. Eoevey, Part. Chianos’y, PaiL Asiair, Esss’t. Hoxisnrglse, IA ‘hTosisssinstcr,lit. Waterford, lit. Enrdell, P1. ,tiiorcrossslss’, Earl. Manners, P. hlorslscss,I, Earl. Sirwas I, hart. htenaies, hart. Mansos, Dart. Lassder, Earl. Ilartopp, Part. Frankfssrt de liensmerency, Gnensnsloo’en I loose, Co. Tipperary T, Patisren, P. Dc Freyne, P. Maceli, Earl, t,ake, Part. Sydney, V. hillier, Earl. Easseiagls, V. Pisbop of Londen. Parilaad, D. Clay, Earl. Cooper, Earl, ,Maekesszie, Part. Armstrong, Earl. C aEoseay, F. Kilsnaine, P. Legard, Earl. Ciaacarly, F. Colierell, Part. Entier, Earl. Clayton, Part. Gas’vagis, P. Curtis, EarL Monsan, P. Olyn, Past. liarringlan F. Kay—Sisssliless’ortb, Pt. hlallnulo, Eoxbnnghshsice Casvingion, P. Digby, Is. Clauseiltiasts, F. Kinioch, Part.. Eitdjleadale, P. Kemp, Part. Siraihnsas’e, E. Vere, Part. Wynn, Part. Euiiey, Earl.. Eos’essgis, East. Orkney, K. Carsssrutis, F. Stnadbnoke, K. tlars’en, Part. Anirisn, F. Carysfos’t, F. Cansperslowss, F. Ereadalbane, K. Eanicy, E. Ouitfurd, F, Cnansnoun, P. Soulhsesk, K. Earnissgien, East. Campbell, Earl. hlockwonih, Part. Searhnessgh, K. Pssrke, Part. Siinltssg, Earl. Vivian, P. Nee-isorsugh, P. Leeds, I). Pryse, llssnt. Leeds, D. llas’eeroed, K. Picissssoud, D howe, F. Pielssssesssl, D. Gordon, hurt. Gerdon-Cumsaing, Es. lheath house, Shnsspslsice Hone house, Paitecsea (t erisansisnry, near St. Aitsans, hens. Oansssanoion Castle, Eailss’iggaa hisssfonsl Cassle, cii. Arasagis Gosford, Hadsllngtessslsiro O sswrau Cassle, ltingwoosl, eo. Kitteenny Ciitdeu, V. t+owcan Grange, Nasso, Jnoiasssl (iressay, in Orkney Grafion Hail, Wereesiersltire Ocastdtssiiy Caslle, Perihoisire Orange, Ce. Limerick (tango, co Watesdond (icansley Pork, Yorkolsice C’nay i{ossse, F’enfarslsice lineal Parr lisP, Ssaffacdslsiie (treat Eniciekilli Manor, Pucks (moat Fosters, Surrey, near Eglsasn Great Thsirktehy Ilaht, N. ttidissg, Yerkeh. Fna,sislond, Part. (mneshngiou, Flhssishine (tcecn Panic, eo. Westnseaih Gceencnefl, Dsss’huna (inegyssnog,Monlgamenyslsine Gs’ondon Ilail, Aihsersiosse, Warwicksls. Clsrto’ynd, itani. Grey’s Cassnl, Osfardohice (ineyweli ihHi, near Oshilsam, ilanis Gnissision Parts, ‘l’adcasienOnimsliscctse Castle, I.iocolushice (initlielea, near Ckippenkaes, O’PIs Gross’cnos’ Please, Upper Ore nenor SI. Westsasiuster, II. Grove Mill house, Watfend, Rents (is-ave Pasts, s,ear Warwick (tnonslisbungh I halt, Yoxfos’d, Snifolls Gssssstey Ilall, Leicesienshice Gssmsershisny Park, ca. tiliddissex Gsrnion Pork, Narfoik Ossnthswaiie, Yot’kshsire Oseydyr, Cannanvan Hareousbe, Danon Ilack ,iess hi sill, nn. Searbonoasgls, Tasksisire llackes’eesh h’ank, Easingstoke, ilassis. I laddo Iloese, Pnssenbssngh, Abendeensh. Aberdeen, K. tiadden hail, Dentsyshaine laaggesloa, Nonilsusssbcnassdshice Ihagley Park, Siourknidge, Vorrestenoh. Lytlehlrn, P. hiagley, Staffordshire hhaigh lIall, Wigan, Lancashire Thailes House, Kdinbnngh ilaiden House, Denon hlaldenisy Hoisse, Norshasoptenshine hiahsin Castle, Ftintslune ThahI Place, Eerks hlallyands, hhid-Lalhtan Olosss House, near lticisuson’I, Surrey hhasuillan Palace, Lanuchsslsis-e ltanspden I basic, Esseks llanspstesd Marshall, Perks ltaissslesd Marsisaht Ibanglo Rock, Ce. Maya llanghey Park, Stoontsridge, W’oneestensis. t.yltioloa, L. hlonssaen Hall, Ftintshire lbs-den, Raxbnrgtsshsirs 1 lardinglan Park, Frame, Somenietshs.... Pohlinsone, E. hiardwirke Grange, Shnopshine .tiardwicke atoll, Des-bysisis-e Ilarewoad Pas’k, hionoiendshsise I taneweod hlonso, Wolherhy, Ysss-kshiru I hsaross’eod, F. Ilaneweod house, Hanonor Square hlas’osoeod, Cornwall llangham, neon Atllebannnglt, Norfolk... hieenor, Pant. ll.selcyfond, Packs hsanpton Count, Podnonshsire hlarnissglau Itoh, Lincolushire llanlhasn Park, Wllhihire llanflsam I louse, W’iltilsine alanliand Abhey, Donoashins Ilanilebany Caslie, Woreeslenslsire lIaoP’iggo hlonie, Eoxhsasnghslsiro I tarsslseorae Manor Flare, Kent I talclsfend, near Cholslsaas, Sus’ney Ilatfield hlouse, llentn I Istiserton, noon Waltsali, Staffssndshssre Ilavonholsn Pnios’, Linealnsbino lIaa-orden Castle, Flissislsts’s lIss,s-Iseslnsse, Slsrepatsis-e itissokisead , ltessh’earslsirr I tssseltaos’nden, hhisl—h.sflaian Ito)’ Castle, Es-ecossshstre iboy Park, Ce. Down Itoystessu, Peetstcsisine ilazieseoed, King’s Langley, hlents I hasiess’ood Caslie, ‘b’adcoslecllea’hfsrt, no. Ms’otls ileanlan-Soleha hue, Devon ll,’antoo I.’aant, Devon Flea lb I tesase, h’eIenspelsh Iboaths Ilotsse, Gtassceeaerstsire Ccx, Earl. Vonasiasss, F. Gensuossssan V. Gnsfonsh, K. W’esssysi, F. Dc Pobeek, E. Ihonynaan, Earl. Sisnewshuny, F. Stewarl, ‘East.Peararkr, Part. Mis sgcave, Pont. Gnoufley, L. Gray, P. Scott ef Great Eonn,Et. Dsssarosssbe, Earl. Ihalkett, P. Kenyon, E. Hedson, EarL Clavening, Port. Sssdeioy, E. lIAIson, Caasst Sisudeton, Eant. Dorchester, 15. Lasssheslsereagls, E. [E. Witlnnghby deEnesby, Redo, Pont. I.ess-is, Earl. Dormer, P. Plois, Eort. lIarsapp, Pant. Eolhsolsihel, E. SuHrtd, P. Macdonald, E. [P. W’iilessghby deFresby, Canew, Earl. Jolanolesse, Earl. [P. Westtssaa’y, P. Eallou, Itutland, D. Eiaunl, Earl. Kossehe, P. Cnnufssnd, F. Cansnichorl, Earl. Pails, Part. Clifdon, e, Westminster II. Foss, Es. Eliolt, Pani. illajeribanks, East. Dysant, F. llssuillon, D. Enckinghasnshine F Donegot, III. Cnaveu, F. A’ronmere, V. idassmer, Earl, Psshseanhls, P. hilt, V. h’enenshine ti. I bosknue, Part. Ilane-snood, F. ‘tnoiawuey,Earl. (Jhnyioa, Pant. Lessis, Eart. Issglllsy, Psi-i. blethuen, P. Osscketl, Port -Stocley, Earl. Wonressen, Ep. Slratheden, P. ‘l’Isomlaen,Enrt. Khiossssers, K. Sallshuny, IT. liolhsertan, P. W’inehilseu, K. Olynne, Earl. Hill, V. Otasgosn, F. Pcssnsnsaud, Eart. ilailey, Pont. Douegoi, 111. hlay, itart. Pokelsy, P. Vanass,ur, Earl. tbead(ssns, N, Chissloas, P. Williams, Earl. Ilyitssas, P. Smyshs, Part. Clerke, Port.