Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/609

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THE PEERS AND EARONETS. Iieathfield Park, Sussex Heatan slaB, Bradford, Yorkslnre Heaton ]-lall, Norlhninberlan,l . Kidley, Barr. Boston House, ur. Honrheslrr, Loneosls. W’illen, E Heckfiold Place, near Wincisfield Hedsor Lodge, Maidenhoad, Bucks llempriggs, Caitlsnessluro Hendon Place, Ileoden, Middlesex llongar house, Hodniin Hongroro Hall, Soffolk llengwrt, no. Merionollssliiro Hooham Hall, Wangford, Suffolk ltepple, Northumberland Hordinanston, Haddinglon ... - hermitage, co. Limerick Heron Court, neor Clsrialehasreh, hoots ldalosesbnry, H. Heveniogham Hall, Suffolk Howell Grange, co. Worcester Hoydon Ilasaso, Essex Heydon House, Royslon, forts }Ieyteslaory house, lleylest,nrv, Wilto. Hei leabury, 11. hleythrsp House, Oxf,,ndshirc Hiclcloton, near Doncasler, Yonlcslnre High Clara Castle, Hoots Iligh Elms, Farubornugh, Kent Highden, near Steynissg, Sassex Hilsbnrongh Castle, co. Penis Hill Hail, Essex Hill Ilead, N. B Hill House, near Windsor Hi Vicarage, Gloucostorshice Hillington lIall, Norfolk Hillington Pork, Middlesex Hilltsn Ilsuse, Wondside, near Aberdeen Johnston, Hart. Himloy Hall, Dudley, Stosrehshiro Hindley Hail, Lancashire tlinehinbroke House, near Huutingdoa Sandwich, E. Hintnn Admiral, Christclsnrch, Slants... Gervis, Bert. Hinton Hall, Slsropsliire ihinton Ilall, Herefordshiro Hinton SI. George, Snmoroelohirn Hoghton Tower, nr. Blackburn, Lancasis de Hogiston, Part. Hollear Hall, Westmorland Holkham Hall, Norfolk Holland House, Kensington, hiliddleson Holland, Lady Hollybrosko Mania, Bray, ca. Wicklosa Hodsen, Hart. Hollycambe, Lipisook, Snsoox Hollywood, Gloncostershiro Ifolmelteld, Lyndhurot, blanis Hnlmo Pierroniost, Notis Hnlmo Lacy, Herofnrdshtre Hnlmewood, Speldhnrst, TnnbrldgeWolls Locoek, Dart. Holnicotn, near Minehead Haiwood, near Bromloy, Kent Hapetnun House, Linlithgnwshiro Hnptsn, Suffolk Harnby Castle, Catlerick, York hhnrnham Hall, Essex ilnrtland Honse, nr. ltileack, en. Kildare Hart, Ban. Horton, ilartliainptonsliiro Holkfield Place, Kent Houghton, Rongham, Nnrfnllc Hovingbam Hail, Yorkshire Ifowink, Ainwick, Nsrthumherland Howth Castle, ca. Dublin Hutohie, Haddingtonolnre Hursley Park, near 5inchostor Hnrothonrno Pork, near Andover Huttno Hail, Cnanberland Hydo Hall, Herb. Ickworth, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk Idawnrth Park, Horndonn, Hauls. Jugeotro Hall, Slaffnrdohire innos Hooso, Moray hnglehy Manor, Yorkshire Inglismaldie, en. Kincardino Inniscarrig, Dalkoy, eo. Dablin lnvnreshie, Inverness-shire honorary Castle, Argyllshiro Invorgarry, Inverness-shire lnverl,.rhy, invorneso-ahiro iping, near Midhurot, Susoox boll, Casohorland iochned, Carmorthonohirn loonhurot Manor, Nayfiold, Suoaex island of Harris island of Lows, H.P halo of Wloithnrn Caotlo Jardine Hall, Lnekorby, Dsi.mfriesoluro Jardine, Hart Jorveaux Abbey, Yorkshire Jobstown, en. Doblin Johnston, Peunbrokcalsiro .Johnslown Castle, on. Woxford Johnstown Kennedy. rev Dul,lin Kodlooton hall, noor tletlsy Itoibler Cache, Norihusuborhand Koir, Perlhulsiro Keith hail, Aberdeenalairo 131A Bloat, Dart. Baste, K. Everaley, V. Boston, B. Dusftos, B. Tentersen, B. (Insloar Part. Gage, Barl. Vaoghinn, Part. Slra’lbroke, E. tiiddell, Burl. Sinclair, B. ilacsy, It. iissalingfleld, Il. W’indser, H. Soanse, Dart. Braybruoko, B. Slseewsbnry, K. Halifax, V. Cansurvon, E. I.nhbnck, Ilart. Goriag, Ban. Downsbire, lit. Smijtls, Part. ilurrsy, Bart. Willsltiro, Bait. Colt, Part. Ffnlkoa, Bert. Do SaIls, Count. Dudley, E. Kingsdown, H. Wakeman, Burt. Giffard, B. Posslett, E. Devosalure, H. Leiceater, H. Taylor, Hart. Davis, Part. Bnrrard, Burl. Manvors, H. Stasisepe, Hart. Acland, Barr. Crenwnrlh, H. Hopotaun, E. Lacen, Hart. feeds, ta. Smijth, Hart. Gnaaning, Hart. Tattoo, Bart. Clsolmendcley, H. Weruley, Hart. Grey, E. ilowth, E. Pnlwarth, B. Heatlscato, Hart. Portsmoaeh, E. Vane, Hart. RedonE. Bristol, lii. Jervaise, Hart Slarewabury, H, Fife, E. Do Lisle & Dudley, H. Lag, Dnmfriasshire Griercon, Hurl. Kintore, N. Corrigaa, Hart. [Hart. Lelelsato, near Clsertsey, Snsvey Lueaa, K. Maeplsersnn - Grant, Argyll, P. Dudley, K. Abinger, B. Hamilton, Hon. Lawson, Dart. Hansel, Hart. Sykrs, Hart. Duamere, K. Haihesoa, Hart. Hold, Dart. Ailesbusry, B. Wlaitalsod, Dart Kensington, B. Esmonde, Ht. Kennedy, hurt. Scarsdale. B. Nunlhusnl’nrland, D. hsIaesrohl, hurl. Kisstore, K. Keith Ilouse, Keith, Kdiolaurgls Wodderliurn, Burt. Kclbssrn Ilosise, Arrahire Glasgow, K. Kelhie Castle, Fife Kollir, K. Keisnarsis. Nerlhumplonslura Hale-soon, Il. Keltia Castle, Porlhalsire , K. Kcospslsait l’ark, hlasingstehsr, II asits hiycrrfi, Ilart. Kensasare house, Itillurney, cc. Karry Kennsarr, K. htenssre Perle, en. Dobllss h’ulnsrr, hart. Kenward Lodge, Eessi Show, Ilort. Kerrah ill, en Kilkessssy rcls, Il,,rt. Iterse House, Falkirk, Scrolland Zetland, K. Kersie, en. Stirling Muitlessel, Burt. Ketteninglsuas Pork, Norfolk htoileass, Hart. htetlon fall, en. Durhsasso Ihurdiage, hart. iteytherpe hhall, Leieastershire Homers, Il. ltidbros,ke, ‘foul‘rislgoWells, Sussex ... Csjlrlsealrr, Ii, Killadaco, Kildere Leitrins, K. Kilboy, or ttooulley Castle, ro.Tip’orary hissnuhiry, Ii. Ittibryde Caslir, l’es-tlsslsire Catoptiril. Itart. Itilcaletoan Abl’ey, en. Kerry Godfrey, hon. Ktlcnnepsisar, Pifesisise Mehliunc, hart. Kildullaig, Castsld)elllewo, Argyhtalsirn... Caseplsell, Ilort. Kildinao, eo. Cot-k Fertoay, H Kilfuse, Thonsastawn, cc. Kifisenoy ... Power, Hart. heilfunsss Castle, Perthslsiru Gray, B. Kilfeuclo, en. Tipperary hiunhury, Hart. KHeen Castle, Tarn, en. liheulls Fiogall, K. Kitlettau, near Exolor Acland, Darl. ttihhioeurriek, ca. Wieklnw Wbitshrd hart. Kilkenny Castle, lrelassd Ormonde, H. Kilkerrao, Ayrshsira Fergussen, han. Itillnehan Castle, Ayrshtire Cathearl, Bert. Kilinu Castle (Alhbay), ca. Wostnseatla Chapman, Hart. Kilnuornnek, North Hrilaits Show, Hurl. Kilosoran, Caper, PHeshcira Baxter, blurt. Kioanra Palace, en. Coven Ktlmarn, Hp. Kilmornoy, Queen’s Cnunty Woldan, Hart KilmnryHnuso,Locht-Gilp-hlead,Argyllths. Grde, Hart. Kilrnene, Nenagls, en. Tipperary Tulle, Hart Kilrstddery house, en. Wieklnsv Booths, H. Kttsltatstttek en. Carlo Permoy, P. Kiatherloy Hall, Nertaile Eimbctlr-y, E. htinnbahian Castle, Duotiogdnnchira ‘thanehester,H. Kinfsans Castle, Pertlichire Gray, H. Kiogsmeadmrs, Peobleasisirn Hoy, Hurl. Kingston hall, Halts Halper, H. Kingston Hence, Prince’s Gate Listasrel, E. Kinnaonnl, en. Dumb-iou Qneenchnry, B. Kinnaird Castle, N.H Santhesk, E. Kiusnnird Hattse, Pet’lhsluire Itinnoird, B. Kinstell 1-tense, Linliihgnwchtiro hbamillon, D. Kinnardy, Ferfarshire Lyoll, Hart. Kisugswnad Ledge, Croydon Carithoris, Hart. Kisttross house, Kinreac-shire Montgomery, Burl. leirby, Norllsaoaptsnshire Winchilseu, H. Itirkyeasse-, Norfolk Homers, H. KtrkhyMallery,n. hhlockloy, Leieeseerah. He Chiffatvh, H. Kirklsill, Linhithgowahire Hurhan, H. - Kirkloos flail, Wokafield, Yorkalsire ... Arnsylage, Hart. - Kis’ktanhalm, Lanarlsshiro Cnniaglsaose, Hurl. Kirihng Tower, on. Cambridge Nsrth, B. - Itirthingteo Pork, Gxfardolsire Dushwacd, Hurl. Knaptost, Qtteen’c Ceunty Pigati, Dart. Enebsmnnth Park, Stevenuge, Hcrts ,.. Lytton, Hart. Itnepp Castle, Sussex Hstrretl, Hat-I. lenigislatewn, ca Mealls Dc Bathe, Here Enightas, Auneabury, Wilts Paere, Hart. lentil Cenri, hboreferdshire Walalsom, Dart. Koaektnpher Abbey, oo. Kilkonny ... Longrishe, Hart. Ensckdnin Castle, iahsslingur, Irolatsd ... Levingo, Hart. - Knocklafty, Clanmel Dnnoaglosnere, H. - Koeppague Cudlle,Nowmurket-sn-Fergtss Dunbeyne, H. Knewcley Hall, Present, Lancashire ... Derby, E. Knele, Seven Oaks - Aetherst, E. Lantbelh Palace, Surrey Canierhunry, Arolsbp. Lanthstaus Castle, Durham Dorhens, K. Lampert htahl, Nnnllsuntplsosltire ... laltuas, flare. Luuosborcngh Ledge, Bellorbot,ee.Cuvan Lanesbes’nngh, Langtord Iloose, ca Gleueester ... Do Masuley, H. Langley Perk, Norfolk Prcciot-, Hart Lenglsuat, Sotfalk Hhuke, Hssnt. Langhnlm Cattle, Dumfnieaslsime ... Hneclcttgls, D Langlen Hall, neon Norlhteiloreen ... Toignntcssths, H Lunge-anUs Lodge, Heels Dulhusrst, K. Luosdewne II,nce, Herkolay-aqoere Lunsdewne, if Lntehuusnne House, htnns Coosmen, Surrey ITarberlets, V. Lutlocnn House, Ortoskirk, Lanesalaire ... Skelssersdule, P. Latinsera, Chechetss, Hurks Chesluass, H. Lunrneh, Psnlanlingtan, Queen’s Ceunty Berresees, Rant. Lunglutan T.edge, Sncsex Duke, i-art. Lavingtsiu hlooce. Sussex Oxford, Hp. h.exine, Norlhtanslsbonahuiro Cunhery, ti. Leo hIul I, neon Goinchareuugls, Lisseu,lnsh. Andeuncut, Hart.’s Ccsset. Fuvrnulsasus, Kent Sendec, Is. lee. l.nnaukclsine Leckhuni, Burl. Leer, Itenwieleshiro )iajoniluessks, Host.