Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/98

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480 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. St. llcliers, Jersey, bailiff of the island, who d. 1st June, 1848 ; she d. 19lh February, 1851, leaving issue. Mr. Thomas Tintl.'il m. secondly, 12tb December, 1816, Anne, daughter of Eev. Henry Uhtoff, rector of Huntingficld, Sussex, and cousin of Joshua, second Lord Huntingficld, and d. 26th July, 1850, having bv her, who d. 11th March, 1826, bad further i^sue, 2. Henry (Kev.), M.A., TJrasenose College, Oxon, bite rector of Franckton, eo. Warwicli, h. 7th Mare)), 1820, m. 29th November, 18.55, ETunifi, daughter of James Kaydock Hill, of Elmlcy Park, CO. Worcester, and has issue. 3. Tliomas William, M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge, of Lincoln's Inn, special pleader, b. 8th S' p- teniber, 1821, m. 3rd September, 1864, at the Brili.'^h Embassy, Paris, Louisa Mathilda {d. 1884), daighter of Thomas Teceman, of' Hill, Manchester. 2. Marv Isabella, m. 20th January, 1846, Eev. Arthur PE.iESON, M.A., rector of Springfield, Essex, and has issue. 3. Frances, d. nnm. 13tli Septem- ber, 1832. 4. Amelia, m. Rev. John Radcliffe Peetyman, M.A., vicar of Ayles- bury, and d. 1884, leaving issue. 5. Cornelia Jane, •»». 14th August, Arms — Argent, a fesse daneettee gules crescents of the second, and in base a crescent third. Crest — In front of five ostrich feathers crescents gules. Motto — Nosce te ipsutn. Residence — Fir Grove, Winchficld, Hants, New South Wales. 1851, Sir William Browne, Knt., C.B., who d. 1884. T. Chakles, of whom presently. Ti. Robert, M.D., of Colchester, Essex, d. tinm. 1834. I. Marianne Elizabeth, m. George Porter, of Stanshead Bury, Herts, and d. 1845. II. Jane, m. Rev. Vincent Edwari s, vicar of Broomfield, Essex, and d. 1850. III. l^'allj', m. Captain John Duncan King. IV. Clfiriana Isabella, m, William WooD- roofie, of Lincoln's Inn. Mr. Robert Tindal's fifth son, CoiiMANrEE Charles Tindal, R.N., 6. 28th October, 1786, m. 25th October, 1816, Anne Sarah, daughter of James Grant, of Thohy J'riory, Essex, and d. 31st October, INtiO, having by her, who d. January, 1879, had issue, I. Charles Grant, the subject of this memoir. II. Edward Robert, d. titim 1835. III. Frederick Colqiiboun, d. June, 1855. ly. Arthur de Veuille, d. Angusf, 1854. T. Francis Herringhain, d I. Anna. II. Laura, d. unm. 1873. III. Merelina. IV. Isabella. T. Harritt Jane. TI. Ailelaide. Tii. Mary. in chief a flour de Hs azure between two of the last, bclwecn two lleurs de lis of the argent, a fleur de lis azure, between two England ; Boushaw, Invcrell, and Eaiuornie, 7th June, tiiim. 22ud viiin. 7th num. 1857. 3^aff. HON. ALEXANDER RAFF, of Grangehil], Biisbane, and of Logie Plains, Darling Downs, Queensland, member of tbe Legi.slatiye Conntil of Queensland, h. 20tb July, 1820, at Forres, Elginshire, Scotland; m. bth June, 1862, at Sydney, New Soutb Wales, Elizabeth Millar, eldest daughter of James Patekson, of Glasgow, Scotland, M.D., and has had issue, I. James, h. 9th September, 1867. II. Alexander Cumming Gordon, /<. 4th April, 1869 ; d. 29th November following. III. George Paterson, b. 29th December, 1870. I?. William, h. 17th September, 1872. I. Jessie Watson, ni. 22nd December, 1891, G. S. Murphy. II. Margaret Gumming, m. 2nd August, 1893, T. E. WooLxtn'iut. III. Elizalielh Kcllv.