Page:A Handbook of Indian Art.djvu/379

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14; chaītya-halls, 22; legends, hieroglyhpic language, 33; sculpture in Java, 35; Church, the primitive, 46; the stūpa-house, 46; assembly-halls, 46, 49; ritual of stūpa worship, 57; temple architecture, 58; form of the shrine, 74; finial of the dome, 76; early structural monasteries, 91; architecture, 122; worship of the saints, 173; triune doctrine, 187; schools of painting, 208

Bull, the symbol of Siva, 80
Bundēlkhand, 68
Burgess, Dr., work on Elephanta, 188
Burma, school of painting, 208
Calcutta, 124; Art Gallery, 190, 208; School of Art, 198, 212
Calligraphy, art of, 204
Cambay, 120
Cambodia, 172
Ceylon, 35, 203; sculpture, 155
Chaitānya, spiritual ideal of, 192
Chakra-vartin, or world ruler, 57, 163
Chalukyan dynasty, 86; style, 86-8
Champanīr, mosque, 120

Chanda, the scavenging deity, shrine to, 81
Chandēla dynasty, 67; royal chapels, 70
Chandi Sewa, temple of, 143, 161
Chandra, the Moon-god, 6, 18; pillar, 7 n, 45; cult, 210
Chandra-vamsa, the, 6
Chaturbhuja temple, 68; dimensions, 68 n
Chitor, fortress of, captured, 69, 206; royal chapels, 70
Chola Empire, 174
Churning the Ocean, legend of, 168-70, 172
Colombo Museum, 179
Conjiveram, temple at, 76, 78, 85
Constantinople, domes, 127
Coomaraswamy, Dr., 208
Copenhagen, Art Museum, 161, 207
Copto-Alexandrian school, 36
Craft-guilds, 55
Cratæva religiosa, 189 n
Creswell, K. A. C, Indian Antiquary, 141 n, 145
Cunningham, General, 63
Curvilinear spire or sikhara, 7, 8, 57, 122, 147
Cyrus, founds the Persian Empire, 4

Damascus, Ummayad mosque at, 145, 146
Darjeeling, 170
Datiyā, fortress, 103; palace, 100, 117
Davids, Mrs. Rhys, Buddhism, 19 n
Dekhan, the, 125; temple architecture, 87
Delhi, 96, 106; the Purāna Kīlā, or Old Fort, 113; Dīwān-i-Khās, 136; the new building, 144
Deodar, the tree of the Devas, 12
Devas, tree of, 12, 13; the Shining Ones, 168-70
Dhanwantāri, physician of the Gods, 169
Dholkā, 120
Dīg, garden-palace at, 102-4
Dīlāwar State, 118
Dīn-Ilāhī, Akbar's Imperial Order, 39, 135
Dome, the aṇḍa or egg, 22; the "bulbous," 22, 108, 122, 136, 145; the lotus, 108, 136, 147; the Pathān, 112, 114; the stūpa, 108
Domes, construction, 115, 127, 146
Dravidian or non-Aryan races, 73; structure of the dome, 74
Dūrga or Devi, 176; the Inaccessible, 184; shrine at Māmallapuram, 74
Dushratta, king of the Mitanni, 10, 59, 151

Egypt, the sacred lotus of, 43 n
Egyptians, use of the bud of the lotus, 42 Eightfold Path of Good Living, 6
Elephant, the six-tusked, 34
"Elephant Stables," ruin, 127 Elephanta, temple at, 80, 163, 188; sculptures, 175, 183, 203 Ellora, rock-cut monasteries, 48; stūpa-house, 54; temple of Kailāsa, 78-85; sculptures, 167, 183 Euphrates, valley of the, 9, 44, 59, 93, 154

Fa Hiān, the Chinese pilgrim, 110
Fatehpur Sikri, mosque, 113, 131; palace, 101; pavilion, 93, 96 Fergusson, James, 6, II, 40, 49, 55, 56, 57, 58, 68 n, 76, 86, 87, 93, 103, 105, 111, 124, 127, 132 n, 141, 145, 151; History of Indian and Eastern Architecture, 30 n, 60, 61, 69 n, 109 Finch, William, 135
Fīrūz Shah, Sultan of Delhi, 119
Fish, the, 167